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  • NBD: Cotic Escapade, Sonder Broken Road, Chris King bits, Purple Hayes (slight return)…
  • emma82
    Free Member

    Ha! Thanks guys I knew you’d get it, it is as cat fleas suggested so I can now download it. Thanks for saving my sanity, can now sort my little project out 😀

    Free Member

    I had roast beef at lunch time so dinner will be Ben & Jerry’s ice cream that we didn’t have for pud!

    Free Member

    Aaaaaaagggggeeeesssss old but very funny all the same.

    Free Member

    just this month we are now in a position to save £250/£300 each a month, trying to get a few grand together as quick as possible.

    Free Member

    aaaaaaaaaannnnnndddddd……… is not very interesting. Not the most interesting bunch of chaps.

    Free Member

    Apologies to stereotype, but most women don’t do no strings, if it’s a work colleague I’d stay well clear. Find somewhere else for little head to play 😉

    Free Member

    It looks a bit heavy handed but then, if you were in the same situation could you honestly say you could deal with that level of aggression and quite honestly, repulsive type of human being with a gentle demeanor? The people being dealt with are vile and behaving in the most pathetic way possible. I think the police do no more or less than is needed.

    There really are some scummy people in the world, what was with all those fat people at the birthday party for 14 year olds??!!!!

    Free Member

    Awww sweetie sorry to hear that Emsz. Hopefully a little break will mean she realises she really misses you and things will resolve themselves. xxx

    Free Member

    oh Emsz noooo 🙁 Big hugs for you then. Whatever caused that?

    Free Member

    I’ll have a hug. As long as it’s free!

    Free Member

    I didn’t think asking for a coat of paint in the kitchen was particularly unreasonable after 10 years it’s actually but there you, neither did he after advice from the lettings agent. I made a few points that he also couldn’t disagree with after he’d ‘taken some advice from the agent’. In other words he got told his knee jerk reaction was a little out of order I think cus when I had my little rant he went quiet and the agent had a little grin on his face.

    Free Member

    Panic over – they have been and gone and they have rescinded the notice. Was very fair and basically said he hadn’t been happy with the house last week as we hadn’t had a very good clean of the spare room, recycle bin was full and there was a bike (NOT mine 👿 ) in the living and he said the house smelled funny 🙄 (mackerel for tea the night before 😳 ) We have had a good clean around this morning before they came which I think they appreciated so notice is rescinded, no threat to deposit which he was very clear about, and the house is going to be redecorated 🙂 I think he had a word with the agency who have told them they were being a little unfair. so, we can stay as long as we want again now

    Free Member

    He had the place remortgaged two years ago and they own multiple properties so doubt he wants to sell. He did the inspection last Sunday on his own and said he was happy. Don’t know why he couldn’t have just said then but we’ll see. I think he came round, we asked for the kitchen to be painted and the property manager has then suggested redoing the whole house as they said years ago that the bathroom and spare room need work so I think hes just decided to do the whole house but is choosing to lay some of the blame at our door which really isn’t fair given that we’ve never given them any problems

    Free Member

    We’ve never, ever done anything like that. I can genuinely say that there are three small patches of unintentional damage to the property which can easily be fixed. There are marks on the walls that you would expect after 9 years etc but no intentional damage and nothing significant. I suspect he will want about £600 for the house, we pay 510 and have done the last 3 or so years. I think it’s been the intention to do this since they stopped putting the rent up and now because we’ve asked if the kitchen could be reprainted he’s just decided to do the whole house. Hubby thinks I’m just taking it to personally whereas really its just a business decision for landlord.

    Free Member

    tis on wall paper but it’s easily fixable and they don’t actually know its there as its under a picture so it’s not like they’ve seen it and gone ‘OMG, get them out’ because of that.

    Free Member

    Lol when you say holes…. Husband and friends did get drunk and miss the darts board badly one night but I’ve put that down as damage they’d take the deposit back for. Don’t mind that but we were literally kids when that happened, just don’t want a bad bloody reference to prevent us getting another house 8 years on. We certainly have not trashed the place. I also wonder whether they realised that we logged a lot of work with their previous property manager as they sacked him cus he was crap.

    Free Member

    Tis horrible and not nice to see people go through 🙁 vent away 🙂

    Free Member

    We sign a new tennancy agreement every 6 months and have to sign a deposit protection form with it?

    Free Member

    That’s a bit more reassuring thank you. I genuinely don’t think we have bit bad tenants, it’s just that one comment at being disappointed has made me worry that they are going to be awkward. Fingers crossed for tomorrow, as long as they aren’t going to do anything that will prevent us getting another property I will not mind so much

    *thanks king that’s helpful. The deposit has grown with the rent ie we paid £20 every time the rent went up but they haven’t increased the rent for the past three years and we’ve assumed it’s because it reached its maximum rate for the quality of the house. Was cheap when we got it because it wasnt great but we have an inventory. Also, when we moved in the letting agent used to inspect and give us a list of things to fix that were ours and things that were their responsibility to fix but 4 years ago the landlord stopped that and started inspecting themselves. Since then we’ve had nothing in writing and theyve always come for a look around, promised to fix stuff but said all was ok and gone away again. Deposit has been transferred btw

    Free Member

    Perhaps they can offer up forumites, first up Jamie, followed by yeti, elfin, tj etc etc

    Free Member

    So just write WIN FREE SEX across the front page of each issue and you’ll sell loads more copies!!

    Can I please put in a request for a fashion section on the new site!!! Or one where we can talk about other hobbies without getting a ban 🙂

    Free Member

    See you in 10 then maccruiskeen 😀 lol

    Free Member

    Very nice maccruiskeen, you sexy beast 😳

    Free Member

    A hedgehog? Way to flatter yourself!

    Maccruiskeen pics plz or it didn’t happen!

    But kaesae they don’t reappear with the current threads, this one did

    Free Member

    I quite like leopard print, just not on me. And DD you could have found a pic of a bloke who sorted his fuzzy bits out, they’re sticking out from his pants! You can see loads when you zoom right in

    Free Member

    twas fun. I still look a nome in one though I do quite like them. I still pole dance like a dead walrus too 🙂

    Free Member

    I liked that thread but I did wonder the same, figured someone had commented which had then been deleted. can we talk about maxi dresses here again then?

    Free Member

    Ohhhhhhhh wasn’t it good 🙂 I pooped my pants

    Free Member

    Fair enough. Was impressed with the police though, they checked round then rang back to check I was ok and say what they did. :). Police in one part of the city have a twitter account and tweet what’s going on locally, anything from random calls like mine, to domestics to fires/accidents. Not 100% sure if its legit but it’s a fab idea.

    Lol no I’m not 16, thread title as a bit toungue in cheek as I actually don’t like doing it but a policeman once said to me that if your gut instinct is that something isn’t right right then report it as you’d be amazed how many crimes are solved or supported by someone ringing to say ‘I saw someone acting a bit odd’ etc….

    Free Member

    Having just spoken to someone who lives down the road they sound to be the same people who live around this road but have been doing some odd things lately and are known to the police anyway so I’m not feeling bad that I did it now, which I did a bit after kevkevs comment:

    . maybe they were trying to be friendly though in their own special way!? I dunno if cops were necessary, I’m not you. Don’t be intimidated by young lads. They just don’t know how to communicate properly


    Free Member

    I can imagine. Malvern hills is a nice close ride from Ledbury though.

    Wallers sausages! Rick Waller? He ate to many!

    Free Member

    Ledbury is nice, would like to live there if we could ever afford to buy in this godforsaken county. Two many old people with second homes

    Free Member

    In the city mol grips. Aren’t you from ledbury originally?

    Free Member

    Just to be clear, I didn’t ring 999, I rang the local desk. I (judgypants on here) thought they’d been drinking and did not think it looked a car either lad could afford iyswim.

    Oh and I didn’t report it to the police because I was bored, I started the thread because I was bored. I think perhaps I was being a bit judgemental, I kinda thought the car might have been a bit nicked :/

    Free Member

    No I’m not queen bee :/

    Free Member

    I walked home, 1030 odd pm, guy sat on ground playing with bike, try’s to speak to me, I ignore. Then, just up road two polish guys pull up in car, block my path, try to speak to me. Again I ignore, they watch me, then pull on to road and drive off. Prob doesn’t seem weird to you reading this but felt a bit ‘set up’ because they said,’oh is that boyfriend, have you fallen out, what’s wrong’ and pulled into someone’s drive to block my path. They were young, seemed like been drinking and were in a rather nice car. Just spooked me as they had to go to so much trouble to block my way.

    Free Member

    I duuno, 1? You’ve missed most of it

    Free Member

    I was expecting an in laws rant. V disasppointed.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Yup, I am bored. Husband is watching die hard. <not what I reported to the police>

    Wrighty you should have taken the law in your own hands and pooped in his shoes!

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