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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • eatplants
    Free Member

    It seems to me that it is more about religion v religion , than religion v science , they can’t all be right .

    I also subscribe to the thought that a collective belive has been an advantage to Homo sapiens , a reason to fight and stick together in the face of competition with rival groups of humans It could be a part of the reason why our species of human is still around and the others are not , and why successfully sociertys of the past had a religious element.

    I am more interested in what somone does in the real world than what they think , If the doctor who helped save my life following a pulmonary embolism was Muslim/Christian/atheist was the least important part , and I don’t care if someone thinks that it was the will of God ( It was science skill and training imo) I am just glad to be here .

    Free Member

    I herd that cows produce more greenhouse gas than cars

    Free Member

    my lorry is big and orange it has six flashing orange lights on the back , but it didn’t stop another lorry driving straight into the back of me at 50mph in March , it would seem looking where you’re going is the most important thing, but being as visible as you can can’t hurt.

    Free Member

    bearGrease , helpfully i took some photos , unfortunately i can’t post them ! , the chain line is better on the cotic solaris in the 64 position double xt cranks no spacer , better as in the middle gears are about straight and the big and small have the same amount of deflection . the clearance on the frame is very tight though(but fine functionally) at the widest ovality , i don’t know what you have but just bear that in mind , adding a spacer would make the clearance better but on the big cogs the chain-line worse , because for me when on the trail i am in the middle third of the cassette most, i find it better overall than the 104 position where the big cogs were more extreme .

    Free Member

    run my roadrat 1×10 with a B/LABS ring , 36t 11-36 ,had a round 36 before i find the oval better on climbs and accelerating , run my solaris with an AB 64bcd 28t 11-36 and AB bash combo , beautiful machining , was going to go 11 speed as i wanted a smaller easy gear (was on 30t round) but this is great , i love the way it feels on techie slow climbs , doesn’t offer anything over round at high (110+) cadence but every where else better , get used to it in minutes . Still got a round on my five but when thats worn out AB will be going on. and in case you don’t know chain reaction cycles do a cheaper range of AB made rings with less pretty machining but the same otherwise.
    Don’t know if others have an opinion on this but , i have had ACL reconstruction on right knee and i find the ovals much better when doing long rides over the round.

    Free Member

    Was wondering why this came up again I thought it was case closed ?

    Free Member

    It’s really not that difficult … Eat a vaired diet , mostly plants , mostly carbs , anything else is personal choice for your own reasons , stay hydrated , excersize , get plenty of sleep …. Yes ? No ?

    51% is still mostly

    Free Member

    Don’t take any appetite suppressants , I used epidril (I think that was its name long time ago ) when tying to get cut early 90s , shakes heart palpitations , couldn’t sleep , lost fat like you wouldn’t belive but felling like I was going to have a heart attack not good .
    Go onto nutrition web and u tube look at some actual science ,the best way is to find a way of eating that you can sustain for the rest of your life , do not gamble with your life taking appetite supresants or fat burners people do die taking this sh*t

    Free Member

    36 11/34 good luck ! , 28 11/36 on my 29er

    Free Member

    That’s really low calories for an active male or female adult , no wonder you were knackered and pigged out , 1500 is about average adult baseline if you sit still for 24 hours . One of the UN s critera for famine is 20% of adult population on 2100 cal or less per day . It simply unsustainable in the long term and can actually lead to weight gain in the long term as you end up yo-Yo ing . It would be well worth doing some research and trying to find a way of eating that you can sustain in the long term , good luck it’s hard work

    Free Member

    Warming it with a hairdryer helps

    Free Member

    Have you thought about concrete sectional buildings , my garage is with a metal door, condensation is no worse than my wooden shed , and you can get them in small sizes , windowless , wood doors or metal , you do need a good base good access and difficult to self erect on the downside

    Free Member

    Hour on week nights , couple hours on weekends max , 8yr old girl , if that’s any help

    Free Member

    Airete , scarify and feed lawn September is great time to do this , plant lavender looks nice and smells strong , mulch boarders with a chipped bark mulch preferably from pine , again strong smell

    Free Member

    As above , I just turn left now it’s wet , up the fire road back to the start , needs some work there .

    Free Member

    using long cage xt shadow 1×10 works fine , no different to other two bikes 1×10 with medium cage (x7 and x9) , and better than zee short cage i was running , use it till it breaks i say

    Free Member

    If Lord of the rings is your thing , then have you read anything by Terry Brooks ? His Shanara series is superb and I also like his Magic kingdom of landover series . Shanara actually starts with Running with the demon set in modern times and runs through a post apocalyptic and on to a fantasy future over all the many books .

    Free Member

    To answer directly , I don’t think that we should prescribe any particular length of working day (other than safety limits like taco rules ) best to let enployess and employers sort it out for themselves, mainly because it just wouldn’t work for many jobs , no way I could anything useful done in six hours driving for irlams , but now I can get it all done.
    Do I think it’s good to work a shorter day , for me yes definitely , more time for family more time for fun less stressful.

    Free Member

    Us vegans do just fine , thanks for you concern 😉 , to keep on track for the op and not turn it into will I die if I go vegan thread 🙂 , i would just say don’t worry about your protein absorption or if you are getting enough you probably are and would be better off spending your money on real food rather than expensive supplements imo

    Free Member

    Absolutely right , after all meat is muscle , unfortunately with meat you also get the saturated fat and in my case chronic indigestion , but if you are getting enough from the rest of your diet , no need to eat the animals 🙂

    Free Member

    Yes very ineffeciant , that’s you local council for you

    Free Member

    Yes even I would struggle to eat grass ! , the point I was badly making was you don’t need to supplement with protien you will get more than enough buy eating a balanced diet , with or without animal products

    Free Member

    I get paid a set wage regardless of hours , so yes we keep going till its done , in practice that is usually a 13:30 Finnish , but it has been as early as 11:30 or as late as 16:30 but very rarely .

    Free Member

    Respectfully , you are wasting your money on protein supplements , spot on what has been said 20g max per “meal” and 1g per kilo is around the amount I have always heard . I was a (rubbish) bodybuilder 20 years ago , and wasted tons on supplements til I realised it was the injections and hard training making the difference , the best advice I would give is utterly boring but , eat a balanced diet lots of fruit veg carbs ALL plants contain protein too and it’s more bio available to humans than meat / dariry protien , post work out you are better off properly hydrating (plain water) and eating some fruit bananas are excellent then a proper meal later , or if in a rush a huge fruit smothy .

    Free Member

    I’m a bin lorry driver started at 07:30 finished at 13:00 today , I used to drive arctics 12 to 15 hour days (and nights) happy to be doing six now , much healthier and less stressful, we have a set amount of work and when it’s done we go home , best way to work.

    Free Member

    Keep an eye out for frog second hand , very similar to Isla but a little cheaper daughter loves hers

    Best to be on the right size imo , rather than sizing up too soon, although my wife is only 5’3″ and she has a 29er

    Free Member

    i read it on the internet so it must be true 😆 , when i got a lum sum 10yrs ago my first thought was a new cbr600rr

    Free Member

    isn’t the NHS , state pension and free school socialism , nobody minds those things.

    Most previously labour lottery winners vote conservative after winning i read once

    Free Member

    family trail spot on for kids , just watch for the bit where the blue trail intersects and joins the green before a downhill you may get one or two faster riders coming past .
    there is a small downhill run with a few different lines good fun , the red has a few sharp short climbs , i wouldn’t really call it a red to be honest more like a blue and a half , but just go faster instead 🙂 ,
    Its in the same woodland as centre parks you can ride straight in and you join right onto the green trail
    have fun

    Free Member

    nobody deservers to be physically attacked for expressing an opinion , no matter how personally offensive you may find it. We are lucky in the west that for the most part this holds true. What ever your world view attack the idea not the person , whether you think CH did this well or poorly , IMO that is what they are trying to do.

    I think it is different in the abusing someone to their face scenario , as a verbal attack may be a prelude to violence, only you can know this if you are in that situation , i would suggest that if you hit someone for only saying something offensive to you ,with no extra threat of violence you wouldn’t get away with it in law.

    Free Member

    I guess that’s the thing , it should just be the ride that’s important , but with soooo many good bikes out there who wants to spend 2.5k on somthing you don’t like the look of

    Free Member

    On the Colour thing , why don’t bike manfs test the market you could just post a few colour options on Facebook , no need to show the bike itself , and invite comments ? ,i like the mint but not with the black , but I prefer a single colour on any bike . Would it Really put you off buying one ?

    Free Member

    Oh dear , that’s another one on the list , at least I could actually afford this though unlike the rocket .

    Free Member

    I was a little unsure if £1300 was too much , but it seems as though it was about right , oh and it is really good , I got first proper ride at sherwod on sat and I can completely see why they are so popular

    Free Member

    I just go in my my car some days for a break ,as I get sick of people trying to kill me , I’m a Hgv driver and the standard I see from fellow professional drivers is just appalling some days , this week following a bulk tipper , two cars in front of the tipper one stopped to turn right , I saw it from behind and slowed down ,I have no idea what he was looking at but he just drove into the back of the cars (luckily no one hurt) .
    To a lot of people out there we are just an annoying nuisance, but I’m sure a lot of those ignorant drivers would be completely nice out the vehicle passing each other walking on a path , it’s just something about being behind the wheel that changes their attitude.

    Free Member

    Is there any sport where male and female have equal performance levels? , as has been said I can only think of equestrian .

    Free Member

    I don’t think any of the main 3 sizes will disappear ( in terms of parts at least ) , we used to just buy a “mountain bike” , and ride every thing on it , now we have the chance to buy so many fantastic bikes that have really been thought about in terms of their area of use , Even if I still like riding my 26″ fully rigid (only to work though)

    Free Member

    Back in March I was wondering if I was faster on my soul 26″ or Solaris 29″ so I did two days back to back at sherwod two laps of the red measured with a garmin 800 , average speed on the Solaris 15kph , on the soul 15.1kph so close as to be insignificant , but i have now sold the soul , I find a 29er less wearing over longer rides . As for the pros , I think it is as much about feel and confidence that a given set up offers , that then allows them to perform ? .

    Free Member

    The best time for the fella a bought mine off was three weeks ago , 2013 pro full bike £1300 . I sold my soul 2013 about 8 weeks ago (frame and qr reba fork) for £450 , which I was happy with , good 26″ bikes don’t stop being good just cuz there is something new out , they will sell , or just Cary on enjoying it 🙂

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