Thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated. Is there any reason to use the XP-G LED’s compared to other models which seem to put out more lm per amp? Or does it just come down to price for this project?
All of what you have said has made perfect sense. My only other question is: when working out how much current will be used per hour by the LED’s, I presume that you add the two mAh ratings together to work out battery life?
If it is possible, can I add these to your list for DigiKey:
1x 4×18650 holder – BK-18650-PC8-ND
1x 3×18650 holder – BK-18650-PC6-ND
2x 2×18650 holder – BK-18650-PC4-ND
1x 1×18650 holder – BK-18650-PC2-ND
Absolutely no problem if it is not ok, just thought I’d ask! Can pay through through paypal gift no problem.