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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 13: Tailfin Bike Luggage Bundle
  • ebennett
    Full Member

    People who stop in a queue at traffic lights leaving a big gap in front of them, then once I’ve stopped behind them decide to move up and fill the gap

    I think people do this to give themselves space in the event that you come up behind too quickly (ie, they can then drive on a bit to avoid a collision). I do it on motorways if the traffic suddenly slows/stops. (I wouldn’t do it in normal town driving though).

    Possibly for some, but given that most of them seem to have their head down tapping away at their handbrake or something (couldn’t possibly be a phone, that’d be illegal) it’s probably not why most of ’em do it!

    Still annoys me out of all proportion to the actual act though :twisted:

    Full Member

    People who stop in a queue at traffic lights leaving a big gap in front of them, then once I’ve stopped behind them decide to move up and fill the gap THAT THEY SHOULD HAVE BLOODY WELL FILLED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!

    Full Member

    Personally run HRII rear and Minion DHF front.

    Me too, not had a problem with them in the Peak apart from when I tried running a silly low pressure down Hagg Side. Also Exo casings

    Full Member

    Very clever OP, we now have a list of all the nobbers on the forum whose opinions we don’t have to take seriously any more :lol:

    Full Member

    for ebennett:
    try here

    Very interesting, thanks! Love that they got the experimenter to don a wig and pretend to be a woman :lol:

    Full Member

    It’s not so much the cleaning as the reassembly and dismantling of the bike for it – it comes back in the car with wheels off, then needs to get reassembled and cleaned, then has to get broken down again to go into storage in the house.

    Full Member

    Good idea, I also think they should make doing a ~10k journey by bike on road a part of the driving test in some way as well. Of course, not everyone can ride a bike, but they could have it as a kind of bonus or something that goes towards your theory.

    Does anyone know of any research that’s looked at average passing distance by cars on cyclists? Was wondering about this the other day on my commute, could you attach some sort of laser/IR device and receptor to the end of your bars and then record distance for each pass?

    Full Member

    It’s quite fun seeing them jump when you ding your bell at them or shout “OOT THE ROAD, YA TADGER” very loudly in a strong Glaswegian accent

    Generally only shout when I don’t have time to reach for the bell so I usually just scream the first thing that pops into my head – can be quite interesting what you come up with!

    Ride further out from the gutter – you have plenty of time to react then. Cover the brakes at all times. Watch the pavements for people about to step out. I have never hit a pedestrian and believe me in Edinburgh in the summer you have plenty of opportunity. ride defensively, ride safe.

    Was doing exactly that recently when a small child (~3 or 4) bolted across the street from behind a group of people leaving me about 2 metres to see him and react in. Almost stopped in time but still tapped him hard enough to knock him over. Thankfully he was fine, but if it’d been a car he’d have been in big trouble.

    Full Member

    Regular occurrence coming back through Manchester, my particular favourites are the ones who just walk out into the road without looking (usually on their phone) because obviously if you can’t hear anything coming it must be fine. God help them when electric cars properly take off :D

    It’s quite fun seeing them jump when you ding your bell at them or shout “look out” very loudly in a strong Glaswegian accent

    Full Member

    I’m not massively bothered about HK tbh, but friends and family who’ve been have raved about it. Think I’ll have to sit down with the gf and decide what we definitely want to do and what we’d be prepared to give up! Might also speak to HR and see how pissed off they’d be if I tried to take a month off…

    Full Member

    Just in case you get some time to yourself….

    I can probably swing 1 or 2 days to ride without the missus, fancy Roturoa if we can get over to NZ.

    ed, you could always sack Oz off completely and just go to NZ, a superior country IMO. May annoy the relatives in Oz mind you

    Don’t think that would fly with the girlfriend! Plus it’s good friends in Oz and haven’t seen them in ~6 years so would hate to miss that. Just a pity they’re moving from Melbourne to the Gold Coast as I hadn’t really wanted to go there – didn’t think much of it last time.

    Full Member

    Focus on Oz and ignore NZ, you can’t do both without some severe compromises in 3 weeks

    This was my initial thought too, but I’ve been over before for 6 weeks so have done most of the east coast, but girlfriend hasn’t. So trying to convince myself it’s do-able! Would be a shame to go all that way again and not see anything new.

    Full Member

    Sounds apt – there’s a good chance my girlfriend will kill someone after getting off a flight that long!

    Full Member

    Yeah, was wondering if flipping it would work. Will need to take a look and see if it’s possible.

    Full Member

    Depends how well you ride – Joe Barnes pulls off goggles without a full face, but I’d look a proper knob riding around in them :lol:

    Full Member

    Great company. Sent me a new clip for my raptor after I stood on it an broke it. Was in my hand the next day free.

    +1 – broke mine in a crash, completely my fault but got replaced for free.

    Full Member

    Got the same thing with mine but over a month or so rather than a few weeks and more like 5-7 psi (while the one on the other side has lost ~1 psi). Fairly sure it’s a dent in the alloy as it still loses air despite changing the tyre and the rim had those balancing weight things on when I bought it (2nd hand). Doesn’t lose enough to be properly annoying, just enough that I bought a compressor rather than having to fill it at the garage all the time!

    Full Member

    I like to think of it as my bike sighing because it has to go back uphill :D

    Full Member

    Mine is fairly firm to press, but not that hard. RE the hissing, my old one never did it but the new (warrantied) one does. Same frame, so doubt it’s that. It also does it when I just move the whole thing up and down (i.e. the post and the outer) so I’m not too worried about it. I might be being naive though!

    EDIT – There’s no difference in how hard it is to drop between the old one and the new one despite the hissing.

    Full Member

    Done a tandem and a static line, I thought the static line was scarier tbh as it’s just you that has to dangle your legs out of the plane and decide to jump! Both were great fun, not something I’d make a big effort to do again but will probably do one next year when we’re in Oz as the gf hasn’t done one.

    Full Member

    I did Cavedale for the 1st time on a Saturday a few weeks back and, as has been said, it was pretty slippy. The problem wasn’t that so much as the walkers though, there were hordes of them so line choice was limited and I kept getting pushed into bits I didn’t want to be on. Decided it was too dangerous for me and them to keep going so walked a large chunk of it (that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it :-)). Might just have been an unusually busy day for walkers, but I’d probably steer clear on a weekend. Probably ok an a weekday though.

    Full Member

    There’s a walk-in clinic nearby but I doubt they have an X-ray as it’s quite small. Might give them a phone and see if it’s worth me going down there or if they’ll just tell me to bugger off and see my GP!

    Full Member

    I’m hoping it just needs more time. Can’t really be arsed going to the GP to get referred for an X-ray, which will then (probably) show nothing and I’ll just be told to strap it up and keep an eye on it!

    Full Member

    We had similar requirements when we moved here, ended up in Prestwich as it was reasonably priced, had Metrolink stops, and had riding on the doorstep (Philips Park). It’s 40 mins door to door from home to work (city centre) for me by tram and pretty similar by bike once you factor in changing time, etc. Also very easy to get to the Peak District and N Wales, and about 1 1/2 to 2 hours to the Lakes.

    Now has some decent restaurants/cafes in walking distance as well, so we’re pretty happy here

    Full Member

    Went from 175 to 170 when I got a new crankset. Can’t tell any difference.

    Full Member

    If you’re doing San Marino just go up the access road

    Yeah, thought that would be best! San Marino is a fantastic descent, worth the trip up there just for it.

    Also managed to avoid the rain somehow!

    Full Member

    then taking the parallel path on the other side of the road to Watendlath

    I did this and really didn’t enjoy it. Lots of bits where I had to get off to get past something, though that could just be my skill level!

    Full Member

    Planning on trying to find San Marino and ICR, then just winging it from there. Might trundle over to Healey Nab if I can be bothered.

    Full Member

    Thanks Junkyard, might take you up on that some time! My internal compass is usually ok-ish, so I’ll see how lost I get tonight…

    Full Member

    You’d just laugh at me in my baggies and lack of lycra :lol:

    Full Member

    Liked the new album, didn’t like this. Turned off after 30 mins.

    Full Member

    Don’t have a twitter account but feel free to post it if you do!

    Full Member

    Well, that was a good, if wet, ride! Middle Moor was fine apart from 2 deep muddy puddles that wanted to swallow your front wheel. One of which did, resulting in a slow motion endo with a less than graceful dismount 8O

    The climb from Kinder reservoir to link onto JL was a rutted, muddy mess that provoked quite a few sweary words. Right at the top it also looks like a herd of beasts have been through, resulting in a right mess of a trail!

    JL was pretty quiet given the weather, unfortunately those walkers I did encounter were right at the techy bit at the top, which wasn’t ideal. Still great fun though!

    Rushup edge wasnt awful, but certainly won’t be rushing back. Horrible boggy climb up into a head wind didn’t help though!

    Coldwell Clough was a good shout, nice fun descent and the final section past the campsite was pretty fun too!

    Certainly feel like I’ve earned my beer!

    Full Member

    Think I’ll adapt the route as suggested and go down Coldwell Clough to get back into Hayfield. Thanks!

    Full Member

    Yeah, Middle Moor concerns me a bit but want to do a descent I’ve not done before and apparently the one to Rowarth is good – if I cut that one out then it’s just Rushup that’s new and I’ve heard it ain’t great since the resurfacing!

    Full Member

    Thanks, had a look at KoftP but not much useful info for this week unfortunately (other than that it’s likely to piss down at some point!).

    Did a similar shorter version of this route (the VB weatherproof one) a few months back and it was good craic, so looking forward to the bigger one! Been trying to venture out from my usual haunts around Ladybower a bit more so I don’t get bored of them…

    Full Member

    Giggling like a little schoolgirl after just managing to stay upright through a sketchy section

    Full Member

    Have just done that exact thing, staying up so far :-). More worried about the patch on the hole in the centre of the tread!

    Full Member

    Thanks, very helpful! Headset is getting replaced anyway so not too concerned about doing more damage to it, just as long as I don’t damage the frame.

    Full Member

    Sounds like a good plan! Will probably be Tuesday or Wednesday I’m riding, so hoping it won’t be too rammed with walkers but not getting my hopes up. Also fully expecting it to piss down given that the weather has been cracking recently while I’ve been at work…

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