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  • Wacky Races: Red Bull ‘Stalen Ros’ Tandem Racing
  • ell_tell
    Free Member

    When I used to work as a delivery driver for Dominoes I seem to recall hearing that the start up cost of one of their franchises was £250k, so not an insignificant amount.

    Having said that my old boss (the head honcho) used to own 3 stores in a small area and pretty much had a monopoly on pizza delivery. Guess he must have been very astute as he it was a strong student populated area within Cardiff.

    I never knew if this was true or not too, but the branch manager once told me that this particular branch we worked at was the 14th busiest out of all the Dominoes worldwide.

    Free Member

    ^^ Amazing 😀

    Can you get a transfer near to me please?

    Free Member

    Err, is Olly Murs that bad?

    Free Member

    Oven roasted chicken breast fillets with a tomato and chorizo sauce, with sweet potato wedges seasoned with paprika salt and a side helping of ratatouille.

    Free Member

    Compulsory metering methinks. Might make some people stop wasting so much through the rigmarole of modern living.

    It is a finite resource after all.

    Free Member

    Not reallly inventive is it…taking a mountain biker mounting biking

    Naked mountain biking then 😉 Joking aside though I see your point plus I don’t think Travelodge welcome bikes, which is likely where we’ll end up for cheap accommodation.

    Liking some of the other ideas though, climbing and go ape nice and active. Plus we’re planning mid July so fingers crossed the weather should lend itself well for some outdoor activities.

    Free Member

    I see what you’re saying, but to avoid that I was planning of going biking first thing Fri with the stag and the other few that ride, with the non riding and those that can’t make it down until the evening joining later.

    I know it would wind me up if I was hanging around for others so obviously want to avoid that.

    Free Member

    Slight hijack but can I import gpx files from mytracks into strava, and if so how?

    Not having much luck with my googling!

    Free Member

    Yep. Wouldn’t chance it with anything half decent.

    Probably just me but I always get a feeling the area by the station is a bit of Cardiff that’s a bit run down & neglected, and possibly the sort of area where someone wouldn’t bat an eyelid if someone was trying to steal a bike.

    Free Member

    Penis shaped straws?

    Free Member

    Is that a Camber you’re riding?

    Nice little vid too. Good work 🙂

    Free Member

    I scrub my tyres when I clean my bike. I also store it upside down.

    But then it does live in the house so no point having a clean bike & muddy tyres and it keeps my fork seals lubed too.

    Free Member

    I think he’s only been done twice at his new place.

    But several times before at others.

    Bit weird. Might make me start looking around suspiciously at some of the people I know. Mebbe I’m paranoid!

    Think I’d just take up knitting instead!

    Free Member

    For once this is a thread that does not need pics 😀

    Free Member

    What does it mean if you fart whenever you cough, apparently a mate of mine does it!

    It means you’re awesome 🙂 I once managed 14 consecutive little squeakers whilst trotting down a flight of steps.

    Free Member

    Gdj001, which drop was that? Was it on the dh run on the far right? I’m thinking on heading up there tomorow and just repeating that section for practice.

    Ooh, slight hijack but are these secret trails? Ridden round there a bit but only to go across the Ridgeway to the maenclwyd pub but missed any decent riding trails 🙂

    Free Member

    Mmm. Bit concerned over their recent results but think they’ll stay up. Bit of a mix of remaining fixtures. Couple of mid table teams theyre capable of beating on a good day & at least they’ve been scoring.

    A world away from previous seasons fighting for 4th & regularly top 6 🙁

    Free Member

    I’m a sprinter. At school I cleaned up at 100/200/400m. Even then there were only a couple of other lads who could compete, everyone else was miles behind.

    Doesn’t this sort of depend on the type of school you went to and the competition you were put up against? 😀

    Free Member

    My question was simply: is it an all or nothing effect (follow the diet to the letter or see little or no effect), or does following it partially result in a partial effect. What does the dose-response curve look like?

    Well clearly my body is different to yours but I have been following the diet but not 100% as I still take a splash of milk in my coffee. I’m not sure all of the falafels I’m munching are 100% compliant either.

    However, I have dropped approx 4kg over the past 4 weeks and the only exercise has been my short commute to work each day and rides on weekends. Nothing extra than usual for me.

    I’m pleased with a the weight loss, purely from changing my diet, so far and if I want to loose a bit more I’ll ramp up the exercise, which I expect I’ll do anyway as the weather improves and I spend more time outside.

    Plus side for me is I love red wine and the types of foods you are recommended to eat. Never been a huge fan of fruit but love veg, beans, pulses etc and grilled lean meats and fish.

    Free Member

    Have these had a mention yet?

    Free Member

    These. Always coveted a pair but never got any 🙁

    Free Member

    Wow! Some hideous creations on there. Thanks for the link. Some quality browsing time there.

    Free Member

    On a more helpful note I’m not sure you missed anything of major significance. I believe Claire Danes (cant remember her characters name) bugged his house with cameras & mics so she could monitor his homelife.

    Tis been a gripping series so far. I’m enjoying.

    Free Member

    Bummer. Will keep my eyes posted as local to the area.

    Did you happen to ask if the theft was caught on the library CCTV?

    Edit: Not that it will necessarily bring your bike back but you never know.

    Free Member

    He burnt the sausages

    Sorry, not much help is it 🙂

    Free Member

    Whoa, didn’t intend to open a whole can of worms* with this one but hey ho 😀

    Anyway, I’m on week 2 now and have lost about 3kgs so far and can see a marked difference in my body shape (read flatter stomach) and feel lighter too. Not so bloated but then I did eat a lot of brown bread, rice and pasta before.

    I’m loving the cooked food for brekkie too & it also seems to keep me fuller for longer. Mackrel fillets this morning. Chuffing like a good un on the lentils though 😆

    As an aside & to save me pestering idave by e-mail, does anyone have a copy of the new sheet they would care to ping across to my address in my profile? I’ve been working on a cobbled together version based on forum search history.

    *are they compliant?

    Free Member

    Did a similar thing at work last year with a whole grass bank within our grounds.

    Not my exact area of expertise but after consulting with the grounds maintenance contractor we just stopped mowing the area & the seed bank was good enough to develop a natural wildflower meadow. We had quite a diverse range of flora, ox eye daisies, bee orchids, clovers, long grasses & other species I can’t remember. Looked great though.

    When it all died we cut it right back & hoping it will establish again this year with even greater abundance.

    Free Member

    i had roast spuds and apple pie and custard on sunday

    Not together I hope otherwise mmmm 🙂

    Hope it all works out for you too, followed a few threads previously.

    Free Member

    Hmm, will check those out thanks iDave.

    Had some spinach falafels the other day so hoping those are ok being chickpea as they were very tasty. In the snack section in a local Waitrose.

    think hot sauce is ok. Check for sugar on the label

    Yep 🙁 Or at least my mango & sweet chilli is off, also partly due to the mango puree.

    Free Member

    Will check those out ta Darryl, money saving always good by me!

    Liking the sound of techno lime green too. Might match my nipples as well 😉

    Free Member

    Ta Widge. They look quite dark actually.

    I’ve got last year’s spesh camber in silver/black/green – probably being a bit of a tart but thought green might tie in nicely. Having said that I’m still getting used to a lower B2B height coming from a hard tail so experiencing a few pedal strikes so silver would likely be best option.

    Free Member

    Pretty much any milk is better for you than dairy milk.

    Cat milk?

    Free Member

    Did the parks authority allow him to keep the boulder as a souvenir?

    Free Member

    I’ve got an old set of manitou axel comps with some minor surface rust on the stantions. Worth very little, if anything, but not sure what to do with them.

    Also have an old frame, digital camera, 1gb mp3 & a jar of foreign money from various countries, most of which is no longer legal tender.

    Free Member

    Cheers gents, just the sort of info I was after.

    Free Member

    Re adding water, the chap at the distillery tour I visited in Scotland recommended adding quite literally a couple of drops of water to whiskey – tip of finger or from a pipette amount – as it helped release the oils trapped in the whiskey from the cask. I’m no expert but you could see swirls of oil on the surface of the whiskey afterwards. They tasted damm good too 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m an Elliot. Haven’t read the whole post, am I the first?

    Usually gets abbreviated to Ell though or I’m called an abbreviation of my surname. Except by my parents & partner of course 🙂

    Free Member

    Top work by all involved. Really looking looking forward too seeing the fully completed build.

    Free Member

    Ditto. I’m quite a fan of his previous broadcasts sctreenwipe etc so thought I would enjoy this. Always end up discussing them after with the missus & we have our own views.

    Tonights was clearly aimed at the cowell machine that feeds the public hunger for reality tv but wasn’t sure who (or what) the whole earning credits & frittering away on virtual goods was aimed at though, maybe not cowell per se.

    Free Member

    Would be interested to hear Charlie’s take on what message these mini programmes are conveying.

    Quite compelling viewing I find though.

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