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  • Bespoked Manchester Early Bird Tickets On Sale Now!
  • egb81
    Free Member

    Signing the joint bank account that my pay goes in… that was a seemingly awful day.

    That would freak me out. Joint account for joint costs (mortgage, bills, house stuff) but personal accounts for pay to go into with an agreed amount put into the joint account via direct debit every month. No arguments that way.

    Free Member

    I’ve had this conversation so many times. Apparently crusty t shirt armpits aren’t sexy. Still the early 90’s Metallica tee lives on though :twisted:

    Free Member

    Such good looking frames. If I were in the market for a new bike it’d be this in a 29er format.

    Free Member

    Yee gods, the stem on that Klein is almost as long as the top tube.

    Free Member

    I get fairly frequent night sweats, often after ridiculously vivid dreams/nightmares. My GP was dismissive to the point of being almost rude when I queried whether it was healthy to be waking up drenched in sweat and in a blind panic.

    There is an NHS page for it though

    Free Member

    Lots of top and mid range, maximalist goodness in this too.

    Free Member

    and for rinsin’ it rude bwoy style

    Free Member

    There’s a place that’s a club-cum-bowling-alley-cum-youth-club type place with pool tables and live music and all sorts that was pretty good for the evening bit. Pretty central – walking distance to anywhere else you’d want to get to.

    That would be the Lanes, on Nelson Street.

    Free Member

    The Small Bar on King St serves in 2/3 pints. Good beer but stupidly pretentious.

    Free Member

    Head up to the Suspension Bridge then over to Leigh Woods, which is where most of the mountain bike trails are (tap up a local for info re. off piste riding) then head down to either the Portcullis in Clifton or any of the pubs on the docks for a pint or three, stumbling back into town via the Bag o Nails for a half.

    Free Member

    Now I’ve got the tough choice between listening to the cricket or watching the Giro. Life is hard.

    Free Member

    He’s definitely a man who could do with having someone sit him down and explain that just because you can do something it doesn’t mean you should/it’s a good idea. Where/what does he actually ride that makes all this effort (madness) worthwhile?

    Free Member

    mikey74 – Member

    Drowningman always had some great titles, song and album:

    Busy Signal at the Suicide Hotline
    How to Light Cigarettes in Prison
    Last Weeks Minutes From The Meeting Of The Secret Society Of Your Friends Who Actually Hate You
    My First Restraining Order
    The Truly Dangerous Nature Of A Man Who Doesn’t Care If He Lives Or Dies
    don’t forget ‘If god loves a winner he’s going to want to **** me in a minute’

    I’d like to add Alpha Male Tea Party’s classic ‘Real Ale and Model Rail: The Lonely Man’s Guide To Not Committing Suicide’

    They also have a natty line in song titles, especially on their last album:

    Free Member

    I swam for a club when I was a kid and consequently can’t abide by the lack of etiquette in public swim sessions. We used to have a rule that if you touch the toes of the person in front of you, they stop and let you past. This notice should be placed at the end of each fast lane in every pool.

    Free Member

    Almost everyone I know with Chinese lights has had them fail mid night ride. My six year old Exposure Joystick, though totally outgunned in terms of brightness, has been faultless. As is the Strada on the bars. I’d have no hesitation buying Exposure lights again.

    Free Member

    P-Jay – Member

    egb81 – Member

    A wave of UKIP ejaculate that will wipe out the Eastern seaboard.

    Yes, but I’ve thought of an upside – and I can’t believe I haven’t thought about this before now.

    If we leave, whilst it will be an utter nightmare for years, if not decades after – we will at least be free of UKIP, yeah for a couple of weeks they’ll be strutting around the place look smug and whatever, but they’ll be completely without platform – there will be literally no point to them and most of their minsters are MEPs, so they’ll be getting their P45s – leaving a single MP, 3 lords (the Lords is circling the drain anyway) and 7 AMs.

    Come 2020 they can’t go right, because Britain First and whats left of the BNP are there and they can’t go left, well because they’d just be Tories again.

    Oh than that’s of course before perfect storm of shit caused by leaving hits up, even the most devout Kipper will be getting their pitchforks ready.
    I’m pretty sure they’ll just take inspiration from Donald Drumpf and campaign for a massive wall, paid for by Somalia.

    Free Member

    cheekyboy – Member

    A wave of UKIP ejaculate that will wipe out the Eastern seaboard.

    You are DD and I claim 5 Euros
    I don’t know who or what DD is. :oops:

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member

    I heard the eu was going to make all out bike wheels square

    Worse than that I’m afraid, we’re all going to have to go back to 26″. Apparently the trails were just too alive.

    Free Member

    A wave of UKIP ejaculate that will wipe out the Eastern seaboard.

    Free Member

    on a fast moving train between Cardiff and Bristol, a drunk bloke shouted at an old guy who told him to mind his language “Do you want to take this outside?”

    Free Member

    Coffee pods

    Free Member

    The ability to not enter debate with anyone that’s clearly an idiot.

    Free Member

    Standing in queues and failing to prepare for the simple task at the end of it; e.g getting your card/bags out to pay for stuff in shops or, worst of all, airport security checks. If you fail to empty your pockets of metal and take your laptop and toiletries out before the front of the queue then you should have your passport burned.

    Free Member

    You could change your number to a premium rate one like this bloke:

    Free Member

    As mentioned, a good guide will plot you a suitable route. When I went with their with Pure Mountains (highly recommended) we got taken out on loads of steep, rocky techy stuff. Three of the group, including me, were on 29er hardtails. Definitely put burly, tubeless tyres on though. My brand new Specialized Ground Control lasted about 30min. The rocks are pretty savage.

    Free Member

    Get the CV up together and hit up the agencies. I always found Randstad easy to work with. Once she’s signed up, stay in constant contact with them; borderline harass them until she gets a job. The trick is to understand that essentially they work for you and not the other way round. If you don’t find work, they don’t get paid. Once she can prove she’s a good worker agencies will put her to the front of the queue for the better jobs. I was on first name, friendly terms with Randstad and they knew my voice straight away on the phone. I was never out of work for more than a few days over a three year period of working with them and had some really good jobs as well. It can be a bit insecure at times, particularly near Christmas but that’s a way off.

    Free Member

    MrSalmon – Member

    Automatic hand driers that stop every few seconds. How hard can it be in 2016?



    Also, hand driers that have the power output of an asthmatic hamster in its death throes.

    Free Member

    Bristol Mayoral race is a shower of stupidity. I didn’t mind Ferguson until he came out last week and said that cyclists should be paying insurance and have number plates. Berk. Marvin Rees is a no one though and the rest are either well meaning but have no chance or stark raving dicks.

    PCC, I might spoil my ballot for the first time as it’s a fupping stupid idea.

    Councillor, Green.

    Free Member

    Getting a chirpy hello and/or wave from a stranger as I ride past on my bike. It’s happened with an old lady putting her bins out and a child dressed as Batman in the last few weeks.

    Free Member

    Humming/singing any song that’s recently featured on an advert. That’s pretty much all she’ll sing or hum, she’s that easily influenced.

    Getting into a debate and getting in a huff when I actually debate rather than just listening and nodding.

    Asking seemingly rhetorical questions and getting in a huff when I don’t answer.

    Letting the food waste caddy overflow and piling stuff on the lid rather than just emptying it.

    The way she eats pizza with a knife and fork and makes it sound like she’s trying to saw the planet in half.

    She has many, many plus points though that more than make up for these foibles.

    Free Member

    Greg Wallace. Just his appearance makes me scream obscenities at the tv.

    Free Member

    I had an interview in the afternoon after working the morning temping on a building site lugging flat pack furniture about, a job I’m not built for at all. Turned up covered in bruises and aching only to be told to fill in the exact same application form I’d competed to get the interview in the first place. Eventually met the interviewers, one of whom was basically monosyllabic, the other spent every two minutes moaning about the parking in the area. I don’t drive. A total farce.

    Free Member

    Nobeerinthefridge – Member

    Can I recommend something a bit less involved?

    Crown green bowling perhaps?

    He’d end up with square balls.

    Free Member

    I have an Edge 500 and use Linux Mint. As above, I just use the file upload option on Strava. I plot routes on and that allows you to download the tcx file, which you can just stick in the relevant folder when the unit it plugged in. Not a problem so far.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Maybe someone with a lisp told him he was taking the piss.

    Free Member

    IFS published a report today showing 48.5% of working people in the UK pay no tax at all

    Wow where do you get these passes that make you exempt from all tax?

    I’m pretty sure it’s bull***t. I can’t find anything on the IFS website from today, let alone a publication that states this nonsense.

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member

    I understand that, however it’s worth noting my neighbours include a surgeon and a dentist with with very nice houses, top end Mercedes and nice yachts. Nothing against any of that of course, they deserve it.

    The fact that some surgeons and dentists are rich is not the point. You suggested that doctors were in it for the money. I doubt many of them actually entered the profession with the ambition to become the Warren Buffett of healthcare.

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member

    Considering how unattractive some people think being a Doctor is Universities have always been and remain heavily oversubscribed. When you look at career earnings, pensions and job security its a very attractive career.

    This crudely assumes that people are motivated to become a doctor for money. From the large portion of my friends that work in healthcare, teaching and other public sector and care related jobs, I can safely say this is not the case.

    Free Member

    Mutiny on the Bounty. Digital Tropics is the standout album of the year for me so far.

    Nice to see Nails back as well. The last album was incredible. Any excuse to post Suum Cuique is welcome

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