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  • elzorillo
    Free Member

    NS&I index linked bonds (tax free too). That’s if they release any this year.

    Free Member

    Have three accounts with santander.. never had a problem at all.

    Free Member

    Was in exactly your position 20 years ago.. In my case I was awarded full custody and never heard from her again. At the time I asked the same questions you are and was told that although she could at a later date fight for access to see the children (and get it), there was pretty much no chance she would ever regain custody and the longer the break the less chance still.

    Free Member

    I remember the Langborough on Tees course, not only were bikes taken but they raided the campsite and took the whole tent with everything in it. Would be 1991?

    late 80’s early 90’s yeah… I remember now, the police had to patrol the campsite whilst we slept 😕

    Horrible place.

    Free Member

    Did anyone else get their bikes stolen at the Strathpeffer Grundig race?

    Overnight some stealthy thieves stole a load of bikes, those that were locked up, they stole parts from. Italspark had his whole front end stolen while he slept in his tent. I forgot to take a lock, but fortuitously stuck my Alves in the front of my pick up.

    I remember around the same period, we had to have police protection at langborough on tees as competitors were having their bikes stolen from them WHILST COMPETING 😆

    If memory serves me correctly that was team hot pies (pre team hot pies mind) first race.. Jez, Paul & Graham…. We challenged them to a game of darts Notts v Gordies and gave them a proper good thrashing, only for Jez to go outside and throw down a switzerland squeeker.. We had nothing in our armoury to challenge it 🙁

    Free Member

    If their good friends i can’t see why they’d want to shake hands.

    That’s the thing.. these are old friends I’ve been biking with for 20+ years.. People I consider close friends (maybe they’re not as close as I thought). It’s just something I view a little too formal for friends who see each other often.

    Free Member

    Whilst doing my spanish degree, some south america lady noticed I was unusually going grey in a strip down the middle of my head and said I looked like a skunk! (El Zorillo) the name stuck.

    Free Member

    IF they’re close friends can’t you just ask them?

    Suppose I’ve been avoiding the question so as not to insult them.. I’ll take your advice 😉

    Free Member

    By locking the suspension out? Thats all I do.

    Free Member

    Tea without milk is like bread without flour!!!

    (gotta be full fat too…)

    Free Member


    Sorry for the delay in my answer but I was out.. on my bike.

    Where did you get that from? They certainly do auction property and I’m not aware of them holding onto stuff so curious. If developers or banks are holding onto stock then I assume they’re confident about prices picking up soon. I suppose with interest rates so low they might only sell if they need the cash in the short-term.

    Banks ARE holding onto stock. There are many reports about this and it has nothing to do with them expecting the market to pick up. Yes, they send stock to auction, but with unreasonable reserves that in the main are never reached.

    There’s a saying in the trade.. “a rolling loan gathers no loss”. ie. It is much better for the banks to show a 100% mortgage asset on their balance sheet than a big loss if they have to sell the property at a price people are willing to pay.

    Unfortunately neither the gov nore understandably the banks have any intention on working with this as a large proportion of pensions ‘values’ are unfortunately tied up in the value of property (commercial and residential stock).

    We can continue kicking the can down the road or we can face what has to inevitably be done and housing assets take a hit.

    My personal theory is that they’re simply playing for time whilst they re finance the banks with OUR money before this ultimately happens.

    Free Member

    Speaking for my own area.. the problem isn’t a shortage of housing stock (there are whole new estates here crying out for buyers). The problem is that the prices asked are simply still too expensive.

    Until the average house costs about the same as 3x earnings (as it used to be) then this mess wont get sorted.

    The problem lies primarily with the banks who fear the effect lower property values would have to their balance sheets (They’d sooner hold on to repossessed stock and hold the values up than sell them at a lower price and take a hit).

    Free Member

    Personally I blame decisions by those in power which allowed people to increase their borrowing limits from 3 times to 6-7 times their combined annual income for fuelling the housing market prices. With a larger pot available to them, it was inevitable that people would just keep bidding up the price they were willing to pay, pushing house prices sky high.

    But.. idiots who could plainly see there was a chance they may not be able to sustain the repayments should interest rates rise, yet still went ahead, have absolutely no sympathy from me.

    Free Member

    Best rioja I ever had was the Paternina gran reserva..

    But.. for a more palatable price, try the Paternina banda roja reserva..

    Free Member

    Same thing here.. did mine by sending my least intelligent employee down on a ladder.

    All we got out was a load of garish 70’s ceramic tiles, about a ton of black slime and an old toilet.

    Free Member

    I have an old victorian semi and all the rain water from the guttering runs into an underground pipe then pours into the well.

    The water down there is about 15 foot deep and in 20 years I’ve never seen the water level drop more than a metre (although I dont use the water as I doubt pumping it out would be cost effective).

    Free Member

    So excluding the NI/Eire passport issue.. Why would Scotland offer free Uni education to any EU citizen except the English/Welsh/NIrish? Seems a little prejudiced.

    Free Member

    Prefer chrome myself.. they have pretty much nailed too with the integration of mail, docs, gdrive etc

    Free Member

    The descent south over the border. 🙂

    Free Member

    If the boiler is kicking in when you turn the thermostat up then my first guess would be the pump (and it could be anywhere).

    Free Member

    lit mine about an hour ago as LaZorilla was moaning she was cold.

    Free Member

    Camelbaks 🙄

    What do you think pubs are for???

    Free Member

    Nowt wrong with ikea..

    Just got myself a lovely Leather chair from there..

    Free Member

    Toffs!!! Cleethorpes is the place to be. 8)

    Free Member

    If it’s a once or twice a year thing, lighten up and get over yourself.


    Free Member

    Bikes.. windsurf gear.. kitesurf gear.. mountainboards.. boats.. motorbike.. I have man toys galore and all top of the range stuff.. yet apart from the bike, most of the other stuff is rarely used if at all.

    Free Member

    The daft tart

    Bit sexist that for a ‘supposed’ left wing cyber revolutionary 🙄

    Free Member

    He attempted to twist and bend every question to his own favour. Typical politician yes, but a horrible manipulative self serving man none the less.

    And my view.. he lost, and ran.

    Free Member

    Same here.. Notts wildlife trust are cutting down all the pine forests and shooting the deer to encourage stuff that’s currently in favour.

    Free Member

    I rarely watch TV, probably a couple of hours a week.. try to avoid anything from the BBC at all costs though as it’s attempt to be ‘pc’ always puts up my blood pressure.

    If it wasnt for the missus I wouldnt have one.

    Free Member

    Lifelong tory supporter but the nhs and war on motorist are starting to make me think that there is no party worth supporting.

    Free Member

    Two of my daughters have been with their boyfriends.. both said that away from the hotel it was a very scary experience with the locals. Neither will go back.

    Free Member

    I’ve had my business 22 years and STILL convince (delude) myself that I’m better off. I earn less than I would with a normal job and have always put in at least 60 hours a week for marginal pay. Think I’ve had three weeks holiday in all those years.

    Why the hell I continue to do it is beyond reasonable explanation but it just feels better.

    Free Member


    It may not fit with your political views.. and this guy may indeed be a homicidal maniac but that doesnt deny the fact he IS an islamic terrorist, who the press are reporting has trained with the taliban in pakistan/afganistan and broke out of a prison over there.

    To deny their reason is to help their cause.

    Edit: french news reporting there were three of them (two brothers).. Seems to be a lot of these Homicidal maniacs about eh!

    Free Member

    So who has done that exactly – quotes please

    You (and others) have. Look at the posts.. Rather than condemn the atrocity and accept it was an islamic terrorist to blame, you’ve spent the whole morning looking for excuses and trying to justify their actions by quoting acts by the west as some form of justification.

    The whole point of the thread is that it is current news.

    and as for the pathetic

    BNP rentaquote FTW

    .. It’s my quote.. used it once before though, about a year ago (think it was on the now defunct channel4 news forum). Sums some up on this site though perfectly so thought I’d use it again.

    Free Member

    murdering in the name of the god of consumerism is better than murdering in the name of some other god..?
    is that right..?

    Anyone who kills another in the name of anything is pretty screwed up in my book… especially religion.


    There is a specific deluded rhetoric amongst a certain section of modern western society (shown to full effect on this very thread) who, although supposedly atheist/agnostic, view it as perfectly acceptable to post facts about wrongdoings by Christians throughout history yet refuse to accept the same about more recent Islamic inspired atrocities.

    People purporting to be against religion yet denying the criticism of a specific one is akin to a coward trapped in a room full of rabid dogs, only having the balls to kick out at the one least likely to bite them back. Ultimately a cowardly and complete waste of time.

    Free Member

    idiotic bigots will always want to blame these crimes on the object of their prejudices as the hatred helps them to self validate.. when can we start calling idiotic bigots terrorists too..?

    Yep.. that’s the sensible thing to do.. pretend that the inspiration for their violence doesn’t really exist and (fingers crossed) it will just go away.


    Free Member

    Seriously mate, talk to someone – you’ve got a problem.

    So I’m ‘stupid’, a ‘right wing sympathiser’ and ‘mentally ill’.

    Is that the best you can do? throw personal insults?

    The topic I posted is being discussed widely throughout the internet.. we all must be crazy 😕

    Free Member

    You mean like the French police who came up with the profile ?

    A profile you blindly accept with no evidence (so long as it fits your political viewpoint). How can that be considered just?

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