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  • Podcast: DMBinS and the Scottish Mountain Biking Strategy
  • eddie11
    Free Member

    Environment agency maybe for storage/ handling of waste without a permit. Council may be able to do something under planning or fly tipping legislation. But I’m afraid (and it’s not the answer you want) 1 man and his dog that are still left in public services really haven’t got the manpower to put much of any effort into stuff like this anymore.

    Free Member

    I know it’s div2 but haha that’s still funny.

    Esp as no one else added anyhting

    Free Member

    does portinscale count? (its on the bash) the farmers arms is nice. Derwent manor hotel a bit weird but great beer garden.

    Free Member

    I would say medium

    Free Member

    £100 for secondhand aksiums is not a bargain.

    In the plus column, and contradicting everything up there^ i find they weigh a ton but are bombproof I’ve had a pair last through cross racing and winter commutes for 2-3 years.

    Free Member

    Nope. Still swissstop but they’re black now.

    Free Member

    large adjustable spanner.

    but do try the rubber mallet and chisel first and please post pictures.

    Free Member

    We know planning permission isn’t required

    Really? Are you sure about that?

    Free Member

    you lucky bugger. why am i sat here when i could be there?

    well because of real life thats why but I can dream

    edit: that seat bag arrangement is genius

    Free Member

    mountain biking helps with cross and maybe very short sharp road climbs but otherwise unsuprisingly roadies make better roadies.

    Free Member

    I like the rigid one but TREK have “no plans to bring it to the UK at this time” apparently.
    Bummer… that’s the one that appeals!


    goes away to kick some kittens.

    Free Member

    not particularly helpful for you but as others have said there should be an external door between kitchen and conservatory for building regs. The builder shouldn’t have done it, and it would make me want to check everything else was done properly too. Your survey really should have picked that up.

    the room needs a higher U value if its to be open plan to dwelling rooms. This is either achieved by it being a normal room with walls and a roof on or having very expensive posh glass with very high insulation ratings to get the same effect. The latter is what you see in grand designs.

    Free Member

    i think any mortage company would be quite happy to lend a 95% mortgage on 30% of the value of a house. I think they’d almost prefer the owner to default. thats a superb return on risk.

    Free Member

    What’s the difference between the announced policy and the current right to buy housing association properties?

    Described here:

    right to acquire has smaller discount which means few do it and it is far more manageable for the housing associations, they can and do budget for it.

    Weird thing about this whole thing is that whilst the goverment does subsidise the sector with grants to help build new homes (and these are vastly reduced on what they were) Housing Associations are not public sector. The are not for profit companies. They are not owned by the govnerment. These are not the Government’s assets to give away. Not like the council house sell off in the 80s which were at least public owned (albeit even there it was actually local government not national government) This policy is effectively nationalising a company’s assets to sell them off. Very weird for a tory government to do.

    Free Member

    So in summary everyone thinks the person they already liked has won?

    Free Member

    Cameron is struggling and looks scared (but to be fair, he realised that this would be a farce at the start and never wanted to be there) but he’s the only one can actually support his proposals with facts based on performance over the last 5 years.

    Hang on. Cameron made this a ‘farce’ if you think that’s what it is by insisting on the world and his wife being there

    Free Member

    It’s simple. The recession was caused by too much personal debt. Whereas this recovery is far more sustainable and has been driven by… Oh, hang on. Personal debt.

    Free Member

    Going to university is important as it gives you the skills to get a higher value job. The problem we have is that we aren’t creating higher value jobs. Uk Productivity, a measure of higher value jobs, has been stagnant since 2007. It’s worse than many eu countries.

    Free Member

    This is what you get when you cut benefits and council grant. It’s shit isn’t it?

    There’s actually a really good way to fix this. It’s coming up on the 7th May.

    Just saying.

    Free Member

    Viz top tip: Find your local sporty uni or maybe college. They will have students doing dissertations on vo2 and you can get them for free.

    The tests are good to find out where you are on terms of basic ability. They are of most use if you race even if it’s at a low level, but in any situation they help you know more about how to judge effort.

    Free Member

    is there some news about the best unsigned band in bradford?

    Free Member

    I think that’s a good brand to deal. Giant are doing some tidy bikes now across the whole range except kids bikes which Seem a bit rubbish.

    Decent kids brand and then something like salsa/surly would be a could complement?

    Free Member

    23 has been the standard for ever but it has been decided that 25s are a way to sell us more stuff roll faster so that’s what all the pros have shifted to in the last 18 months. If you’re riding 25s already stick with them.

    Free Member

    If he’s 2 I wouldn’t show him the film yet theres a few dark bits.

    Ben and holly is one of the funniest programmes on tv. Peppa pig has a few sly nods to the grown ups but the whole of Ben and holly is a bone dry wit aimed at grown ups hiding in s children’s cartoon. Nanny plum and the pompous king are brilliant creations. The wise old elf even does looks to camera in the latest episodes

    Ps I’d forgotten about rotten trolls that was great.

    Free Member

    Felt cross bikes all look sorted and good value. Trek crockett is a great frame also. Lots of really well thought out details that looks like it was designed for racing.

    Free Member

    i would have said cavendish if he hadn’t had his south africa incident. Don’t know now. Stybar maybe. Stannard to drop swift at the finish?

    Free Member

    Wow flash back. I went through this. Buy him a cheap one. He’ll soon get pissed off and want a wet shave.

    Free Member

    Too slow but will say it anyway

    Paul milnes 🙂

    Free Member

    Where the heck is dunsop bridge? 😆 sorry that’s not the centre of anything

    I thought the stage to hartside over military road and the lakes looked tough but cycling weekly says it has no significant climbs so contenders will wait till the last climb 😆 but then they did call it harside and think prudhoe is in Durham.

    Free Member

    It’s a great route cos it goes past my house. 🙂 hartside cafe better be getting sausage rolls in.

    Free Member

    another vote for mardale ill bell and down to nan beild. good exposure, meandering rocky trail, bib big steps.

    slight hyjack – whilst weve got lakes people has anyone done the bridleway between ennderdale and wast water past haycock?

    Free Member

    should be fine, there was a lorry sized horse box on there last year and the sponsored guys have some pretty decent sized vans.

    Free Member

    Dj shadow, lemon jelly, avalanches, unkle , team9 and jive bunny

    Free Member

    Not everyone likes trees you know. Some people like moors. big lovely moors.

    Start in Norden and ride over rooley moor road, theres some cheeky bits around greenbooth too. You can have a big day out with cragg and lee just the middle bit.

    Free Member

    Its grit and flags mostly. wont be muddy, so what if the airs wet?

    and rain will keep the pikeys down. best time to do it!

    Free Member

    You got down. I think you’re doing just fine.

    Free Member

    if you want to do nan bield add mardale ill bell to it. amazing exposed single track at the top and mahoosive steps down to nan bield pass proper.

    Torridon: done it but need to go again
    more european road riding: flanders, paris roubaix, alps…
    some longer barebones type stuff.

    Free Member


    But in reality whichever muppet didnt get the other party to admit responsiblty at the scene with witnesses. After that its fake whiplash claim ahoy!

    Free Member

    Do art if you like art.

    Is it useful? Course it bloody is if you want to go into creative fields.

    Unis won’t give a monkeys what GCSEs you do and they certainly won’t think any less of you if you chose art. It’s not general studies its a real subject.

    Architecture, media, design, advertising all helped by art.

    Free Member

    GCSE is (was) pretty light touch. You just generate coursework in lessons and have an examined piece. You have less homework if anything than a booked based subject. A level is busier but if you can do art then every day is just fun and a piss easy route to an A. If you can’t im sure it’s hard work. But probably no harder than doing sciences if you’re not sciency. Horses for courses.

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