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  • edenvalleyboy
    Free Member

    Never has one person written so much without saying anything!

    Maybe he’s a politician? Anyone know THM? Check to see if he has the obligatory hand waving and the answer will be told…. :D

    Free Member

    @jam bo… You confirm my point well….your viewpoint is probably how Nicky Morgan views it too….(for context, I’ve spent seven years working with hundreds of different teachers from around the country who work in both public and private schools and I’ve completed research on education too)…

    Free Member

    I think some people haven’t quite got to grips yet with why a teacher chooses to teach….

    Free Member

    Hilarious clip…even more so because I’m from the perspective that I just do not get this kind of movie. Maybe Ben Afleck suddenly woke up and realised it was shite too….very funny.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I know we all do it (the overtime) but it’s a really bad culture in the UK for this…many other countries wouldn’t ask you to do it and employees would tell them to f off..

    It’s capatalism…you sell your sevices to the highest bidder…why would you give your sevices for free? We don’t get free Mars bars in the shop so why are we (employees) expected to give our services for free….because we fear losing our jobs when the next employee puts in the overtime…..

    Free Member

    Great – cheers for the replies.

    Free Member

    +1 for the garden sprayer in back of the car. Mines a Tesco one so even cheaper – £6 I think…simple but effective.

    Free Member

    Yes…it genuinely makes them smooth. Spray it on and it’s like they’ve come back from TF Tuned…
    But no one seems to use it…bit odd if it is genuinely good.

    My issue is I wonder if I still need to treat fork seals as I normally would when cleaning, or if this is good enough as an overall fork cleaning/maintenance substance.

    Free Member

    Bump for the morning crowd.

    Is no one using it?

    Free Member

    It’s sciences fault.. :D

    We live in culture where everything has to be reduced and labled – and then contest the label…

    Free Member

    Are you f******* serious…..i cannot believe you’d be so f******** irresponsible as to ………….only have rich tea.

    Free Member

    2 options….

    1) Don’t go to Afan..saved you a lot of money on that one.. :-)

    2). Spend the cost of new bike on lessons – to become a hardtail God…that surely would be way more satisfying than paying for a new bike…

    Free Member

    @slimjim – I’ve had hip ache recently – went to physio – turns out too much work on the turbo/bike in an incorrect position had resulted in glutes and stuff not all working properly….been fixed easily with some specific exercises and checking my bike setup….

    Free Member

    Community development – difficult to practice under current governance but yep very happy.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    @deviant ….I don’t think anybody is saying benefit fraud does not take place. It’s the context of the cuts taking place and how in the grand scheme of things it’s an unequal approach (MP’s kept their payrise and the budget was better for the richer in society).

    Example being below. Quick google of “true cost of benefit fraud”. If you believe the excerpt below you have to question why they are not trying harder to tackle tax fraud?

    So to get some perspective, benefit fraud represents 2% of the estimated total annual fraud in the UK. Public sector fraud, which includes benefit fraud, is £20.3 billion a year, so within this category it accounts for just under 8%. The majority of this £20 billion is tax fraud which costs the economy £14 billion annually, or 69%. So we can see that both in absolute and percentage terms tax fraud is a much bigger issue than benefit fraud. In fact, out of all the categories of fraud calculated by the UK Government, benefit fraud is the second lowest. Only identity fraud which costs individuals £1.4billion a year comes below it.


    Free Member

    Politicians and their impact are over hyped. They mostly react to events ( as latest budget shows). The world goes on in spite of, not because of them.

    @thm I think you need to understand some sociology theories….your statement is grossly innnacurate.

    Whilst I will agree that many forces are at play and there can never simply be a person/group at the top orchestarting everything (due to individuals/groups having their own agency and can choose how and when to use it)…politicians by the nature of the responsibilities bestowed upon them have some of the most power within society.

    It is the most powerful in society who then set the terms and conditions.

    Example being – in your statement it would suggest the world would be either a homogenous place OR complete chasos since no one in charge.
    We all know this is not the case.

    This is due to the most powerful within each section of society making certain choices to influence what happens.

    Free Member

    But the cult of central bankers, precise target and the flawed supremacy of monetary policy are condemning us to this nonsense – not the nasty Tories, they are simply players in a wider game of failure

    Quite right @thm – they’re unable to control things the way they wish to – your statement above also explains Osbourne’s missing of targets and breaking of his own rules.

    I wonder why then you support a collection of people who (as you point out) are clearly not fit for the job they are in? Very odd…..

    Free Member

    A slightly different take on it. The more we (society) go on about how it was a political move, detracts from the subject matter (the benefits cut).

    By not allowing his (lie or not) argument of the cuts being indifensible to be discussed in public, it plays into the Tory hands and the cuts can still go ahead.

    We (society) need to keep the debates going of how they shouldn’t happen..not go on about the politics of his resignation. Whatever the reason for his resignation’s a good thing for the people at the sharp end of the proposed cuts.

    Free Member

    Your thread title made me look twice!!!

    Free Member

    Usually depends whether I mixed a dash of urine into it…never last well well with urine it. If I have mixed it in I have to drink it all on the first day/bin it at end of the ride…

    Free Member

    @slimjim…you can’t have it both ways…first you say..

    Stop for one minute to imagine where we could be if labour had continued to run the figures. I’m certain of nothing in politics other than being convinced that labour budgeting is suicide.

    Then you say..

    He didn’t hit his quoted targets, but I’m pretty sure the economic shower of shit he inherited was even worse than first predicted. IMO it’s too easy to just spout ‘he missed his target he missed his target!’

    So you think missing missing targets is ok and that it’s the world econonmy that has been the problem. (Which is also what many economists agree was the issue with the ecomonic problems for Labour i.e. not their fault, world economy issues at play)

    What exactly is it that you think Labour would do that’s so different from the excuses you make for Conservative?

    Appears to me that your a typical voter who has a (strong) allegiance to a political party without thinking critically what’s going on.

    Free Member

    You misread (again). I want to kill people in order to kill binners.
    A necessary evil. Their sacrifice will not be forgotten

    @slimjim – where did I misread you last time? Genuine question, not a reactive post. I’ve only made three posts in this thread and two didn’t mention other forum posts…

    Free Member

    I wish peole would stop thinking about numbers and focus on the peole concerneds….who gives a shit about what Labour might or might not do to the economy.. Right now the peole in charge are making nasty decisions (as evidenced by the backlash of their own MP’s)…

    Slimjim …you want to kill people to upset Binners? What a lovely set of values you have…

    Free Member

    Context is everything… Maybe making disabled benefits more streamlined in the right palces is appropriate but there will always be collateral damage which will result in deaths, increased suffering and hardship within a section of society who are already having it hard enough compared to the majority of others..howver it’s the context this is done in..MP’s kept their payrise and economists today all agreed that it was the top 10% wealthiest who ‘made the most’ out of this budget…so quite obviously these cuts are not equal across all social boundaries.

    Simple fact is…it’s choices. Government are choosing to cut benefits (knowing full well the consequences) when they could quite easily choose to leave them alone and raise the money elsewhere. They have chosen to hit some of the most disadvantaged…how you perceive that is obviously up to you. But if you know anything about politics you’ll also know if was simply choice – not necessity – to hit the most disadvantaged ( As has been demonstrated by Tories own backbenches telling them to choose not to do it)..

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Don’t know much about it but do remember a documentary recently that was all about the number of horse deaths due to the sport…I.e. Many many horses are put down due to racing related injuries, but it’s kept very hidden (for the sake of the image of the sport)..

    Free Member

    @grum – I like it…. :D

    Free Member

    Do Sheffieldonians have a slab of mature cheddar on their fruitcake? That’s the real test….and it’s a surprisingly good combination….

    Free Member

    Does anyone know what the justification is for cutting disabled benefit? Do they just think less-abled people are faking it and should be trying harder to get a job? Or are they just hoping less-abled people will die of poverty earlier , thereby keeping tbe welfare budget diwn?

    Free Member

    Aside from a relatively small moortgage that either myself or my other could pay off with one salary…no debt. Had debt before and hated the feeling of it…now all decisins based on staying debt free…whilst sounds idealist I’m sure many people would not wish to live the way we do to, be able to live within our means…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Not particulary a fan …but I did see them at Slaine Castle (Ireland) in 2002 for their homecoming gig and it was pretty amazing…but probably more to do with the the atmospshere on home turf than their music….

    Free Member

    The binary argument of private/public is unhelpful..neither public or private is the answer by default.

    What is important is the objectives. The problem with current privatisation model is trying to cut and paste a corporate business model onto a social market – it doesn’t work in the best interests of the people.

    Many examples of bad practice where numbers are valued higher than service users…e.g. carers for the elderly only being given fifteen minutes to visit an elderly person in their home. It doesn’t work.

    I know of a head teacher of an Academy that was told by their business expert to forget the children and start thinking about the numbers.

    I suggest this numbers game is also displayed in this thread by people in support of the move – talking about numbers, money etc and not the actual young people’s needs.

    Instead of thinking the private sector has the answers for the social market – people should be coming up with a model that has the service users needs at heart AND maximising efficiency at the same time…

    Free Member

    @jambayla…I see your evidence is as inadequate as the governments for this drive…they have no robust evidence it works and yours is based on one person’s perspective (your daughter)…incredibly weak evdience to justify rolling out Acadmeies to all….

    Free Member

    The elephant in the room is that there is no evidence to justify making all schools Academies…and what evidence there is is decidedly mixed…goes to show that ideology/money is the driving factor, not what’s best for the pupils….

    Free Member

    OK – so I see it as a decision not based on robust evidence…. what Academies there have been have been mediocre… Further, the privatisation model favours decions based on competitive tendering ahead of experts/what’s best for the service users… I think it’s a rubbish decision…hopefully it won’t go ahead..

    Free Member

    In our cul de sac (?) is the perfect place to learn long distance wheelies and manuals…I want to…my fear is not the bike/me/falling off …its the fact I feel like a pillock in front of all the neighbours..a middle aged man learning to wheelie.! I’m going to get over it this year though and dedicate 20mins a day to mastering the art once and for all….

    Free Member

    What is a shame is lots of people complain about politics etc but do nothing apart from vote….we as a society have enormous power in collective action (if we wished to use it – and I’m not just talking about strikes) but as a society we seem to just accept our lot (and then moan)…we could change the status quo if we really wanted to…

    Example of acceptance… Food banks….why are we putting food into them instead of saying ‘hang on a minute we shouldn’t have to be’…the UK has enough wealth to not have to have food banks…it’s appalling…..

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