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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 4: DT Swiss EX 1700 Wheelset
  • edenvalleyboy
    Free Member

    What’s worse? Bike bore or eavesdropping? Couldn’t you just zone them out and listen in to another conversation that you preffered?

    Free Member

    They’re not as fast as you’d think – when I was running with one I was surprised that the mother was able to run after me and catch me to get her baby and pram back…. :D

    Free Member

    @jambayla…sorry to say but you haven’t a clue what the ‘poor’ need…I wonder what exposure you have to the ‘poor’ besides what you read in the newspaper etc? Judging by the comments you make, i have to guess very little.

    Not knocking you for it…you just need to realise you’re talking about something you haven’t got a clue about…you’re just repeating political rhetoric..

    Free Member

    We got this recently – economical to run and good score from Which and reviews…we like it too. However, if you want something that silently bakes your clothes dry, this won’t be for you… :D

    Free Member

    I think some people need to look at the usernames…there’s a big clue as to who’ll be able to deal with critical thinking and who won’t…

    Free Member

    @thm – I suggest 16 pages in and it demonstrates that some people are discussing the subject by reducing it to laws and numbers and others are discussing the subject by looking at the bigger picture and how it relates to overall societal values…neither side will ever agree.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    You’d think we had a secret police amonsgt us considering some of the comments on here…you know guys, you can criticise your leader. He won’t come and get you for subservience…IMO he”s making you look foolish – defending him for what everyone knows has been unethical, deceptive and hypocritical Prime Ministerial behaviour….

    Free Member

    @thm – be careful in your quick excuses…you’re straying dangerously close to social theoires that believe people are the result of their surroundings and therefore cannot be held truly accountable for their actions….that is the opposite of the Tory ideology of individualisation…unless of course I got you wrong and actually you are a Corbyn supporter? :D

    Free Member

    I love the fact that people seem to think we should believe the facts (as we know them today)…after the way this has played out (initial leaks followed by four different statements) …you can hardly call Dave Cameron a standup honest guy can you…

    Free Member

    @bainbridge…*no one knows what the hell their talking about”.. :D …

    Free Member

    I wonder if Jimmy Carr will say anything? Cameron publically accused him of moral wrong doing when it came out that Carr had been avoiding tax…although maybe Carr will just say “well we really are in it together…”

    Free Member

    Cheers for posting OP -great vid.

    Free Member

    I have a vision…David Cameron with his pinky in his mouth going mah ha ha..”listen to those idiots on STW…we make them feel like they’re one of us by encouraging them to avoid a little tax and then they don’t get upset with us when we screw them over big time by making them do their tax returns while we squirrel away loads and avoid it ourselves…what’s even funnier is they’re arguing amonst themselves the silly little plebs…mah ha ha…”

    Free Member

    Blame is interesting word…I’m not blaming him for anything.

    However, it’s hardly democratic when money gets you into positions of power…so Cameron snr accumulated lots of wealth unethically, that undoubtedly contributed towards making Cameron jnr Prime Minister…and then, as an MP Cameron jnr would have been in a powerful position to influence policy that may well have benifitted Cameron snr’s unethical wealth aaccumulation..all very mucky imo…

    Free Member

    @wrecker – what exactly do you mean by ‘he’s not accountable’ for his father’s finances?

    Free Member

    Why wouldn’t he? Not to defend him but he’s not responsible for what his dad did.

    Well, Cameron is where he is today as a result of his Dad’s money. Also, Cameron would have been influencing policy whilst his Dad was alive. Therefore you cannot seperate them with the simplistic statement you made above.

    Free Member

    Avoiding tax is legal, encouraged by the state and everyone does it.

    Er, it’s legal becuse the people with power to change the law are the one’s benefiting from it the most.

    In other countries it’s legal to rape your wife, does that make it right?

    Laws and ethics and right from wrong are very grey areas..

    It’s unethical…so no, people are not being thick. I suggest you are being naive if you think simply because it’s legal makes it right..

    Free Member

    Tax avoidance and evasion is unethical and is part of a big picture of continuing to hurt others…all a result of selfish greed.

    Free Member

    I sold a frame and rear shock on eBay…rear shock was same position as you (although only returned once to be fixed after it had come back from a service and immediately developed a fault). But basically sold the frame and shock before I’d had a chance to ride it and see if the fault would develop again.

    Never listed the issue, but when met the person to hand over frame and get the cash, I explained the situation and gave all receipts and stuff to them and said any issues it’s under warranty…

    Free Member

    I see some classic diversion tactics are going on here…I think I can even hear some squirming of bums in seats….yes you know who you are… :wink:

    Free Member

    Great – cheers for all the suggestions (good bit of free advertising too for the smaller organisations)..

    Free Member

    …flawed understanding of basic econics and factually inaccurate. A perfect Hutton article.

    Now then @thm…your critique is nonsensical too…it may not fit your perspective but that doesn’t mean it’s factually incorrect… :roll:

    Free Member

    Since there is a lot of talk re money and economics – it’s worth remembering that economics is a social science and therefore very much related to politics i.e. the politcial stance of an economist will influence their economic work.

    Free Member

    @vickypea – there are many ways we could choose how to organise ourselves as a society…it isn’t just capatalism or communism…however the most powerful in society like your response because it scares everyone from challenging the (unequal) status quo…

    Free Member

    Capitalism has benefited many people, yes, but it has also been at the detriment of many others. Success for some is at the expense of others.

    Capitalism has given us this…
    “This is the latest evidence that extreme inequality is out of control. Are we really happy to live in a world where the top 1% own half the wealth and the poorest half own just 1%?”

    I suggest to you that more people die prematurely as a result of poverty , poverty which has been caused directly and indirectly by the greed that is inherent in real world capitalism…yet you wish to excuse and justify those deaths and argue that capatalism is still a good thing…

    Why do you worry so much abut ISIS and not capitalism? Seems confusing to me…

    Free Member

    @jamba…i’ve just seen above what Northwind copied about what you thought was an issue…

    I wonder if you feel the same concerns towards Christianity?

    Although it kind of falls flat (your concerns of harming others) when you love capatalism so much…now that (through poverty and oppresion) brings millions of people worldwide to a premature death …but you defend capatalism very strongly.

    I wonder why that is…

    Free Member

    @jamba…could you clarify what exactly your concern is? I’m seeing stats and comments but am unsure what the debate is regarding…

    Free Member

    If there was carbon tax (which is also good for the environment) surely British Steel would be cheaper than Chinese steel. Chinese steel is cheaper, but the price gives free/cheaper shipping.

    Carbon tax wouod be good for environment and local business…and one cannot ignore the long term environment issues over business making cash in the short term (because I’m sure the argument to this point will be our export economy)

    Free Member

    I see the thread for Islamaphobes is still going strong….

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Technically? Yes….. emotionally? it depends…

    Free Member

    Personally I blame everyone on here who’s not a riding a steel mtb… :D

    Free Member

    Things could be saved though if you vote Corbyn. Good old socialism will reopen the mines, the steel plants and so on, and everyone in the country will be funding to keep these places open and keep people in jobs, even if they never sell anything they produce.

    I love this argument..surpised you didn’t start it with…”you know there really is no other way.”

    Harking back to what happened decades ago and thinking that’s what’ll happen if we ever dare to challenge our neo-liberal order….not very progressive thinking.

    Free Member

    Real world capatalism…don’t you just love it…such a humanistic and empathetic way to live our lives….

    Free Member

    Personally I think you need a new bike…have you not noticed that the grips are wearing a bit thin on your bars… :D

    Free Member

    @anagallis….I agree that a high grade at degree level should be the lowest necessary qualification to teach ..but I still class that as a relatively ‘low’ level qualification when people are discussing ‘the best’.

    Just seen @gone fishin commnet. I think it’s been taken out of context regards teaching at A-level. Of course you need to be well above that but you dont need a Masters or a PHD to teach A-level (at the expense of the soft skills).

    Free Member

    What does ‘best’ even mean in the context of teaching?

    Let’s ask. What do people think makes a good teacher?

    For example I would suggest it’s pointless being the ‘most knowledgable’ in your subject if you cannot relate to young people, ‘manage’ a learning environment and inspire young people to learn. So in that context what’s more imnportant? Hard skills of knowledge or soft skills of working with young people?

    I agree with this…
    Why? Teachers only need to be able to teach to a-level standard. The worst will be over-qualified.

    Free Member

    If I’m just going to the woods behind my house for a thirty minute blast, then yep…really like the fact I just hop on the bike and go….(have to put the flat pedals on tho)..

    Free Member

    What if it’s raining? :D

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