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  • Danny MacAskill and Chris Ball among 2024 Hall of Fame nominations
  • elzorillo
    Free Member

    Time breakdown after studying the missus..

    80% Shovelling Shit
    18% brushing
    2% Riding

    Edit: OP Her far too infrequent hack for the amount of work is usually a couple of hours

    Free Member

    The new Ubuntu with gnome is horrible.. I’ll never be able to convince anyone to give it a go ever again 🙁

    Free Member

    THIS >>

    What the HELL was I thinking!!!

    Free Member

    It was very good and surprisingly, most people engaged very well with it.

    Not on the course I went on.. 29 of the 30 people were of the opinion it was a gov scam to rip people off.. even when asked again at the end of the course if they’d changed their minds. Only the one same guy held his hand up and said ‘yep, I made a mistake. I didnt notice the road had been reduced from a 40 to a 30’. Felt sorry for the guy doing the course to be fair as he took a bit of flack.

    Free Member

    I dont really know this stuff.. but I thought it was the VPN server that issued the IP to the remote machine rather than the corporate or local DHCP server.

    Free Member

    Times Expedition Chrono.. Great watch for the money and with the excellent indiglo

    Free Member

    All the local drunks round my way hang out where the highest concentration of sucker office workers are.. Most of the donated food goes in the bin and any money goes straight the local Polish shop for extra strong lager.

    Yet the same workers go day after day to offer their cup of steaming soup and 30 seconds compassionate chat regardless.. It must be the modern day equivalent of visiting confession to redeem yourself of any guilt you may be harbouring because it sure as hell doesnt help the dreggs of humanity who sneer into the steaming cup as they walk away..

    Free Member

    I imagine there is nothing more frustrating for a self employed tradesman than spending half your working day going to look at jobs and typing up quotes only for the prospective customer to have no concept of the fact you could actually be out earning right now rather than listen to them tell you they are looking for the cheapest price.

    THIS is the reason it’s so difficult to get a trademan to come give you a quote.. too many time wasters.

    The professional who comes and prices up a job properly will never be the cheapest.

    Free Member

    I call Bull!!! – Living in an area with a very high concentration of eastern europeans (a lot of them friends).. I’ve not witnessed an such insecurity amongst them due to brexit, Nore any drop in numbers newly arriving let alone anyone leaving.

    Free Member

    Just as higher taxes have fuelled a now 90% saturation of black market tobacco.. so the same will happen with alcohol. Maybe not at present, but as the gov slowly milk another tax cow in the name of health.. so the majority will start purchasing it on the black market. and lets face facts, it’s a lot easier to brew alcohol than it is to smuggle in tobacco..

    Free Member

    I posted something similar a few weeks ago.. went to see the dr who prescribed the blue inhaler to relieve symptoms (I’ve used it twice so far with great results). Same as above.. only seems to affect me this time of year.. I did a peak flow diary with was pretty static 650-700 every am and pm. Dr suggests I just avoid triggers.. the only trigger I can pinpoint is ‘October/November’ 😕

    Free Member

    The guilt of history hangs so heavy on some, that they will excuse even the most barbaric of acts.

    Free Member

    When the kids were home we’d spend prob £200 per week.. Now it’s just the wife and me, we spend very little. Maybe £50-60

    Free Member

    I didnt think it looked that bad to be honest.. Plenty of areas all over the uk just like it and many much worse. I can guarantee you wouldnt get a chance to film at all on many estates and those agreeing to appear wouldnt be dealt with too friendly either.

    Free Member

    Clearing snow from around my car.. slipped and put the shovel through the windscreen.

    Free Member

    Everything has the possibility to be offensive to someone.. the current desire to find offence in anything and everything is (in my obviously offensive post) pathetic beyond belief.

    Free Member

    I use it regularly.. yet I have friends who get really annoyed that I use it. They often proclaim in derogatory tones that they’re ‘Not on facebook.. Never have been’.

    They prob did the same about mobile phones and the internet 10 years ago..

    They’re usually the same guys who complain that they miss rides etc as they never get to find out about them :/

    Free Member

    I dont even own a bike.. just come here to read the posts by the lefties for entertainment 😀

    Free Member

    Wasnt there someone on here selling quality jeans or something? 😕

    Free Member

    I used to make homebrew as a kid.. my house backed onto my grammar school. One day this kid offered me a cig for a bottle of my finest elderflower champers..

    Little did I know he would get hammered and jump in the school biology pond.. then grass me up.

    Three of the teachers actually escorted me to my house and confiscated all my brewing equipment and my stash of booze !!

    Free Member

    Used them for years.. but not much lately.. they really did seem to make buying from them rather difficult and dedicated sales team never called you back.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice Singletrackians :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Yeah.. not so much my throat.. lower than that, sort of upper chest. and yeah, it just gradually goes away after about 15 mins.. all very consistent.. even the fact it always starts in October.

    Free Member

    After Uni, my daughter taught for a couple of years.. Some of the stories she told me were horrendous. She hated every second of it and is now a part time waitress.

    Of the five good friends she went through uni with, none of them are still teaching.

    Staff are leaving in droves.

    Free Member

    Whilst walking my dog late one evening I intervened in a vicious assault where a semi conscious young lad was having his face repeatedly smashed into the road by a very muscular black fella (I mention his colour because it becomes a significant point).

    I’ve boxed for 25 years and did what I thought best.. smacked the fella a couple of times. I couldnt risk him getting hold of me, he was twice my size.

    End result was the young lad in hospital with a fractured skull and a face resembling a raspberry crumble.. no idea what happened to the black fella.. but the easiest collar for the police.. me! charged with GBH with racial intent.

    Three months on bail before the CPS threw out the case. Needless to say, my opinion of the police severely depreciated. That was a couple of years ago.

    Free Member

    Another vote for Waze.. it’s free and better than most paid routefinders.

    Free Member

    I’m sure Wren Kitchens are the same people responsible for eBuyer – and if you’ve ever dealt with them….

    Free Member

    Did karate as a kid.. my opinion.. it’s a racket and the belt system is simply a way to keep you coming coming back and paying.

    Did other martial arts late teens.. Wing Chun etc.. You may as well be learning dance moves. Mostly set moves with submissive students.

    Mid 20s to now (52).. Boxing.. Absolutely still love it. If you take it seriously you will prob be the fittest person you know.

    MMA.. not done it, but we get them coming along to our gym all the time.. Most are pretty unfit, but when they’re not injured from all that bending and twisting they do to each other, they will tie you in knots if you let them get you on the floor.

    Personally I’d wholeheartedly recommend a good ABA boxing gym if they’ll let you train there.

    Free Member

    CS2 is free??? I’m still using a buggy cracked version 🙁

    Free Member

    I do a lot of sailing and have this one..

    The vast number of sailors I know carry a knife, the majority of them sensible, professional people who I wouldnt consider ‘c0ck wombles’.. God forbid I would ever be tangled underwater, and doubt I’d be able to get it out in time to save myself, but they do often come in handy for cutting others tangled in ropes.

    Free Member

    Declare it independent and walk away.


    Free Member

    Nowt too it.

    Wilkos did this foam spray that came out as a jet and would reach 10m.. just blast the nest from a distance then run away. Few hours later they’re all dead.

    Was only about £3 and was excellent. I cant see it on the wilko site anymore but you can get it on amazon/ebay. Just look for wasp/hornet spray.

    Free Member

    Wow.. I’m so glad you asked that because after some investigating I realised that this week 40 years ago I was on holiday in Wales. The only holiday I had as a child. It was organised and paid for by a local charity for underprivileged children which was run by a group of local teachers. 30 years later I decided I’d made a little cash and wanted to do something for the same charity. My timing was impeccable as a couple of weeks later I attended their winding up meeting. The original teachers had all grown old, the younger ones werent interested, I was devastated.

    Free Member

    Early 70s in bed with my headphones with built in transistor radio.. news came on.. ‘Elvis had died’. I shouted my mum and asked who he was. She burst into tears.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice.

    Free Member

    Yeah,, thats the sort of thing I’m looking for, but it’s just for a bit of fun on our rides out, so after something cheap (free).

    Was hoping there may be some sort of feature in strava/endomondo where you can group users together.

    Free Member

    Never thought about it at the time.. but I picked up some quality metal BB handguns in Mallorca as gifts..

    Chucked them in my suitcase.. sailed through baggage without issue.

    Free Member

    My daughters who were at bricks n mortar unis at the time would constantly comment on my ridiculous amount of work.

    I can only assume this is due to bureaucrats sat in Milton Keynes OU tower who assign the workload but forget to consider it’s a part time course.

    The workload and time needed should not be underestimated. Given the amount of work hours I lost during that time (self employed) I really do think it would have been better to quit work for three years. That together with the political bias made my experience one I wouldn’t recommend to anyone.

    Free Member

    I’m not convinced you’re describing a typical takeaway, I’m also curious how you have all this evidence but let the place stay open.

    Thought I made myself pretty clear but…

    A good friend who supplied them the meat did 7 years in prison for it.. He was supplying a LOT of Indian restaurants. His crime was big news at the time.. The authorities didnt seem interested in the restaurants who were selling it on, just the big guys shifting the large quantities.

    The Chinese takeaway was next door to me and I would see it. They would even buy dead ducklings.

    Free Member

    I am vaguely left wing but I would hate that – I wonder how much a language course would be affected?

    I did Modern Languages Eng/Spanish. Even so, political slant was horrendous.

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