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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • ebennett
    Full Member

    I enjoyed Horizon Zero Dawn – similar to Far Cry in some aspects, but with robot dinosaurs :lol: . Also, the 2 most recent Tomb Raider games are really good.

    Full Member

    I’m similar to you and have bookmarked this old thread to help remind me as I struggle to understand it (I suspect because I don’t really care that much!). I can manage to get mine to a point where it feels good, but tbh I don’t notice much difference in a few clicks either way from that point. Planning to rent a Shockwiz at some point to help!

    Full Member

    Few routes here[/url] as well

    Full Member

    As said, get the VB guide – it has options to extend most routes depending on how fit you’re feeling. Oh, and if the forecast is for rain it might be worth taking spare brake pads – the dark peak tends to eat them in the wet :lol:

    Full Member

    In true STW style I’ll ignore what you wrote about finishing in Macclesfield and suggest a loop from Glossop[/url]. Takes you over Jacob’s the right way (no idea why anyone would do it east to west :D ) and takes in a few of the best descents in the dark peak. The last bit after Langsett is pretty dull along the PBW though.

    Oh, and take the full sus if doing this one, it’ll be more fun :lol:

    Full Member

    It’s not so much the scratches for me as the outbreak of rashes and itching that seems to follow my interactions with the foliage. Still, gives the girlfriend a good laugh.

    Full Member

    Can anyone explain why Seb wouldn’t just admit Bottas didn’t jump the start once the data came in? Seems a binary decision to me, he either did or he didn’t – no room for opinion – and the data show he didn’t. I used to quite like Vettel but he’s fallen in my estimation over the last couple of seasons.

    Full Member

    Absolutely loved it, one of those films where you come out grinning ear to ear! We had radar love on the way home, great until you hit an average speed limit zone :cry:

    Full Member

    I get this as well after a big ride. Improving my fitness/endurance seems to have had the biggest impact on it, but making sure I eat enough during a ride helps too. I also started using recovery chocolate protein shakes which seems to work for me – has meant having to buy a thermos for them, downing a warm milky drink that’s been sitting in the car all day is pretty unpleasant!

    Full Member

    1. Beat last year’s total of 3,998 km – hadn’t really been tracking it until the end of the year and then was annoyed I missed 4k km by that little :D . However, I got ill in March/April/May this year and had probably 5-6 weeks off the bike so this may be ambitious; hence goal 2.

    2. Do more months this year where I ride more than last year. Currently at 4-2 down due to the spring debacle and September is a write-off as we’re on hols for 3 weeks, so will be tight!

    Full Member

    Ah yes, the MIL asking what bukkake was at Christmas was a particularly awkward moment. Thank god for google :lol:

    Full Member

    On reflection, I’ll just let the air out! Discovered I still have the pressure I last set them to noted on my phone anyway so should be easy enough…

    Full Member

    It’s not so much the hassle as that feeling you get of something not quite being right with the bike when you know something has been changed! Only got time for a quick blast tomorrow so don’t want to be fettling suspension because my brain is being picky…

    It’s probably the more sensible idea though!

    Full Member

    Yeah, they’re Fox 36s so fairly burly. I’m 99% happy to do it but thought I’d consult the hive mind to ease the little voice in the back of my head that second guesses everything I do :lol:

    Full Member

    As to Les Arcs, I’m probably out of sync with the majority but having ridden it once I won’t be doing it again. A waste of gravity and a waste of goodwill, either of the legal descents from WLT are more enjoyable IMHO


    Full Member

    If you do end up doing Ladybower, do The Beast instead of Potato Alley.

    Or do both! Easy enough to just push back up the Beast after doing it.

    Full Member

    The Ladybower route is probably more fun IMO, the one suggested by Sofaboy is cracking though I’d go Beast over spud alley :D . Cut gate will be perfect just now though, which doesn’t happen often so might be worth doing it while you can if it’s on your list! However, it can be a bit short on its own and it’s easier to extend your loop by a few km if you stay around Ladybower.

    Full Member

    Did a big loop round coniston water and Ambleside, ran into some nice fellas who guided me round loughrigg which was appreciated as I was getting very bored of looking at the VB guide constantly (first time round there). Parking up at High Cross was a mistake though, slogging up a hill is not the best way to end a big ride :D

    Full Member

    Looks like you’d have to send it out a week beforehand to be sure it would arrive in time if you use the economy service, and would have to check with someone at the place you’re staying to make sure there would be someone in to receive it.

    Full Member

    Nice pic! Heading up there tomorrow, can’t wait :D

    Full Member

    Smell fatigue – you get used to stuff you smell all the time, so other people probably think you smell nice (maybe :D ) but you don’t notice it any more. Like how you don’t notice the particular smell your house has till you go away for a while and come back.

    Full Member

    Ride the Peak most weekends so thankfully that’s my baseline for effort vs stats, it does make the odd trail centre excursion seem easy in comparison!

    Full Member

    Ah, assumed that was just a download file – thanks! 1576 m doesn’t seem bad for that distance and the end seems pretty much downhill.

    Full Member

    Got mine from Leisure Lakes and it came set up tubeless, so guess it depends what you’re getting and where you’re getting it from.

    Full Member

    Hope you enjoy it! It’s a good loop, I tend not to do it much in the summer as I ride it a lot in the winter when the other trails are manky, but might do it this weekend with the current forecast :D

    Full Member

    By Greenlands do you mean the bridleway from Hollins Cross to Greenlands rather than the one directly south from Greenlands?

    Yeah, if you’re at Hollins Cross and look up to Mam Tor it’s the descent to your right towards Edale. If going down it there’s a fork in it about 1/3 of the way down that you need to go left at, the right hand fork is a footpath (I think). Gone down it by accident before, it’s a decent descent actually but Greenlands is more fun :lol:

    Full Member

    Which is the best way up to Rushup, via Greenlands and Mam Tor?

    I wouldn’t bother with Rushup – not worth it IMO, though Greenlands can be a fun climb (great descent). I tend to just push up Chapel Gate (heathen) and then extend somewhere else that’s more fun, e.g. going up to do the Beast and coming back.

    Full Member

    I go from Hayfield as it’s a 15 min shorter drive, it’s 6 and half a dozen though. If you start in Edale there are a few more options for extending it if you want as you can go up to Hope Cross easily enough or go and do Greenlands.

    Edit – the climb up Jacob’s if you start from Hayfield is a bastard when you’re not fully warmed up. But then so is the one up Chapel Gate if you’re doing the VB weatherproof route given the forecast!

    Full Member

    It’s arguably the biggest live televised event in the world after the World Cup final (can’t be bothered looking for stats :D ) so is a massive target from a terrorists point of view. I think it’s more to do with viewership than football specifically – if the tiddlywinks final had that many viewers some nut job would probably want to attack it and it would get the same level of security.

    Full Member

    Looks like the ayes have it!

    Full Member

    Being snotty and sinusy this time of year is aggravated by pollen

    Yeah, I get hayfever so wondering of part of it is that, but the glands are definitely up :? .

    I’m definitely leaning towards riding, but this way I can blame STW when/if I get worse afterwards :lol:

    Full Member

    My wife works at John Rylands Library on Deansgate. She set off at 6:30 this morning to get in on time with her “defiant” face on and had to walk a fair distance to get in.

    I kind of wish she hadn’t.

    Hopefully she’ll stay out of the public spaces today and go and work in the vault. She’s braver than me though.

    Same here, mine’s just been evacuated from her work near the Arndale, hopefully it’s just because of some idiot per P-Jay’s link. My usual attitude to this stuff is that the best response is just to go on as normal to show they can’t get to you, but it’s a bit different when you’re up close to it.

    Full Member

    Can it be stored on its back wheel with front against the wall?

    Probably not, it lives in a small cupboard under the stairs in a state of semi-permanent filth. Might try a bit of Jenga with it and the other stuff to see if it works though!

    Full Member

    Have you tried storing for a week or two the right way up and see if you have the same issue?

    Not really got space to do that unless I put it in the shed, which is a definite no-go in Manchester!

    If there’s **any** air left in the system after a bleed, then if the bike is stored upside down then even a tiny amount of air will likely make its way up to the caliper.

    That’s what I’d assumed it was initially, but surely that should lead to a consistent issue rather than one that gets worse over time? Can more air get into the system unless there is a leak somewhere? What convinces me that it’s a leak rather than storage is that the front brake has never had this problem in 3 years of being stored like this. It needs an initial pump up before a ride, but it maintains a consistent feel and has needed bled perhaps once or twice over 3 years. In contrast, I seem to bleed the back brake once every 2 months. I don’t think it’s bleed technique either as I’ve used syringes and bled from the bottom up when it’s been particularly bad.

    Full Member

    It was great last Saturday, as dry as I’ve ever seen it. The recent rain might have made it a bit muddier though, worth checking out Keeper of the Peak on twitter for updates – should be plenty over the weekend. Probably still be fine though if it isn’t lashing down between now and Monday.

    Full Member

    So we know Beagleboy is an outlander then, or even worse *shudders* from Edinburgh!

    Nah, he didn’t call him a pleb or an oik :lol:

    Full Member

    Scotland is so good at producing neds that we even have different sub-species of them :lol:

    Full Member

    See, what you were dealing with there wasn’t a chav – it was a ned. A ned is like distilled essence of chav…

    Full Member

    Do you have any power saving settings on the phone (rather than the app)? I had a similar problem with an S6 and it was due to having that power saving on.

    Full Member

    We have a Soak and Sleep Luxury Microfibre topper, which is ace. I have allergies so any kind of animal based one was out. Definitely not firm though, it’s like sleeping on a big fluffy cloud!

    The only downside I’ve noticed so far is that it makes other beds much less comfy in comparison, though with the warmer weather coming I suspect it might make things a bit more sweaty than previously.

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