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  • emma82
    Free Member

    Go and see your GP, don’t lie about anything, it’s completely pointless, you end up in the same system whatever you say and lying about stuff just puts more pressure on.

    There are plenty of easy tests that can be done to find out if there is a problem, don’t worry about which one of you it might be, just concentrate on finding out what might need fixing. Good luck! Oh and if anyone tells you to ‘relax and it’ll happen, I have it on good authority that it’s now legal to punch them in the face*

    *i might be making that bit up but I don’t care, I will punch someone if they say it again

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps. Off to find something else to feed after work tomorrow, no more bakers.

    Chubby she’s cute. I’ve seen photos of them come out basically a Labrador but really curly ears 🙂

    Free Member

    Well, we all need something to wonder about I suppose

    Free Member

    You’re right they will eat anything but when that anything starts ending up on your carpet 10 minutes after being eaten it makes it a little less easy to just say ‘they’ll eat anything’. Hope you don own a dog with that attitude!

    Free Member

    So, had a good poop last night so we tried some normal food with chicken for. Breakfast, squirty again. Put a bit of normal food with rice for lunch and he vomited. I’m guessing he’s not a fan of bakers. What to move him on to or just to stick to chicken/rice for now?

    Free Member

    I love staffies. We nearly got one but other half may train this un to gun if he goes off shooting. Staffies
    Are lurverly 🙂

    Free Member

    Puppies are ace. Mine is awesome. Today we have been learning fetch, return, drop at feet, wait then fetch when commanded. He is frigging awesome. **proud mum moment**

    Free Member

    We had a bidet when I was a kid, I used it loads. I don’t think I’d use one now though. Don’t bother

    Free Member

    A springerdor! Or Labraspring?

    Free Member

    I don’t think it’s parvo Artist, he wasn’t taken outside of the house/our garden until he’d had his jabs. Horrible thing to loose a pup to though. He was only sick once, is drinking and eating and he seems to have started to ‘firm up’ a bit now although not completely and his poops seem to be various different colours, even within the one poop! Another day on the chicken and rice and I think he’ll be good as new.

    Del that dog is gorgeous!

    Free Member

    Basil that’s his pen, he likes it I there!

    Free Member

    ohhhh Nero, I love the fluffy bit on top of his head. Ours is just starting to get that.

    Broken I got the bag from a local supplier, I doubt they’ll take it back, it was blummin expensive too but you live and learn I suppose. I’ll see if someone else wants it maybe.

    Free Member

    Off Bakers it is then. I have a massive blummin bag to get through though that’s the only trouble. I’ll give him the weekend on chicken/rice and buy something else then maybe mix the bakers in with it until it’s all gone. There are some very cute pups around, Cockers seem particularly susceptible to cuteness!

    Free Member

    Watch for sniffing, circling as has been said. We tried the newspaper/puppy pad thing but they just got eaten. The first few weeks we just took him outside and waited, and waited. Even if he did a little wee or poo we’d wait a little longer and he would inevitably go again. Ours is nearly 5 months now and has just about got the hang of wees outside, poos have never been an issue. Sometimes I’m sure he just wees in temper if he’s been told off. I think some pups just take a while to get it, he’ll get there! At 11 weeks ours was still peeing pretty frequently in the house unless we got to him to get him in the garden first. It’s only in the last few weeks it’s stopped.

    Free Member

    Science he’s gorgeous!

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps. Just took him for a walk and he’s still squitty. He did a slightly solid poo and out came some cardboard box, you can still see the writing on it! I’ll keep him on the same amount then chicken/rice wise until Sunday. If he’s no better I’m going to take him to the vet. He can’t be suffering too much as he’s bright as a button in himself. He’s also changed massively over this last two weeks personality wise. I’ve been recommended Chudleighs by someone else with cockers, I hadn’t realised what a load of rubbish Bakers seems to be so as soon as this latest bag is gone I’ll change him over.

    Free Member

    So I met scary dog this morning and he is indeed very scary looking, he’s a bull mastif cross with like a Labrador or something, he’s very big! However, he was also just only slightly interested in my puppy, had a sniff, puppy wanted to play then scary dog got called away and it was all a bit of an anticlimax. Scary dog’s owner looked pretty scary too though so I do wonder whether that might have added to a bit of hostility with the chap that warned us about him the other day because as soon as I saw him walking towards me I felt uneasy and I don’t really know why, he walked on, I walked on and the puppy was peeved that it was yet another dog I wouldn’t let him jump on top of. The two dogs the chap said he had attacked are also both young boisterous dogs and scary dog looks like he’s getting on a bit, perhaps he was just giving a bit of a warning to the younger dogs?

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the non willy waving answers 🙂 I’m going to avoid the woods for a while unless I’m with my husband, he doesn’t really know what to do but at least me and the dog can both hide behind him! We’ve started puppy classes but they kick off again in the new year. Our cocker is playful but quite submissive. He got mounted by another dog the other day and its pal decided to snap at him but not actually bite, I just swiped that one back gently and removed the other smaller dog. Just a bit nervous at the moment as he’s teeny tiny! Everyone we have met so far to be honest has been great.

    Free Member

    Husband just advised he broke another glass this morning

    Free Member

    Ok so no kicking and don’t pick up. My dad said he’s just shouted and lurched forward and that’s been enough to put a dog of charging but to be honest he’s twice my size and a fair bit scarier sounding because he’s so loud. Mines only a pup and to date I’ve not shown any fear of other dogs, I just let them sniff and they soon start just playing but the fact someone stopped to warn me about a dog has spooked me, I don’t want mine to have a negative incident and then get aggressive himself

    Free Member

    Psling that’s hard, my mum lost a baby around then and they were able let her have the baby a week later – waiting another 19 weeks seems a long time and especially difficult this time of year?

    I was hoping to have been carrying our first this Christmas but not meant to be, we shall be concentrating on avoiding crappy soaps, having lots of us time and eating/drinking our hearts out then looking forward to a couple of nice hols next summer before trying again.

    CG if it’s any consolation I’ve broken 3wine glasses this week and have friends coming round tonight who might have to have their wine in glasses that haven’t been out of the cupboard in 10 yrs. 🙂 all tastes the same wherever it comes from after the 4th glass though so I figure what the heck 🙂

    Free Member

    Too cute 🙂

    Surfer is that a cocker? I want one that colour next, just so I can call him sweep 😀

    Free Member

    You are entitled to be peeved. I would be.

    Free Member

    I’m going to ask about immunity testing when we go for our review next week, that and someone on another forum mentioned embryo glue, that’s not the technical term obviously but I’d never heard of it before. Going to have a medicated FET and put two back if thawing goes ok I think. Having said that I’ll probably get there, fall apart and be dragged home a crying mess and refuse to ever do it again. I’m promised FET is a lot less involved though

    Free Member

    Everything crossed for you willard.

    It’s a horrible process, any outcome other than a healthy baby at the end of it is absolutely devastating. Our first round didn’t take back in September and I was and still am just heartbroken, I can’t compare the feeling of that moment you realise it’s over to anything else, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Fortunately we have 3 top grade day 5 blasts and 1 day 6 blast in the freezer so might try again in the new year if we’ve got a spare £1600 lying around.

    Blobby I’m not sure what the old lady pee did but I had it when I was growing my eggs. I responded really well, 17 eggs, 8 fertilised, 4 in the freezer. Although the one they put back in was perfect too and that didn’t turn out well.

    Free Member

    Pfft, I got pumped full of purified old lady p**s. Joyful, didn’t work either. Actually, the old lady p**s worked, it was the rest of it went tits up

    Free Member

    Yeah, those sorts of comments would drive mrs blobby to tears when we were going through it all Well meaning but so unhelpful.

    yep, I think anyone struggling to conceive can be pushed over the edge with jokey comments. My particular favorite is ‘are you relaxed though, if you’re stressed it just wont happen, have a holiday’. Someone actually asked once if we thought we were doing it right :/

    Anyway, don’t stress about coffee, I was told no more than two cups a day and to keep caffeine down (chocolate etc) in general during IVF and 3/4 cups a day in general or you’ll never sleep :). If it makes you or in particular your other half feel better then cut it out. Along with soya which is ever increasingly turning out to be food of the devil when it comes to fertility for women in particular

    Jekklys advice isn’t quite right unless you know your Mrs has a 28 day cycle. You ovulate 14 days (assuming no luteal phase issues) before your next cycle. I have long cycles and ovulate generally ovulate sometime after day 21 so concentrating on doing is 5 days before the lead up to day 14 would be a bit useless. If shes not regular get sticks.

    There’s too much information out there now for women to just kick back and enjoy trying for more than a few months. Try for 12 months, if nothing happens go to the docs and have a spunk test. If your mid 30s upwards go after 6 months. Good luck, our first year of trying was pretty good fun 🙂 Just a shame that four years on it still hasn’t produced anything.

    Free Member

    Ours is happy enough on dry food I think, how do you know if they’re bored compared to just off their food?

    this is his ‘I keep finding poop on the floor mum – there’s one over there and I’m not going to jump on your head when you clean it up’ face

    Free Member

    We have a cocker, he’s certainly different to other dogs we’ve had in the family before, mad as a hatter but beautiful. A friend has two sprockers, bit mental but one isn’t the brightest and the other extremely clever. Gorgeous breed. We’ve just started walking ours, he walks along like he’s boss of the world.

    Free Member

    Pimp 😆

    Free Member

    Coffee is always best after sex. Throw in chocolate too, perfect.

    Free Member

    I just gave one kid £2 and he genuinely looked confused that it wasn’t sweets and his minder just glared at me. I’m not answering the door again. I hate Halloween.

    Free Member

    Yes, 4 weeks ago yesterday I would have. A couple of times since again too but but feeling a bit better now with a lovely snuggly puppy to cuddle.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Yup, hubbie dragged him out at 230 am for a wee but had to wake him up then he collapsed back to sleep the second he went back in. I got up with him at 6am as planned but he’d just started to whimper and I think that’s because he’d had a little accident in the crate. We’ve crated him a couple of times for naps today and he cried for about 15 minutes each time, heartbreaking screams! But then drops off for at least an hr.

    I think he might cry tonight, he was fast asleep this time last night but he’s now woken up and is shredding newspaper quite happily when we’re ready for bed. He’s so cute, he looks like a little bear!

    Free Member

    He’s a very cuddly puppy 🙂 we’re loving it at the moment and he didn’t cry at all last night, just slept in his crate.

    Not been warned about a cockerdile phase? I can probably guess 😀 can’t wait to get him out running and training next year. He’s so cute, chocolate with a white bib, looks like he’s dribbled milk on his chin 🙂

    Free Member

    Asleep again now after wiping his bum on my top.

    Free Member

    Praise The Lord he pooped! Only a bit but he got there bless him 🙂

    Free Member

    I promise I’ll get a pic up tomorrow but I’m on my phone at the moment.

    Free Member

    No injections as yet, will have his first at 9 weeks next Saturday. We’ve had a play, walked around, played, watched, wee’d plenty. Currently snoring on the carpet in front of the TV.

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