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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • ekul
    Free Member

    I read that he crashed out in the top section and didn’t complete his qualifying run. But as a protected rider he’s guaranteed a spot in the finals or something? Did Bryceland not use his status at Fort Bill, ie didn’t do a quali run due to his injury but raced on Sunday?

    Free Member

    Rode clipped in round grizedale with my gf without any bother. Then decided to try it at the weekend with my normal riding buddies. In the car park whilst everyone else was fannying around getting ready, pulled a wheelie and overcooked it. Something I regularly do on flats as I can just jump off the back. Not so clipped in. Fell flat on my back, luckily the full to the brim 3l camelbak ensured I had a reasonably soft landing and the only thing hurt was my pride! The rest of the ride went well. Apart from losing my rear mech 4 miles from the car and having to scoot/walk past all the gnarly doods doing the UKGE.

    Free Member

    Definately worth a visit but as said above, its more of a place to go and session the runs/features (of which there are some really good ones). I’ve never been for more than a couple of hours really but thats because I usually go on my own so get bored quicker, with a bit of company it might be easier to spend a day there racing each other etc.

    Free Member

    Saw a metallic red one at grizedale at the weekend, that was really smart!

    Free Member

    Probably wound up with comments like this hora…

    mdavids – Member
    He’s a moron, thats why he’s delivering pizza. It’s probably a waste of time trying to educate him.

    When clearly not all them are. Comes back to people are arseholes etc etc

    Free Member

    “Glassdoor says 25K,21.htm”

    Na its more than that. Over £30k for the majority I’d say. And with the right shifts and overtime patterns there’ll be some guys pulling in £50-60k a year. More than their supervisors.

    I’ve also looked at going to Saudi with work and having spoken to the guys that have been they’ve all said the same or very similar. If you’ve got no ties and nothing holding you back for a few years then go for it. As others have said, you come home with a sizeable deposit. They said it takes a certain type of person to stay out there for 5-10yrs. (I read that as loners/wierdos).

    One of the managers in our team has just had a kid (after working in Saudi for a while) and they were trying to get him and his family to move back. He told the Director over there than he’d have to offer him a million quid a year before he’d even consider it. And this is someone who seemed to enjoy his time there!

    Free Member

    I think we’re pretty lucky really, we live on a small development with a lot of older, retired folks in. They must have been dreading it when a 21yr old and 19yr old bought the house next door. When we got the house we turned it into a building site for 18 months on and off which can’t have been easy for them but they never really grumbled. Since its been finished we’ve always made an effort to give them a hand with stuff etc.

    Norman next door is a nosy old sod but is a brilliant neighbour really, always signs for parcels and lends me any garden tools I need. In return I help out with his tech problems and help out with his grandkids if need be (they do run him ragged).

    The other side keep themselves to themselves which suits us fine and the ones opposite are mostly the same.

    Oh and John (the oracle) who knows all the going ons in the village and puts our bins away for us when they’ve been emptied.

    Free Member

    globalti – Member
    I bet a few of the bikes were stolen at the cafe in Scorton, which has become notorious for bike thefts.

    Sorry a bit OT but is this true? I live just down the road and my parents still live in Scorton and they’ve never heard/mentioned anything? Having said that with the sheer number of bikes that are just left propped up on a weekend it wouldn’t surprise me if that was the case.

    A lad at work lives in Heysham and had his mtb nicked the other week and the police mentioned they were closing in on a gang. Hopefully he might get it back. They used his own tools to cut the locks the #*~$\>%\s

    Free Member

    The Oakleys I bought the other day didn’t come with the case, had to buy them seperately. The question was asked though. Wasn’t too fussed as I got the glasses for £52!

    Free Member

    I don’t think their communications are particularly good. 2 of my riding buddies have just received them, one just turned up on the expected week but with no warning, no dispatch email or anything. The other was similar, but his was slightly late so he asked for a tracking number… which he received after the bike had been delivered.

    I’d reply to the email with the invoice on, using the same subject header. Maybe it will be seen quicker that way? Certainly something Canyon asked me to do to make sure they dealt with it quicker.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    On the night out theme I once drove to a leaving do at rugby (with the intention of driving home again) and ended up dropped off at my mum and dads at 7am in a taxi having blitzed 320 quid. Felt sick checking the bank the next day!

    My F-I-L is the biggest impulse buyer I know. When I first got into mountain biking he brought home a Norco 6.3 for me because some lad was selling it at work. The problem was im 6’4″ and this was a xs frame ( he doesn’t sweat over minor details). Another time he bought a Cannondale SL1 from work he’d never seen, and then he was surprised when the lad dropped it off and it was a mountain bike, it was an XL and it was for himself (he’s 5’8″). Most recently though he knew I’d been toying with the idea of swapping my car for a van so one day rung up with ‘I’ve bought you a van, make sure you’re in when it gets delivered’. Turns out he’s just been working on a job and there was one for sale outside a hire place so he bought it. I was speechless.

    Free Member

    Probs just wasn’t that bothered about pulling a bollock out in the pre-world cup camp when realistically he was only ever going to be a squad player (rightly or wrongly). So decided to take a few weeks extra holidays and get stuck into his new life in France with his family. Seems fair enough in my opinion.

    Free Member

    I’ve had it since I was about 5 or 6, along with hearing loss. Obviously after 18years I’ve kind of got used to it but echo what people above have said about loud music and alcohol. These definitely don’t help!

    Every now and again I’ll get these moments of clarity where my hearing suddenly seems improved and everything sounds really clear, and then the tinnitus will return with a vengeance for a bit!

    But unfortunately as people have said, its just something you learn to cope with. If you focus on it it’ll drive you mad, if I notice it whilst I’m in bed I just start reading or something ro take my mind off it as theres no chance of me falling to sleep!

    Free Member

    I’ve recently had to deal with canyons warranty dept after the DT Swiss hub had a lot of play in it after only 6 rides. I emailed canyon and told them I was getting the bearings replaced by my lbs (as I needed the bike that weekend) and would they consider reimbursing me. They replied within 3 days saying they would normally have to see the issue first hand but due to the age of the bike they were happy with just the photos and copy of receipt. Unfortunately it wasn’t just the bearings that were damaged so when the play returned after a couple more rides they told me to send it off to tf tuned where it was all sorted.under warranty.

    Have to admit I was dreading it when I discovered the issue as I was expecting to be without my bike for months, but I found them pretty good to deal with! Hope your experience is the same.

    Free Member

    I’ve only just realised how much pressure these kind of trips must have put on my parents. Both of them earning about the UK average salary or less, yet in one year of school managed to send my on an £800 geography trip to Iceland and a £2500 school rugby tour to Japan, Hong Kong and Australia.

    Iceland is somewhere my dads always wanted to go so wanted me to see it. And the rugby tour they viewed as a once in a lifetime trip so they scrimped and saved to get me on it.

    All at a state school btw. And it wasn’t just the sporty kids who got the best trips. The cricket teams went to Barbados, the bands went on trips all over Europe and there was a regular trip to India as an experience trip. There was even a trip to Everest base camp one year, and hiking in the Atlas Mountains another.

    There was always money put aside to help those that genuinely couldn’t afford these trips so that they didn’t miss out.

    Free Member

    “batten down the fort” is one I overhear quite often from the girl who sits near me.

    Theres an office at work with a calendar on the wall with “Deadline Awareness Centre” above it. I’m hoping it was done ironically.

    Free Member

    stevenmenmuir – Member
    You’re not doing it that fast if you have to keep stopping to fix punctures.

    Yeah but you should see until that point. I’m like the bastard love child of Gee Atherton and Danny Hart. :D

    Free Member

    That riverbed descent is awesome. Dead fast and dead rocky. Only actually cleared it twice without a pinch flat!

    Free Member

    We had a cat that caught a squirrel once. God knows how it managed it as the cat was a tiny ginger fluffball so not exactly stealthy or big (although it was pretty feral). It struggled bringing it home though and resorted to scratching the front door and leading us to the massive dead squirrel on the driveway.

    I’m still convinced it just found a dead one and just brought it home to show off.

    Free Member

    I’ve just sent my Dainese Trailskins back. I have quite large thighs and calves so I got the XL. They fitted perfectly on the thighs, were a bit tight at the bottom but seemed dead baggy on the knees. My worry was grit or dirt getting inside and just rubbing on my knees on all day rides. They just didn’t feel right. Of course your experience may vary and a lot of people recommend them. Protection wise they seemed spot on for what i wanted.

    Think I’m going to bite the bullet and go for the poc VPD 2.0’s. They look a little shorter so I’m hoping they’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    I use mine as a woodstore.

    Free Member

    Alright mate, I had my cartilage operated on in October 2013 and was back training for rugby again within 5-6 weeks. Played my first competitive game in the January following. One of the other lads had the op and was playing again in 4 weeks so I think it varies.

    I don’t feel as though I rushed back or anything and it felt completely fine when I started training again. I think I was back on the bike in about 2-3 weeks. The main thing for me was getting the swelling down after the op. I think they fill the knee with fluid in the op and it took ages to get rid of it all!

    Free Member

    I’m sure I read that he hasn’t been cited as its now outside the 72hr post-match window for these things to be brought up? Apparently the only thing he can be cited for now is bringing the game into disrepute.

    I’d be more than happy to be corrected though as that is disgusting.

    Free Member

    I don’t think it was Pennell who made the final kick, it was Lamb. And tbh it was right in front of the posts. Awesome game though, I’m a complete neutral to both teams but my heart was going watching it! The atmosphere looked incredible.

    Both teams deserve to be in the Premiership and it’d be better off with them both there.

    Free Member

    Jiffy Jnr out of the RWC as well! Ruptured his ACL at the weekend. Gutting for him but could this be Scott Williams’ time to shine, seems to be the man in form at the moment.

    Free Member

    Yeah a mega with 180’s will be plenty! Seen people on hardtails going down far far faster than I’ll ever manage on my dh bike. Always a few people kicking about but everyone’s been dead friendly whenever I’ve gone alone. Farmer Johns been busy in the 3 months between ,y last 2 visits. Built some really nice table tops etc.

    Free Member

    cool, I’m not classy.

    Sweet! Well in that case, as Cougar says, get to Roper street and have a ball!

    Free Member

    MartynS – Member
    Preston is the maddest, most awful hell hole in the northwest.
    Eastzeast is a great chain though.. Been in the one in Liverpool and it was lovely.
    Once you’ve eaten, go home, have a nice bottle of wine in and enjoy the evening, instead of being in Preston…

    I wouldnt go that far, there are worse hell holes in the north west. But to be honest there aren’t that many nice bars to have a drink at. Stratos is alright and quite near to Eastzeast and then maybe forum a bit further down the road. But in terms of classy bars you’re pretty limited I’m afraid.

    Put it this way I live in Preston, I’m young (23) and more often than not go to Manchester for a night out. Think the last time I had a proper night out in Preston was around Christmas time.

    Free Member

    I’d never really thought about the difference a rim width would make but due to a buggered hub I had to replace my XT rear with my DT Swiss FR600 rimmed downhill wheel. The difference was night and day, so much more planted and less ‘roll’ in the corners. Was all going splendidly despite the considerable weight difference.

    Then I snapped my rear triangle :-(.

    Free Member

    Not me personally but someone at work (I don’t think anyone ever admitted it) managed to have a $1.2 million aircraft part written off by quality due to the damage caused by not quite following the correct production process.

    Free Member

    Got my pic with Ella Henderson last week at dublin airport (x factor finalist, sung that ghost song last year). I was plastered though and felt pretty bad after it as I didn’t know who she was and had to ask one of the girls who were following her who she was.

    Her plane was powered by jet fuel, which according to ^^ is pretty much diesel.

    Free Member

    Apparently he grabbed a taxi driver by the throat, kicked the wing mirror off the taxi (not something that would help a persistent groin injury I wouldn’t have thought) and then pushed the two attending officers, both women, in the chest. But given this is tuilagi, his push in the chest probably sent them flying. This is all hearsay though but I fully support lancasters action to drop him if that is the case. Idiot.

    Free Member

    Enjoy your day in court.

    Nah, you don’t even have to turn up nowadays. Just send your plea by post.

    Free Member

    Al, which route down from the top did you take ^^? Have you seen the jumps that someones been busy making? how the rangers missed them I’ll never know!

    Bike looks well smart mate.

    Free Member

    Well you clearly still have a working internet connection. Get off here and do something more… useful… with your time!

    Free Member

    Not just looks burly. A friends Trance fell off the back of my car on the motorway and bounced down the road at over 70mph with barely a scratch

    Our mate’s trance fell of a chairlift in the alps last year! Must have fallen 40-50 foot. After an hour of scrambling to retrieve it there was a small scratch on the shifter.

    Free Member

    Hi mate. Also in Preston and happen to have a canyon bike box that the girlfriends been nagging me to get rid of since Xmas (bloody things too big to recycle and its a tough bugger to break down).

    Emails in profile if you’re interested.


    Free Member

    MotM for Burgess tonight, topped off with a try from the back of a driving maul! Looked far more comfortable as a 6 and Bath used him as a dummy runner very effectively, taking 2 defenders out the game every time.

    Free Member

    Forrest Hump

    Free Member

    Hmmm whether you’re landing a bit heavier due to the slower speeds if that makes sense? When it was doing it on mine one of them was so violent it caused a noticeable lurch and the whole bike vibrated, but then I’m a big guy on a soft spring. I’ve since put a 550lb spring on and it does feel a lot better, yet to use it in anger yet though and I’m about 105-110kg kitted up.

    But annoyed about the bearings though I’ve only had the bike out about 6 times.

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