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  • Midweek Movies 88
  • Edukator
    Free Member

    Al Gore has a carbon fottprint the size of Texas.

    Free Member

    Elephant from the cliamtic change thread:

    Ironically I'm already quite green and within 2 years will be greener than a tree-hugging lesbian tofu muncher. Ironic as I'm not green and couldn't give a shit about climate change, but peak oil… that's a different matter. I am and will change my behaviour for that.

    I take it changing your behaviour does not extend to rejecting the monster truck as a means of transpot Elephant. Just how many litres of fuel do you consume per year? (in addition to the 10 000+ litres it cost to build it).

    Free Member

    I think it's a pity not to have one child purely on environmental grounds however environmentally committed you are. Those exes will have kids whether you are the father or not and they may well have three or four, but might have compromised at one or two with you ahwiles. If deep down you want a child, you think Doris would make a good mother and the idea of living at least the next 20 years with her and a child fills you with joy – go for it.

    Likewise sitting in the cold is something you may be prepared to do but most won't, so we need to work on solutions that provide comfort levels acceptable to the masses that don't rely on fossil fuels. I don't have any heating on but at 16.6C don't feel the need. The weather is dismal and both meters (production and consumption) are reading 1 amp.

    Self sacrifice and imposing suffering on others are unnecessary as we still have the technology and industrial capacity to make the change to renewable technologies. The window of opportunity won't last long.

    Free Member

    Errr, when do you think the greenhouse effect debate started Junkyard? And you do realise that the hole in the ozone layer and has got nothing to do with either CO2 or the greenhouse effect don't you? The hole in the ozone layer has been stabilized since Dupont stopped making lots of Freon. Now we need to stop producing huge quantites of CO2 to limt climatic change.

    Free Member

    Might be better if we don't sort out developing world problems that limit population growth.

    Presenting short term trends is not very helpful. A decade is very short in climatic terms let alone geological terms.

    A lot of the pseudo science is paying people's wages but not very helpful. It was thinking big and very simple logic that started the greenhouse debate: Venus has a very high energy atmospheric environment why? The greenhouse effect. What can we learn from that about the Earths atmosphere? Oh FUUUUUUUCK!!!!

    Getting bogged down in the detail means we are forgetting the essentials and doing nothing.

    Free Member

    Schau dir den Film an !! Das ist ein Befehl !!!

    Free Member

    You don't need their simulations Elephant, just a geological hammer. The 10 day weather forecasts are excellent in these parts.

    Free Member

    For those that think we can just work around climatic change, have a look at the Permian paleoclimate. If CO2 levels go high enough that is what we can expect.

    Free Member

    I think to be honest i'm gonna demonstrate the saving up and chalking it up method.

    as people have said, the road should probably have been gritted but it was me who failed to deal with the conditions.

    There's hope for us all yet. Good man. Nice to see there's someone that still takes responsibility for his actions.

    Free Member

    If it's physical violence go to the police so there's a record, sign your kid up for judo and teach him what he can do in legitmate self defence. If it's taunts, he needs a lesson in life.

    Free Member

    Check out old drivers, per kilometre driven they are just as dangerous according to a German report I saw on TV.

    Free Member

    Bit of a minefield, do we start searching vehicles top to bottom for a mobile phone offence to make sure there's no more, and take all the passengers phones?

    Yeah go on! When they start protesting just hand them a copy of the case you refer to justify your actions.

    Free Member

    Whatever Bandit.

    Berm Bandit (Berm Bandit)

    Member Since
    October 12, 2009 (1 month)
    Wind ups

    Free Member

    Before 1965 it was the drunk in charge law that applied. My father remembers being asked to walk in a straight line before being allowed to continue.

    Free Member

    It's not even random testing here when they get serious. They just stop every car and everybody blows in the bag. There are motorcycle cops to chase down those that twig and try to nip off. They don't do it often but it certainly makes people think twice.

    Free Member

    Drink driving only became illegal in the first place back in the 60s/70s

    Nope, it goes back to 1872.

    Free Member

    Cars should simply be fitted with a GPS based regulator that stops the vehicle breaking the speed limit anywhere. :) The Dutch are about to do a system that doesn't regulate the car but automatically sends you the bill and points. :) :)

    Free Member

    So I really don't see where you are going with this

    Using your attempts to wind me up to expose the inconsistencies in your agrguments and reasoning. The limits are for practical and judicial reasons. Many countries have decided the 80mg limit still used in the UK was too high, resulted in too many avoidable collisions and have adopted a lower limit. Nobody has ever set a "safe limit", only a maximum limit to be enforced.

    Free Member

    Accepting TJ's example and accepting 84% are mutually incompatible Bandit.

    Either you think that no accident at less that 80mg is caused by alcohol and that the people that did not undergo an autopsie had not been drinking.

    Or you accept that alcohol at less than 80mg is a factor and the number of drunk people is under reported, and the 84% becomes nonsense.

    Free Member

    From the link:

    The UK has a higher BAC level that other countries at 0.8mg. France is 0.5mg

    The UK only includes road users that fail the BAC level in its statistics but other countries include all road users with measurable alcohol.

    In the UK the alcohol level is known for only 68% (48% by police, 20% by coroner?s courts)of driver in fatal accidents. In France it is 90%

    The lower you set the limit for including alcohol as a factor in your statistics and the more dead or seriously injured people you test the higher the proportion of "alcohol related" will be in the stats. The UK uses a high limit and doesn't test a lot casualties; alcohol as a factor is therefore underreported. If you can't see that I really can't help you further Bandit and you will have to accept that forum memebers are going to draw conclusions about your ability to reason.

    Free Member

    Read my links Bandit.

    Free Member

    And then people moan when social security pays for refugees to live in hotels. Does nobody take responsibility for their own actions anymore? If you're that clumsy slow down Mutant.

    Free Member

    16% is a significant proportion of deaths, 84% of deaths are caused by other factors. Which is a FACT!

    Sorry, that is not a fact and the deeper you dig the more you'll realise the level to which drink driving as a factor is under reported in the UK.

    Free Member

    Relatives often refuse autopsies. This influences lots of statistics including the number of athletes killed by performance enhancing drugs.

    Would you allow an autopsie on your partner or child if you knew it would show an alcohol level over the limit? It may compromise an insurance payout and would certainly attach stigma to the death.

    I'm not sure of autopsie rights in the UK, maybe someone is?

    Free Member

    The most likely difference for the discrepacies between British and French stats for the proportion of accidents in which alcohol is a factor is the way statistics are compiled. All pedestrians killed in an RTC in France are tested for alcohol, only 30% for the UK. A much higher percentage of vehicle users involved in RTCs are alcohol tested in France than in the UK. Only people over the limit are included in stats in the UK but any alcohol gets you into the French statistics.Read for yourselves

    The type of vehicles used also affect the total numbers. The number of pedestrians, bicycles, scooters, motorcycles and small, light cars in France is higher. British people move around in tanks and are better protected.

    Free Member

    Personal services provider (over 18) and part time revolutionary furniture rearranger.

    Free Member

    La Prévention Routière gives the break down of accident causes for France in English

    The major factors are alcohol, speeding and safety distances.

    There's a detailed break down somewhere which even includes the number of cyclists killed jumping red lights.

    If the weather is bad tomporrow I'll have a dig but my cold is much better so I'll probably be busy again.

    Free Member

    What about Val d'Isere then, have you heard of it?

    Val d'Isere park rules

    The "sécurité" link on the Enlish language version is dead so you'll have to read the French one. I assume you understand the word "staff". Read the rest of the rules, they confirm what I've been saying all along. [/url]

    Free Member


    Free Member

    So now you have the names of the resorts you can Google them. I'll do one for you Shandy, the Pyrenean one as your FFS (Federation Française de Ski) indicates how much esteem you have for resort:

    Supervised snow park

    Rarely have I met a forum contributor so insistent on demonstrating his ignorance. Just how long is it since you were in a snow parc Shandy?

    Free Member

    I agree epicyclo but also think UK legislation needs changing in favour of weaker road users. The 1m law, cyclists have priority when pulling out (like buses) and various other laws specifically to protect cyclists have definitely improved the way way other road users treat cyclists (and pedestrians) in France. The laws need to be well publicised of course but once they have been the vast majority of people do respect the new rules.

    Free Member

    Three results from the first page of Google results for "supervised snow park". I suggest doing a little research before calling someone a liar. I ski mountaineer with one of the pisteurs that runs a park. You also ski mountainer and state that you have never put your life in danger. I dispute that, le risque zero n'existe pas en haute montagne.

    Station de SKI : Peyragudes Aure-Louron Pyrénées hautes …
    A secured and supervised snowpark with many activities ; a permanent boardercross. Nordic Area for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing (15 km). ……/peyragudes.php?… – En cache
    technical info – Val d'Isère SnowPark
    – [ Traduire cette page ]
    The Park is a restricted area with three ski patrollers, please read safety rules at entry of park. Children must be supervised at all times. … – En cache
    bthere: Inflight Magazine Brussels Airlines » Magazine Archive …
    – [ Traduire cette page ]
    1 Dec 2008 … Snowpark A well supervised snowpark that caters for all levels of aerial addiction. Snowy secret From the Klein Matterhorn glacier station ……/high-altitude-chic/ – En cache – Pages similaires

    Three ski patrollers for one parc in Val. :)

    Free Member

    So you consider yourself a better driver and less affected by alcohol than most zokes? That is what your posts imply. Please confirm or deny before we proceed.

    Free Member

    That's much better Shandy apart from misquoting me and putting words in my mouth. A little balance at last.

    Just to remind you this is the point we fell out over, your admission that you do not respect piste priority rules:

    Shandy – Member


    I'll remind myself of that the next time I sail over a tabletop to find some beaming mong traversing across the landing.
    Posted 4 days ago # Report-Post

    Then you accused me of lying about supervised snow parks, despite me giving you the exact words to type into Google to find out about them.

    Shandy – Member

    I have ridden parks all over the world and even in the States I have never come across somebody standing around with a clipboard and a whistle, commanding the troops.

    Edukator I would suggest that there aren't many of them about and that you are, in fact, talking shite.
    Posted 4 days ago # Report-Pos

    Are you big enough to admit you were wrong on the points that started the conflict. As it stands you have called me a liar and not retracted or apologised.

    Free Member

    Vielen Dank für Ihr freundliches Angebot. Ich wird's überlegen, versprochen. Wenn du mich regelmäßig runter holen würdest bin ich sicher wir gut zusammen arbeiten können.

    Free Member

    In my experience does not equal a statistical fact.

    So you bear a grudge against the ESF, you're entitled to that, but unless you can link some statistics, talking statistics gives no weight to what you say. It sounds like the ESF was your major service provider in France by a long way. I would therefore suggest that less complaints from other schools was quite normal as they did less work.

    You have an issue with French skiers as you said on the other thread Shandy. You can hate us as much as you like, that's your privilege, I'll only bite when your hatred leads to you misleading other STWers about the realities of skiing/borading in France.

    From posts on this forum I suspect some Brits (a minority I hope) including yourself have a low opinion of the French and that their xenophobic attitude to their instructors is part of the problem.

    Free Member

    I'm afraid I don't know what a BB gun is headfirst. The extra naan bread might disperse the crowd a bit but not much as eating only slows alcohol up take tather than preventing it.

    Do whatever you can live with Zokes. I just hope you hit a telegraph pole rather than a pedestrian if you crash whilst drink driving within the limit. And that you can live with being accused of a most dispicable crime if you are found to be over the limit. Because that's how many people see it – just like the police quoted in article.

    Free Member

    It's like fishing in a fish farm.

    Free Member

    Most definitely headfirst. If a man with an AK47 took a pot shot at a dispersed crowd and hit someone it would be murder. You are effectively doing the same with a car.

    Free Member

    Think about it whippersnapper, you are much more likely to do one or a combination of a-g after a pint. The pint will have raised your confidence level and reduced you attention and concentration levels. You're also likely to make misjudgements such as deciding to answer the phone on the move rather than pulling over. Reduced inhibition makes arguing with the wife or kids more likely. Happy euphorie will get you hunting for that boppy CD in the footwell.

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