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  • Podcast: DMBinS and the Scottish Mountain Biking Strategy
  • elzorillo
    Free Member

    Pal of mine had exactly the same service (also free). great company.

    Free Member

    A lawyer.

    Exactly. My friend was once enjoying a bit of friendly banter at a Sunday football league match with a rival when a lawyer came up and offered to be a witness.

    Free Member

    Watched the whole vid and my personal feelings were..

    Dick head driving the car and pathetic excuse for a man on the bike. Who goes to the authorities over something so trivial.

    Free Member

    Is it just me, or does she look a bit scary in those pics?

    In the first pic she looks hot.. in the second terrible.

    Free Member

    I put one in just before christmas.. It’s frightening the amount of wood you can get through.

    So much that I recently planted 100 ash trees. Just need to wait a few years now……..

    Free Member

    ‘Slaughter and the dogs’ hehehhe I’d forgotten about them. Saw them at the old famous (now derelict) punk venue ‘The porterhouse’.

    Free Member

    Not sure if I’m sure about the “punks, not moved on” tag…

    The reviews I’ve read suggest an eclectic mix – hence posting the original question…

    It wasnt a dig at the music (although it does sound very aged to me).

    Hence it made me think of the old days..

    Edit: Listened again.. definitely reminds me of late era punk bands when they’d mellowed a bit (more my era actually).. They remind me of a cross between one of my old favourites ‘999’ and ermm.. ‘billy idol’ :?.

    Free Member

    When I was a lad, I was into punk. I had the mohican and wore all the gear, went to all the gigs etc. Was the thing to be into in them days..

    Back then there was still a few middle aged guys about town that were still into the 50’s rocknroll music, with their hair slicked back and funny suit/shoes. They were viewed as odd (stuck in the past) and we’d just laugh at them.

    I grew up.. moved on, but I often still see a few of the guys about town from that punk era. Still living the life, dressing as punks. I often wonder when I see these chaps walking about, thinking they’re the dogs with their anarchy tshirts, if the younger generation view them the same way people of my generation used to view those old die hard rocknroll fellas. As oddballs to be sniggered at.

    Often wonder that.

    Free Member

    And start reading about WW2 and the English Navy? No thanks

    Please do go back and read again.. maybe then the pedantic and completely incorrect drivel can stop.

    I said ‘historically‘ and ‘primarily the English navy’ has protected this islands coastal waters. For your information, history didn’t start with Mel Gibson. The English navy had existed in various forms for at least 800 years before the union between England and scotland resulting in the renaming to the royal navy.

    THAT is what I meant, and that is what I wrote.

    Free Member

    I didn’t realise a lot of sea battles had been fought in the North Sea. Which nations did the ‘English’ navy protect us Scots from.

    Do you seriously believe that without the protection offered by the British navy that the waters around the Scottish mainland would have simply been left alone out of good heartedness by the surrounding countries?

    As I already said.. an unsavoury side effect of this Scottish nationalism has been the rapid rise in resentment. Even as an ex resident with family still up there, I rarely if ever give the miserable place a second thought. I just want the breakup to be fair to the rest of the UK.

    Free Member

    This issue of ‘scottish’ oil…

    How can waters.. protected from the clutches of other predatory countries throughout history by the might of a primarily English navy suddenly only belong to the Scots?

    I’d hazzard a guess that without the protection offered by the English navy over the years that there would be no ‘scottish’ waters, much less any ‘Scottish’ oil.

    Free Member

    Those yellow fields that blight the countryside are where it’s at in healthy oils..

    Rapeseed oil is much better for you with half the saturated fats of Olive oil.

    Free Member

    However the consensus is well to the left of England and has been for 50 years. I am sure it would continue to be so.

    Even when they have to start picking the whole tab up for the lifestyle they currently enjoy?

    Free Member


    Just about every independent study on the economic situation in scotland.

    The most recent I’m aware of by the CPPR

    ‘Latest analysis by the Centre for Public Policy and Regions said Scotland would face a budget deficit of about £17 billion per year and inherit a £125 billion share of the UK’s national debt.’

    Free Member

    If you’re going to resent the NHS and welfare benefits we get in Scotland, dont resent us, resent the fact you didn’t vote for a party that would give you them.

    Its not Scotland fault that we get free uni education yet the English have to pay £9000 a year, that was CmD and his cronies who brought that in, and we certainly didnt vote for him.

    When the egotistical experiment goes t1ts up (as it surely will, for the current levels of benefits scots receive have been shown to be totally unsustainable in the long term), you’ll have the benefit of Greek/Italian style imposition of eurocrats who will impose a standard of state benefit way below that even the underdog English currently receive.


    Free Member

    The Scots already have a very nice slice of the welfare system, with a much better deal than the English get.

    Personally I couldn’t care less if they have their independence, but I do worry what it may cost us later picking up the pieces of this egotistical madness.

    Free Member

    Sheffield.. or even Doncaster as there are LOADS of old industrial wasteland sites.. old pit sites.. quarry’s dotted about.

    Free Member

    That video..

    Free Member

    Lifer: You think someone gets £24k income support?

    I cant make it any clearer than the breakdown (screenshot) I posted above. Why you feel the need to ignore it is your business.

    To repeat myself yet again.. £24k is the total benefits for the above family where both adults are unemployed and living in a very modest (£400 pm) rented property.

    Figures from official site.

    Free Member

    Junkyard: so I get the £24k and I dont even have to prove I’m looking for work? this gets better all the time

    Free Member

    No. They could be in work and below the means testing income thresholds.

    I already said they were both unemployed about half a dozen times.

    Free Member

    Is it:

    a) Tone deaf organ grinder’s monkey benefit?
    b) XC jeyboy benefit?
    c) Jobseeker’s Allowance?

    So is someone on benefits shown in my calculations above not required to look for work?

    Edit: I truly dont get where you’re coming from.. I say that the above unemployed family with receive £24k.. you pretty much call me a liar.. I show you the results from the gov page.. still I’m a liar.. I give you a link to the site so you can check the figures.. still a liar..

    You sir, are a buffoon.

    Free Member

    Lifer: Konabunny:

    I dont know why you insist in twisting my words.. I have never mentioned JSA or any individual benefit. I said the amount an unemployed family will receive in benefits for a VERY modest house.

    Here is a summary of how that benefit is made up.. exactly as I said, from the gov website.

    Now you obviously have some agenda here, but it isnt working (mind the pun) but keep it up as it’s fun to watch.

    Have a go yourself.. you may find it’s not worth working..Turn2us

    Free Member

    Konabunny: Let me count the fallacies.

    – You don’t get 24k on JSA.

    I never said you did.. I said that an unemployed couple with three kids living is a cheap rented house @ £400 per month get that in benefits.

    Picking and choosing which benefits fit your slant on the story is silly.. £24k is the amount you get in total benefits excluding all the extras such as free school meals, clothing grants etc etc. That is a fact.

    Free Member

    You’d be eligible for an allowance which is dependent on you genuinely seeking employment. If you’re not genuinely seeking employment, then either you can give up the JSA (in which case your luxury life on 24 grand a year is going to take a hit) or you can defraud the Buroo (in which case all you’re saying is you could make money through fraud – well, big deal).

    £24k for popping down to the job centre once a while with a list of companies I unsuccessfully contacted looking for work… easy money.

    I am truly gobsmacked that there are people out there who think this sort of thing doesn’t go on. Then again, as I said elsewhere.. the guardian/independent readers of this world have a seriously clouded view of reality from their safe public funded job.

    Free Member

    It never ceases to amaze me just how much of it (Dogging) goes on. Always bumping into a little group of cars when we’re out on the trails at night. Everyone crowded round a steamed up car 😆

    Often give them a quick blast with the head torch, but they don’t seem to care.

    Free Member

    I just used the ‘Turn2Us’ online benefit checker to see how much I would be eligible for should me and my wife be unemployed (with 3 children).

    Result was £23,936 per annum tax free. I could live with that amount quite comfortably.

    And that’s excluding other ‘perks’ such as free school meals, school clothing grants etc.

    Edit: those calculations were bases on the rental of a small bottom of the market semi @ £400 per month. Of course I could have rented a much larger house and without the proposed cap, the benefit would have increased to accommodate it. Indeed, I could have moved to the wealthiest part of town, all paid for by benefits.

    Free Member

    Popular with morons aka Daily Mail readers.

    I’ve always found most people who read the DM to be quite intelligent, grounded people as it goes.

    Guardian/Independent readers on the other hand I’ve always found to be quite inept outside their comfortable public funded world, with little grip on the realities of the real working class.

    Free Member

    A 22 year old unemployed son, happy and perfectly willing to spend the rest of his days either in bed or playing computer games !

    Free Member

    I was going to suggest that chatting to a hot French lady will move your vocabulary skills on at a rapid pace (worked for me when I studied Spanish). Then I remembered that certain sensitive people on this forum may judge me as being sexist.. then I though sod it.. and sod their high faluting sensitivities.

    Free Member

    That’s utter rubbish, and someone close to me sits on tribunals that hear benefits appeals.

    ok.. so I commented..

    I can only comment on what I see with my own eyes. All I have typed is fact. I dont work in or claim any benefits, but I have sat many times listening to the guy mentioned laughingly tell me how he stays on benefits, I’ve even seem him jumping around his house like an Olympic gymnast looking for his crutches, simply because he’s seen someone in a suit outside his house.

    Free Member

    Elzorillo…you say faked a bad back…why havent u shopped him

    heheheh If I shopped everyone I know who’s playing the benefit game, my town would be a very lonely place.

    Thing is.. they have a lot of time on their hands and know every little thing they can get. I’ve grown up with these people and it’s a lifestyle choice (I chose a different route) but that doesn’t say I don’t still associate with them.

    This is my last comment on it anyway as its frustrating speaking truth and being called a liar by people who simply do not know the facts.

    Free Member

    Yunki: Doh!!

    Yunki.. Where are you in the country?

    I’ll tell you something.. that guy with the bad back that he fakes.. yes fakes..

    He’s had his benefit withdrawn three times after medical assessment.. Do you know that if you appeal the decision, they simply reinstate it as it’s easier and much cheaper than chasing it up? from your ignorant and childish responses you obviously dont.

    You obviously need some education into the claims business so rather that calling everyone a liar, why not look a little further into it.

    Free Member


    She must be fiddling bigtime or thats just bullshit. I know what the benefit levels are like.

    Why do you insist on calling everyone who knows facts that differ you your view of the world as liars?

    They play the system.. maybe they play it well, but they’re committing no crime.

    You want more examples?..

    Another guy I know is 48.. never worked.. faked a bad back his whole life.. Nice new car paid for by mobility.. Nice house in the country.. Recently got a grant from somewhere for £32k to build an extension (downstairs bedroom and walk in shower) as he ‘cant’ get upstairs easily.. Really a very nice computer room with 50″ screen for his nighttime hobby of playing games.. Crazy bit.. as it’s a grant, he owns the extension and if he ever leaves the council run property then the council have to BUY the extension from him.

    Spends his daytime breeding koi and birds of prey.

    I have many more.. as I said it’s endemic here. Of course you have the right to call me a liar and pretend it doesnt happen.

    Free Member

    I’m just down’t road mate 😉

    Free Member

    Yunki..TJ.. I’m afraid it’s you who are deluded.

    I have a sister playing the system in exactly the same way as previously mentioned.

    Not only does she and her husband live in a very nice 5 bed house with their seven kids, but they have three holidays a year. Florida, Canaries and newquay. They’ve been doing the same (visiting the same holiday spots) for years.

    She’s able bodies, in her mid fortys yet has never worked, her husband works 16 hours a week (thats just enough to qualify for the tax/child credits yet keep the work agency off their back).

    They have two cars, both less than 3 years old.

    They have every game console going.. all the kids have their own laptops plus spare desktop systems.

    This is not a one off.. it’s endemic around these parts. Until people like you lift your head out of the guardian and start to face the fact it’s happening, you doom the whole welfare system to failure, as it cant carry on like this.

    Free Member

    Any PC running windows media player 11 can act as a server to a PS3

    Plenty of guides on the net but it’s very easy.

    Free Member

    its a shame theres so many pisstakers amongst the sensible ones.
    ask a sensible question and some people just cant keep a stupid thing to themselves.
    elzorilo whats your problem then eh? tell me!!!!!!!! U KNOW ME THEN?
    a £50 light may be ok if you have it but i dont so as the lights cost me nothing to make im surely winning.

    Free Member

    I suspected a wind up when I saw the biopace chainrings in the garage.

    Free Member

    Enjoyed that 🙂

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