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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • ekul
    Free Member

    Busted – Year 3000

    Bizarrely a few Tony Christies songs told some quite good stories.

    Just those two lines above has me seriously questioning my music taste :S

    Edit – Chris de Burgh – A spaceman came travelling

    Yep thats confirmed it, my music taste is terrible. I’ll bow out now.

    Free Member

    I’m not agreeing with him abandoning the car there to be fair I’d be pretty pissed off if it was outside mine. I did appreciate the approach taken by the resident though rather than a snotty aggressive note.

    Johndoh – Looks as though they may have had a little inspiration! Which is rather upsetting tbh :(

    Free Member

    My mate had a cracker of a note put on his car last year up in Jesmond. He’s a student so doesn’t really use his car other than trips home and to Morrisons but due to permit issues he leaves his car down the road sometimes for a week or two without moving it. The note said.

    “Congratulations, you are currently first place in the running for Jesmond’s most inconsiderate parker. All you have to continue to do in order to win this prestigious title is to continue to leave your car outside other residents homes for weeks on end.

    Kind Regards,

    Disgruntled Resident”

    Free Member

    Hora – I’m 22 yrs old, 6’4″, 105kg with a 38″ waist. Slightly but not much bigger than all of my mates of the same age… Sweeping generalisations much?

    Edit – back on topic this Christmas will be spent with the I laws as my parents have abandoned me and gone abroad… Would be a good craic if it wasn’t for the serious case of manflu I’ve developed!

    Free Member

    Bit late to the party im afraid :D

    Free Member

    Don’t see what the issue is? Chicks dig scars…

    “Oh this?! I was attacked by a shark when i was surfing off the coast of Australia… Oh my, your pants have fallen off!”

    Free Member

    Blazing angels: squadrons of ww2… Its not too bad and much easier controls than hawx

    Free Member

    We did this last year, bought on the 23rd November and wanted to be in for Christmas. Needed EVERYTHING (non structural) doing. As others have said we called in a few favours for the gas and electrics (missus’ grandad was meant to do gas but passed away unexpectedly a week after we got it, thankfully people rallied round and we got it done probably quicker) everything else we did ourselves. I was useless at DIY until this point but learnt a lot in doing it all and looking round the house now is a real source of pride! We got in for Christmas but didn’t realistically finish properly til mid January. A lot of late nights and stress but well worth it in the end.

    Good luck!!

    Free Member

    I knew a guy who lived pretty rural and was using red diesel in his car for years. When he eventually did get caught the subsequent fine was far less than the difference he’d saved by using it! I’m not sure what other punishments he got (if any).

    It’s a good question though, say if you bought a car off someone who had being using red diesel would you then become liable if customs noticed the stained tank??

    Free Member

    I once got a reply to an email detailing the location and password to a particular set of files that genuinely said

    “thanks, are these files password protected?”

    Wasn’t quite sure how to respond without sounding patronising or condescending!

    Free Member

    I actually have a little bit of sympathy with the neighbours in this instance. Given the time of year its likely they’re trying to get the house ready before Xmas and unfortunately that means a few late nights. In fairness they probably never expected a bit of drilling to be heard two doors down!
    i know when we got our house it was our aim to be in for xmas (got the house late november). It needed completely stripping out and redecorating/building. There were some late nights there, although we tried not to bang around too much too late. And we had a detached so it made it a little easier.

    in your shoes with a young child though I’d feel exactly the same! Just let them know in the future, the chances are they never realised how loud it would be.

    Free Member

    All this talk of people not having pay rises for years really boils my p*** when i think that the union at our place are arguing that a 3% payrise is too small! And we get a bonus each year dependent on performance as a company. Don’t think the union guys quite realise how lucky we are…

    EDIT – I should add that this isn’t a one-off yesrs in the making payrise. We get one every year. My Dad hasn’t had one for 4 years!

    Free Member

    Got both in my household, the gf has the iPad 3 and i have the first mini. Tbh i prefer mine, its easier to hold, plenty big enough screen and far more mobile, if we go away i can just keep it in the pouch of of my hoody. That said i only use it for music and films and internet browsing and its ideal. The only drawback is the smaller memory. I think it all depends on usage as to what you go with though.

    Free Member

    Get her some Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb

    +1 and it comes in refillable bottles! So the initial huge outlay isn’t quite as painful in the long term :D

    Free Member

    Drac – you are Trevor from GTA 5 and i claim my £5

    Free Member

    Not sure but a quick tot up of the shoe boxes my other half moved in with last year added up to over £7k 8O !!!

    Free Member

    Not sure but you definately aren’t following my brother. If 650b wheels bring the trail alive, his stench whilst riding makes short work of killing it again. 100yr old oaks have been known to uproot and run away. Much like Lord of the Rings.

    Free Member

    My mates started getting noticeably grey at just 22… He likes to think he looks “distinguished”. We corrected him to “tragic”.

    Chin up chick :D

    Free Member

    Cost us about £400 in materials, did all the chiselling out etc. ourselves. Luckily we were in the position where we could call in a few favours from an electrician mate of the FIL’s that he’d given a load of work in the last couple of years. Took a while though and is a messy job with plaster etc everywhere. Like others have said that seems to be the most time consuming bit.

    Free Member

    sorry I missed it (at work) what was said?

    Free Member

    Yeah one of my mates was at college and stupidly put some chips on in the deep fat fryer, forgot about them, went to bed and was subsequently woken up by firefighters dragging him out (him still confused as to what was happening). Caused 100k of damage and then about another 20k off other students claiming on their smoke damaged items. Not a popular bunny on campus after that.

    Moral of the story seems to be avoid anything unless it had a timer on it (like a microwave or suchlike)

    Free Member

    Yeah i remember when I got my Fiesta 1.6 TDCI Zetec S and I had it checked over as soon as i got it. First thing the mechanic did was ask me how long i was planning on keeping it as the engines are known as ‘plastic’ engines and don’t last much longer than about 120k. That said I’ve been running mine for 2 and a half years now and put 25k miles on it and the only thing i’ve had to touch is the engine seals (a £30 quid job). And thats with a fairly stampy right foot… Touch wood it’ll last me another year until I’m planning on getting another one. Gonna miss it though, the first proper car I bought and even though its pretty battered now I still love driving it.

    Free Member

    Bregante, think we know the same guy! I was about to put exactly the same for my most expensive item…

    Free Member

    mmmmyeah but sometimes people can be heavier than they look. I’m about a stone heavier than the number 8 at my club but look nowhere near as big despite being of a similar height. Muscle and Bone density is a strange thing to try and accurately calculate in my experience.

    Also in agreement re. Sexton. He is a brilliant player but is always at a disadvantage as Dan Carter has raised the bar for number 10’s by such a huge margin! I’d say Sexton is on a par with Cruden (admittedly i’ve not watched the latter play much)

    Free Member

    Dan W – you also have to take into consideration the protection the likes of Parra gets (not so much Laidlaw) from the French pack. It negates the need to be particularly big. However, on the wings/fullback or even at 10 there is much greater exposure to the bigger boys so to speak. An example of this would be Courtney Lawes tackle on Parra a while back that dislocated his shoulder. Although that was a hell of a hit it does make you wonder whether a bigger built player such as Genia would have suffered the same injury?

    Like I said though it is affecting the amateur game and its starting to become less about the game on Saturday but also about the amount of time they spend in the gym of a week which I think is a shame as its a huge barrier to entry.

    Free Member

    I think Conrad Smith has taken a sabbatical hasn’t he?

    On the subject of player size – I bumped into Ashton Sims the other day, one of the Fijian brothers playing in the RL WC. I’m 6’4″ and 17st but my god he’s a monster… Nearly walked straight into his chest!

    I think the player size thing is starting to become an issue even in the amateur game. At the club I play at you’ve got such a mix of sizes. Small 5’6″ 9/10st players playing against guys who are 6’6″ 20st gym monkeys. One day someones going to end up seriously hurt.

    However, i’m not sure how it could ever really be resolved. People suggest splitting the game up by weights but to me that ruins the whole game. In all the best teams i’ve played in/against its been big strong guys hitting great lines but its always a small wiry player pulling the strings from flyhalf/scrumhalf or cutting teams apart on the wings.

    I think there will always be a place for small players in rugby but they’ll have to adapt. Look at Will Genia, undoubtably one of the best scrumhalves in the world and he’s mixing it with the biggest and best players in the world at just 5’8″. The difference is he’s built like a brick outhouse and is one of the strongest players in his team. Maybe thats the approach the small guys will go down in the future? Certainly the best scrumhalf i’ve ever played with was only tiny but was virtually a solid ball of muscle. Used to be amazing – impossible to tackle due to his height and as strong as an ox, bouncing second rows and props all over the park.

    In terms of the result on Saturday I have to go with a NZ win, I look at the England backs and just can’t see them offering anything at all. At least with Barrett and Tuilagi we had a nigh on inpentrable defence. Now we don’t even have that! Pretty uninspired for 2015 atm i’m afraid.

    By the way, first post on this thread so please be kind :)

    Free Member

    SMS Santini…

    Free Member

    I can’t really comment on how to cope as I like you started working straight from school. But where I’m working now will fund university courses and degrees for you so long as its relevant to the work you’re carrying out. is this an option for yourself or were you thinking of a completely different career path?

    Free Member

    Ask Molgrips, he should surely be an expert on where to got for lunch in London now. And it’ll probably cost you a lot less than £30 a head ;)

    Free Member

    The guy who installed ours was really helpful. At the time we could only have it by the window in the front room (where the phone line entered the house) due to the fact the whole house was being stripped. I explained to him that as part of the renovation the master socket was likely to be moved to another room so what would need doing. He understood that I didn’t want to be paying BT to have it rewired so he left me a roll of cable (subcontractor so no loss to him) and showed me how to rewire the master socket. Basically if you let them do it initially, when you move it just rewire it exactly as they have. He also gave me his own number to give him a ring if I was struggling. More than happy with the service!

    Unfortunately I got a phonecall off him a couple of weeks later because BT had apparently had a complaint from me re. the service! Felt pretty sorry for the guy.

    Free Member

    I had the same op two weeks ago, was hobbling about without crutches after about 4 days and walking normally about a week later… Still not got full movement back but it is still swollen so that’s probably why, can bend to about 90degs. Seems to feel better if I keep it moving but not necessarily weight bearing if that makes sense.

    Operation seems to have done some good though as I can now straighten my leg without it locking which I couldn’t before.

    Hope everything sorts itself out, I’m hoping this is the end of 2 years of messing about for me!

    Free Member

    This thread has reminded me of the exchange from the other guys with will Ferrell and mark wahlberg : :lol:

    Terry Hoitz: No, I don’t like you. I think you’re a fake cop. The sound of your piss hitting the urinal, it sounds feminine. If you were in the wild, I would attack you, even if you weren’t in my food chain. I would go out of my way to attack you. If I were a lion and you were a tuna, I would swim out in the middle of the ocean and freaking eat you and then I’d bang your tuna girlfriend.
    Allen Gamble: OK, first off: a lion, swimming in the ocean. Lions don’t like water. If you placed it near a river or some sort of fresh water source, that make sense. But you find yourself in the ocean, 20 foot wave, I’m assuming off the coast of South Africa, coming up against a full grown 800 pound tuna with his 20 or 30 friends, you lose that battle, you lose that battle 9 times out of 10. And guess what, you’ve wandered into our school of tuna and we now have a taste of lion. We’ve talked to ourselves. We’ve communicated and said ‘You know what, lion tastes good, let’s go get some more lion’. We’ve developed a system to establish a beach-head and aggressively hunt you and your family and we will corner your pride, your children, your offspring.
    Terry Hoitz: How you gonna do that?
    Allen Gamble: We will construct a series of breathing apparatus with kelp. We will be able to trap certain amounts of oxygen. It’s not gonna be days at a time. An hour? Hour forty-five? No problem. That will give us enough time to figure out where you live, go back to the sea, get some more oxygen, and stalk you. You just lost at your own game. You’re outgunned and out-manned.
    Allen Gamble: Did that go the way you thought it was gonna go? Nope.

    Free Member

    It’s getting there, still a fair bit of fluid in it but the movements coming back. Just need to make sure I keep on top of my rehab and get the muscle built up around it again – Amazed at how much muscle has wasted away in 2 weeks of not moving it much!

    When you back up t’North?

    Free Member

    Creedy, all this stems from the fact you’ve been riding with both of your brothers too much. You have it in your head that one of them is far superior simply because he has a 160mm travel nomad, the other brother is on a 140mm norco and is still far superior to you simply because he has rad skillzzz and can shred gnar for fun (ie. faceplants a lot). Christ, one of the lads is going to be on a 130mm trance! Quit your bitching and get your forks sorted. You’ll soon get your confidence on the stumpy back! :D

    Fond Regs,


    Free Member

    I have to admit I’ve been the guy who turned up not knowing much about the company. It was my first interview and I was fresh out of college with no interview technique at all. Sure enough, first question – “so what do you know about the company” and I replied talking about a pretty major project that another sector of the company was involved in (happened to have read about it in a newspaper before). Thankfully there was a written part to the interview which I excelled in. Did enough to get on the reserve list though and eventually got the job!

    Free Member

    iamroughrider – Its a sneaky jasper that one, nearly got my mate on the way to chicksands!

    My mate (another one – well popular me) proved the point to me once by going 60 towards a camera in a 50 zone. Still has a clean licence. AFAIK the Truvelo ones do both sides though.

    Free Member

    JEngledow – I did exactly the same, I’ve got it running on the projector in my back room and the graphics are still bloody impressive when they’re half the size of a wall! I then attempted the BASE jump but chose the wrong spot. Hit the building about 30m below me. #fail

    Free Member

    I can’t make it i’m afraid but 2 of my brothers and my mate are doing it. One of them is on an FS instead of his CX bike though so the others will probs be waiting for him. ;)

    Free Member

    Your trusty eagle mount.

    Free Member

    About 2 weeks ago for my birthday, I was in Tenerife with the missus and a mate and his missus. As I’d just turned 22 it seemed like the done thing whilst abroad so me and my mate went for a ‘walk’ and returned 4 hours and about 8 pints later with change from a tenner (1 euro a pint!). I was pretty merry by this point so we thought we’d hit Las americas for a few cocktails with the good ladies. However, I stupidly told the barman it was my birthday and so ended up having to down a dirty pint, not sure what was in that one. Don’t really remember much after this point but apparently in the next bar they did the same again but this one had 7 spirits topped up with baileys and beer. Somehow i managed to drink it AND keep it down (probably my downfall) but i was in such a state that i had to be put to bed. It was half 12.

    The next couple of days I couldn’t even look at alcohol without my stomach burning. Horrendous.

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