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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • edenvalleyboy
    Free Member

    Cheers for the inner ring link @mikewsmith

    Free Member

    But that’s exactly the point I’m making @ernie…society is constantly changing…so LibDems have changed again and have a new leader…if people were more open-minded (not trying to be inflammatory) and assessed the here and now instead of being stuck in the past, they’d realise that current Lib Dems, for example, are more akin to their values than current Labour. Political parties are constantly changing – so individual’s voting habits/allegiances should change accordingly too..

    Free Member

    I reckon some people on here need to reflect on what the definition of a democratically elected leader of a political party means….JC was elected with a decent majority last year and membership is currently rising. First, that’s democracy, second it shows there’s a lot of people out there that don’t hold the mainstream, neoliberalist viewpoint of the status quo and are looking for change… personally I think those who struggle with that should join the Lib-Dems , they’re the middle ground you’re seeking. People should vote for a party that shares their values and not just stick with a name because it’s all they’ve ever done. Politics isn’t football…

    Free Member

    Some would say there is a credible opposition right now since JC appears to be getting everyone’s knickers in a twist (membership is not falling for example)… he’s challenging the neo-liberal order and people clearly feel agitated by it…

    Free Member

    Ah, crossed communication. I thought you were talking on behalf of Jambayla etc , not as a concerned opposition.

    Free Member

    Now @5thelephant…you’re surely not being serious there…if you fear your parties choices why vote for them..?

    Free Member

    Jambayla, Nifan’s etc…if Corbyn is so bad why would you be hoping he leave?
    Logic would say that as Tory supporters you would be encouraging him to stay (since you think he’s so bad) to ensure he makes your party look good….very odd your stances don’t you think? :D ….

    It’s a bit like the boy in the playground being mean to the girl because he fancies her…although I don’t think you fancy JC, I think you fear him for someone who has the potential to upset your world…

    Free Member

    @ernie….it’s because the rally crywhine of our current political establisment is “but it won’t get us elected give me the power I’ve been promised by my priviledged education”…however, it’s not really surpising they put their egos above the people since they haven’t a clue what the majority of this country want/need..

    @nifan …no need to post up links of your Tory leadership contest pin-ups where they’re all screaming..”look at me..look at me…I’m just like you really…I went to a comprehensive like you..I grew up in a one parent family…we’re the can vote for me I know what it’s like to be you..” …what an embarrasment. :roll:

    Free Member

    @binners – I’m a way too Left to have a sense of humour anymore…. :D

    Edit; cheers for that post @ernie..

    Free Member

    Haha “he doesn’t even own a car what a dick”….what a great piece of intelligent journalism…for the record I’m not a JC supporter…just critical of all the media brainwashing going on at the moment…

    Free Member

    @binners….communists eh….

    Free Member

    @mefty + hasn’t membership increased by 60,000 recently and no one knows whether it’s in support of him or hoping to vote him out…

    Free Member

    Has there been any proper feedback from the people who voted him in? From what I can see all this chat on here is just regurgitating the media spiel….for sure, if that’s what you base your opinion on go ahead but it’s hardly an unbiased opinion (especially since the media decided how much coverage to broadcast of his pre-referendum voice in the first place). I hope JC stays or leaves based on democracy, not whether the Establishment just say so…

    Free Member

    All good compared to some on here. Essentially enjoying the last few months of full time stay at-home Dad life (I became stay at-home parent so I could do my MA which is now successfully completed). Gonna miss looking after the kids, so enjoying it whilst I can… highly recommend it if anyone has the chance.

    Free Member

    OP – I highly recommend the Headspace app for you…not healthy getting pissed off over something (imo) so minor as delivery times.

    Free Member

    Cheers for replies – useful. Essentially I need a new saddle but don’t have any noticeable issues (bum wise) with current one, so whilst I thought I may change/uppgrde there’s probably no reason to based on all the responses…

    Free Member

    Genuine question here please. Post Brexit – when we are negotiating new deals what is it that we have that will give us the power we need to be successful as a country? As in, do we have stuff that others need and cannot get elsewhere or cheaper via EU trade deals?

    Free Member

    Tactical manoeuvring because of the Chilcot report being announced soon is what some people suggest…he’s right to wait to see what the grassroots want since they’re the ones who put him where he is …..

    Free Member

    Farage – what a bell-end of a performance…..

    Free Member

    It takes CRC a while to check that the previous returned bike looks brand new again….

    Free Member

    I’m surprised how fed up all of a sudden I am with it all. Everyone has gone septic at each other and there is more uncertainty than ever. It’s a tiresome mess.

    Free Member

    +1 for Endura Humvee shorts. Hard wearing and pockets in all the right places. Endura has good customer service too, so if for any reason your shorts fail ‘early’ I’m sure they’d listen to you.

    Free Member

    I know 2 outers who signed the petition…

    Personally I wonder if we should have a threshold on votes like this. As in, since it’s so close it shouldn’t be accepted. It needs say a 60% + majority to be valid. This is not the perspective of a bitter remain voter (I’m actually quite happy watching all this pan out knowing its win win for me) but I’m saddened by how bitter it is out there at the moment…it’s not healthy for society….

    Free Member

    Makes me chuckle – it’s all about taking back control apparently but we’ve already lost loads I.e. EU telling us to pack our bags & not hang around, no PM and an undemocratic vote for next PM, Scottish referendum on the cards so UK uncertainty, potential job losses been announced already….and no real plan to speak of….but one bonus..nice to know LePenn (?) agrees with the majority of us…. :D

    Free Member

    Through socialisation and internalisation, the structures of society shape and construct the structures of our consciousness (an adapted P. Berger quote). Basically, the voter is not to blame. It is the structures of our society which created the result today. If you take umbrage, take it with the most powerful in our society and not the individual.

    Free Member

    It is a xenophobic vote – if you voted out and don’t believe the vote is xenophobic you need to do a bit of critical thinking and stop being naïve. Sorry for being so blunt. All the people I know who voted out had issue with Muslims, terrorists etc and we’re clearly being racist.

    Free Member

    People are way off the mark if they think ‘out’ voters will be disappointed. Society and politics doesn’t work like that. Look at the Tory voters. Tory were voted in and are screwing everyone over but do you hear people wishing they hadn’t voted Tory? No, they get more right wing and blame the EU and immigration, not the party who they voted in who is actually the problem.

    Free Member

    I didn’t want the ‘out’ vote to bother me but then I hear that both the French and Belgium far right parties wanting a referendum too (spurred on by our result) and I hear Farage all gleeful on R4. How can I not not be saddened by all the xenophobic bigots being happy for an ‘out’ vote. Sad day.

    Free Member

    Apparently the midday count has it 72% remain….

    Free Member

    In this order…

    1) Account with STW
    2) Counseling for realising you’ve spent your hard earned money on the wrong wheel sized bike
    3) New bike

    Free Member

    @ cchris2lou

    Can’t believe some people think that IDS, Gove and Boris are going to improve low paid workers conditions.

    If you think people think that, then it’s you that’s not that bright. [/b]

    Are you serious? The UK has an appalling rate of inequality and child poverty considering the wealth we have in this country. The recent politicians have not made it much better to date…why are they going to be changing their personal agendas/priorities now? Or maybe the issue is how we are defining ‘improve low paid workers’. I’m going to guess my definition is different to many others.

    Free Member

    Cheers for all the replies (and in the sister thread in the chat forum).

    yorkshire89 – gpx would be good. I’ll email you.

    Free Member

    Cheers @rk – I’ll look on Viewranger to find the route. Good shout.

    Free Member

    Wrong forum. Sorry. Mods – are you able to move to bike forum? Thanks.

    Free Member

    @chewk – we have an unelected head of state and an unelected second chamber in parliament yet I never hear people moaning about how undemocratic that is – so all this chat about how undemocratic the EU is is a bit farcical.

    Sorry OP for this post in your thread.

    Free Member

    I do (and I’m very much ‘in’) – but I don’t think alot will change if out is voted in tbh – so I’ll definitely not be upset by the result like I was when I found out the Tories had got back in.

    Free Member

    Fascinating the discourse around lack of democracy being part of EU. In the UK we have an unelected head of state and an unelected second chamber of parliament but I never hear anyone on here/leave politicians arguing about this too. Surely if lack of democracy was such a big deal you’d want to change the lack of it at home first?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    @geordiemick….so I went last night and I’d recommend you park as far a way as possible. Surrounding the stadium is heaving and then upon leaving 60,000 people walk into Manchester Piccadilly…..enjoy the night, it’s amazing ..

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