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  • edoverheels
    Free Member

    Their uplift days seem pretty frequent. Unfortunately I am too busy at the moment but as soon as we get a dry spell in the new year will have to go back. Always thought it was good before the improvements.

    Free Member

    Have not been since start of the year and looking forward to seeing it all, especially the quicker uplift route. Is the uplift now as fat as it sounds?

    Free Member

    I have had Tech X2 with 180 and 160 rotors for the last year and no problems at all. Very happy with them but have V2s on a bigger bike and these have needed bleeding a few times. This was probably just poor hose shortening on my part. Always seems harder with braided hoses, my fault for being a tart.

    Free Member

    I had an ‘unstable pelvic fracture’ and was told that there is a 30% chance of bleeding to death because you tear the arteries that run through it. However before that in twenty years no more than cuts, bruises and concussion. Friends have done arms, elbows, collar bones and ankles of course. The only actual death I heard of was from a National Trust ranger who told me about a mountain biker getting tangled in a tree and breaking his neck.

    Free Member

    You mention Basque MTB and we have just come back from there. All had a good time. Long weekend but fitted in 5 days riding. 3 full days and 2 half days to fit with flights. Also pre arranged some extra uplift. Have done a few holidays and know the other end of Pyrenees very well (Canigou and Alberres). Difference for me with Basque region was variety of terrain. Very well looked after and as a consequence we will probably go back for another go next year. Hondarribia is a good place to stay.

    Free Member

    Sorry to disappoint. Not deliberate, just didn’t think. More basking in the sunshine but not much of that and certainly no basques.

    Free Member

    A race resume is up on the SuperEnduro site now. Some problems of course but also some saboteurs making for fun and games in the sun!
    As a cosequence the results are not out until tomorrow.
    Still a good day out and an enjoyable ride/race format.

    Free Member

    I didn’t know that race times were out yet, but well done on the team win or not

    Free Member

    Agree completely.
    Good day out. A few teething problems with course marking but it was down as a trial for next year. If they get that sorted it will be really good. Helped by the weather of course but great venue. I would certainly do it again.

    Free Member

    I agree with Dave360 on the other thread. Great day out. Only problem with the marking (for me) was from the stamping point out in the middle of nowhere back to stage 6. A few of us got lost together and eventually found our way to the start of stage 6, after asking a marshal, where I don’t think we were penalised. Riders around me were friendly and no one being too serious.
    It was down as being a trial event, and so it was. My first enduro and thought it was great. Will bring a team next time. Enjoyed the hill climb and the trials stage as well as something different. Pretty tired on stage 7 with the uphills, pedalling like my Granny.

    Free Member

    My middle son did the whole thing aged nine for a charity ride a few years ago with no problem. As said, pretty straight forward but don’t rush.

    Free Member

    Can still enter until Friday evening. It is a tester event but looks good fun and an excuse to ride somewhere new. Can’t remember where I saw it, presumably a news item on the ST or Dirt websites.

    Free Member

    Think that they look like huge fun, low and slack but is the back of the shock and linkage a bit of a clogfest for mud?

    Free Member

    Don’t worry, no wheel buzzing from me, just clean passes!
    I just don’t want to be last and if I am then I’m blaming a puncture.
    No 66

    Free Member

    The race times and instructions are now up on line. Dave360, there is a David Clark starting next to me. Is that you?

    Free Member

    Looks a bit like a Blood that I already have and so don’t need another.I like rocker actuated single pivots. Is that very wrong?

    Free Member

    I always find that photos of races are a bit depressing. I think that I am cranked over hard or squashed down low and the camera reveals that I look like Granny on her way to the shops.
    However I will look out for them.

    Free Member

    I have entered but as yet no start times are up. Seem to remember that they will be emailed out to people on Wednesday lunchtime. I will be on a black Orange Blood. I will look out for you because I am Billy No Mates for this one.

    Free Member

    Don’t overtighten the levers and I use a strategically applied frame sticker.

    Free Member

    Looking at the links it seems billed as an Enduro with six timed special stages and so also sounds like an Enduro (except with timed push ups as opposed to riding between stages)
    I would expect Enduro stages to be easier (in terms of risk) because normally you cannot practice the stages. Riding a course with big gaps or any high consequence stuff blind would be a bit foolish. Downhill races you get to walk the track and practice, even if you arrive for the first time on race day. Also the norm for Enduro is a bit less protection to allow for pedalling between stages.
    I am banned from downhill racing but tempted to give this a go as not too far away. However I am doing the Southern Series super Enduro (my first Enduro and so take all the above with a pinch of salt) near Aldershot on 2nd Oct and then going on a bike holiday to Spain and so unlikely to get an all day pass for another full biking day out. Hope it all goes well and that as a consequence they do another. Will look forward to reports and photos.

    Free Member

    Fiat Panda 100hp FTW

    Free Member

    All the criticism of Singletrack seems a bit harsh. I assumed that the lack of coverage was beacause they were all off at Eurobike which is fair enough. If you are interested in DH then surely you go to the Dirt site where there is so much coverage that I can’t keep up. (Although it has tailed off now because I assume that they are all on their way home)

    Free Member

    Very good, thanks. Another one to consider for next year.

    Free Member

    Another one for RivieraBike in Molini. Would go back again but for the need to experiment and try more but will go back at some time because riding, for me, was the perfect holiday riding where you want to see stuff and not spend time sessioning things. Lots of natural fast fun runs.

    Free Member

    Good that the Patriot is back, but as others have said, shame the Blood has gone. 36s on the front and a stupidly low BB are a fantastic fun combination. But, like most fun things, not that sensible which is I suppose is why they did not sell and have been dropped.
    At £995 for a frame, grab a bargain before they are all gone. (Also the best looking Orange for ages, not that I am swayed by such things of course)

    Free Member

    Are you aiming for road or off road?
    I think this is the route for the GR10 from memory, although how much of it near the peaks is rideable I would not know.
    Something I have thought about a few times. Spent a lot of time in the Eastern end of the Pyrenees and soon to try the Western end.

    Free Member

    Not something that has happened to me so cannot really help. However, don’t recall seeing anything much about reliability issues on 36s other than usual Fox servicing requirements.

    Free Member

    Thanks, I have just gone with the basic wiper seal kit and will use the Fork oil that I have. Probably what was in there anyway, but if not then as you say, I can simply wind up the rebound a bit.
    Only time I have done Fox forks before was a set of 40s and I am sure they said to soak the dust rings with Float fluid but does not seem to make sense.
    Thanks for tips

    Free Member

    Funny, given what has been said above, but where i am I don’t see many Oranges. Here it seems to be Specialized by quite a margin.
    Always assumed it would be the same everywhere but clearly not.

    Free Member

    Thanks Khani, you sound as positive about this as me!

    Free Member

    My bike was once stolen from the roof of the car in France so take it into your room and you can relax!

    Free Member

    They are good, I have had Pace carbon forks on one of my bikes for a long time and I still love riding it but they are slower on bumpy stuff of course. More so if it is steep enough to need more than just the back brake because it is worse if you have to use the front brake. This really slows you up because using the front brake really pushes the front into bumps instead of letting you try and ride light and roll over them.
    It is this braking downhill that for me is where the biggest diference lies. Would not have them on an only bike but great for XC loops and just giving some variety and winter simplicity.

    Free Member

    Get two bikes. Buy a cheapish 120mm hardtail to ride XC with freinds and blow the rest on a bruiser.

    Free Member

    If you are not sure which you prefer then ride with one foot clipped in and the other on a flat to help choose. If you then start going round in circles you will know which is more efficient but not perhaps which is more fun.

    Free Member

    I have had one for nearly a year. Ridden it tonight taking the dog for a walk and have had a lovely time with lovely sunset etc and so a biased view. Winch up hill, which the bike can do and fine if you are not in a hurry. Then a couple of cheeky downhills on tracks that were built this winter and have really come good in this dry spell, not too fast but can now carry enough speed to keep it flowing. Bike is well balanced and as such seems good in the air. Short back end seems to mean much less tendency to nosedive of jumps and dropsetc
    Traded down from a 224 when I stopped racing. Really easy bike to like and very reliable. For my riding I don’t need too much travel at the back but wanted some burly forks and like the low bb that results because really good on corners which in the woods is pretty much favourite thing.
    Can’t see where Orange are going with slimming it down this year. 140mm 32s and a triple just seems wrong to me for a bike with such a downhill and airbourne bias. I know we all like to justify our bikes but if it was rubbish I would have sold it and moved on.
    It depends what you want. As an only bike that needs to do a bit of XC then wrong. As a downhill race bike then wrong. For high speed rocky alpine riding then wrong but for ragging about in the woods in the UK then pretty spot on.

    Free Member

    No photos I’m afraid but one of the best bikes I have ever had and without a doubt the bike I would have if we were allowed only one. 1×10, 120mm forks and wide low flat bars with burly wheels. Can do XC but flies on downhills but just not so good at steep or rocky but you can’t have everything.

    Free Member

    I have a Soul with 120mm forks and use it as my XC bike. Put a 180mm front disc to make sure it stops and Stans Flows instead of 355 or Crests to make sure the wheels could take a bashing and it is fine.
    Took it to an uplift day at FoD (because my son was using our bigger bike) and it was fine. Just burst a rear tyre when I flatlanded a jump. Do you need a BeFe? CEN regs mean the Soul must be tough (tougher than me anyway!)

    Free Member

    When I went back to the place I broke my pelvis it was strange seeing the marks on the tree. Was not riding because was still on crutches. Will not jump it again, plenty of other trails to ride.

    Free Member

    I live locally and have done SDW quite a few times over the years. Punctures not a problem, most of it is broad motorway but last time I did it we had four punctures between the two of us in the first two hours and so you can never tell. Most climbs are long tedious slogs with the odd sharp bit thrown in to dampen your spirits still further

    Free Member

    Trophy Wife and Pete and the Pirates have been a big hit in our house as well

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