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  • elzorillo
    Free Member

    After extensive breaks of both my legs as a child, I developed exessive wear in my right hip in my early 20s. Strangly, it was at the Grundig worlds champ in 89/90 where I was competing and had a chat with a Dr who was there (I Think, although not certain, he was with Tim Gould. If not with him he was hanging around the peugeot team). His only suggestion was, if I didnt want a hip replacement early in life, to give up MTB racing. I immedatelly switched sport to something less reliant on the hips (Boxing.. hips are ok.. face is a mess hehehe).

    Anyway.. The pain sort of stabalised. Through trial and error I realized my limit.. I can run 2 miles max. I can cycle 30 miles max. I can go to the gym 3 times a week max. If I stick to that, I’m pain free. If I over do any of them, it puts me out of action for a week or so.

    This has done me for the past 25 years, thankfully without any meds or medical intervention.

    I guess the solution to managing this kind of problem is to still push your body to it’s comfortable limit, not past it.

    Free Member

    Free bar 8)

    Free Member

    About 25 years ago.. 147mph (according to the speedo) on the A1 in a car.

    Free Member

    well… the council are bastards and will tax you on anything, so thats to be expected..

    The musicians assume that you are using their intellectual property to enhance your own working environment and that of your customers and want paying.

    Only way around it is to

    A: pay both licences.
    B: play royalty free misuc and just pay the local authority.
    C: ignore them and hope they never catch up with you.
    D: Dont play anything and tell them to get lost when they come calling.

    I have been known to do C: but 99% of the time do D:

    Edit: something else to consider..

    Half of Britain’s shoppers have left a store because they were annoyed by the music, according to a study by Immedia Plc, a company that develops music strategies for retailers.

    Free Member

    even if you’re whistling a tune.. it’s still a public performance and will require a licence for public performance (or not if you just ignore the ****ts).

    Free Member

    Or dont play music.. I dont and find I can concentrate on my work much better.

    Unbelievably, the ONE time I listened to a song someone recomended.. hey rang me…

    They asked if I played music, I said no… they said ‘we can hear music in the background’. my exact words were.. ‘Thats my mobile phone ringing’ and I hung up.

    Sod em

    Free Member

    You’ll need two licences I beleive.. one from the council for public broadcast and one from the performing rights (or something like that) for royalties.

    Even if you only play royalty free music you’ll still have to get the one from the council if the music can be overheard by the general public.

    There was an article in the paper about a fire station being forced to get one as members of the public (council jobsworth) overheard music coming from the station.

    They have been known to ring up companies and listen to see if they can hear music in the background then hassle you for the licence.

    Free Member

    Are you saying that someone employed by the agency selling the house bought it themselves? Sounds illegal if so!

    One each occasion the next door neighbor of the guy who owned the estate agency bought the property. On one occasion the guy even had the cheek to offer to lease it too me as he was ‘aware’ I was interested in the site !!!

    Free Member

    Three times in the past I’ve taken advantage of someones financial hardship (commecial not residential) and haggled them down on property, only for the estate agent to get wind of it and on each occasion a member of their staff ‘bought’ the property from under my nose.

    Free Member

    I thought the the whole point of the last two pages of this thread were basically saying that those type of e-fags were pretty crap?
    It’s cool your giving it a go though

    what he said

    Free Member

    The result of a cheap chinese third party battery…

    Free Member

    had it a few years ago.. ended up with a short stay in hospital. Ever since then I get a wheezy chest in a winter.. no idea if it’s related.

    Free Member

    usually take a hip flask on a winter night ride.. morgans spiced being my favourite beverage.

    Free Member

    And there was me celebrating my forum reaching the lofty heights of 303 after only 4 years 🙁

    Free Member

    Just had goodyear wrangler HP all round on my L200.. they seem (so far) very good.

    Free Member

    I worked as a CCSA (checkpoint) a LONG long time ago.. Throughly outdated I’d guess now. Enjoyed it though.

    Free Member

    Lived in Maybole as a kid.. What a dump!! looked on google street view and looks even more of a dump than I remember it to be.

    Is it really as bad as my childhood memory makes it out???

    Free Member

    Basically, I come from a non-IT background, and now work in Information Security. I now really need to make a push at learning about our company’s network infrastructure, firewalls, data routing, etc, so I can ensure that any risks are mitigated.

    So how exactly did you manage to get a job that you have absolutely no experience of?? I’m intrigued 🙂 (especially one as important as Net Security).

    Free Member

    Focus 1.6 tdci.. been an absolute gem.

    Just bought a new truck but cant bring myself to get rid of the focus and decided to keep it as a spare and for long journeys.

    Highly recomend one if you can find one cheap.

    Free Member

    Been through absolute hell with my son from the age of 13 to 22 (and I mean hell).

    from police.. drugs.. addiction.. violence.. to general apathy with life and threats of suicide.

    You swear that you’ll never give up, but there comes a point where you have to simply admit defeat and turn your back. I did that last year.

    Free Member

    My son seems obsessed with this game called minecraft at the moment.. I looked at a couple of screen shots and it looked like a spectrum game from the 80s. Surely it must be better than that ❓

    Free Member


    yes that. forgot that came before doom.

    Free Member

    space invaders – pacman

    but as above I recon Doom was revolutionary and a massive leap forward.

    I hope in future it will be remembered as such… and it was free too !!!

    Free Member

    I’ve developed a technique whereby you reach into the tin (a Yorkshire Tea tin, obv) and as you pull out the two bags, the second one catches on the closing lid, tears off and drops back into the tin.
    Problem is you get the very occasional ripped bag (matron) and end up with tea-leaves everywhere…

    Although I only have in my posession an inferior metal PG tin.. I’m going to try this.

    Free Member

    About Sept of this year I found a photo of my wife and daughter taken by the man my wife was having an affair ‘friendship’ with, the photo was taken in his back garden.

    The result was not pretty and I was arrested, it went to the CPC but they didn’t pursue it.

    surely you mean EX wife?

    Free Member

    So, 6’2/15 stone then.


    This is the sort of moment when I’m glad there are others on this forum who were on that ride and can vouch for me 🙂

    Free Member

    My only real recollection of losing it whilst driving was coming back up the M1 from Nottingham.. This woman came up on my right with a car full of young lads.. maybe 10-11 year olds. The lads were leaning out of the windows, gesticulating, swearing and shouting abuse at other road users, whilst the ‘mother’ sat there laughing at 70mph. I was so pissed at this woman that I drove up behind her flashing my lights then I drove along side her shaking my head before accelerating away.

    Not much I admit.. but I was proper in a rage by this womans lack of parental responsibility.

    Free Member

    I don’t care who it is and as much as I enjoy watching boxing, that looked nasty, and I can’t take enjoyment from that.

    Agreed. It was a nasty punch and I was worried he wouldnt get up from it.

    Even I felt uneasy about it and I box/boxed.

    Free Member

    My old schoolmates dad always had a reputation for being a bit hot headed..

    He picked us up once in his van. As he was driving along someone did something to force him to break sharp (no idea what). My mate/his son, banged his head on the dash. His dad calmly got out the van, walked around the back and knocked this fella out cold without a word spoken, then got back in the van and we drove on. 😯

    Free Member

    A slap errr maybe, “beating the crap out of them” not really.

    Sorry.. maybe I described it wrong. I was about 40 at the time. I’m 5’11 12.5 stone.. he was about 25.. 6’5 aprox 18 stone. He liked to use his size to menace people. I had him coming down on me.. poking me in the chest and calling me an old man. I am a very chilled person but ashamedly I lost it and hit him a couple of times.. he went down. My mistake was assuming when he got up, that he was coming at me so I hit him a couple more times and he went down again. To which I gently kicked him (more of a nudge but he called it a kick) and called him something derogatory (no idea what it was). Then I got on my bike and left.

    (that sounds just as bad 😳 )

    Free Member

    I bet everyone else had fun choosing ‘sides’

    Luckily it all happened during a ride, so everyone saw the lead up. I appologised the next day but he was having none of it. 6+ years ago and he still wont speak to me.

    Free Member

    Very good friend in a very bad mood whilst out on the bikes. He was blatently lying about something and I simply pointed it out. He got overly agressive and was in my face (which I put up with). Then he started prodding my chest (which I also put up with). Then he said ‘You’re lucky you’re an old man’ I flipped and beat the crap out of him..

    End result there are now two seperate group rides on a thurday night which can get a little uncomfortable when said seperate groups run into each other.

    I am quite ashamed of it though.

    Free Member

    After reading up on it and filling the wifes clearomizers for her, I’m almost tempted to try it myself and I dont even smoke hehehhe

    Best not though.

    Wonder how long before the gov jump on the bandwaggon and start taxing it (although we’re already paying vat on them). They must be losing a fortune on cig tax revenue.

    Free Member

    Worst gin we actually managed to drink, although not technically a proper gin, but apparently the father of gin was this little number.. (someone trying a little oneupmanship I recon).

    There was even a gin one year that no one could manage to drink and it was poured away. Wasnt brought by a staff member thank god, just a friend. He wasnt invited again!!.

    Free Member

    They could swing by Hobart & pick up some Larks Godfather.

    Email has been sent 😉

    Free Member

    ahaa gin…

    About 15 years ago a couple of lads who worked for me, frustrated by my total lack of drinking ability, which always ruined the staff chritmas party, discovered that the only alcohol that didnt make me immediately ill was gin. From that day forth the annual event of ‘ginmas’ was born.

    The last working day before christmas is always known as ginmas. There are a few rules to this event though..

    Only employees and ex employees of the company are invited, although an exception has been made in the past for very good friends of the company.

    The most important rule.. Each attendee must produce a bottle of gin that we’ve never had before. Yes.. it’s sad, but we keep a record of each years gins. We even check that all seals are intact and lock them in a secure locker to avoid tampering hehe

    Every year at the start of festivities (and before our judgement is clouded) we have a blind taste test of all that years gins with very stringent scoring and produce records which we keep.. also sad.

    As the years have gone by we’ve encountered dificulty sourcing new gins and have at times been forced to import real obscure ones from all over the world.

    The event has become so popular that ex staff travel back from all over the place to attend. This year someone is flying back from Sydney just to attend ginmas.

    Free Member

    Thanks fellas 😉

    Free Member

    My wife has two 510 650mah batteries (the standard one that comes with the riva/ego pack) and they’re absolutely fine.

    They charge from flat to full in about 20 mins and last all day.

    The battery life of the ecig lookalike things (skycig etc) were abismal.

    Free Member

    But they don’t look anything like real cigs – is that not an issue (either psychologically to the smoker as well as to an “audience”)? OTOH, the e-lites look more “normal” albeit with a green light on the end

    I should have clarified.. I meant the physical experience of inhaling as opposed to what it looks like.

    I’d recommend just buying one and handing it to her.. just watch the suprise on her face the first time she tries it.

    Free Member

    My wife has no intention of stopping.. I just bought the kit and said.. ‘here.. try this’

    She loved it. 😀

    Couple of benefits.. no smell.. no going outside when it’s raining or cold.. you can use it in the car.. I guarantee with will be very suprised how similar to an actual cig it really is.

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