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  • Shimano GF8 (GF800) Gore-Tex Shoes review
  • emma82
    Free Member

    yayee thank you, it’s just taken me 20 minutes to download audacity 🙂 hangon a bit I’ll have to work out how to email 😉

    Free Member

    🙁 I only want it for one song. Is it easy on audacity? I literally am completely useless when it comes to this stuff. I don’t think Ive ever done bikes wheels either, in fact I’ve never washed my bike. I think I have bike fairies though cuz it’s always cleaned 🙂

    Free Member

    oh and if anyone is any good with sequins that would be a big help too 😀

    Free Member

    Ha, MC my husband was in the garage the other day and the couple next door were having a huge argument and the chap was shouting away and that song could be heard in the background. I chuckled.

    Free Member

    She’s just lost a baby that was very much wanted, she’s bound to be all over the place. You need to be supportive but firm that this guy isn’t going to feature in your lives from now on. If she carries on texting him then you probably have your answer to be honest. Does she trust you?

    Free Member

    Project – I know! I driver under the bridge every day.

    Free Member

    I have to say that driver should lose his job (sorry to be a kill joy 😀 ) but joking aside he should have known how high his load was and known he couldn’t make it. Two people were killed not all that long ago around here when a chap drove a load (which was pre-loaded but he didn’t bother to check the height for himself) under a bridge that was too low for the truck. He did exactly what the chap above did except he was carry logs. A young woman died from crush injuries and her fiance was decapitated. So jokes aside as it’s only loo roll, that chap seriously chuffed up.

    Free Member

    me but I have an office all to my little old self so I’m safe

    Free Member

    I really like the site to be honest, it would have everything I would have been looking for, lots of information, clear examples of your work etc. You will probably find that as said above, a lot of people are getting friends or cheap photographers who are very basic in their approach to do it (same as we did).

    ‘Weddings’ just aren’t affordable any more and photography is probably one of the things I see on forums that people are willing to forgo against numbers of people invited….. in retrospect, I wish I’d pay more but there is such a big jump, it’s either a few hundred quid or £1000 which is ridiculous. That said, you offer a much better package than 10 of the people I looked at when we were looking into it!

    Edit: take out the bit about not being contactable until 2nd Feb! Out of date info instantly makes a site seem out of date….funny that :/ besides which, I really, really wouldn’t do that on a website. It’s your business, if you are out of circulation, get someone else answering for you. Brides need attention the very second the thought pops into their head. Seriously, could mean the difference between a full day booking and no day booking.

    Free Member

    Why on earth do you have 16 sheep?

    Free Member

    Our rent is about 35% of my wage but obviously it’s joint with husband so not too bad at all. Still never have any money though :/ re the dog, nearly all tennancy agreements will automatically state no pets but we asked if we could have a dog and it was permitted on the understanding that any damage done was rectified outside of the deposit and this was written into our contract. Never got a dog in the end but it might just be worth asking?

    Free Member

    My other half enjoyed watching it and found innuendo in just about everything that she said because she’s got big boobs. There was some nice food in there though and we are completely in love with France so thought it was good either way, big boobs or no big boobs.

    Free Member

    Well, you’ll all be very pleased to know that at 5pm yesterday I did in fact manage a massive poo. No pushing allowed so it took a while. I then had another big one at 7 which was extremely painful then another one at 730. Jelly babies, orange juice and roast dinner along with lucozade did the trick. And perhaps staying off painkillers yesterday too maybe?
    Not sure I’d ever have gone for the corkscrew or chimney sweep ideas mind

    Free Member

    Husband has an asr5 carbon and loves it. I usually inherit his old bikes when he gets bored and we sell mine but he’s had it a fair while and hasnt mentioned changing 🙁

    Free Member

    I don’t rate him particularly although I used to love extras, more for the cameos now I think. He had to fill a gap at the princess Di memorial a few years ago (watched on tv), elton John was running late so gervais got left on stage to cover. To see someone panic then die a very awkward comedic death on stage was cringeworthy but funny all in one go. He fell apart completely. Kind of got bored with him after that.

    Free Member

    Well, I’m going to have a big roast dinner now, lucozade, jelly babies and orange juice seeing as I’m uber bloated anyway, may as well go for it 🙂

    Free Member

    Lol thanks for that advice Zulu, I shall take a book. Off to the pharmacist for me tomorrow then. Don’t really want to go back to work on Wednesday if I’ve not gone, I’m not much liking the idea of being stuck anywhere other than my own loo when the moment comes.

    Free Member

    Wallop! Charming :/

    Thanks chaps, I’m no where near as sore as I was so might just move to paracetamol today and stop taking cocodamol. Will pop to pharmacy tomorrow morning if I’m walking upright 🙂

    Free Member

    Co-codamol every 4 hrs although I took some before bed last night and lasted til now, just about to take some more?

    Free Member

    Aww ski boy that sounds traumatic! Im signed off until Tuesday so if I’ve not been by then I’ll book to see the doc. :/ I was only knocked out for 30 minutes so shouldn’t be that bad but three days in and nothing….

    Free Member

    Really? I’m not looking forward to it, it’s bound to be huge and the op was on my abdomen so if I have to push anything out I’ll cry 🙁

    Free Member

    I like him on bgt, he seems to be annoying Simon which is good enough for me

    Free Member

    Paul Smith – very sexy suits.

    Mrsconsequence going barefoot is sooo cool

    I wasn’t barefoot for the ‘i dos’ but I was barefoot an hour later for the rest of the day/night 🙂 I must be very cool 🙂

    Free Member

    Don’t use the words roger and probe on the same thread, it’s completely uncalled for 🙂

    Free Member

    You’ll be pleased to know its arrived safely at about 7am this morning, tummy is now restored to its usual flat self.

    Love the poo in the sleeping bag 🙂

    Free Member

    Going back to the poo issue, I could really do with one, I’m really bloated and have very stinky farts too but nothing comes out 🙁

    Free Member

    Nope. I was still in bed at 8 mind. It probably was an alien looking for someone to probe. If it hovered over these parts it probably thought better of it an disappeared with someone half decent to probe. Like Cheltenham or Australia 😯

    Free Member

    He didn’t get the support he could have had and he was aware of that. Bits of advice, offers of an elbow for mobility just aren’t enough and no amount of goodwill was going to get him through his most desperate days. Very, very sad, he was badly failed by the people who should have helped him.

    Free Member

    See I like scars, I wouldn’t wish one on anyone obviously but they all tell a story, I’ve got friends with scars from car crashes, falling off bikes, my younger brother has one from his collar bone to his belly button where the cracked his chest at 6 to sort his heart,, an older brother with scars on his arm from a motorbike accident etc etc, I don’t know many People without them. Saying it ‘wouldn’t be a deal breaker’ seems a bit mean/superficial? My scars might be ‘a deal breaker’ for some because they’re very visible and from self harm but like I say, they all tell a story and generally it’s a very interesting one 🙂

    Free Member

    Obesity time bomb? Didn’t it explode about 10 years ago? Everyone is over weight these days. People are lazy, greedy and mis educated at every turn.

    Edit: BAN FOOD! Wont someone think of the children 🙁

    Free Member

    never felt liked I’d been touched up virtually before I went to that site… LOL

    *slinks off to mleh*

    Byeeeeee 😀

    Free Member

    Ha! Give it a few more months……..nothing wrong with liking slutty, most women like it. Just don’t buy underwear under the guise of it being ‘classy’. Yuk. Get the free vibe from lovehoney OP! Do it do it!

    Free Member

    Emsz advice is best so far really. Rolly eyes wrecker because I expected to get abuse! 🙂 I really don’t like the underwear buying thing men have, there are much nicer things you can buy your other half that she would appreciate. If you want her to look slutty then just tell her she needs to be more slutty. You’ll soon find out one way or another whether she minds. Buying underwear that you find visually attractive and saying its ok because it’s expensive is just a bit sad. At least be honest about it!

    Free Member

    I like wreckers approach, at least he’s honest, and honesty goes a long way when it comes to undies 🙄

    Free Member

    Sex is so much more than the act. The anticipation of unwrapping a woman is divine. The more layers the better.

    That above, honestly just made me be a little bit sick in my mouth, probably because I read it in my head with the voice of the killer in the silence of the lambs films. ‘put the lotion in the basket’ stylee.

    This whole thread is creepy. I’m def in the camp of go out for the day, dinner, shopping etc. let her choose her own or choose something together. Us women are notoriously fickle especially when it comes to underwear. There are usually lots of nice little boutiques around, especially in London, take her to one of those, they’ll make her feel special.

    Sorry to be grumpy but £100 is sod all to spend on undies, not much point looking at upmarket classy place, for that price range I’d stick to bravissimo or Anne summers. Like Emsz said love honey have some nice trashy stuff. Don’t be pretending you want classy because you want her to feel classy, we all know you just wanna get off on it 😉

    Free Member

    Can someone please tell me what paper is socially acceptable to read on this forum.

    Bizarre Magazine

    Ok the last two are magazines but I’ve not heard any moaning about them to date

    Free Member

    I was going to add but it’s all been covered really.

    oh but

    Surely there must be some good looking outdoor’s type girls out there who value both type’s of ‘dirty weekends’ in equal measure

    Can’t quite manage the good looking but the other bits are ok! There are lots of girls out there that enjoy both, you are probably just a bit scared that you may have to go out and find one.

    Free Member

    What’s a posh one?

    Free Member

    Boys? I thought MC was a lady?

    Free Member

    Pineapple dress phil? Would suit!!8

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