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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • egb81
    Free Member

    Off the top of my head:

    Ones I should know but have forgotten:

    Free Member

    Leave all brexit voters in the UK with no one able to leave or enter the country. Remain voters are allowed to settle wherever they choose.

    Free Member

    Face like a clumsy beekeeper.

    Free Member

    My glasses inc lenses = £10
    Cost of new lenses with a slightly different prescription put into the old frame = £30.
    Go figure.

    Free Member

    he did put himself and his party into that position, though I still agree he seems decent enough


    Free Member

    I had a One Plus 1. Great phone, no slow down in performance over the year and a bit I had it. The Cyanogen mod is pretty good as you can tweek loads of little things if you so desire. It is a huge phone though, not particularly comfortable in your pocket if you’re riding. It was also not remotely waterproof though, as I found out being caught in a ridiculous downpour and it promptly died. I’m hoping it gets fixed though as it’s a really good phone.

    Free Member

    I’m just surprised she’s a Britney Spears fan.

    Free Member

    I had a complex fracture of my patella last year and pondered the same thing. I ended up sticking with the NHS as they were great. As mentioned above it’s mostly 15-30min manipulation and then giving you exercises to take home and do but they also gave me hour long gym sessions to check I’m doing it all properly and check on my progress as well as several hydrotherapy sessions. I was seeing someone a few times a month at the start, tapering to every couple of months when I was getting back to fitness. I was back on the bike three months ahead of schedule despite having to have a second surgery to remove the metalwork.

    Free Member

    Agree with blader1611 and seeking professional advice. Get proper help from a proper physio. Doing exercises is only of value if they’re a). the right exercises and b). if you’re doing them properly. The NHS physios were great when I shattered my knee last year.

    Free Member

    It’s been on Radio 6 a lot.

    Free Member

    Can recommend ‘Hunt for the Wilderpeople’,saw it on Sunday,very good.

    Cracking movie.

    Free Member

    Victim blaming – not sure.

    Crap vid – yes.

    However alongside lorries is NEVER a good place to be regardless of where it is or what you’re riding/driving.
    ^ +1

    Free Member

    Pay the council tax and deduct it from your next rent payment.

    Free Member

    Another vote for DJ Shadow – The Outsider. I don’t think I even made it through three songs.

    Can’t believe someone was dissing Biohazard though. State of the World Address is a classic.

    Free Member

    That ending in the curry house is ridiculous. Why on earth would they let them go? Also, the incompetence of the military guys and their detailed digital trail is staggering.

    I’d love to give it a go, I reckon with a healthy dose of paranoia and a bit of smart thinking I could make a decent go of it. I’d love to set up an elaborate series of bike changes to get out of the city.

    Free Member

    Agree it’s chicken and egg, no idea how you break that circle.

    I don’t think the Lib Dems particularly helped on that front.

    Free Member

    but they’re not though are they, more and more people are not voting.

    These people are equally as culpable, if not more so.

    Free Member

    You get the politicians and society you deserve.

    No offence to the person who posted this, but this phrase really irks me.

    If the last forty years have taught me anything, it’s that the vote can be swung by the political affiliations of the press. Not only that, we’ve had generations of career politicians who’ve sat on their hands content to satisfy the demands of corporate lobbyists and ever-frothing media moguls.

    We live in an era of lazy politics, politicians have little incentive to actually engage with people – they believe that ‘The Market’ will sort everything, except when it doesn’t. I think Marilyn Manson summed it up beautifully when he observed that an election is like being forced to decide which turd you find the least offensive.

    Yet people still vote for them, so in that sense it’s true. There are alternatives but people can’t/don’t seem to want to take the leap/get screwed by FPTP (see the ‘democracy’ of the SNP vs UKIP representation), something that they had the opportunity to change and rejected! People are idiots and voted for this shower so in that sense they certainly get the politicians they deserve.

    Free Member

    If you’re in Victoria, go for brunch at Floyd’s.

    Free Member

    Vigelandsparken is pretty cool.

    trendy arty a bit rough on the side area of Oslo, lots of good bars and restaurants

    I really liked this part of town. I’m not sure any bit of Oslo is that rough though.

    One of my best mates lives there, it’s a really nice city to amble about it for a few days, though horrendously expensive and the beer was (at least the times I’ve been there) universally poor. Thankfully my mate brews his own, which saves a hell of a lot of money.

    Free Member

    I did it about six years ago. Three and a half weeks evidence and two and a half days of deliberation. Quite opposite to the other comments on here it was a really positive and interesting experience. Everyone took it seriously, we went through every piece of evidence for both prosecution and defense, weighed up their importance and came to a unanimous not guilty verdict. We were praised by the judge for our studious approach to the deliberation (purely based on the time that we took, none of the judges or staff have access to the deliberation room). Almost everyone took it very seriously, the less serious just kept quiet for the most part. No one made any “he looks a bit shifty” type comments. I’d like to think that if I were in the dock then people would take jury service that seriously; it’s one of the most important institutions in the free world.

    Free Member

    The Hatchet Inn, Central Bristol. An old mate used to DJ metal there all night.

    Free Member

    I can’t believe his life is standing still.
    EDIT damn beaten to it.

    Free Member

    I live in a terraced street with no off street parking and no one argues about it. I guess we’re doing it wrong. :?

    Free Member

    People at airport security checks who get to the scanners and then ask whether they have to take their laptops out of their hand luggage/keys and wallet out of pocket etc etc. There are a million signs, several people and tannoy announcements telling you to do so before you get to this point! :evil:

    Free Member

    Bryceland won in Mont Saint Anne last year, which would have been on 650b.

    Free Member

    Baseball bat. Much easier to swing than a sword and won’t get caught in flesh and bone at an inopportune time. Also, you don’t have to sharpen a bat.

    Free Member

    Is it on PPV or a regular sports channel?

    Free Member

    It’s an interesting place, not exactly pretty though. The black cab tour was pretty good, you get a more personal tour and a more blunt view of the history and troubles than on the bus tour, which is a bit of a waste of money. The big museum (can’t remember the name of it) was good and a stroll around the botanic gardens is nice. Strangest thing about it was the accent, which is so strong I felt like the rest of the cycling world trying to understand Josh Bryceland.

    Free Member

    I understand the argument that people just have kids because it’s the normal thing to do. My girlfriend and I don’t have or want kids, same with marriage. Lots of people still assume we’ll get married and have kids, they think we’ll change our minds. Married with kids is still very much the dominant and accepted lifestyle choice for adults. Straying from that sadly still raises eyebrows and questions.

    Free Member

    Reading some of these I don’t feel quite so daft having turning up at a pub a week early to meet an old friend a few months back.

    Free Member

    I suspect that once China no longer feels the same ‘threat’ from the US (which won’t be all that long, as the US is rapidly declining as a global force), North Korea may hopefully open up, and the despotic dictatorship replaced with something much more reasonable. NK is kept as an unpredictable basket case, to serve Chinese military and economic interests, and to keep the US at bay. Once that threat evaporates, it will be far more useful for China to use NK as a gateway to the sea of Japan, and enable it to control those lucrative trade routes.

    Yep. Continued Chinese support of North Korea seems to be mostly about keeping the US from their border. China could pull the plug on DRPK and the whole lot would plunge into chaos. The politics in the region are a mess and won’t be changing any time soon. The regime is pretty entrenched, any military interventionists will largely be treated as imperialists rather than liberators. I’d agree with Simon Jenkins comments in the Guardian that the only way to shift DPRK out of this current mentality is through slow cultural change and engagement with the west. It’s highly unlikely to happen though as it’ll be used as massive victory for DPRK and it would mean accepting that the west sometimes gets it wrong.

    Free Member

    Korea was always about East vs West imperialism, and about US attempts to ‘contain’ China and the USSR, by controlling militarily strategic waters off Japan. As Western imperialism has waned relative to China and Russia, especially since the establishment of N Korea’s nuclear capability, the West is now reduced to cheap jibes against that nation. Whilst knowing that it can’t really do much against China and Russia. North Korea became a claustrophobic little basket case, a buffer zone between global military powers. This has had a terrible effect on the country and it’s people, and also of great negative impact to South Korea. So many families split because of outside imperialist belligerence.

    Nail on the head right there.

    Free Member

    Toddboy – Member

    egb81 – you’re the North Korean Head of Tourism aren’t you? I win!!!

    It would be an interesting job :D . Our Western guide had spend well over 200 days of last year in the country. He said it was a nightmare to get anything done due to mixture of incompetence, a complete lack of business sense, bureaucracy and the fact that business meetings are generally pretty booze soaked.

    Free Member

    Given your question wasn’t aimed at me, as I’ve never worked as a tour guide (I’m an office worker in Bristol) I didn’t really feel the need. The tourist industry in North Korea is minute, a drop in an an economic ocean. Their largest economic income is from supplying cheap labour to China, a country that has considerably larger concentration camps and an incredibly dubious record on freedom of speech and many other human rights. Ask yourself your own questions as you’ll find you’re somewhat of a hypocrite. How much stuff have you feathered your nest with that was made in China, a global super power off the back of massive inequality, a complete lack of democracy and forced labour camps. Is it ok because they trade with the west?

    If you’d have bothered to actually read my post properly all I’ve actually said is that most of the stupid BS that comes out of our media about DPRK is as stupid as it sounds. Misinformation isn’t going to help anyone, it’s merely a different form propaganda. I’ve not defended the actions of their government once.

    I went to North Korea (I also traveled in China on the same trip) because I found out it was surprisingly simple to do so and I wanted to see at least some of it for myself. I had a really interesting experience, thoroughly confusing, sometimes frustrating, sometimes very enjoyable.

    Free Member

    I’ve been working as a tour guide in the DPRK for three years

    How do you feel about enriching a country that has concentration camps ?
    Ever bought anything made in China?

    Free Member

    I’m under no illusions that I saw anything beyond exactly what the North Korean government dictates was ok for me to see. Our group did have slightly better access to everyday life as we were the first ever westerners to ride bicycles in Pyongyang. We were treated with a mixture of confusion and excitement by most of the people we passed. People would be hanging out of the passing trams and waving, we were high-fiving school kids on the street. There aren’t that many people that can speak English so it’s pretty difficult to sit down and have a conversation with them as I don’t speak Korean. The North Korean guides we had were great. We could talk about anything but prison camps as long as we were respectful. We talked about politics, life, love, the internet, music, bikes, history and sat up until the small hours drinking with them. They certainly have a blind spot for many things but they also have many arguments for their nuclear program, the benefits of communism etc. They’re not totally blind automatons though, they do have opinions you wouldn’t expect on certain things; granted I doubt they’d express them so freely in certain other company. We were also allowed to wander freely amongst the locals, without a guide, in certain places including the water park and the department store we purchased our bikes from. Some of what we saw was really odd and a bit f’d up; the Children’s Palace and War Museum in particular.

    I can’t defend the indefensible human rights stuff but I can dismiss a lot of the absurd nonsense that gets passed off as facts in our press.

    For anyone that’s interested, here’s a write of up of the tour that I was on, with some videos and pics.
    It’s definitely a mind-bending trip that I’d recommend taking.

    If you can’t afford a trip to North Korea then watch the Propoganda Game on Netflix. It’s by far the most representative documentary of the experience I had.

    Free Member

    I call BS on that as well. Having visited North Korea earlier this year I found that a lot of the ‘news’ we hear about them is nonsense. They know much more about us than we do about them. That’s not to say there aren’t some awful things going on but the stuff about haircuts, thinking they won the world cup, unicorns and most likely this are total nonsense. The North Koreans we met, whilst very much in love with their dear leaders, were incredibly warm, welcoming and fun to be around.

    Free Member

    Don’t like Hart,

    How could anyone not like Danny Hart? Great rider, fun to watch and a really modest bloke.

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