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  • Torq team up with Yak Attack
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    Free Member

    Bien que d'origine française le mot crétin est très peu employé en France. Mieux élevé que les anglo-saxons un Français évite des termes qui pourraient être blessant pour des personnes qui souffrent du crétinisme, une maladie reconnue. Je me fais traiter de "débile" assez souvent, rarement de "crétin". Un Google fightGooglefight entre les deux insultes donne débile largement vainqueur.

    Free Member

    I joined a local one, carnaval atmosphere, happy people and happy smiling motorists giving us a wave rather than a fist. Do one then comment.

    Free Member

    Just watched a programme on WDR about an anti-depressor: Pfizer's Zoloft. The company doesn't include in the side effects on the instructions in the box the risk of suicide, which it clearly states in its own internal reports. If you know anyone on this stuff I think it would be worth doing some research.

    Free Member

    It just screams of walkers in Bermuda shorts and trainers getting rescued on the hills

    Far more very well equipped people end up getting rescued, perhaps because their level of equipment gives them a false sense of security. The only people I know of that have died in the mountains because they were only wearing shorts and trainers were lulled into a false sense of security because they were doing a race and trusted to the organisers rather than taking responsibility of their own actions – in which case they wouldn't have been up there given the conditions.

    There's often an overloaded gent close to a heart attack and exhaustion to offer unpaid advice as I jog over the summits in a T-shirt and shorts. Who is objectively taking the greater risk? No-one is immune from misjudgement and if ever I'm guilty of it it'll just have to be generous thanks and a large donation if my poor risk assessment results in a call-out.

    Free Member

    I wonder how many Mtbers have topped themselves after getting bullied on forums? ;)

    All this collective angst, grief and depression can't be good for readers' mental health either.

    Smash that Leonard Cohen LP over your knee, put something boppy on very loud and start dancing around the room. If that fails, call the samaritans.

    Free Member

    But that skills come with the job :-)

    Free Member

    je ne vois aucun but en cherchant

    Moi je ne vois aucun intérêt à chercher la bagarre non plus (note la subtilité avec laquelle je joue mon rôle d'éduckator) mais j'adore laisser les gens se dévoiler. Ta touche de xénophobie finale m'a fait énormément plaisir.

    How easily the elitist, I-am-a-boarding-biking-god-and-you-will-get-out-of-my-way instructor falls.

    Anybody else on the night shift?

    Free Member

    Faut réviser tes idées sur moi furry-marmot. Les parcs supervisés y en à de plus en plus. L'incident que j'ai cité est pertinent. Attention, avec tes remarques sur mon niveau de Français tu risques de te rendre ridicule, eh oui, je suis aussi à l'aise dans la langue de Molière que sur les pistes et sur les forums. Allez, cherche la faute, t'en trouvera moins que dans mon Anglais, si t'es pas bête ça va te dire quelque chose que je ne dirai pas noir sur blanc ici.

    Lis encore les contributions de Shandy. Il est claire que le type a une imagination fertile et raconte franchement n'importe quoi. Il invente des situations bidons pour soutenir sa thèse et refuse d'entrer dans le détail.

    Ici à ……. on est confronté à l'arrogance* d'une minorité de surfeurs dont Shandy fait sans doute partie. Ils sont arrogant, égoïste et dangereux, et mes amis pisteurs et gendarmes n'hésitent pas à sanctionner – normalement avec un retrait de forfait si il n'y a pas de blessé.

    Je suis un allié formidable et un adversaire redoutable. Relis ce sujet et voir si t'as pas envie de changer de camp. :)

    * oui je arrogant sur STW, il y a quelque mecs bien que je respecte dans une court de récré ou la mentalité de bande règne, je leurs tiens tête – ils apprécie pas, ils m'insultent, je m'en fous. T'es un mec bien toi ?

    Free Member

    Tis easy, the Biblical days of creation are just a metaphorical summary of 15 billion years of God's work.

    Free Member

    I lived in a house with a group of "God's work scientists", delusion as you say Surfer but they found it both a crutch and inspiration to the point that their work and religion became their life, with no space for anything else and therefore no challenge to their beliefs.

    Free Member

    It would appear some of you can't find an argument so slag off the Internet persona instead. Feel free. Nobody else got anything to say about kids on bikes or pistes?

    Free Member

    Still nothing to add about kids on trails in your own words then litlebunnygirl.

    Free Member

    Scientists can take the view that they are getting to know the work of God through their own work. Quantum physics and evolutionary theory being descriptions of features of the universe God created. Conflicts between science and religion have arisen simply because of poor human interpretation of God's message as it is poorly transcribed by humans in the Bible. The error of creationists is that they decide what God did rather than just using their eyes and observing.

    Just a view worth expressing that isn't necessarily my own.

    Free Member

    Faith is one thing and organised faith or "religion" quite another. Religion is just like any other organisation managed by humans. Power corrupts and… .

    XTC God, can you link vids on this site?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the compliment Slowrider, I feel honoured to have been called a cock by someone so Internet hard as your good self.

    I'm not in the least bit angry and as the intelligent forum contributors seem to have taken on board some of my comments, even if they don't agree with all of them, that was a successful bit of edukating.

    Free Member

    Le corbeau. L'expression équivalente est "la distance à vol d'oissau".

    Free Member


    The rest of the page I quoted from[/url] – lots of incidents lead to legal proceedings. Those aren't laws they are verdicts. People in France tend to take responsibility for their own actions but if you break the rules and hurt them you'll need a lawyer and hope your insurance company coughs up (which it won't if you are deemed to have deliberately broken the rules and fined)

    Free Member

    No need for a clipboard Shandy, and no need to say or do anything while it's only the regulars in the park. As with the kids on trails thread, when newbies turn up they sometimes need a quiet word in their ears and when the place gets busy any anti-social types get a loud word.

    Free Member

    Most amusing Shandy. You seem to have a misguided view of piste law in France. Suicide is legal, breaking the rules and injuring others will see you in court, and claiming the downhill skier was being stupid will get you nowhere.

    Accident de ski, collision entre skieurs, Responsabilité du skieur amont, défaut de maitrise, Responsabilité entière du skieur amont. Cour d’appel de Chambéry 11 septembre 2007.

    Un moniteur de ski évoluait avec ses élèves sur une piste de ski lorsqu’il a été heurté par un autre skieur amont et blessé.

    Le skieur amont a donc commis une faute en ne s’assurant pas qu’il pouvait amorcer un virage sans danger.

    En tout état de cause et sur le fondement de l’article 1384 alinéa 1er du code civil, la responsabilité du skieur est entière dans la mesure forment un ensemble et ou le déplacement de celui-ci dépend étroitement de ses skis, de telle sorte que ce sont bien ses skis qui sont l’instrument du dommage.

    Ce régime permet ainsi à la victime d’être indemnisée sans avoir à démontrer la faute de la personne qui l’a percutée.

    Cette dernière ne pourra s’exonérer de sa responsabilité qu’en prouvant l’existence d’un cas de force majeure ou d’une cause étrangère…

    Free Member

    Google "supervised snow-park", "supervised snow park" or "supervised snowpark" Sprootlet. There are plenty, a majority even, but I'd rather not reveal which ones I frequent.

    I'll make an effort to keep it in perspective Resin42. In a perfect world parents would take more responsibility for their kids. The trails may be out in the wilds but they're still a part of our society with all its issues.

    Free Member

    I find a rant about kids strewn all over the trails indicative of a personality disorder. The trail doesn't belong to you it's there to be shared. Trail courtesey includes being tolerant of and helpful towards newbies. You could have given a bit of your time and politely offered friendly advice.

    Free Member

    My favourite snow park for a start.

    Shandy, your first incident would have resulted in a long series events – care to relate what happened from the point you were both lying on the floor with respect to the pisteurs, medics, gendarmes and insurance (or Retungsdienst etc depending on where you were).The second was all your fault, you hit someone on a piste downhill of you.

    Free Member

    "Absolutely" incapable of thinking for yourself littlebunnygirl. If you've got something to add, add away.

    Free Member

    Why put create a risk that doesn't need to be there? I see very little wrong with this attitude.

    That clearly wasn't the attitude I have an issue with. The attitude I have issues with is people inventing their own set of rules that they then apply to others. These etiquette rants just demostrate what intolerant and selfish adults are out on the trails.

    I'm happy to see kids out on trails and really don't mind slowing down for them a bit.

    Free Member

    Shandy, the tabletop will probably be in a supervised snow park and the pisteur won't let you go unless the landing is clear because there were so many selfish idiots leaping into the unknown they've been forced to clamp down. If it isn't you'll be one hundred percent responsible for the accident you cause. Your attitude is selfish and dangerous.

    Free Member

    I've hit a few people snowboarding and its awkward when you hit somebody and its not your fault.

    Read the piste rules before you go out again. It is your fault as you must giveway to anyone downhill of you. An Austrian minister did exactly what you did and killed a woman. Cost him dear.

    Free Member

    Perhaps you could have a word with Resin42 who's getting impatient with kids on trails on another thread.

    Free Member

    First and foremost you should be able to stop in the distance you can see to be clear. If you really must ride something blind flat out get a watcher to help. The kids on the trail aren't the problem – you are and your attitude are Resin.

    Free Member

    I've taken part in debates on forums that have changed my mind, but never ever on STW.

    "Only fools never change their minds" as the saying goes. I make an exception here. ;)

    Free Member

    Zehnmal teuerer als Grafenwalder pils beim Lidl. €3,50 für 5 Litre.

    Free Member

    Jeden tag gehe ich die einkaufen machen in "German market" beim Aldi Markt oder Lidl. Genau wie die meisten arme Engländer ! Das ganze spiel eine Menge Geld zu sparen ist. ;)

    Free Member

    If you're worried about the strength of your bolts then yes. It's also a very bad metal to use in a pseudo.

    Free Member

    What's the difference between the SLX and XT middle ring? They look the same, are both steel and plastic according to CRC. Anyone have both to hand to compare?

    Free Member

    The inner wires are the same but the outers are different lengths and don't have the necessary seals you'll get with XTR.

    Free Member

    As long as they're some kind of steel rather than aluminium or ti I wouldn't worry about it.

    Free Member

    Sorry, double post.

    Free Member

    As any use of statistics is considered suspect I'll just make an observation based on cycling through a number of lands:

    The proportion of cyclists wearing a helmet is inversly proportional to bicycle use as a means of transport (rather than recreation).

    Extreme exemples: In Amsterdam there are lots of people going places on bicycles but almost none wear a helmet. In Birminghmam there are very very few cyclists on the roads but almost all wear a helmet.

    Free Member

    Car colour has a significant impact on accident rate. I haven't used the word "can't" and won't. I won't insist on anyone wearing a helmet or a hi-viz. Just pointing out the inconsistency in the behaviour of the helmet dictators. Our club's helmet dictator never wears a hi-viz and regularly jumps red lights. Typical of the "I'm wearing a helmet so I'm alright attitude". A false sense of security is the main thing a helmet provides, in terms of real protection a typical XC helmet isn't great. Wear a ful face if you wan't to protect your head properly.

    Free Member

    No dimmer than leaving the hi-viz off in daylight where your reflective strip and lights don't make a jot of difference. Your clothing was black I bet, possibly grey looking at this year's Assos collection.

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