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  • Fizik Terra Nanuq GTX shoe review
  • elzorillo
    Free Member

    Always been swayed to the easy going ways of the CTC but the cost !!!!

    Free Member

    Not me but the wife..

    spat on/at – yep
    punched – yep
    stabbed – not personally, but a colleague yes.
    Viciously attacked leading to broken bones – Yep
    shot – nope,
    killed – I do believe school staff have been killed (although not at her school).

    And all for about minimum wage (She’s a TA).

    Free Member

    Are you saying Bristol has so many cafes there’s no way another one can survive (regardless of bikes or not)?

    Not at all.. The blurb says that they’ve trialed the cafe and it did well.. So why do they need funding.. Their aims seem good intentioned, so surely if they’re socially minded they could work voluntarilly whilst they build up the business slowly. All profits ploughed back into providing the free/cheap services they offer.

    If the cafe isnt commercially viable enough to fund the enteprise, then they will undoubtedly require more funding in the future. At some point that WILL dry up.

    Free Member

    To be perfectly frank, I cant see it lasting long once the funding dries up.

    I’ve done a lot of infrastructure work in the past 20+ years for Community groups, social funded projects etc. and the majority seem to follow the same format.. They last a couple of years, with the paid ‘staff’ coasting along. Ultimately the funding dries up and they scream blue murder to the local rags. A few months later the same people have come up with another local community idea and the whole process starts again.

    Most of the (paid) people running these ventures are pretty much unemployable outside of charity/community work. Suppose it keeps them off the dole/streets though.

    I dont mean to be negative, but I’m just speaking from experience. I regularly go to new community funded startups and always seem to see the same old faces. The projects never last. Bet the people with the idea have a history of charity work but little real business experience.

    Free Member

    I know I’m not really offering an alternative, but I tried pretty much every bag and NOTHING came close to the quality and functionality of the mule.

    If it’s the cost, try checking ebay. I got a brand new mule (four season Ltd edition) for just £27.

    Free Member

    Ahaa another leftie clone I assume? This board certainly is infested with them. Thank god real life isnt so.

    Indeed, to have a political view is to be somewhat blinkered, but there are none with their eyes and ears so firmly shut tight as those that lean to the left..

    Free Member

    who does not go sailing and then do some charity work for the needy/disabled of an evening

    Not me fella.. my sailing is usually followed by copious amounts of alcohol. What do you do exactly besides insult everyone online who doesnt fit into your highly blinkered view of politics?

    Free Member

    The majority of politicians left or right have NO idea about the life of ordinary people.

    Free Member

    I’m sorry if the judgements I make on people are based on fact rather than some clouded political position.

    We were discussing politics and empathy.

    Most of the tories I know do a great deal for charity, spending a substantian amount of their free time volunteering and appear to show great empathy.

    All the lefties (excluding the couple with religeous conviction) I know, do nothing other than consistently look to blame others and demand something be done. Usually using someone elses time & money.

    Free Member

    Every political post by you is just some rehashing of that view Tories lovely, lefties are lying hypocrits


    Free Member

    Not true… I couldnt manage to get on my bike without the assistance of a bin, yet managed the six mile rough rocky offroad track with two big climbs decents and various sharp bends without incident. Then at the other end struggled to open the garden gate and walk four metres across my patio.

    (By the way.. No road was involved).

    Free Member

    Politics.. Its all very confusing.

    for example.. most of the hippy, right on surfer dude/dudets or supposed socialists I know follow the lefty line to the hilt. Yet in any one to one conversation, the vast majority offer opinions far more to the right than even me (and I’m pretty right wing). They show no empathy to anyone. The only exception being a couple of Christians (who the left bizarrely seem to despise).

    On the other hand.. most of the people at my sailing club are Tories, yet they spend a great deal of time doing social deeds with the disabled/less well off (something the supposed lefties I know don’t appear do at all). For supposed selfish, greedy tories, they seem to show much greater empathy that the ‘caring’ left.

    What it all means I have no idea..

    Free Member

    I find them to be excellent company and always up for a laugh..

    Luckily I dont often mix with students, the unemployed or public employees in my leisure time so rarely have to associate with leftie types. The few I am forced to spend time with are terrible bores though.. each and every one of them a clone of the other and resoundlingly blinkered in their views.

    Although this forum seems to collect them like flies around.. well.. flies around lefties actually.

    Free Member

    Got a Kona Hei hei supreme(stupid name).. love it.. second best bike I’ve ever ridden.

    Free Member

    My Great great Grandad. Pic taken 5mins walk from my house.

    Free Member

    Not again 🙁

    How about minding your own business.

    Free Member

    Only problem with a camper is that you have to put everything away if you need to drive anywhere.

    I considered one for a long time but along with the tax/ins/mot, it was the deciding factor that made me opt for a caravan instead.

    Free Member

    I use my focus 1.6 tdci estate.. never had a problem even on steep hills. Hammers the fuel economy mind but even towing it does more than my old Terrano 4×4 did 24/7.

    Free Member

    Honestly.. do youself a favour and pop down to maplins. For a couple of hundred quid you can buy a half decent 4 camera system.

    Free Member

    Makes you consider your own safety as you never know what you may come across.

    A few times whilst out for a night ride in the countryside me and my mates have ended up innocently dragged into decidedly dodgy situations and in places you would never expect too.

    One winter night we took refuge in a little bus shelter in clumber park to fix a puncture out of the rain. Only to realise we were sharing the shelter with a substantial amount of drugs and the owners turned up to collect whilst we were still there !!!

    Another time some guys in a transit, after a brief conversation realised they wouldnt get our bikes easily, instead offered us the use of the young teen girl they had in the back of the van for a fiver. She seemed quite happy about it but we obviously declined.

    Youth setting fire to stolen cars in the forest is a regularish occurance too.

    Ahhh the fun of the winter night ride…

    Free Member

    I had a parcel go to the wrong address the other day.. The driver put in his hand held computer that I had signed for it. Had a hell of a job explaining to the courier that I hadnt actually had any delivery, then going around local businesses trying to track it down.. Found it in the end.

    Free Member

    Been a very weird year for mine too.. I’ve had a couple of mature Bramleys die completely. The other bramleys seem ok (small fruit). A couple of eaters doing terrible and one overloaded.. Not a single pear this year on any tree.. Hardly any cherries or damsons but LOADS of plums.

    It makes no sense.

    Free Member

    is it ?

    I’m sure that only applies to working on your own solid fuel appliance.

    Working on someone elses I think you do indeed need HETAS (although I could be reading it wrong).

    Free Member

    Hetas training may not be that expensive.. but the prerequisite for training seems a little bizarre.

    To undertake the course you have to prove previous experience of working on solid fuel appliances. Yet it’s apparently against the law to work on solid fuel appliances without the said qualification you are aiming for.

    ❓ 😕

    Free Member

    It’s very much bred into our society to celebrate the death of a baddie though isn’t it..?

    Then maybe it’s my lack of any normal upbringing that causes me to find such behaviour abhorrent.

    Free Member

    Got the description…

    Worksop Guardian

    Free Member

    well.. and this is just my personal opinion (or I wouldnt have posted) but revelling in the death of another person (however bad) reflects somewhat on your own character too.

    I get solace from the fact I’m nothing like the mean people I’ve met along the way.

    As they say.. Rise above it 😉

    Free Member

    why not..?

    Do you believe in the death penalty??

    Free Member

    He has revealed some details on the past on here
    He is not wrong
    Not all parents are wonderful and doting and some are beneath contempt
    Think before you post as you just put your foot in it big time

    EDIT: he beat me too it but only because of the fire alarm drill here

    Shut up you fool.

    My father was an abusive alcoholic who was dead by the time I was a teenager. My mother a schyzophrenic who throughout my hell of a childhood refused to take her medication. As a ten year old I would have to wash my clothes in cold water with no soap.. The only way my weak little body could squeeze the water out of them was by wrapping them around a tap and twisting them, then sleep on them wet so they would be uncreased and half dry for the morning. All this so I didnt stink at school.

    I was hungry for the first 10 years of my life (thank god for free school meals).

    By the time I was 11 I’d found my mother twice unconcious through suicide attempts.

    One of her boyfriends would beat me so bad that I was too scared to come out my bedroom and would piss in the corner of the room. The place was such a tip no one even noticed.

    Those arent the worst bits.. If you’re interested I could elaborate.

    I grew from it.. I promised myself each night that I would be better. I built a successful business and managed to shield my children from most ills in this world.. They have never met their grandmother.

    But.. I would never stoop to their level.. and never ever gloat over anyones death, especially a parent, however bad they were.

    Free Member

    ‘Save the children’??

    This isnt a financial problem.. it’s a social problem. There are far too many people in this country who simply have no idea how to handle their finances. Far too many people who put smoking/alcohol/drugs before food/shelter/clothing for their children.

    These people need education not money.

    Free Member


    So how about a description of the guys that did it????

    Free Member

    Both now dead. This makes me happy. Evil bastards.

    I cant believe anyone would say this. Chip off the old block maybe?

    Free Member

    I remember a similar thing happening at steetley quarry at conisbrough a couple of years ago to some youngster.

    Police helicopter followed us around there for ages then some police on foot turned up.. We didnt know why so ignored them and kept riding. Took them about an hour to finally catch up with us before realising they were chasing the wrong people.

    We have a couple of police on crossers round here. No idea how much of a deterent they are though.

    OP… A description of the perps would help pls…

    Free Member

    I also thought pepper spray, what are the legalities of it?

    Dont bother.. you may as well be carrying a loaded gun in a judges eyes.

    Free Member

    Had a caravan for years..

    Whenever I go windsurfing all the guys sleeping in the back of their vans or still stuck in some layby somewhere in their broken down Vw camper think I’m so uncool. Or on a weekend away with mates who would rather sleep in a tent than ruin their ‘image’ by owning a caravan.

    Oh how I do love it in the morning waking up in a proper bed, hot running water, a shower and a bacon roll, then throwing the door open to see the look of desperation on the ‘cool’ guys heheheheheh

    Even had one mate recently buy a caravan then immediatelly sell it for a tent because his wife felt uncool in it 🙄

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the advice..

    I shall go see the quack.

    Free Member

    My HTC would always go from fully charged to flat after a 2.5/3 hour ride running endomondo.

    I started switching the wifi off whilst out on the bike and it had a dramatic effect. After a 3 hour ride last night I still have 3/4 full battery now (and I switched the wifi back on and stopped endo at 11pm when I got in last night).

    Seems to be the Edmo + wifi that drains the battery.

    Free Member

    Sorry to ask another question but I’ve never seen this polyester resin/anchor bolt before.

    So if I get some of these the correct length BOLTS

    and some of this RESIN

    Do I simply drill the holes, fill with resin and immediatelly screw into it then leave to set?

    Free Member

    Very nice handiwork there. Well done!
    What was the technique for the chainsaw bit?
    Also – what wood +1?

    According to the merchant site it was ‘High pressure Tanalith E treaded Scandinavian softwood’.

    The chainsaw was used to roughly cut the top curved bar as it was too thick for the bandsaw. LINK

    Free Member

    what wood did you end up using ?

    I Just used that treated green stuff as I’m planning on painting them anyway.

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