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  • Mental Mondays #13 – The get on out there edition
  • edenvalleyboy
    Free Member

    An alternative to free childcare/parenting issues (because your point is very valid mikeactually re. Stay at home parents) is to ensure workplaces/organisations offer maximum variety of work patterns to allow for parental issues/livea e.g. school runs, both parents wanting to work AND raise their children

    This happens quite a lot in other countries and is seen as a very positive attribute to society. I’m not sure why the UK has been so slow to embrace it…

    Free Member

    How about industry acknowledging that a job needs more people than claimed and not expecting appalling overtime hours or work spent on laptops AF home to get the job done…t

    Free Member

    Re childcare- within our patriarchal setup its the men who are in the majority if work. Think how more effective our economy would be if we had vast amounts of women back in the workplace adding a whole raft of benefits that would come from a balanced workforce…

    Free Member

    Regards yout point Molgrips about most people agreeing with these kind of policies, that’s one suggestion why the preelection polls were so wrong. People in their hearts want the ideology of Labour and Green (and preelection say theyll vote Labour etc) but are too scared to when it comes to it – also weirdly a lot of people are too embarrassed to admit voting Tory. Surely if you’re embarrassed you know it’s not the right thing?

    Free Member

    Once back in shape its all about the regular stretching to keep your body in shape. A great book is ‘Stretching’ by Bob Anderson. Couldn’t recommended this enough. Getting into stretching regularly has been a life changer for me…

    Free Member

    Got to say I cannot get my head around the irony here.

    Vast majority of people ride to be in beautiful places, read the Singletrack magazine that is massively into wild and beautiful places, these threads are full of inspiring photos of environment… And then some people justify dropping litter. Peole are funny hey…

    Free Member

    Mm so I’ve been using Shimano with PTFE. Would have thought someone would have said using this by now. Any one have a reason why I should use something else or is it just personal preference?

    Free Member

    For the argument that riding is different to throwing McD out window. I disagree.
    Rubbish is rubbish. Let’s not be conceited that we’re any better than others. The world does not need to be littered and if we can avoid it we should – bike riding is for pleasure so its completely unnecessary to be littering..

    Free Member

    Cloud nine – I reckon it’d work in jersey pocket. The source said he used it on marathon runs and I’m guessing he had it on him whilst getting very hot..

    Free Member

    So I’ve had it in my bag (wrapped in tin foil) and no melting. I’ve left a batch in fridge for three weeks and I’m still alive. Quantities..slightly different each time – I keep meaning to write a set recipe for it but keep forgetting..

    Free Member

    Something of note from me hopefully.

    After rafting accident in SA, dislocated shoulder. Next few years would pop out when rock climbing (on hard stuff).. Had it looked at. Turns out, for me, repeated dislocations had torn away some ‘stuff’ in the shoulder (very common). Had key hole surgery, pretty straight forward recovery and physio and back to full strength quite quickly..

    Free Member

    Meant to finish that with you need to ride one for a while to make your own mind up…

    Free Member

    Only you can be the judge of that. Nobody on this forum could tell you what’s best for you since its all individual tastes.
    Only thing your missing is experiencing what a fs does/feels like etc. But you could say the same for riding a unicycle/road bike etc…

    Free Member

    I’m happy to look after some of your bikes..that way you may feel less bothered by doing nowt…

    Free Member

    I lived and worked in Cumbria for six years. Loved it.

    I did however move back to the middle of the country because I found I was too far from family and work opportunitues were limited.

    But, I guess my perspective is whilst moving is a ballache its not impossible. So the move is never going to be forever if it doesn’t work out. Is it better to try or always wonder what could have been?

    Free Member

    Someone needs to polish his helmet.

    Free Member

    Going to have to contradict you poisonspider I’m afraid.

    Last week I went tubeless. Took ten minutes easy work each wheel.

    I was using Bonty TLR wheels, Bonty TLR tyres and valves etc. But, it was simple…and I’ve ridden on them since and haven’t lost ant pressure yet either..

    Free Member

    Before its picked up, not majority literally, but enough to do the damage…

    Free Member

    Molgrips, totally agree with your earlier point. Result of this vote demonstrates the majority are ignorantly looking out for themselves and not caring about their fellow man…really sad…

    Free Member

    For all those people who are claiming they’re voting in the best interests of their family…what do you make of the extenisve research by Richard put in his popular book “the spirit level”.. Do you subscribe to it or think its tosh?

    Free Member

    Hi wrecker,

    My point was that the phrase, in its context, excludes a huge group of people who cannot work..its not used in an inclusive way..a

    Free Member

    The Tory use of “hardworking families” is different to Labours use..its all contrxtual, not just a phrase that exists in its own separate space/vacuum..

    My point definitely stands still (to all in this thread)…I challenge people to defend their political stance by not simply saying “well so and so did this..”

    It shouldn’t be about who ‘supposedly’ did best..imho it should be aboutnaspirational values etc…

    Which is why the repeated use of statistics ti argue points is a waste of time. Statistics all depend on who writes/ccommisons them. There is no one definite version of reality so debating statistics I think is a waste of time..

    Free Member

    Allthepies, I see you succumb to the logic of the system.

    How come your response is to critise another party, instead of defending what I guess is your Tory vote…that kind of response is a very lame argument – same as the majority of politicians..

    Free Member

    Interesting no one responded to my earlier post.

    In a very informal way it demonstrates that Tory voters are on the whole at the higher end of the social stratification ladder/power tree/’haves’ camp …

    Whilst there are many non Tory voters in these social and economic status groups, my opinion is they have a more critical view of the world and society and can see what is going on around them – and crucially see what the tory party stands for.

    Tory’s are all about exclusivity and subscribe wholly to the neo-liberalist agenda of individualisation…their slogan says it all..”hard working working families…” What if you cannot work? Born less able? Didnt get educated? Life opportunities not offered…?

    Sorry, but my vote goes to a party that subscribes to inclusivity values, see humans as all the same and understands some people need more help because life can be shit and its not their fault. Not a party that puts responsibility down to the individual and blames everything on their life choices.. That is why the Tory party is still known as the nasty party…

    Free Member

    I haven’t laughed so much at thread for ages. Genius – I really don’t know who is having a laugh at who….priceless…

    Free Member


    Question for all the responses who said you’d vote Tory. Are any of you on sub £20k, less abled, non UK resident, not heterosexual etc?.

    Free Member

    Can someone tell me how to read the scandalous review. The link in OP post just takes me to some posts that I’m sure wouldn’t be generating this response…

    On a side note – if you had to choose would you rather wonky fingers or bulbous toes?

    Free Member


    You write “moved house.. new school”, in a young persons life those are both pretty big changes..

    Young people cannot communicate the same way adults do so if theyre unsettled behaviours can vary a lot…

    From what you write I’m not surprised they’re unsettled – only advice I’d give is talk to them (seperately and informally as possible) to ask how they’re feeling etc and see what comes out….

    Free Member

    Hi Jekkyl,

    For my future reference, why are you suggesting Reba’s?


    Free Member


    So I built one recently. Everywhere you look everyone says 120mm – I put on my old 120mm Fox forks and it rides great.

    When it comes to replace forks I’ll get 120mm again since seems to work for me.

    Regards brand of fork – personally I’ll be getting ones I can service thoroughly myself easily. My current Fox ones have definitely not been the simplest to service at home (they are a couple of years old though and things have obviously progressed over time).

    Cracking bike to ride….

    Free Member

    Cheers njee20….

    Free Member

    And if they really don’t want it left in I’ll get the SDS drill out, remove it and fill in the holes…

    Free Member


    So I use these and am in your predicament now.

    I’m leaving rental property to newly bought house.

    I always knew there would be no chance it would come off (except leaving an ugly botched hole in the concrete floor).

    So i will be leaving it in shed. If they say anything I’m going to say I think it adds value to their shed. Which I genuinely do…

    Free Member

    Bearnecessities, your main point (at the end) had been taken on board and is actually very crucial for me to remembr in my real word.

    Free Member

    Hey bear necessities – I wasn’t trying to pick on your points (if it felt like that) just using them for a platform for myself i guess.

    I do tackle the larger issues in many ways – maybe I shouldn’t rant so heavily on these forums though – most people just want it to be light hearted…

    Free Member

    All those point you make bearnecessitues…I.e. Reasons for…where do you think they come from… the insecurities etc? They come from a society that objetivies women and paints a portrait of the ‘normal’ woman..splashed across media and film. Here’s an example..fat men is kind of exceptable on TV/film. How many fat women can you think of who are famous? Considering we’re supposed to be an obese nation isn’t it odd to.not see obese women on TV? It’s all a part of culture that portarays thinsgs a certain way.

    And I’d one doesn’t ‘fit in’ they feel abnormal.

    So any of the complex reasons are borne out of this. You cannot separate the individual from society or culture, we are society… So if thats our norms that’s how we behave and see reality…

    Free Member

    Oh no, I’m going to rant…

    What’s even worse is this oppression of women has been so ingrained, the vast majority of men and women have internalised it as the norm… And cannot even see how shocking society treats people to make them want to pay for surgery because they’re not ‘right’…

    Sorry, rant over. Going for a ride.. Beautiful out there eh…

    Free Member

    I feel ashamed to be a bloke when I see this stuff…only reason women have boob jobs is because of the incessant bombardment of a western pressure for women to look ‘nice’ for men. Jeez, it makes me sad….

    Free Member

    I built a Cotic Soul recently and love it. Like being a kid again, hoofing around on a bike. And I can put in some serious miles – far more than I was inspired to on my fs (which was light too)..

    Maybe it’s not the brand though – maybe just the difference between fs and hardtail…

    Free Member

    Oh and ‘scaled’,cheers for worm kit link. Never new that existed!!

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