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  • ebennett
    Full Member

    The pedal itself will be just as important. I used to wear an old pair of skate shoes, which were just ok with a set of DMR v8s (quite a few times when I slipped off the pedal) but worked well with a set of vaults. Then got Five Tens and they’re great, but obviously quite expensive, particularly as he’ll need to replace as he grows. I’d invest in a good set of pedals and just use cheapo vans or similar till his feet stop growing.

    Full Member

    put the one car key I took (not full bunch) in jeans pocket, so I wouldn’t have to stand in the cold looking for my key at gone midnight on a cold night in Edinburgh

    90% of the time when I lose something or get in a panic because I think I’ve lost something it’s because I’ve tried to be “clever” and put it somewhere interesting thinking it’ll save me time :oops:

    Full Member

    Did you get the problem after such a short time as me (1 year) ?
    Is the leak so slight that even after many months, the brakes still don’t feel like they need bleeding ?

    Was about 2 years I’d had them. I only waited a few weeks after the problem started to change the caliper. Bleeding didn’t work, cleaning didn’t work, changing the pads didn’t work, so had to be the brake system itself and changing just the caliper was a cheap (~£25) way of testing this. Very easy to change over too!

    Full Member

    I had pretty much the same problem with those brakes, though only with the back one. Changed the caliper and it sorted it out.

    Full Member

    Yeah, been noticing the prices! Don’t suppose anyone could also recommend somewhere to buy a Dell laptop charger :oops:

    Full Member

    Sounds like it’s a fit check to see if you get along or either of you find the other one unbearable. All you can really do is be yourself and DON’T GET DRUNK! Being able to discuss the company/market knowledgeably would also be useful, but presumably you can do that already if you’ve got to this stage.

    Full Member

    The one time I put a phone in my pocket I washed out on some wet decking at Glentress while testing the girlfriend’s hire bike and smashed the screen. Don’t think I’d take it if I was going out without a pack :D

    Full Member

    Was going to add my experiences of working with procurement but agent007 pretty much has it covered!

    Full Member

    That’s what I thought, thanks! Not many big hits on the way to work thankfully :D

    Full Member

    Will give anything other than suspension servicing a bash – first attempt is generally bobbins, then improving with successive attempts up to a reasonable standard! One exception was fitting a headset, managed to get that spot on 1st (and only) time I did it. Having the nice shiny tool helped, mind.

    My (not very) LBS isn’t on my way anywhere, so I generally take the view that if it’s an hour round trip to drop it off then I might as well spend that time trying to fix it.

    Full Member

    Seems to have worked, changed over and bled no bother, almost feels strange not having the lever pull to the bars!

    Full Member

    No power in the caliper- it’ll grip, but not very well. Bled it several times and cleaned the rotor and pads with IPA in case they were contaminated but no luck. I’m guessing the pistons are gone.

    Full Member

    Yeah, this will probably be where I find out the lever is borked as well and I should just have replaced the whole thing!

    Full Member

    That seems far too easy, something’s bound to go wrong – 10 minute jobs never end up being 10 mins!

    Full Member

    Well that’s me done with it.

    Could have put up with the senseless brutality if the new villain wasn’t so irritating.

    Seconded – I don’t mind brutality if it serves a purpose, but the show seemed to be reveling in the sadism. I started getting bored last season but I was properly bored during this episode, particularly when they went off on their pointless little drive that was clearly just to pad the episode. And that bit at the end – cheesy as a piece of stilton.

    Full Member

    The EU is broken, irretrievably so. Recognising that makes you neither racist nor stupid

    Regardless of anyone’s views on whether being in the EU is bad or good, the issue that’s caused the toxic atmosphere in the UK is how Brexit was packaged. A large part of the rhetoric around it was about taking back control from johnny foreigner and stopping these bloody immigrants from coming in. Which has resulted in a lot of people who probably kept their racist views to themselves before suddenly feeling like they’re the majority and can now express them freely. I’m sure there would have been some idiots who would have attacked Lineker for a tweet like that pre-Brexit, but it’s appalling that a national ‘newspaper’* feels the need to attack him for expressing compassion towards refugees so as to appeal to their ignorant and racist audience.

    *sh*te rag

    Full Member

    Thought they looked God awful when they first came out, now scarily finding myself liking them :oops:

    Full Member

    Is it the can or the contents that you’re finding upsetting?

    Both – my instant thought on getting it out the tin was ‘dog food’, then it had all that fatty jelly stuff, then I smelled it and it smelled like dog food (the girlfriend (who liked it) backs me up on this). By the time I tasted it (not too bad, but very salty) my brain had already decided it wasn’t gonna happen!

    Foie gras comes in a tin and it is delicious

    They brought some of that too :o As I’ve never had foie gras before I’m not sure I want it out a tin for my first time!

    Full Member

    Talked myself out of it in the end and just bought a replacement caliper :roll:. Wasn’t the cost, more the fact that I’d end up with a load of brake pads and mineral oil that I’d have no use for! Saddo

    Full Member

    Couldn’t do it, was turning my stomach :oops:. The girlfriend wolfed it down though, which is funny cos normally I’ll eat anything while she has a long list of things she won’t/can’t do (mushrooms, OJ, prawns, aubergines, among many).

    Full Member

    Think I’ve used it three times since I got it anyway, so probably best if it heads for the bin. Not like it’ll be much use to anyone else!

    Full Member

    That’s what I thought for normal helmets, just wasn’t sure as full faces seem a bit more sturdy like snowboarding helmets. Will probably just junk it!

    Full Member

    Tuna I have no problem with. I think it’s the fatty jelly type stuff that slides out with it that’s upsetting my brain :?

    Full Member

    Would I need an adaptor for the Hopes if I kept the shimano discs?

    Full Member

    She’s actually encouraging me to get the Hopes!

    Full Member

    you don’t need hopes

    Yes, but I’m a tart :lol:

    Full Member

    Depends on how this lingering cold that’s been hanging around for about 3 weeks is. If I feel good tomorrow AM probably the Peak somewhere, if I feel just ok then probably a trail centre or a local buzz, if I feel crappy then sit in my jammies all day and play video games :D

    Full Member

    Probably the only game since GTAV I’m genuinely excited about!

    Full Member

    Thanks – saw that, but it doesn’t show how the clamp assembly goes together (parts 1, 3, 4, and 5). Doesn’t look like I’m missing an E-clamp, just not sure I’ve put it back correctly!

    Full Member

    The Zoo is pretty good and the kebabs are bloody lovely (particularly after a night clubbing I’d guess). We also enjoyed the walking tour – good way to get a sense of the city – but you’d cover more ground on a bike tour. Checkpoint Charlie and East Side Gallery not worth it IMO. Enjoy, we loved Berlin!

    Full Member

    Well maybe have a word then to find out. I used to study with a couple of blokes who had caught a fungus somewhere. It was untreatable as well and properly smelly. Nothing they could do about it. We just got used to the smell.

    Yeah, it might be that he knows but can’t do anything about it in which case we’ll just have to ignore it. I think I’d probably send an email round explaining about it if it was me though

    Full Member

    I think it must be a mold or a fungus as it got onto some of my clothes when I lived with the overweight flatmate (shared washing machine). Somewhat sorted by using the tumble dryer at a high setting, but I had to bin some stuff :evil:

    Walk in with a cheap can of air freshener (preferably borrow one from the staff loo), liberally spray the air above and all around the offender. Place the can on their desk and walk off. It’s all about being tactful

    It’s a small office so that’d be almost as bad – hate getting in cars with women after they’ve liberally doused themselves in perfume for a night out, makes me feel sick!

    I’m considering just saying to the office “has anyone noticed it’s a bit smelly in here these days?”.

    Full Member

    is it that odour that occurs when people don’t dry their clothes immediately after washing them and leave them minging in the washing machine before drying them?

    Yeah, pretty much that – probably not just fatties that get it, but I generally associate it most with that group (2 fat relatives have it and a fat flatmate had it)!

    Full Member

    Wish I could claim that was autocorrect but just my inability to type :oops:

    Full Member

    Fit is important, test whether they fit helmet properly
    This is IME, far more important than which brand.

    Ditto, if you’re using a helmet Oakleys are a bit awkward with some of them.

    Full Member

    Biggish ride round cut gate and WLT, wee bit of a headwind on the way back! Finished off with beers and a lovely burger from Solita.

    Full Member

    That’s basically the route I did on Saturday though I went down Greenlands rather than along Rushup. Was just under 4 hours all in, and I reckon doing Rushup would add another half hour onto that. Definitely wouldn’t do Chapel gate over Greenlands, Greenlands is much more fun and might give you time to go back up the Beast and do spud alley or do Hagg farm.

    Full Member

    Got a pair of Humvees I use for commuting, they’re alright for the price. As has been said, the sizing is a bit funny and I’d probably find the waistband a bit tight and annoying if I was using them for long MTB rides rather than a 30 min commute each way – it’s not like I’m a biffer either, 32 inch waist. Definitely worth trying on in-store rather than buying online!

    Don’t use mine for MTB during the winter, prefer a pair of thermal leggings with either baggies or waterproof shorts as they’re comfier and I can’t get my pads under the Humvees.

    Full Member

    Had similar service from Acycles, will never use again! If you’re hiring from Cyclewise then take your own pedals. Might get better ones on the higher end bikes, but the hardtail my girlfriend rented had horrible* ones on that looked like they belonged in the 90’s. Seem to remember it was pretty easy to find out what bikes each of the places in Keswick offered, think the full sus ones were about £40 a day.

    *Edit – in terms of lack of grip and her feet slipping off all the time rather than aesthetics!

    Full Member

    We hired a car when we went to Italy recently through easycar as they were about £100 less than the main companies. Was fully expecting to get the insurance hard sell or get billed for some ‘damage’ to the car, but had zero problems with the actual rental company (ecovia). Would definitely use them again, though I’d imagine it really depends on the end company. We were using the car for travel during the week, so if you need to do that then renting might make sense. If you’ve got transport anyway then it’s probably less stressful to just get a taxi both ways for the sake of 30-40 quid.

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