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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • edenvalleyboy
    Free Member

    Yes of course voting Trump was two fingers up at the he’s not part of it.. :roll:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Academia has long been poisoned by left wing knobs

    Er, have you ever stopped to think critically about what the sentiment ‘academia is full of left wing people’ is actually stating. Always makes me chuckle hearing it being used negatively…kind of shooting yourself in the foot… :D

    Free Member

    I got into the turbo a couple of years ago when a shoulder injury prevented riding outdoors…I was surprised how motivated I was when following videos/program. Initially started on Sufferfest.

    Thing that has kept me at it is the noticeable improvement for when I’m proper riding outside. I’m way way fitter on my bike having used the turbo, that I ever was. The turbo is easy to fit in around family commitments. In winter I tend to have 2 sessions a week on the turbo and one proper ride outside (either night ride or weekend ride). The training aids (swift, sufferfest, trainerroad are surprisingly motivational)..

    Free Member

    Even Democrats think the European welfare state is a joke.

    @jambayla…you made that up for your own spin. Utter tosh and am impossibility to know.

    Free Member

    A lot of comments out there today about the rise of the far right..confirmed by many right wing parties being the first to congratulate Trump…

    An older article but interesting.

    Free Member

    @jambayla….please post journalist (or other examples) from reputable non-UK sources in praise of the Brexit vote.

    Free Member

    Least we now know how the world felt about us and Brexit and how when you’re in it it seems different. Easy to criticise from a far about stupid voters…but that is how the majority of the world thought about UK citizens and their Brexit vote.

    Free Member

    @wrecker…I’ve edited it for you….I wasn’t trying to say Brexit was facism…easier to remove the the words…

    Free Member

    ..Brexit vote, Trump president, Isis still around…the most powerful have used their power for their own gains and not for generating equality…the oppressed are upset and the people who capitalise on this anger are the xenophobes like Trump and Farage…sad times.

    Free Member

    Guess the link between Trump supporters, Brexit voters and pro gun ownership supporters… :D

    Free Member

    I have had two quite serious shoulder injuries which have both recovered well. However, the second one took nearly a year to recover because I was initially too worried about getting back to strength and I didn’t give it the proper healing time. Made it considerably worse and then it took a long time to fix.

    Back to full strength now but it took a lot of effort to undo the extra damage I had created through my impatience.

    Free Member

    Your getting your facts mixed up @nifan….. :D

    Free Member

    So Nifan …what your saying is your happy for all the innocent dead kids and adults in America because having a gun is fun…so it’s worth it…yeah love your argument…let’s all get guns and make us happy!!!..

    Free Member

    Aside from the actual fact it’s an inanimate object..are you using that in defence of gun ownership or are you just saying a fact about the gun? Because that argument is used in defence of gun ownership and that’s when I’m saying it’s a dumb argument. Which it is…I guess it the use of dumb arguments that have accounted for thousands of unnecessary deaths across the US…

    Free Member

    Irrelevant lazybiker…how many children accidentally die from knife wounds, spear wounds, ad wounds or gun wounds…a cigarette is an inanimate object but it’s banned…a banana is an inanimate object but how many people die from banana wounds…such a silly argument saying it’s an inanimate object..

    Free Member

    Guns aren’t the problem.

    What? A gun is a tool designed to kill people. No gun no accidental death, no gun no spontaneous suicide, no gun no need to buy a gun because your neighbour has a gun…

    Sorry but the argument ‘that guns don’t hurt people it’s the people behind them’ is just dumb…

    If your arguing guns don’t kill people, it’s the people behind them then why own one? The sole purpose of a gun is to kill…its not a friggin fairy cake…

    Free Member

    Since when is the guiding principle for personal morals and ethics based upon what other people do? No wonder the world’s the way it is if we say ‘well they did, so I will to?’…

    And for the record, twice I’ve owned up two damaging someone elses car …I treat others how I’d hope they would treat me.

    Free Member

    Ah the middle class hypocrisy. There is nothing acceptable about damaging another person’s property. And if you think there is your a ****. Fill in your own blanks.

    Free Member

    I certainly have no intention of crashing..sod that. I’ve taken ages to get to the fitness level I have and I’m not gonna lose it all because I wanna go faster downhill than I’m capable if. I’m often the slowest downhill – doesn’t bother me. I’m still having a laugh and enjoying being pain free and healthy.

    Free Member

    Oh the irony. The referendum was partly to do with us supposedly wasting millions of pounds in the EU…but Dave Cameron has potentially wasted millions of pounds on a vote that may not have been been legal…shows how politicians are not particularly smart…

    Free Member

    At the core is a particular bug bear of mine – education. It all starts here. The next step is work – the best route out of poverty.

    @thm..thanks for replying to my question. However, what do you mean? You say education is an answer but that word could and does mean anything? Care to expand on this?

    Free Member’s a suggestion.

    If the overall aim is to create wealth for the country, make sure everyone pays their dues and we look after the vulnerable..why is it more time is spent on benefit fraud versus tax evasion?

    In any case, at £1.3bn to £1.6bn, it appears outright benefit fraud accounts for less of a burden on the taxpayer than the £4.4bn officially assumed to be lost by evaders. So why, the government was asked this week, does it devote more resources to the former?

    Free Member

    Lots of accusations flying about but few solutions

    @thm – your words above and you often comment on what people write. You must have an opinion. So what do you suggest are the solutions then?

    Free Member

    Other half and I spent a month there over Christmas and January a few years back. Travelled around backpack style. Loved it. Guess it depends what you want from your travels. I’ve travelled around South America and Asia (at least six month in each) and they all have their own characteristics and pros and cons so imo I wouldn’t t say one was better than the other.

    Edit: If I had to choose I’d say you’d get more from South America…bigger place, diverse culture and a massive variety of experiences to be had…

    Free Member

    “I wonder why it is that for the people who only need one example to stereotype thousands of others, they choose to use the negative example instead of the positive one that they all know about?”

    You mean like how all Tories are heartless bastards?

    @nifan, I wondered why only one example was needed. I guess some people might call Tories ‘heartless bastards’ (your accusation) after numerous examples of nasty attempts at policy changes (not just one)e.g scrapping the Human Rights act, the ‘snoopers charter’, reduce union and employment rights, slash subsidies for clean energy, re-draw electoral boundaries, recent scrapping of a public inquiry re the Battle of Orgreave, our current Prime Minister (in previous role)was responsible for the bus driving around London telling immigrants to go home…..I could go on and on and on ……

    Free Member

    I wonder why it is that for the people who only need one example to stereotype thousands of others, they choose to use the negative example instead of the positive one that they all know about?

    Free Member

    @nifan…so you’re in favour of benefits …good to hear..

    Free Member

    The biggest issue of benefit cuts is the collateral damage of those who truly need it..e.g. collateral damage costs to the NHS bills due to ill health or collateral damage in the form of suicide etc.

    It’s absolutely *ucked up if one can justify this at the same time as accepting the lack of effort to tackle huge corporations avoiding tax, massive payouts to chief execs who haven’t performed well but shareholders are protection their own interest etc.

    No surprise though, those making these decisions and upholding the status quo are benefiting fron the unequal system …

    Free Member

    @deviant..Ok – so your sister does have inside help and knowledge. The average person doesn’t have that knowledge or skill (many people I know haven’t the skill to write the forms properly let alone wangle the system).

    Worth noting – I know people are wangling the system but I do not believe it is as bad as suggested and there are far worse culprits in society e.g. tax evasion by multi nationals etc who can and should be paying in to our society. Politicians pick on the vulnerable instead of targeting the more powerful.

    Question though (not directed at you @devinat). What’s the difference in wangling the benefits system (for the minority who are) or tax avoidance? Both cost the system but one is deemed acceptable whilst the other is not…

    Free Member

    @deviant..I know many people on benefits too. They can’t afford a car or to eat properly. Not sure how your sister manages on just benefits to live the lifestyle she does. I suggest it’s either because criminal activity is involved or she’s getting money from outside of the state handout e.g. family, friends.

    Free Member

    @jambayla…I bet if you had a disabled child you wouldn’t be writing we have a ‘generous Welfare system’.

    Free Member

    So then….those STW’ers on here who post about struggling to find work people think they’re lazy feckless spongers? How about your friends who have been made redundant? Was it their fault? How about your friends kids who cannot find work after working hard at Uni?

    For those who argue there are scroungers out there….I hope you include your friends and family in that category too because ‘we’re all in it together’ remember…

    Free Member

    Cheers for replies…

    @welshfarmer …i think that Birzman is something that would work for me. Seems safer for the phone than being stuck exposed on top the handlebars.

    Free Member

    @benp1 – my head says it wouldnt do the phone any good too…

    My interpretation of rocky is essentially any mtb route you’d go exploring on in say the Peaks or Lakes that is found in the mtb guide books

    Free Member

    Do Garmin sell bar mounts for smart phones?

    Free Member

    Useful replies – Cheers. I’ll look at a 12v battery pack of some sort.

    @trailrat…laptop I use for Trainer road has no charge left in bought a £30 Chinese imported replacement and a year later it won’t hold its charge for longer than an hour. So instead of buying another I was looking into some kind of power kit that would run the laptop and have other uses too…

    During day I can run a long power lead from house into the garage (over communal ground) but don’t want to do that at night – a neighbour will break a leg and sue me!!

    Free Member

    We live in a globalised, joined up, world now…imo, any thoughts about ‘doing things on our own’ is contradictory to common sense ANd the way the rest of the world is operating…personally it just feels like people forcing the issue and disbanding all common sense…

    Free Member

    Sad thing is they don’t have to build a new runway. They ‘just’ need to deal with the current inefficiency. Ages ago a guy was on the radio saying if they really wanted to , they could sort out the 50% inefficiency to solve the problems. However, no one wants to take on such a big task since it’s (supposedly) easier to just build another runway and ignore the trail of devastation in its wake (extra pollution, destroying people’s lives etc)…

    Free Member

    @jambayla…I hope you can defend, provide evidence and give reasons for such vitriolic words as “Jackie Walker is a vile and agressive anti-semite”. Your statement is a massive slur on someones character.

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