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  • The ‘Mericans – Classic USA Brand Bike Test
  • edenvalleyboy
    Free Member

    I’m with you yunki…silly little woman getting upset (sic) over a bit of sexual harassment.. She should have just been glad she’s earning a salary that women aren’t really supposed to get…needs to be put back in her place…

    Free Member

    In response to guess you don’t have kids…we have two young children but always cook from scratch…we see whole food as a base for healthy living ..therefore prioritise it. I see it as false fast food and you’re more likely to get poorly…as a household we rarely suffer for long with colds and stuff…I’m sure that’s down to making an effort to eat , sleep and move properly…

    Free Member

    I lived and worked there for a couple of years…had a great time. Friendly place, good vibe, close to getting to coast and out to quieter places. I went from living in central London to Dublin and noticed the change – Dublin in contrast was quieter and I’d bump into people (unlike the anonymity of London)..worked for me. This was fifteen years ago though – if it makes any difference…

    Free Member

    I’ve been watching you all sleeping ……..

    Free Member

    @gotama…that sequence was looking very acceptable until the spider planks…then it was like woaaaaa that’ll break me!!!

    Free Member

    Cheers for the responses…I guess in my head I know there’s no one solution..

    @Mrhoppy – not taken as a narky comment – i agree with your point. I guess the issue is I do regular stretching routines plus spend time on the bike 3 x a week, so to put another routine in the week is pushing it…something has to give I guess..

    @schrichvr6 – a friend swears by that turkish’re only the second person i’ve heard mention it ever…

    @Rorschach – you may have found the answer for me – swap some of my stretching routines into yoga sequences – i have the books and have done it in the past…it’ll be a good positive compromise…hadn’t thought of that solution..

    Cheers all.

    Free Member

    I’m going to stand in your defence a little. Relationahips are about listening, unserstanding, compromise and everyone getting a little of what they want. I think you should have had your feelings taken into account for YOUR birthday present and Centre PARC’s should not have been booked.
    I would be very disappointed if my other half disregarded my feelings for my 40th…

    Free Member

    I thought planking was all about where you do it – not for how long.

    I love to plank in the shower, also before I go to bed (I seem to sleep well afterwards)… Somethines I plank in public but it feels a bit wrong…. :D

    Free Member

    I was in the audience of the TFI episode where the four of them (Evans, Cedric and two others) ended the show by standing on the balcony naked…we were right below them…scarred me for life… :D

    Free Member

    I saw Chris Evan’s willy in the flesh once…not sure why I feel compelled to write that…I’ll leave now…

    Free Member

    Instead of focusing on the boyfriend – focus on your daughter. Try to instill in her self respect, self esteem etc I.e. to have the confidence to hang out with boys but not be pressured to do anything so it all stays harmless….IMO, if you focus on the boyfrienda and become an overprotective dad you’ll make things worse…she’ll rebell..

    Free Member

    Best thing they’re for is to have a laugh by popping one in your mouth and seeing how long you can keep your mouth closed while the tablet froths up….

    Free Member

    I don’t think stw is full of diehards not wishing to progress…I read this thread as the view that people are happy to change wheel size when its necessary but are not going to throw away a perfectly good bike just to get the newest model..I don’t care what wheel size my bike is. but the two factors keeping me at 26″ are the costs (cheaper to move all my working 26″ parts than buy a complete bike) AND just as importantly, the environmental aspect. I won’t throw away stuff that works perfectly well..

    Free Member

    26 here too…I even bucked the trend last year, or the one before, by buying a brand new (yep, you read that right) 26in frame ( one of the last 26″ Cotic Souls..)…..I’m sure many would call me mad but it worked for me… :D

    Free Member

    Kinda hijak – why do people love them? Never ridden one so curious…what’s their niche?

    Free Member

    Argos sell amazing magnetic locks…magnetic locks stick inside cupboard to be locked and can only be opened from outside by another magnetic key (which you store out of child’s reach)..we have them in kitchen where chemicals stored…genius invention and cheap…and other than this we only had stairgates…teaching what’s right is better than removing all potential problems (IMO)..

    Free Member

    @kryton – I think all the 1x problems are solvable but are an evolving process..

    I have a feeling I’ll be riding 1x in winter and 2x in summer (when in my long rides)..only a week ago I was on here saying I thought 1x was great but I’d probably have to buy an expander….now I’m questioning that..I have a perfectly good 2x in toolkit…better for me to spend the money on some quicker tyres than keep buying kit to make 1x fit my riding (and essentially fix a problem that doesn’t need to exist)….. Like everyone says..horses for courses…

    Free Member

    @kryton57 – not sure if your post was being serious or not..but…IMO…1x is OK but not perfect and lots of expanders being used etc …when quite simply 2x is tried and tested and works…I personally dont buy into the weight thing…your racing fitness/speed etc is in your legs not the weight of your front mech (or lack of mech)….try it (I have) but it’s not a perfect sysetm for ALL riding , whereas 2x is…

    Free Member

    Personally I couldn’t enter an event I knew I had to hold back on – I’d get carried away and go harder than I should.

    Also, why place badly in a race and have to keep justifying to yourself and others that you could have done better if on better form…

    Free Member

    To peel an orange the way you would a satsuma or clementine, place orange on table and use the palm of your hand to roll it around. This removes the orange segments from the peel (whilst still inside the orange) allowing you to peel it like a satsuma…

    Free Member

    I don’t understand OP’s query. They moved the exam dates – hasn’t negatively affected anyone, but will make a positive contribution to some pupils…what is the problem with that?

    Free Member

    It’s like a pantomime and it should be scrapped or conducted without the whole boorish behaviour -just demonstrates the devide between politicians and your average Joe blogs.(no political bias in this comment – I see the vast majority as all part of the same establishment)…

    Free Member

    @ferrals – you could look at the wider picture…improving your diet (cutting out processed foods etc) is way better for your overall health and well-being…so even if your biking is not as good at you’d like it to be, the added health benefits are surely worth it..

    Free Member

    So, if shop is allowed to change something – where’s the point that it’s not allowed to? For example, @scapegoat’s different forks is surprising – that’s like a whole different bike isn’t it?

    Free Member

    @duggan – I actually wondered about my garage in exactly the same way when I set my turbo up.

    I asked a couple of people about it and they thought that if nothing is exposed (within the garage) it surely cannot be any worse than cycling/walking on a road with car fumes surrounding you..

    Others are welcome to say this is wrong – I’m no expert on asbestos…

    Free Member

    I think 1x has its place but it is very much dependent on rider’s needs/wants…one wouldn’t try to convince a roadie to ride a downhill bike on the road (I know it’s an extreme example and not supposed to be taken literally)..

    I’ve recently converted and like it for many reasons. However, I’m aware my type of riding (mtb marathons etc) will probably either necessitate an expander or returning to 2x. I will continue and see how it goes.

    I do want it to work (1x) and see it worth paying for an expander – the simplicity appeals since I ride my bike in all weathers and try to keep mechanical issues/wearing to a minimum. But again, that simplicity is my value, someone would rightly scoff at my argument because that is of no interest to them…horses for courses…

    Free Member

    @billyboy….following on …I suggest a bet…question is ..who can the tories upset next?

    We’ve had…fracking, working tax credit, disabled benefit cuts, human rights act, legal aid being cut, bedroom tax, royal mail shares being sold to city fat cats, environmental budget cuts making the floods worse and now doctors..this was just off the top of my head…what’ll be next?

    This is why Corbyn will never win…he listens to others way too much….

    Free Member

    Cheers for answers – interesting to see what people say about it.

    Free Member

    @oldpasit…I usually just squirt water into pads to clean debris away and hose/squirt water onto disks…I ask because I noticed other day the rotors were still a bit mud smeared….I guess all I should do is wipe with kitchen towel as ernie67 says….

    Although I’m aware there’s some products people buy…wondered if that was marketing or actually useful at this time of year…

    Free Member

    Have a look at (the controversial) Strava heatmap…

    Free Member

    I find breathing through my mouth and nose is the best way to get oxygen into my body…maybe that’s the issue? Your ass just can’t get the oxygen you need to feel better…

    Free Member

    Yes, all very bizarre…also mad is the 1.5km tunnel with tracks that a motorbike type cart helped El Capo escape from….all very rock ‘n roll….I dare not say anything bad about him in case I end up hanging from a bridge by my neck.. :cry:

    Free Member

    @coatsey – cheers. I’ve decided (since I have an event to ride next week) I’m going to get lbs to sort and tell me what freehub they put on (if they do) so that next time I know what I’m dealing with…seems the most cost/time effective way to sort the issue…

    Free Member

    Oh, and is the way the axle is put back in to the wheel and tightened up supposed to eliminate any minor play in the freehub? The play in the cassette (whilst still relatively minor) is still more than the play in the freehub when the axle and cassette are taken off/out…my gut tells me I’m looking at the wrong area for fixing the primary issue…

    Cheers for all the help…

    Free Member

    Hi – Think I’ll have to take to bike shop and ask what tool they sell to get free hub off – and then hopefully they’ll tell me what I’m dealing with..

    But @coatesy – the 7/16″ AF you’re talking about. Will I find that in my (full) socket wrench set? (I’m a numpty when talking tools – all a learning process!!)..

    Free Member

    @munkster – I replaced the wheel bearings previously. Not going to lie – getting the bearings back into the non-drive side was not a particularly easy time.. :?

    The wheels are (old) Bontranger Rhythm Comps – I can’t put the exploded diagram on here. Having scoured Internet videos (of freehubs) mine seems pretty standard (but definitely not Hope Pro2) I’ll take the wheel to the bike shop to find out what size hex key fits and buy it from them. Take it all apart and see what problem is. Probably end up buying a new freehub…

    Free Member


    It’s not cup and cone and I’m not sure what freebub it is. All I can see is that it looks like it needs a hex (above 10mm cos tried that) to undo.

    I guess only solution is to get the correct hex size and take it off.

    The freehub play hasn’t affected shifting – will it do any harm if I had to ride it like that for a while?


    Free Member

    @jambalaya – obviously totally unscientific, but I reckon it felt like my old 3rd gear…

    Free Member

    @jambalaya – I decided to start with a 30t nw ring to make life easier when I’m six hours in, tired and trying to get up a hill…the lowest gear did feel slightly higher than before but not by much…I probably noticed it more at the top end when I was trying to hoof it on a downhill road section…

    I see the other posts for wide cassettes..cheers..

    Free Member

    In good old biking fashion I cycled across it a few years back..recomendations? Music, rum and get to places outside Havana – Havana’s great but the rural parts are lovely….and go to the revolution museum and Che’s mausoleum…oh, and outside of tourist destinations the Cubans speak hardly any English – Spanish was necessary to talk to the locals…(well, they didn’t fifteen years ago)

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