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  • edenvalleyboy
    Free Member

    @binners…I find it more disgusting you support an MP who was in favour of welfare cuts and still call yourself a Labour supporter…

    Free Member

    So let’s get this right. The man who was in charge of a campaign that believed the UK shouldnt be a part of a club (a club that was a community of countries which believed in relationships as the way forward).., then gets a role based entirely upon building/maintaining relationships with other countries… classic :D

    Free Member

    I’d love to think there is a clever angle we don’t know about but tbh I see politicians as just normal people muddling through their role and often they get it wrong…look at Brexit and the lack of a plan offered to the voters…besides, why do we think she’s intelligent? What’s so special about her or any of the other MP’s ahead of people on here? What’s the evidence she’s smart?

    Free Member

    @ernie…totally agree. There was a very big laugh in our house this morning when we found out his new position. Of all the people she could pick…doesn’t send out a great message regarding her thinking as a leader…

    Free Member

    Looks a bit like the tent site at Decathlon’s on a Saturday afternoon…

    Free Member

    So @cranbery what do you say about the Tories cosying up to China for business , when China have serious human rights issues? Do you turn a blind eye to that? How about the arms deals your Tory party does? Turn a blind eye there too….I expect so…keep slinging your stuff at Labour whilst ignoring your own parties problems…just politics innit…

    Free Member

    Eh? Who’s more nasty? Corbyn (supposedly) endorsing bullying versus a party creating policies that send people into poverty and commit suicide to allow other sections of society get richer?. ..let us all ponder that one….

    Free Member

    It’s not really surprising (the double standards and stereotypes)…Tory policy is based upon stereotypes… benefits scroungers, doctors being greedy, disabled people not really being that disabled and should work, immigrants being deviants, teachers being moaning wingers and cannot do their jobs etc..

    Free Member

    Let’s not forget a Labour MP was murdered recently ….didn’t hear the right wing voters being condemd as a violent collective afterwards…..

    Free Member

    @thm…er yes. Policies do not act in a vacuum. I know your an economist but even you should understand that… :roll:

    Free Member

    Tax income elasticity…is that the thing you call it that makes people rich whilst child poverty remains static, increases food bank need, closes spaces for learning, increases the numbers of suicides etc tbat what you mean @thm…people knowingly vote for that and it’s called income tax income elasticity…I call it it something else…

    Free Member

    Hilarious some are trying to stop JC being on the ballot paper…what does that say about democracy and even worse..what do they think their role is if it’s not to be serving their supporters interests/wishes…you couldn’t make it up… :D

    Free Member

    @turnerguy..stranger things have happend. We do have a ruling party that convinced poor voters to vote for them, and then when life didn’t get better for those voters they managed to convince the voter it wasn’t their policies that was the issue but membership of the EU instead….

    Free Member

    @thm…I want to write I don’t understand your question but I’ll appear a dunce.. :D

    My comments re motives wasn’t supposed to have any hidden meaning..just a simple dictionary definition. I.e. Political parties are communities of interest with (hopefully) similar ideologies etc. However, currently political parties are all fighting for the indefinable ‘electable middle grounnd’ which means their rhetoric will not necessarily match their collective ideas…hence it comes unravelled post elections and we see U-turn galore and public outrage at the pre-elecetion statements that don’t materiLise – all because when they are in power they work to their collective interests and ideologies which aren’t the same as the ‘electable middle ground’ statements they made to win/gain the power…

    Free Member

    @binners…think you need to research the recent history of UK politics..start by looking at the last century for a start…or visit the People’s Museum in Liverpool…maybe you’ll realise it’s you who is in the wrong party…

    Free Member

    and motives

    @thm….oh the irony… :D

    Free Member

    Guess the theme song to the Blairite’s…

    ‘There’s no other way’ by Blur.

    I do hope this obsession with middle ground, neo-liberal politics goes soon and people have the confidence to have distinctly different parties that are true to their beliefs..maybe then we’d get rid of all the lies they have to peddle to cover up their true motives….

    Free Member

    @cranberry….Harry Enfield springs to mind with your post… :D.

    Free Member

    @Binners…do you support Angela Eagle?

    Edit: Just seen your last post. You’re clearly a closet Tory/Blairite..oh well.

    Free Member

    @martinhutch – I agree. Very stroppy about being challenged about her previous voting habits. I.e. wasn’t able to confidently defend her previous decisions and wanted to brush over them. Not very good imo.

    Free Member

    Angela Eagle – voted for Trident, voted for the Iraq war and did not oppose the Tory welfare cuts. She’s a typical neo-liberal politician and I suggest these are decisions that the new wave of Labour supporters do not approve of and is why Corby will go down fighting. He was voted in based on a different set of values.

    Free Member

    It’s a bit sad really this thread…in our land of plenty people are arguing over a few pounds…maybe we have too much as a nation and have become greedy…many poor countries I’ve been too have always shared what they have and wouldn’t dream of just thinking of the ‘me’….

    Free Member

    Years ago (when I was cycling ‘the worlds most dangerous road’ in Bolivia) I met a couple who had been cycling around the world for over ten years… essentially they’d been cycling so long they could not see how they’d fit back into ‘normal’ life and had decided to just keep cycling….

    Free Member

    Love my steel hardtail… it’s the bike I ride every time. My mate got one too after seeing how much fun I was having compared to the full sussers… for some reason a hardtail makes me feel like a kid again – zipping around pinging off everything…

    Free Member

    @thm – my other half did PPE at Oxford and she’s nothing like the new politics you suggest and articles like The Spectator does too…it all depends on your ideology and values as to how you use the education…the education itself does not maketh the man/woman…

    Free Member

    +1 for Nukeproof Electrons…like them because they’re thin and light…but still strong and grippy.

    Free Member

    The Times has released the audio tape so people can make their own judgement…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Cheers Nifan for responding to my post…

    Free Member

    @thm you’ve missed my point. On STW lots of people express negative opinions but do not offer positive examples as reference points. We all vote so everyone’s opnion is important.

    Free Member

    @Dragon…why are they better? Pick one maybe….genuinely interested in your opinion of why? I hope Jambayla offers some suggestions too because he’s often quick to criticise Corbyn. Not a JC supporter here but I wouldn’t lambast him either …just looking fo positive dialogue instead of negative dialogue..

    Free Member

    So @Dragon..who do you offer as a reference point as an example of a good MP? If you can’t provide a positive alternative then imo any criticisms of Corbyn are pretty worthless..

    Free Member

    It’s the way politica arguments work and its lazy. If one is going to criticise someone they should at least propose their example of a better politician. So, taking Rockapes comment…all those on here criticising Corbyn…who do you think is better and reasons why?

    Free Member

    Jambayla and Nifan….since you think Corbyn is so you care to tell us who you hold in high regard as an MP then? If you don’t I have to assume you’re both just trolling for the sake of party politics (or even just arguing for the simple sake of it)….

    Free Member

    Maybe Corbyn should follow Alex Ferguson’s motto…”sack the C***s”.

    Free Member

    I would guess that the majority of the public vote for their favoured politicians based upon how similar they are to them, how they dress, how they speak and who they remind them off… way more than their vote being based upon a critique of their proposed policies etc….Nigel Farage being a prime example.

    Free Member

    I had keyhole for torn rotator cuff….did what physio asked of me (quite intensive rehab) an gained full strength easily enough…can’t remember timescales but it wasn’t too long…I was tem years younger than now and i’m sure that makes a difference…

    Free Member

    A one-handed pass leads to owning the guy..sounds pretty sexual to me. Is this a story where we should be reading between the lines? :D

    Free Member

    For that ride I’d be eating a bowl of porridge followed by a three egg omelette…(maybe not as quick and easy as you wish though)..

    To make it quicker , soak oats overnight in orange juice and eat cold , followed by three boiled eggs..

    Bfast of champions… :D

    Free Member

    At BPW don’t be put off by all the body armour and full-faced helmets on the reds – which might make you think the trails are difficult. The reds at BPW are no different to other trail centre reds.

Viewing 40 posts - 481 through 520 (of 1,118 total)