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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • edenvalleyboy
    Free Member

    Far worse things going on in the world right now. Mumbling is not doing much harm compared to some of the other choices of attacks the less liberal folk in the world can use.

    Free Member

    Done some great stuff and is an awesome muscian when he’s on form. Just has the usual demons in his cupboards though.

    Free Member

    @junkyard..Will not disagree with you but you have to remember, due to neo-liberalism ideology there are just as many educated folk voting to the right because they are in it for themselves.

    Also a person who is comfortable financially has more power to vote ethically, moralistically and empathetically. Poor folk have to vote on what they believe will bring them more money and that’s how the right wins each time. Promises a better life financially. The thick part is directly linked to thwir opportunity to earn money I.e. less educated have less opportunity to earn money.

    Free Member

    the less well educated you are[ thick] the more likely you are to be right wing in general a

    How is this reflected in our highly educated political establishment? We have a right leaning political establishment.

    Free Member

    he’s too stupid to realise the damage he’s doing

    You think? He managed to get elected to one of the most powerful positions in the world. You might disagree with him but I think the ‘stupid’ comments people make about him and his voters demonstrate people haven’t a grasp of what’s going on in the world and how others live.

    Also, calling a right wing supporter stupid or thick is displaying the very same intolerance you are challenging in the right wing supporter. Pot, kettle , black and all that.

    Free Member

    It’s very covenient the media coverage of Trump – it’s taking the spotlight away from the fiasco that is Brexit and giving May some breathing space.

    Free Member

    The alternative is to move stuff onto your bike (frame, top-tube, seatpost bag, whichever is necessary). I’ve done this and either use water bottle on bike or have a very lightweight (and different design with the straps) 2 litre water pack on my back. Saves me wearing a heavier backpack or fannypack (which I think are not all they’re cracked up to be on the bike).

    Free Member

    It’s simple. People justify diesel because it saves money. The evidence is out there for all to see about how diesel contributes to cancer etc. All it would take is to own one less bike (for many people on this forum) to swap to petrol and not be hurt by the financial impact of the swap. Not hard choice really, to make a positive contribution to the health and well-being of our friends, family and fellow humans.

    Free Member

    @rivingtonbike…What makes you convinced new diesel’s are cleaner? The car companies have been caught lying through their arses regards their emissions figures.

    Free Member

    What I find odd is we are all affected by cancer..Often threads on here being angry at it. Yet, when it comes to taking a financial hit to do our bit to help reduce number of cancer victims, we justify not doing it and still opt to drive diesel’s.

    FYI, I drive petrol. Diesel is simply off the cards for me now.

    Free Member

    Diesel’s are responsible for environmental cancers and people are trying to reduce their use. If you have the choice you should buy a petrol car.

    Free Member

    Great responses. I’ll get the Musson’s book and give it a go. What’s the worst that could happen? :?

    Free Member

    Never trued a wheel in my life.. :D But that doesn’t put me off – have to start somewhere.

    Free Member

    OP – I use one of these top-tube bags.

    It’s good because not only does it work but you are also avoiding having an expensive Garmin sticking out the front of your bike (think crashing), limits what you have to carry since your gps is still your phone and the bag can carry sunnies, food, tools etc.

    And it’s cheap. Just make sure you put your phone in a ziplock bag to ensure full waterproofing.

    PS. Viewranger mapping is a very good if you fancied a change.

    Free Member

    If roles reversed – you sold a bike and then buyer comes back to you claiming there is damage to it that was not done by them….Would you refund? I wouldn’t. How do I know it wasn’t their fault so why should I be out of pocket. Unfortunately it’s your mistake for not checking it thoroughly and imo you’ve just got to take it on the chin.

    Free Member

    OP – if you want to wear them, wear them. It’s your body and you’d be gutted if you ditched the pads because you thought you shouldn’t be wearing them (based on what others do/don’t do), had a tumble and hurt yourself worse due to no pads.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the info. Read some of her blog just now. Tis good.

    Free Member

    Glad it’s not just me who thinks new forum is still a far worse experience.

    There’s an obession for change in business …seen as progressive and important. Unfortunately it can trump common sense. The old system worked.

    Free Member

    @chewk – offer solutions if you want to be taken seriously – not just critism. That’s lazy and anyone can do it. 1/10 to you. :wink:

    Free Member

    If anyone on here wants to get around to discussing Trump without resorting to Hysteria I’d be glad to – here’s hoping, eh

    You must use a different definition of the word discussion to everyone else then. Maybe English is not your first language? :D

    Free Member

    After yet another disaster in the Mediterranean, it’s clear that this is a huge problem, and one that seems to be getting worse by the day. Is it a problem for the EU? Is it a problem for the UK? or is it a problem for the UN?

    Tales of smugglers sending rickety boats out with only sufficient fuel to get half-way across the Med and a piece of paper with the phone number of the Italian coastguard abound. Tales of Christian refugees being murdered by Muslims, of people being locked in holds and left to drown, and numerous other horrors abound. This isn’t going to go away. Everyone in the media except Katie Hopkins says that ‘a political solution is needed’ but none of them seem to know what that solution might look like.

    As usual, someone is making money on the backs of human suffering, and others are picking up the costs in more than one way.

    it’s also clear that within this influx there are both economic migrants (some would say looking for a better life, others would say for the promised land of free money) and genuine refugees (which international law gives a duty to protect)

    In the short term then, should we accept all these poor people and put them in refugee camps somewhere in Europe, which will mean in reality that they will never go back to their own Countries of origin? or should we just pick them up, and dump them back on a deserted beach somewhere in North Africa?

    In the longer term, how do we discourage a constant tide of economic migrants if they see their compatriots being looked after in Europe? The numbers appears to be growing, and who can blame them, when the places they are leaving – Syria, Somalia, Libya – are such complete holes.

    I’m sure there are valid arguments about this being the inevitable effect of our intervention in Libya, however we are where we are and cannot change that, so – where do we go from here?

    Oh, and here’s hoping that we can discuss a serious topic without hysteria…

    Your words above @Nifan
    . Who’d have thought someone who supports Trump, Brexit and trolls on here to wind people up would have written the above. Especially the last sentence. Wonder what happened to you?

    Free Member

    @nifan. Yet again you make a statement that makes your statement contradictory. Bravo …. :roll:

    Free Member

    Handy Bird sounds like the lower end of the market I.e. cheaper. I’m sure you’d get trade using that name but you’re unlikely to get better prices paid because people see you as professional and superior etc.

    Free Member

    She deliberately (and correctly) forced his had. He was not in control, she was. She is the winner there.

    Totall agree @thm. She made a great move with big impact. Yet again, shows he’s a total novice in this role.

    All jokes aside though about him…he has the potential to create quite a nasty situation. I’ve even wondered if he’ll be ‘taken out’ (somehow) by his own nations security to avoid catastrophic problems. His actions could create seriously nasty responses from different areas of the world since he’s already playing into the hands of the anti-Amnerican propoganda machine.

    Free Member

    What is hurting him the most though is the fact he classes himself as a New Yorker and currently New York hates him for what he’s done to their city (essentially closed it down pre elections with all his entourage etc) and his beliefs. I have a fair bit of family in New York and it’s funny to hear their view of what’s going on.

    Free Member

    Trump stands for Trump I.e. himself, and no one else. He’s simply an egotoctistical old man and is just doing what he wants. Hardly surprising his actions at present. Nevertheless, his voters won’t care about the carnage since they mostly live outside the big cities anyway. He’ll still be getting their support with these actions.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I agree completely – many a leftie has been a dictator.

    Same as many a man has been a serial killer. Doesn’t mean one has to be associated by default to a particular behaviour of said category.

    Free Member

    You always have to be on guard against fascists like trump and farage. nifan.

    Please call me a leftie nifan..I need some flattery. :D

    Free Member

    @edenvalleyboy Is that portrayal acceptable? #womensmarch


    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ve an Alpkit Possum – works well but not as much space as you’d think and when filled to capacity I can only use a smaller bottle in the bottle cage on the downtube (due to the bag extending downwards).

    It’s a well made bag and I’m happy with it but it still takes a bit of kit managemet to use efficiently.

    Buy a bag with the pretext that you’ll try it for size and return it if it’s not what your after.

    Free Member

    Free Member

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    Free Member

    Free Member

    Torture has been banned not simply for ethical reasons but because it is unreliable. Under torture people potentially will (and do) say anything to stop what is happening to them. Therefore their ‘confessions’ could provide true or false information and this is why it has been banned.

    Trump is displaying his ignorance with his comments.

    Free Member

    But ‘take back control’ doesn’t actually mean anything. Dictators take control but don’t necessarily improve conditions for society/citizens.

    No discourse around what it’ll actually look like for the individual.

    I guess it’s kept alot of people busy on this thread chatting about it…Is that a positive thing maybe? :D

    Free Member

    IMO the country has lost sight of the whole reason for Brexit (if there ever was one). A few months down the line and it’s problems after problems but people are still defending it. But for what reason?

    After all is done what is supposed to happen to us as a country that is better for us, than we have now? Are we supposed to be richer? More equal? Better prospects for our children?

    Seems a complete waste of time to me this Brexit thing. Further, while everybody is focused on Brexit other areas of society are being neglected and we will experience a lot of negative unintended consequences.

    Free Member

    WOrk out how many calories a day you should be eating , split this into proper ratio of carbs, fat and protein and then keep a diary to stay on top of it. Eat wholefood where possible.

    That whole nutri-bullet thing is nonsense (sorry to be so blunt) and no use to you.

    Oh, just read you’ve made some changes already. Sounds better.

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