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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • ell_tell
    Free Member

    Not sure how true it is but I read on one of the US forums that you can check you’ve got enough post in the Camber by using the little hole on the back of the seat tube.

    Yes, that’s what I use. When its not full of mud that is!

    Free Member

    I’m guessing these celebs had very juicy interesting bits of gossip left on their voicemail then?

    Hacking my voicemail would result in some very boring listening. “I’m in the pub. Where are you?”, “what do you want for tea tonight?” etc etc.

    Not only that, I tend to delete voicemails after I’ve listened to them. Do celebs not do this?

    Free Member

    Cheers Normal Man. My Camber is a L and the stock post is pretty long. Reckon its well below the min insertion hole at max height but I’ve just never got around to chopping it down.

    Need to play around with a tape measure to see what length dropper would work really.

    Free Member

    I looked a lot when I first got my Camber as I’d chopped the stock post so I could drop it low enough. I think the reverb comes in 355mm (or did).

    Slight hijack but did you run a dropper on your Camber btw? I’ve got a Camber and would like to get a dropper, but find that with the stock post I can’t lower the post enough because of the kink in the seat tube.

    Free Member

    That Force India 😯 No wonder the launch photos were in profile view.

    Its just asking for to be either snapped off at the lightest contact, or for someone with a crude mind to paint it a different colour. And add some, err other detail.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Never saw the pics but judging from the state of the bike it looked nasty, so glad you recovered

    Free Member

    I probably would too if you were sat down hunkered low in the car. However, (and I’m no giant at only 6ft) it was getting in the way of my legs. Just couldn’t find a comfy position. The gear change was also notchy.

    Nice interior though and the 1.4 petrol was quite a punchy litte unit.

    Free Member

    Lol 😀

    Without going into great detail there was no way the miniscule sample pot they gave me was going to take a sample without my liberally coating my arm in the process of trying to hold it in place.

    So, this was delicately placed in the flaoting pudding tub in the hope of catching a suitable amount of liquid. A bit like leaving a thimble outside in the rain really.

    Free Member

    I had a Peugeot 208 as a hire car and the steering wheel really is teeny. It was so low I had to move it uand out of the way of my legs, which meant it blocked all the dials. I hated it suffice to say.

    Free Member

    It’s startling how much weight you can lose with the “shit yourself thin” diet.

    Its great isn’t it? 🙂

    In the summer after my first year of Uni I contracted Campylobacter and lost the 1.5 stone I had put on.

    I think my record was 30 separate instances in one day & they were so frequent I basically just moved into the bathroom for a couple of days.

    Trying to take a sample wasn’t much fun though. But I managed to get around it using a floating christmas pud tub to provide a means for capturing some of the ejected matter.

    Free Member

    Repair looks very nice & will be great with the decals.

    Was that a sudden failure or did you (as I suspect 🙂 ) inadvertedly drive into a static object that was considerably tougher than the frame?

    The aftermath looks similar to PeterPoddy’s Sanderson!

    Free Member

    As part of our corporate membership to our chartered body I get sent loads of e-mails advertising various services. No idea who these people are or how much they cost but I often get sent links to these people

    Free Member

    Thats a shame. I used to love rallying too but haven’t followed the TV coverage for a while now, not since it left Channel 4.

    Its a bit like BTCC really, once the big manufacturers leave you loose some of the diversity and the narrow field takes away some of the enjoyment.

    BTCC used to be amazing in the 90’s with Nissan, Vauxhall, Renault, Volvo, Ford, Peugeot etc etc. I recall the Primera bossing the field for a while before Menu was flinging that Laguana around & the 850 estates were just hilarous!

    Free Member

    I’m sure I saw this idea mooted on here, but I reckon snipers on motorway bridges are the way forward. Now when is Dragons Den on…

    Free Member

    I think the driving standards boil down to 2 reasons really. There are those that simply don’t GAF about anyone else, and the rest simply don’t know what they are doing is wrong.

    One thing I have noticed is on the increase is people don’t understand the concept of slip roads and joining a motorway. Its been a while since I took my test (13 years) but I was under the impression those joining the motorway were meant to indicate and fliter in. Not fix their gaze straight ahead and pull in at whatever speed they fancy.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the suggestions, some tinkering to do this weekend.

    Arse still attached but post Christmas excess means the side to side motion may not strictly be bike related 8)

    Free Member

    Hmm, I’m thinking of stripping and splitting my old One-One 456 hard tail but this thread is giving me second thoughts that it won’t actually be that worthwhile 😕

    Free Member

    What about all the poor misaligned saddles out there.
    For what ever reason you would purposely want you saddle twisted, please keep to your self.

    What about the people with un-even hanging… err, fruit?

    Those who predominantly dress to the right may wish to have the saddle nose pointed slightly to the left to leave ample room for said appendage(s).

    Free Member

    park you car in short term car parks next to the river

    Is this one of the main reasons? Whenever the floods make the news there is always an image of a single car stranded in flood waters. I’d always assumed they were doing an insurance job otherwise they would’ve retrieved it but perhaps not then.

    Free Member

    So… just me that jinxed themselves by replying on this thread? Got in the car last Weds night & noticed the OS front had blown 🙁

    Luckily its very easy to change at home (just) so I won’t incur the wrath of any STW’ites

    Free Member

    Do. It.

    He he, I was tempted but don’t know enough about the town to do it justice 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m waiting for the thread based on the small market town in Yorkshire…

    Free Member

    Mine is not to internet shop whilst inebriated. I was surprised to find a delivery from Amazon the other day (1 click ordering 8) ) and a set of golf clubs once.

    Use a plastic bowl in the sink for the washing up.

    Genuine Q but where is the saving in this over filling up the sink to wash up? Other than the small size different between the bowl and the sink.

    there is a fine line tbh between thrifty and living like a tramp for a rainy day – you may never see

    I like this 🙂 I used to get quite het up over finances but find once its under control not fretting over the small details means I’m far more relaxed.

    Free Member

    Yep, having driven a fair few motorway miles recently I’ve also noticed this. It was particularly bad on a county road the other month when it was an artic coming towards me with the offside bulb completely out – scared the bejesus out of me when I realised at the last minute!

    This also reminds me of a friend who’s car had both main headlight bulbs out, leaving him with just sidelights. To compensate he drove around on full beam all the time until we pestered him enough to get new bulbs.

    Free Member

    Are you just trying to fix the brake hanger and mudguard mount to the fork crown?

    Yep. Trying being the operative word 🙂 Technically the mudguard mount is supposed to go behind the fork but I thought the front would also work but alas the bolt is too short. And the bolt supplied with the guard is even shorter.

    Free Member

    Forget rail fares, its the increase in the bridge toll, over the Severn heading into Wales, that gets my goat!

    Free Member

    I was going to nominate Simon Pegg. Notwithstanding the Mission Impossible francise…

    Free Member

    As for holding the car on hills, in my experience a rwd car will tend to hold itself on the hill without the brake, but a fwd would tend to roll back so handbrake or footbrake was required.

    Free Member

    Our employer also finances the scheme via a 3rd party so there are monthly finance charges added. Perhaps I didn’t read the small print closely enough (I never do!) but I wasn’t aware of this at the time. However, it still represents a saving over the hire period and it means I could get a new commuter bike now rather than taking ages to save up.

    I must admitt seeing my first payslip with the salary sacrifice taken off I did think they had worked it out incorrectly, as the monthly ammount x the hire period worked out more than the cost of the bike, but then I remembered the tax break.

    Free Member

    Yep. Although I would say I’m in work rather than doing work!

    In tomorrow then a lovely 2 hr drive down the M5 to see the parents for Xmas and off until the New Year

    Free Member

    Nasty looking stack into the face of that jump! Nice vid though 🙂

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator
    Winston Churchill.

    I was waiting for a comment like that 🙂

    I always thought Ronnie Corbett was a decent speaker and definitely meets the ‘little’ criteria

    Free Member

    I own a Specialized. It cost me a fair chunk and I certainly won’t be embarrased to continue riding it. But then I have drunk a Starbucks, eaten Nestle products etc etc

    Free Member

    The eye ointment stuff that you spread all over the wounds to keep them moist ? Thats the stuff. I think it also acts as an antiseptic as no doubt you had a face full of dirt which they can’t be certain of cleaning.

    Out of interest, how long did it take for the soggy scabs to go ?

    I had quite a bit of stitching and different types too (dissolvable whiite ones and blue ones to be removed) and like you a lot of scabbing. Being my face I wanted to minimise the potential for scarring so was quite astute in following the surgeons advice and resisted the urge to pick! After 2 weeks of the eye ointment I just used vaseline twice a day and in time the scabs eventually came off of their own accord. If I recall that was about 4 weeks post accident.

    Free Member

    Ooof! Hope you’re healing well and were quite lucky by the sounds of it.

    I had the same sort of accident in June and my inuries looked identical to yours. Did you break your nose or just fracture it? Mine was just a fracture but they didn’t reset it and its a little crooked now 🙁

    Did they give you eye ointment gel too?

    Free Member

    He’s a bit of tinker so I reckon his missus would prefer to buy him a manual rather than the course option, even if that might be a better option long term.

    Don’t the Zinn books come in two flavours (mtb or road)? Having a hybrid as his bike he sits between the two disciplines of road/mtb…

    Free Member

    If gravity discipline not essestial then I was going to suggest Nick Craig as above, or Oli Beckingsdale.

    Free Member

    For a moment I thought you were outing him as a stand up comedian…

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