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  • The Boy of Ten Who Conquered the Ben!
  • elaineanne
    Free Member

    he doesnt like any dogs tho ? he grew up with his mom and dad so 3 in a pack…. but has never liked any dog in the park…whippets are a nervy dog… mite give greyhound recue centre another ring.

    Free Member

    are those huge berms open now (after they were resurfaced recently ?

    Free Member

    i went there wen we had those dull dark skies and it was hail-stoning and in parts – glupy mud ! you shud be flying round the trails then ! no excuses…will be bone dry.

    Free Member

    yikes i have '317 mavic rims' (will they be ok) ? touches wood (no probs as yet…..

    Free Member

    lol cynic im being tracked ! did you use a garmin teehee.
    ok im tired yes i didnt read it PROPERLY ! lol (got injured pooch matters on my mind)… was just haveing a quick glance… oh how about 'Hope', they,ll do them i guess…

    Free Member

    i think Tony L they said they were going to try to get a viable route in the 'future' from lee quarry to cragg quarry..

    Free Member

    they are 26 inch wheel ..not sure on colour yet.perhaps gold ? i have apple green paint finish..

    Free Member

    oh rite..thort i read something about suitable for trails too ? ah well… thanks anyway

    Free Member

    is that a joplin seatpost too…….hmm i was looking at those but they have alot of probs with them ! seals going all the time and they need regular servicing apparently..

    Free Member

    how about not eating biscuites at all..they make you fat as they are full of sugar…sooo bad for your teeeth too….lol

    Free Member

    wahyey hes home now 9 stitches later… just very dreary from the anasthetic…. medication for 4 days…. guess what the other dog owner (well his wife)… rang up the vets and instantly paid the vet bill.(hooray)… hope my pooch will soon be on the mend tho stitched skin looks roughled and bruised at the mo…. poor little fellow… hes my baby !

    Free Member

    my dog has just been savaged..(boo) im gutted… another dog off the lead came sraight over to my dog jumped and bit and slashed his back…. the owner shouted at me ? that will heal. take him to the vets then you stupid womAN ?..its a 2 inch slash and down to the bone (skin flapping all over… (no fat on my dog hes a whippet…. hes in the vets now as i type this. vet said she could staple it but they might come out and have to staple agin so advised anasthetic and stiched up….. ( 200 quid its gona cost) (gulp)…. the other dog owner lives near me so i hope he coffs up !!!…..

    Free Member

    nice one jedi..(may the force be with you) ! lol.. thats ruddy high !

    Free Member

    …and from a womans point of few….the orange five is a perfect all rounder…..cant fault it in anyway…
    use mine on local rides- (big hills-climbs well), downhill rocky decents- performs ace… trail centres- ruddy marvelous… just learning to do drop off with it too..great. one word for it .. "Awesome"…

    Free Member

    ok for the hard of thinking…where the heck is this…
    i live rite here in sunny singletrack land….
    from cowpe which is the best way to go….

    Free Member

    hahahahhahahahahaha….. im a 5ft dwarf lol….if i can get up those hills …theres no excuses Grum!

    Free Member

    er… 'm_cozzy' :::: how do you know B@arney even has a beard ? lol and the fact that its 'wierd'…lol
    i too ride those big hills around caldedale,glad ive got a decent bike and gears.phew…..killer hills…

    Free Member

    i went to wales this week for 4 days…(Abersoch) just for a holiday… came back over the Llanberis pass – snowdon etc…. full of snow ! and very heavy mist…. be better in a few months i guess.

    Free Member

    well it may give you inspiration at first ? lol… bring back my chopper bike. or was it a chipper .(complete with tassels) .id still love to have a blast on that ! lol

    Free Member have a good choice of Endura, Altura and specialized t-shirts with zipped neck…
    i have a couple of zipped Endura and the odd specialized zipped shirt…i too prefur them..

    Free Member

    i got some Gore-bike wear gloves for the winter and im glad i fingers were warm as toastie…quite expensive 'forty quid'…..but im happy with mine…. just me toes that seem to get frostbite in winter.. even with wooly socks on…lol

    Free Member

    lord of the rings Hobbit house !

    Free Member

    rear mech : tweak the barrel adjusters ! i rememeber having a problem on my hartail with the rear mech it wud always mess up in 7-8th gear (its a case of tweaking the barrel sdjustments till it gets near as dam it…

    Free Member

    wen you get ' older you start doing different activities…like ; walking up those mountains you promised to do, 'outdoor bowls' with the O.A.P group, swimming with the O.A.P.. and its a certain you always have to buy a flat cap whilst driving your Honda Accord….with map flapping around your face whilst desperately trying to see the white lines on the road-and staying to 30 miles an hour on the motorway in the middle lane !
    hahahhaha ..
    nah you much wiser and sensible at this age… gulp. she says…
    im 43 coming up 44 and for last 2 years been loving riding the local fells and in the home of 'singletrack land'…there are certainly some killer hills….
    dont let age bother you…. love life and do exactly what you want, stuff what people say- the're probably jelous that they cant ride up some huge hill at their ripe old age….lol

    Free Member

    found this on ebay if ya still looking for an Orange bike:

    Free Member

    dont ever reveal their nesting locations if you see them in their nesting period… dont want people nicking birds eggs…

    Free Member

    i have one on my orange 5…still looking decent after 10 months .. i ride alot !

    Free Member

    looking at the strange animal they just caught….theres a tail ! look !

    Free Member

    if you can find a good second hand ornage 5 then get it !!!! its perfect for trail centres all round mtb really.. its more than cape-able ! trust me…..bought mine just short of a year ago and ride it loads… trails, uphill, downhills,moorland, mud ice -shite the lot …dam gud bike,,,…

    Free Member

    nope not in public.. maybe in a quiet corner very discreet…?

    Free Member

    its got schwalbe tyres ! and is that a dolphin print on the saddle.leather ? its got gud tunnel vision (looking at the first pic).lol…and definately not for short arses !

    Free Member

    i got my 'orange 5 pro' in 'Hebden Bridge' last may…. 'Blazing Saddles' Bike Shop… a very friendly bike shop….

    Free Member

    dont use it on your stanchions either !

    Free Member

    20% of the population experiences snoring problems.
    Males and obese people have more problems with snoring.
    People with snoring problems tend to have one of the following conditions:

    Poor muscle tone in the tongue and throat
    Excessive bulkiness of throat tissue
    Long soft palate and/or uvula tissue in the back of the mouth
    Obstructed nasal airways
    electric zapper springs to mind…

    Free Member

    oh sorry…i dint see it….lol

    Free Member

    Black Beauty… loved that horsey !

    Free Member

    yep it takes along time to learn… but you have to stick with it. there are '3 full forms' to learn and the 'dummy form' too.. which involves using a wooden model that represents a person and you have to perform different techniques on this 'dummy' section,,,good training for 'centre line stuff'..
    not being powerfull ???? have you not heard of the inch punch ? i cud knock you flying with this technique ! lol….

    Free Member

    ps : at least i dont have a plaster over my mouth like your avatar ! so your voice shudnt be an opinion on here ! hahah teehhee

    Free Member


    Free Member

    wot ? lining paper is easy ?
    you get alot of waste-age with patterned paper, (prob about a foot each time you measure, cos you have to line up the last flower or wotever pattern with the next lenght of paper and so on.. cant you just colour wash the walls instead… its seems to be the 'in thing' these days…

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