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  • Madison Saracen Factory Race Team to cease racing at the end of 2024
  • ekul
    Free Member

    One of my brother’s wasn’t using his car over summer so let that run out of tax whilst it was sat on his drive, with the intention of just taxing it before he started using it again (only a month or so later, maybe not even that long). He received a letter from DVLA stating that he either pays the tax but it is backdated to start from the day it should have been renewed or pays a fine for failing to SORN it.

    Free Member

    We got one whilst we did our back garden, I’d never used one before but it was great fun and I had no disasters, I was too careful if anything. As said above though, ou May as well pay someone to do it for you, after watching me acheive very little in the 2 hours I was ‘working’, the FIL had it done in about 15mins! Ours was only a little bobcat thing, but as wrightyson said they can seem very unstable!

    Free Member

    Ask Creedy off this forum, he’s the definitive whip master

    Free Member

    Pretty sure my mate got a black sheep keg for his 18th. He’s from Lancaster so I’m assuming he got it local. Might be worth a shot?

    Free Member

    Pfffft… THIS is a terror tractor!!

    And since it’s powered by helicopter engines it’s near enough silent. Unlike the ones powered by Allison and Rolls Royce Griffon engines, or methanol fuelled Chevy v8’s.

    Free Member

    I remember seeing something about a very dangerous spider species in Australia. It was not at all aggressive and its bite was mild, but it was huge and ugly and as it like hiding under slabs of rock it would also (somehow) sneak into cars and hide on the sun visor. Drivers who lower the sun visor and find themselves with a lap full of giant arachnid tend to roll the car.

    Think that’s the huntsmen spider, I remember going to Oz and the guy who’s house we were staying at was saying that he’d had a quick scout around and he hadn’t seen any huntsmens. Me being terrified of spiders casually asked how big they are, he replied that they were about the size of a small dinner plate 😯 he then kicked me whilst I was down by telling me that although the bite wasn’t poisonous they had a tendency to jump at you. Literally jump.

    His young daughter then said that one had bounced under her bed a few nights ago and she hadn’t seen it since, I asked her how the hell she slept at night.

    Free Member

    Really one of the most cringeworthy things in football currently is listening to Rogers deliver his badly scripted obvious pr lines. I find it hard to believe anyone actually buys into that, some people are just gullible to the extreme.

    Was going to describe it as that but decided against it. You have to hand it to him though he certainly has got his target audience absolutely sussed. We Liverpool fans do love people who integrate themselves into the club and everything it believes in as Rodgers has.

    Back to Man U, to be honest I believe that unless they get back in CL they could ed up In the same quandary we found ourselves the past few seasons, struggling to attract big names but believing that who they are and what they were will mean people will want to sign for them. They won’t. How many signings did we lose out to to London clubs these past few years? The sad fact is that the NW of England doesn’t hold the appeals of the likes of London and the other big European cities. And without sustained CL participation or huge wages , you’re always going to struggle to attract the best players. You either have to build from the bottom with clever signings or you take a gamble and offer the massive wages on the assumption you can afford it in a season when you’re back in the CL.

    Just my tuppence worth

    Free Member

    I think the difference was that Rodgers came and it was immediately obvious that the way he wanted to play was either going to be successful or at the very least entertaining. And that’s important for managers who need to overhaul squads because it buys them time with the supporters. Currently I don’t think LVG has convinced anyone that the kind of football he wants to play is right for the PL.

    We Liverpool fans are also notoriously supportive of anyone who buys into the history of the club and says all the right things about how ‘big’ and ‘great’ the club still is. And Rodgers did all that straight away so was always going to be given the time! I

    Free Member

    Well the guy who managed to break my nose by doing this a few weeks ago in a rugby game must have been in his late 20’s so I’d say you need to stamp this kind of behaviour out early!

    Free Member

    When we were renovating our house we used to start about half 7 and work through til about 11pm ish. The neighbour seemed fine with this because the end result was only 2 months of a building site as opposed to 12 months. In return he lets his grandkids play in my garden and look in the pond and try out my weights whenever the garage door is open 🙄

    Free Member

    I have a dog named Fruit Pastilles

    He’s always rowntrees


    Free Member

    I use a digital to analogue converter on my projector so I can run my Xbox through it. It works pretty well! I have to run sound through my stereo though as the projector only takes RGB input, not sound.

    Cost about 45 quid from CPC.

    Free Member

    A farmer near me had a small group set up in one of his fields, when he asked them if they wouldn’t mind moving he was basically laughed out of the field. To get rid of them he put a Bull in with them and a boulder in front of the gate so they couldn’t get out. They couldn’t even leave their vans without this bull charging at them. They asked him to move the boulder so they could leave in less than a week :D.

    On the flipside of that the girlfriend has met Paddy Doherty (he of Gypsy Wedding fame) a few times and he’s always been happy to talk to her and generally came across as a reasonably nice guy. Her dad said the same as he worked in Salford about 100yds from their ‘camp’. Although he also said the sons were right a**eholes.

    Free Member

    Since mid July when I got back from the White Room! Not even put my bike back together yet. Not been helped by dislocating my finger in a 7’s tournament a week later so not been able to grip things.

    Definitely going to try and get out this weekend though… Maybe…

    Free Member

    Go Ape at Grizedale forest? I’m not sure if there are height/age restrictions though.

    Free Member

    And there was me thinking that plantar fasciitis was the latin/technical term for a faceplant…

    Free Member

    When I grow up, I wanna be just like yoooouuuu *swoons*

    Free Member

    I’ve got the Fiesta in 1.6 TDCI Zetec S guise. I’ve had it 3 years and reckon i’ve spent about £300 all in on it, new exhaust, 2 sets of new tyres and a seal went on the injectors (£30 quid fitted). Its got the sports suspension so handles like a go kart! Its also £30 tax per annum and easily 50mpg even if you drive like a loon. I love it tbh, its a bit battered and old now but i think i’m gonna keep it till it blows. I picked mine up for £5700 3 years ago with 49,000 on the clock. But i’ve seen them recently still going for £2 or 3k.

    However, the engines are supposedly a bit iffy, and when i got mine my mechanic warned me not to keep it past 120k or so becuase the engines aren’t known to last much longer. But as i say, i’ve only ever had to replace consumables on mine and the seal was a quick easy fix when it did go.

    Hope that helps.

    Free Member

    As above, just follow the rules and you’ll be fine. only a very short flight anyway so its not like you’ll need in flight entertainment, a meal, friendly service, comfortable seats, legroom….

    Free Member

    In laws had one and reckoned it cost about 50 quid a month in leccy. Used to be best in winter though, was great being in the minus figures and jumping in the hot tub with a beer. They haven’t had it on for about18 mths now though. Think a fuse kept blowing and they couldn’t be arsed fixing it.

    Free Member

    Well Im not a jug-eared 11stone 30yr old virgin or a rotund passed-it 45yr old like most stw’ers I guess.

    No no, you’re far better than that 😆

    Free Member

    Lancaster Royal Grammar School in Lancashire. Cheaper and far better than Stonyhurst in every way. 😉 (in all seriousness Stonyhurst is seriously impressive as a building and grounds but very very expensive, LRGS is similar academically but far cheaper as a boarder)

    Free Member

    28.4 here (16st 9lb, 6’4″) although I wouldn’t class myself as overweight, just chunky.

    Althought I have just put on 7lbs in the last week thanks to Matt’s superb 3 course dinners at the White Rooms!

    Free Member

    Just as a balance, some of the engineering rates at our place are charged the the customer at around £120 per HOUR. And I’d say the plumbers, sparkies, plasterers etc are working a damn sight harder than they are for their £400pd.

    Free Member

    Sounds like he needs a recovery shake as opposed to a full on mass gaining protein shake. I was the same about 18 months ago, started goin the gym but was unable to move for a few days after, got this recovery shake and it was brilliant! Not so much protein but a lot of other other jazz that you lose in sweat etc. I put on a stone in a month though because I was able to go the gym nearly every day and I already ate a pretty protein intense diet.

    Edit: it appeared to be mainly muscle weight I put on though, just to clarify!

    Free Member

    Nope. When I first got my car I used to marvel at how it could do 55mpg. Since then, I noticed the other week it was hovering at about 46/47mpg. I get about an extra day of commuting if I drive carefully but get about 2 weeks out of a tank anyway so I’m not really that fussed. I certainly don’t let it affect how I drive. That all depends on a variety of other things as the OP states.

    Free Member

    ^^^ +1

    Cracked my norco and Evans were pretty good at getting a replacement. Communication was awful so when I got an email expectingy bike to be ready I was pretty annoyed to find that the frame had arrived but not been built up yet. Anyway I refused to leave without a bike (driven from Preston to manc to pickup on the promise of the email saying my bike was ready) anyway I went to the Trafford centre to kill time whilst they assembled it and came back to a fully upgraded frame and wheelset (2012 sight 3 frame to a 2013 sight 1 frame with full XT wheelset)

    Free Member

    Probs best asking doctor or physio tbh mate.

    Having said that I tore my acl a few years ago (only discovered when I had keyhole last October and they found a load of scar tissue) and I didn’t stop doing anything, however it was regularly giving way etc. (had loads of trouble) I spoke to the physio and they seemed to encourage cycling (especially non gnarcore off-road) as it helps build up the muscles around the knees without the impact of running and jogging so I’d say you’ll be alright with commuting.

    Free Member

    +1 for Longridge Fell. Went up the other week for a bit of an exploration and was pleasantly surprised. Some of the cheeky bits are brilliant fun to ride quickly and the hidden stuff is pretty good! I went up on a blazing hot Sunday and only saw 3 walkers and they were all very pleasant and didn’t seem to mind sharing the paths.

    I’d park near the woods if you can and go from there. I parked near the golf course and it was a quite peaty and grassy, possibly not ideal after a bit of rain.

    Free Member

    I supposedly did mine about 18months ago, clearly not as bad as some as the other described above. Think it took about 4 weeks before I was playing rugby again but it dogged me with little niggles every now and again for about 6 months.

    Having said that this was just a diagnosis from the physio but my symptoms sound similar to yours. Torn rotator cuff did seem to be his diagnosis of choice for any shoulder injury unless it was obviously dislocated though.

    When’s the latest you could cancel your holiday? I’d rest it as long as possible and see how you’re feeling before cancelling. You’d be gutted if you got to the time of the holiday having cancelled it and were feeling fine!

    Free Member

    Not sure if any of you are doing the same but were planning to stop riding towards the end of next week, just in-case of any injuries or bike problems.

    Me and Chris (from Andymc06’s group) had exactly the same discussion at the top of the black at grizedale last weekend (i then went and gave myself mild concussion through crashing on it!). Any real injuries now and its game over. Still going to do some road riding to try and keep (get :D) some fitness in my legs but definitely planning on backing off with the offroad riding.

    Getting very, VERY excited!

    Free Member

    I have a Audi RS6 Avant 4.0 T FSI V8 Quattro. It sure does surprise the peasants in their A6 Avant 3.0tdi V6 multitronic 4wd Black Editions.

    What do you do when the v10 shows up to the party?

    Get on my moral high horse and accuse them of destroying the planet with their unnecessarily loud and large engine. 😆

    EDIT – At this point i should probably clarify I actually drive a 2007 Ford Fiesta Zetec S. Which is a 3 door. Sadly I can’t recommend it to the OP based on my experiences of trying to get my 2 yr old niece into her seat in the back.

    Free Member

    I have a Audi RS6 Avant 4.0 T FSI V8 Quattro. It sure does surprise the peasants in their A6 Avant 3.0tdi V6 multitronic 4wd Black Editions. 😆

    Free Member

    1st sentence I said was that we didn’t lose because of the ref! Tbh never at any point in the game did I actually think we were going to win it. I was merely expressing my surprise at the apparent inconsistencies of Owen’ refereeing given that he is usually completely flawless! No need to get at het up about it.

    Sorry I didn’t get the names right either AA, I had forgotten who exactly was responsible in between the game finishing and actually posting. I was out playing rugby.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the 26″ 2013 version of the norco above, great bike. Had the sight 3 frame but cracked it, norco warranty were brilliant though and I ended up getting the sight 1 frame and XT wheelset because the 1 is a 12mm thru as opposed to QR on the 3 that I had.

    I’m a bulky rider and not particularly sympathetic but this has been brilliant for me. Norco do seem to know what they’re doing as well winning WMB bike of the year in 2012 with the original sight 2.

    However, this was my first real foray into the world of buying mountain bikes so there could be better out there. I’m certainly more than happy with mine though.

    Free Member

    Agreed. We didn’t lose because of Owens, and if it had been any other ref it’d have been expected for a few inconsistent decisions. It was just surprising that a man who is usually the benchmark for refereeing standards in rugby was so inconsistent. Marland yarde should have been binned, but then so should maa nonu who didn’t release may on the line 5 minutes earlier. And then there was nonu holding back Haskell, fair enough if he hadn’t seen it and played on, that’s rugby, but to have actually seen it, given the penalty and left it otherwise unpunished didn’t seem right for a blatant professional foul. I’m sure duckman can shed more light on this?

    Otherwise a great game despite lack of tries! Everyone really stepped up and burns was outstanding for a man who’s supposedly just filling in despite being out of form. Lancaster really does seem to have a knack for extracting the best out of players that aren’t in great form.

    Free Member

    We paid £180 for 60m2 last month, we laid it ourselves and it’s rooted really well, needs cutting about twice a week at the moment though which can be a bit annoying! That was without any real topsoil, just what we dug out of another area of the garden. I’d out a pic on but have literally no idea how!

    Free Member

    No no no, there’s only one contender for the rider’s helmet. It HAS to be a Met Parachute (original incarnation).

    Free Member

    Commander Stinky Kitten

    sounds like its describing my ex.. is bike a euphemism?

    Free Member

    As an 18 yr old, my first car was £1400 to insure 4 years ago on a £300 ’98 Pug 106 1.1, Mine was pushed up by the fact I wrote off my parents (and another) car approx. 8 mins after getting insured on it though.

    I’d genuinely let the price of insurance be the deciding factor on what car you get tbh. Although I can understand you wanting the safest car etc. as well.

    Worth noting that certain cars have certain ‘tags’ against them. When I was that age Corsa’s and Saxo’s were all the rage for first cars and so insurance premiums on those got driven up.

    Now i’d imagine its Fiestas and probably Corsas still.

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