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  • Is It Time For A Shakeup In The MTB World?
  • emma82
    Free Member

    9p? cripes. still a rip off though.

    Free Member

    If you can stalk me on FB there are some on there, other than that you are outta luck 8)

    Free Member

    Well, if they are happy then I am happy … so long as they don’t invade my space.

    one of those dresses would definitely invade your space – they are mahooosive! Tonight one is having a pineapple theme – she decided against having a whole cat sewn onto her dress 😯

    Free Member

    I watch it cus I genuinely do love the dresses! Wouldnt have had one for me but they are amazing.

    Free Member

    Muddydwarf how nice! Serious stamina there too if theres a three day difference in when you fell into bed to when you got out to start a proper relationship 🙂

    Nothing to get excited about with the pole, I’m not the most graceful but tis all good fun 😀

    Free Member

    tis crap Drac. £5 for a bloody card! Jeez.

    Jota your other half is a lucky lady!

    Free Member

    haha phil – nuff said – there are some things the STW family do not need to know!!

    Sammie Louise in a meringue would be such a lovely sight! 🙂

    Free Member

    ahhh so some of you are romantic then 🙂 So far I have been to work, come home, had steak and now drinking wine. About to watch Big Fat Gypsy weddings and watching pole dance vids to get ideas for my first public performance 🙂 Very exciting 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Free Member

    yayeeee congratulations again. Now get off here and celebrate!!!

    Free Member

    Project people were making out that two 11 year olds would be performing sexual acts on each other because they had ‘gone out’. And that it was ok to physically assault an 11 year old boy for ‘going out’ with an 11 year old girl. 11.

    Free Member

    I thought it was my sweeping generalisation that all the chaps on here had filthy minds that did it. Lots of testosterone flying about on that one 😐

    Free Member

    Your mother in law sounds vindictive and her brother sounds caught in the middle. Ive suffered similar from an abusive father and am still in touch with my brother who is in touch with him but we have a clear understanding that our father will never be part of my life.

    Either you or your wife need to have a gentle but firm word with her brother and explain that mother is not going to be a part of your lives again, you don’t want it to come between them but he needs to understand the reasons why she will not be in your lives.

    People’s past actions are not excused just because they get old. If anything with your MIL she’s probably more poisonous now than she was when your wife was young and she’ll use the fact she missed years of her GC lives to get at your wife whenever she can. I’d steer well clear and just be there for your wife.

    I also feel you can flip the ‘life is too short’ statement that’s always flung around the other way. Life is too short to try and make something of a relationship that it really isn’t. Why invest in something that will inevitably end up in further heart ache. Not worth it.

    Free Member

    Big hitters will be here soon

    Free Member

    One hundred

    It’s ‘wunundred’ catfleas duh

    Free Member

    Oh I see 🙂

    Free Member

    Oh and what is brown pow???!! all about?? (that’s an actually question rather than something said on here)

    Free Member

    Wee in their shoes

    Free Member

    iPhone 7s is fine, but then I don’t have to type, the phone just reads my mind and hey presto it appears on the screen.

    Free Member

    Well, I never knew there was all those blokes in hot chocolate. I thought it was just two!

    Free Member

    I actually had a real stalker once, I was 17 and he was 52. He tried to groom me! Stupid man.

    I’d stalk captinflashheart or TSY. Or PhilConsequence. Or possibly iDave, only because I believe he lives somewhere nicer than this dump 🙂

    Free Member

    You do know that you lot can be just as annoying and bat shit crazy and you can’t even blame it on hormones, you men are just weird

    Free Member

    fluffy flo! Very cute 🙂

    Free Member

    I have a mental week about once a month. Top tip, when you are getting grief, don’t turn around and say ‘awwwww got the painters in?!’ – it will only lead to more grief.

    Free Member

    I like a man with a beard I’ve decided. Ever since my husband decided to grow one a few months before we married. He is therefore banned from ever shaving it off because it’s on the wedding pictures. I do quite like it now though, it suits him but it is going a bit grey whereas the rest of his hair is jet black!

    Samuri – Moustaches are all levels of wrong! 😆 wish there was a bearded emoticon

    Free Member

    If there’s any women there don’t forget to call them babe after every sentence – top tip that

    If its a woman worker it’s probably best to go for ‘babycakes’ or ‘sugartits’. Latter being more effective I suspect.

    Oh and never forget ‘I pay your wages’. That’ll cheer them right up.

    Free Member

    😀 8)

    Free Member

    ok, I did not make my comment on behalf of all woman kind, just on behalf of me. It’s just annoying. I don’t mind general people doing it, its mostly work or in shops etc that bug me the most.

    they do in the SE london bakery i used to buy sarnies from, every other word was ‘babe’

    “yes babe”
    “brown or white babe?”
    “sauce babe”
    “£1.50 babe”
    “thanks babe”

    I get the same thing in my local coop, it’s just really, really annoying.

    I don’t think I like the undertone on this thread though that all the men are here going ‘oh it’s only three women who find it annoying or don’t like it, they are just being silly’ then one or two women come along and agree with the general consensus of the men and the men are all ‘see, those other women are being stupid, these women agree with us and we are right’. We are all different, it doesn’t necessarily make you right and us wrong or the other way around.

    But being called ‘babe’ definitely will continue to boil my pee whoever says it.

    Free Member

    Even if the bus driver is a 60 year old woman?


    Free Member

    I don’t like it. From friends or family it’s fine but from people who I don’t know, from someone working for a service which I’m paying to use i.e. buses or anything similar, at work etc, nope dont like it. Basicially anyone else outside of my friends or closest family would probably get a shirty look. Use sir/madam or someones name fgs. I’ve always found it patronising when someone calls me ‘love’ or ‘darlin’. gaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh actually really boils my pee. It’s also very chavy.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that Dogbert, tis crap 🙁 It’s also the kind of situation I am quite scared of one day ending up in hence my mini panic last night.

    For those who mentioned about risk – I am definately not a risk taker! Needs to be something nice and safe for me. Well, as much as it can be

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps! I think the sight of someone in tears put me in a bit of a panic but guess I shouldn’t worry too much.

    Re the loan, it is a loan taken out for a specific purchase, we’ve already paid the interest and if we pay it off early we would be fined against It i think. I checked last night and it’s another 24 payments so I think what we will do is keep saving along side the monthly loan so in 24 months that will be 12k plus interest.
    Hoping only to be in rented for another three years until the loan is gone. Might check out with the bank whether it’s worth overpaying to clear it.

    I think I’ll ask around about IFAs just for my husband, his work has no provision whatsoever as far as I know or if they do it’s not one they make public. Just conscious that for the first time ever husband is becoming more financially sensible (was more Headfirsts approach previously but he never had money so used a credit card then my savings to pay) so need to make sure we get money sorted as quickly as possible.

    Oh we each have an isa. The plan is for those to be saved then find a decent savings account

    Thank you all 🙂

    Edit: 24 months – 2 years not three, I know that …..

    Free Member

    Wowcher !!! 🙂

    Free Member

    But some of them seemed to have burned their bras so they must have protested in some way…..

    Free Member

    I quite fancy a handjob. Wouldn’t ever turn down an offer of a ride on a stiffe though.

    Sorry 😳


    Free Member

    Whilst a good number of posters seem to think going to the police is the answer I can’t help thinking that it’s easier to adapt to one’s environment than go on a crusade to change it.

    So just ignore it and hopefully it will go away? Really?

    Free Member

    Just google it for images Yeti, there are plenty. To be honest, if you don’t like it don’t put the calendar up? I find that the easiest way…..

    Free Member

    women are objectified though, sex sells, whether it be to sell a bike or a body and it’s usually women’s bodies that are used to sell it. But no, it’s not just you.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately it is still very common, it’s really pathetic that people feel the need to be so vile.

    I also hate that it’s so inbuilt in some people to be completely flabbergasted that homosexual people can be ‘nice’ people. WTF 😯 I had a conversation with the MIL today about friends who she met at my wedding and the two comments that always come up are ‘I just don’t understand it, they don’t look like lesbians’ and ‘but they seemed such nice girls, I just don’t understand it’. My mother has also been known to say similar things along with the lesbian she knows at work has two children and that is a complete mind **** for my mum. I just don’t know where to start sometimes!

    Hope you are both ok though 🙁 It’s crap and would second that you should report it in future.

    Free Member

    Yeah I cooked it!

    I don’t think the EHO do home visits do they?

    Free Member

    There was a similar discussion about this on mumsnet the other day but in relation to rape. Someone said that if rape was not illegal and sex was offered to a man on a plate, whether the the other person was willing or even conscious ALL men would rape. I thought that was a pretty sad reflection on the interactions she must’ve had with men to date.

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