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  • Bike Check: James Love’s Cotic Cascade
  • edoverheels
    Free Member

    You are going to need some tape,some sealant and valves. You will then need some CO2. Just work out the cheapest permutation. It all seemed an expensive nonsense when I first experimented but now run three bikes tubeless and so I am a convert.

    Free Member

    Just signed up, thanks for the notice. Will now try and bully some friends in to forming a team.

    Free Member

    Another for the Bryn Teg
    Stayed there last year (9 of us) and going back again this year

    Free Member

    I haven’t seen it before and so thank you for that video.

    Free Member

    Junkyard + 1
    If you were in bed with (even if you had gone out to the balcony) your partner would you not consult with them first if you thought you had heard someone about whether to shoot through the bathroom door if you were holding a gun.
    It is of course different I am sure in South Africa but I am struggling to get my head round it.
    I am sure that the answer is more guns.

    Free Member

    20121006-_MG_2759[/url] by eddie.jenkinson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Not really holding out any hope, will ride it round a bit just to see if I get used to it. if not then just have to get another. Just thought that if you damaged a tyre wall you would be able to see it under close inspection when off the rim.

    Free Member

    Have had it off and looked at it. Expected any kink in the carcass from the ‘pinch’ to have shown up when not under inflated pressure. But no, close examination revealed nothing which is why I put it back on, expecting that perhaps it had just shifted on the rim or something but as soon as it was pumped up again it was exactly the same.
    They were on offer from CRC, maybe will have a word as you say

    Free Member

    Those Alfas are fantastic

    Free Member

    It might not have been perfectly straight but I had never noticed any issue with it previously but noticed it as soon as I finished the run. Thought I had a flat but it was just a wobble as stated. Just miffed because it was a new tyre.

    Free Member

    I went to Jedi last year and it was not as revolutionary for me as it seems to have been for others. However I enjoyed it and I came away with a few useful tips and one that was worth the entrance fee alone and I think about and use every time I ride and so I don’t regret going at all and may go back with a friend next year. Much more useful than buying some more tyres.

    Free Member

    Agree with Northwind. Top only guide without a clutch mech never worked for me. Have top only guides on a Soul with a Paul’s Chain Keeper and a Superstar top guide on an Orange Blood, both with clutch mechs. I have dropped the chain on the Blood a couple of times only but I have had it on there for several months and ride it a lot and use it for downhill. Not enough of a problem for me to want to change.

    Free Member

    Paul’s Chain Keeper if top only needed.

    Free Member

    I have one with a remote but I also have a nice looking bike that, like you, I did not want to spoil and so didn’t use the remote. Not a problem for me. 99% of my riding I know where I am and when I want the saddle down or up and so don’t have to do it in an emergency which is when it might be difficult,

    Free Member

    Thanks for the tip. Just got a pair. Recent CRC offer on 661 stuff didn’t have my size.

    Free Member

    OP FTW

    Free Member

    Nealglover – Renault Espace. Still look on the bright side. Only £200 to get someone to come out and drain it out – ho,ho.

    Free Member

    Especially, if like me, you only have little legs. Thanks Butcher, i am starting to feel better already.

    Free Member

    I have 1×10 on two bikes and 1×9 on a third.
    I think it is worth going for 10 speed. Better ratio spread but you also get a clutch mech and so only need simple chain retention -some kind of top guide only is fine. I have a Superstar one and a Paul’s Chain Keeper which is a nicely small and simple solution.
    If you don’t have a granny ring you don’t notice it, you just pedal with what you have.
    Only bike I have with two rings up front is a downhill bike which is a bit counter intuitive but it is heavy and soggy and slack and so you just have to sit and winch.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I had a bright blue original Fiat Multipla. I loved it. Especially the fact that most people hated it. Had three children and we used to bundle down to the south of France in it twice a year. had it for about 5 years and did 95,000 miles in it.
    Great original car and despite what crashtestmonkey says it was ok to drive and three front seats is genius when you have children.

    Free Member

    High climber
    Fine if you know and can trust a good builder that has got PI cover in case he has a bad day and misses something.

    Free Member

    You need to write to the surveyor in question or his firm with a list of the defects and ask them to come and have a look and comment. They have a duty under the RICS rules to have a proper complaints handling procedure. They will also be under a duty to inform their PI insurance providers that they possibly have a claim against them.
    If this is the case you may have to instruct a solicitor and surveyor to quantify the damages to make the claim.
    If you don’t want to do this then get some decent builders who know what they are doing to quote and then at least you know what amounts you are talking about.
    If it is historic settlement and has stopped then you do not need to underpin and you can just make good the defects. Need to monitor the cracks for ongoing movement and for this you will need a building surveyor or a structural engineer. In fact they might be your best call anyway.

    Free Member

    The whole thing about the Blood was that it was stiff and strong and built like a downhill bike and so it was heavy but didn’t have much travel and so they only sold about 10 (unsurprisingly because most people think it is rubbish and pointless). But, if you get it, very low, very slack and tough then you love it. There is nothing good about them except they are great fun to ride. If I was only allowed only one bike (God forbid) it would be this one.

    Free Member

    Rim is a 321
    Very awkward shape to try and get a decent seal with tape. Araldite I would have thought would crack when it flexes but will try some good old duck tape!

    Free Member

    My eldest son last Sunday. He was wearing a helmet but just a normal one (now a bit mashed)
    No doubt if he had not been wearing one it would have hurt a bit more but if he had been wearing a full face then he might have got away with it.
    As has been said, just everyones differing perceptions of risk.

    WP_000735[/url] by eddie.jenkinson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Nearly all the time I wear a helmet. Sometimes an XC one, sometimes a full face. If i am out just pootling with children and dog I don’t bother. it depends where I am riding and how I am feeling, Sometimes have pads and sometimes not. Generally speaking it must be a good idea to have a hat because there is so little inconvenience but the risks are high – see Scienceofficer, hope you are ok and like your stoicism.
    Street and BMX is where the problem is. There the fashion is no helmet. Mtb and downhill is 99% helmet wearing.
    Don’t think what we did as a kid is relevant, things have moved on.

    Free Member

    What is this baby rocket I keep hearing about. Loved the look of the Rocket but what would I use it for, already have enduro/aggro bikes in the house but a shorter travel fast aggro bike built light might tempt.

    Free Member

    I haven’t built a bike since April 2011 and so in usual circumstances I would be thinking about a change but happy with my lot at the moment and can’t think of what I would change that would make meaningful advantages (I know that is not the point)
    Instead I am going to spend more on going places to ride and uplift days and perhaps some more coaching.

    Free Member

    I have a Soul with 120mm Rebas. Perfect. Simple and low maintenance. Again, wouldn’t swap except for another one.

    Free Member

    I am an absolute convert. Would still need top and bottom for a downhill bike but everything else is fine IMHO.
    Have it on two bikes, both 1×10. Cotic Soul with just a Paul’s Chain Device and an Orange Blood with just a top guide. Both work fine. Still have a top and bottom on downhill bike. Best real world simple improvement for bikes in ages. When the bike bounces the mech doesn’t swing forward and loosen the chain. I do have dedicated single chainrings that have longer teeth and that also helps I would imagine. Also runs very quietly which is nice if that is important to you.

    Free Member

    Racing Car[/url] by eddie.jenkinson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    I really like Singletrack and look forward to reading it. Funny that this month both Dirt and Singletrack had CX articles. Really enjoyed the Dirt one and haven’t read Singletrack yet. Can’t really get what people are complaining about. there is only so much you can write about bikes off road. Some bits fit you better than others.
    As an aside, what is all this stuff about only needing xxx amount of travel for uk riding. I have stuff that needs a downhill bike and a cx bike all within 2 miles of my house. I would hate to have one bike.

    Free Member

    I watched and thought that it was more balanced than I was expecting but pretty lightweight. Added nothing to the debate. Reminded me why I don’t ride on the road any more. When I commuted if I was pushed around or endangered, my own reaction was often over the top. The red mist was down and when I calmed down and reflected on what had happened I was always mortified.
    Culminated in someone behaving very badly with little provocation – a window slap because they were too close next to me as I was following a bus. They then drove in to me and on to the pavement (old blue Volvo, 1 1/2 tonnes of Swedish Steel ready to run me over apparently – I remember that bit). I jumped on to the bonnet and dragged the driver out of the car to batter him. I heard his wife (?) screaming and calmed down and rode off.
    The police arrived and caught up with me because a pedestrian that had witnessed the incident and nearly been hit by the car on the pavement had called them expecting me to need the assistance. The police asked me if I wanted to press charges. I didn’t because I wanted to forget the whole thing and was very ashamed of my behaviour after the event.
    I never commuted afterwards and have never ridden on the road since, except to the shops to get milk etc.
    At that stage I was late 30’s Chartered Surveyor, partner in a firm with three children. Something happens to some people in those dangerous confrontational situations. That’s why there are all these ridiculous videos and I did not want to be a part of it. Nothing like it has happened in the years since. The worst I do is swear at Piers Morgan. I am a vegetarian for goodness sake.

    Free Member

    My limited understanding is that the quantative easing with Govt bonds etc is not ‘real’ money just Govt backed and doesn’t show up on the balance sheet in the same way and is supposed to help with liquidity and the flow or velocity of money in order to try and stop the economy grinding to a halt.
    The public spending cuts and tax rises are attempting to address the real money issues of the public sector budget defecit. We have been spending more than we have been bringing in and are building up real debt. A tough thing to attempt when an economy is slowing down.
    In an ideal world you would put something by when the going is good to give yourself some breathing space and room for manoeuvre when it inevitably slows up. Something that the short termism of a democratic political system seems incapable of delivering.
    I do not have the answers and I am sure that others will be along soon to say how wrong I am. When I studied this (many years ago) I was told that if economies were self balancing then economists could go off and write poetry. This seems like the start of a long and painful process with the rebalancing of the world economy – West to East (well BRIC at least) 🙁

    Free Member

    Crashes on ‘easy’ trails just as bad because as you say they are faster. Just depends what you hit.
    Medics on site is always bad news.

    Free Member

    I am less sure than I used to be. Europe hasn’t been a sinking ship before.

    Free Member

    Big fan of the Advantage. Big volume and supple. Rolls well and use it all year round.

    Free Member

    Stupid name. Nice dog but I’m sure everyone says that about their own. We got one because we wanted a scruffy looking mutt. Also liked the idea of ‘mongrel vitality’. Ours is clever and friendly, pretty timid. Very good with bikes and I ride with him all the time. With poodles being thin, under their fur they are much lighter than the respective retreiver or lab and so seem to cover ground faster for longer.
    Just my experience
    P1000814[/url] by eddie.jenkinson[/url], on [/url]
    Woody![/url] by eddie.jenkinson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Great clips
    Thanks for sharing

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