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  • eat_the_pudding
    Free Member

    Not entirely on topic but ///input.caring.brain is very near 10 Downing street 🙂

    Free Member

    Its hard to recommend lightroom wholeheartedly for the subscription reason mentioned above (still on version 6 standalone here), but one underrated feature is that when you “import” files it will “grey out” any duplicate files which have already been imported.

    It seems like a minor feature, until you find a “photos” directory on an old disk or an ancient phone backup with directories called “pics” “pics_new” “dcim” “dcim_old” “holiday” “holiday 2” “holiday final” etc etc.

    Just try to import each dir. without even looking at the data and in a few minutes you’ll know if this is unique data you need to deal with, or just another version of stuff you imported already.

    Also good for incremental backups of phone pictures etc. and works for video files (in a very basic way).

    (You can import while leaving the pictures in the same location, or have lightroom copy them to a new location and put in folders named by date (and possibly device?) to help kick off some organisation).

    Free Member

    Bugger me, I agree with Blackford, and Sinn Fein, and broadly (except in some specific areas) TJ.
    Thoughts and prayers please everyone.

    One comment though: Its a wee bit rich for labour types to be accusing the lib dems of “playing politics for their own advantage” at this stage.

    After 3 years of handwaving, doublespeak and prevarication I can get why the lib dems are a bit untrusting and would like a bit of a chat about firming up any details.

    Free Member

    I didn’t say the 200Million figure was yours.. it was just another example of a 2014 natfact.
    i.e. Not “made up by me”

    Free Member

    I’ll bash what I like thanks 😉
    Anyway that was my last hurrah now that we’ve reached the “patronizing poor nicola” stage, it’s deja vu all over again. Ta Ta.

    Free Member

    TJ, If you think her name needs respect, then accept her opinions on economics.

    “Making stuff up” haha

    From the man who used the term “head office effect” without qualification and then when shown that GERS includes economic activity in the country where it happens regardless of where the HQ is, says “I was talking about taxes on head office staff”.
    a) if they work in the head office in slough maybe thats where their taxes should be recorded? and
    b) they must be getting paid a hell of a lot, if their taxes equal a substantial portion of the cost of the NHS in Scotland (The S.I unit for “One Scottish Deficit”).

    Unlike you I’m not accusing anyone of bad faith, just an inability do separate opinion from well compiled statistics.

    If you want to be able to claim:

    and Scotland who support the UK economy – take london and scotland out of the picture then england is barely viable

    Without anyone calling you out on it (when you later admit that scotland has a deficit, just not one you like the size of), maybe you should go somewhere where nationalists are allowed to run free.

    GERS is not perfect but its the best indicator of the starting position after independence, (and accepted as such by the .. oh you know who already 🙂

    Over the years we have repeated this conversation and you have tried to minimise the deficit, and refused to say what substantial bits you would chop off the scottish economy to afford independence (apart from nuclear weapons which at £180million/year means you’ve dealt with just over 1.2% of the deficit, woo!) and the HQ ‘tax’ effect, lets make that a generous 1% for some very well paid people in slough, and some handwaving about westminster.

    And remember, a whole new country can be set up for “less than 0.2 billion” by the people who’ve spent five times that setting up part of a benefits agency.

    I can understand why you want to minimise the deficit, and sew FUD around the “easy” cuts that could be made but fail to put realistic numbers on. But at least be honest with yourself.

    To make a slightly roundabout point, when you say you’re “well read” on the subject, I know how you would probably react to someone saying they were “well read” on chiropractors and homeopathy from chiropractic and homeopathy websites.

    Well thats how you look from here.

    (PS, re: nicola’s name, I think we’ve had this conversation before when you run out of factual points to make, and decide to get personal by accusing me of getting personal (classic tj!).
    I also call boris boris, theresa theresa and jeremy magic grandad. You can read anything you like into that and I’m sure you will, again).

    Free Member

    I’m trying to move on from this, but yes I have read the methodology*.
    ALL economic statistics are estimates.
    The fact that much of the information comes from Westminster is irrelevant.

    There was an FOI to the SG stats department a few years ago (trying to put some of the FUD to bed) asking if they had ever been refused any information from westmonster that they asked for. They said no.

    Nicola’s stats dept has already revised the GERS stats to improve them and remove possible inaccuracies.
    If they could improve them [in a statistically valid way] to make scotlands economy look stronger I’m sure their boss would give them her full backing.

    They haven’t, so either let them (and nicola) know about all the issues you’ve found, or please let it lie.

    The reason this matters at all on an EU thread, is that lying liars and the lies they tell is what brought us brexit in the first place.

    *including the bit that states

    In general, GERS apportions a share of UK revenues from corporation taxes based on the
    economic activity undertaken in Scotland and not the location of companies’ headquarters.
    Public corporations’ and North Sea corporation tax revenues are excluded from the analysis
    and are apportioned to Scotland separately.

    Which directly contradicts the assertion you made upthread about scottish activities being apportioned to companies with HQs in england.

    So if you read it again you should pay more attention.

    Free Member

    tj speaks the truth*

    Any good that osteopaths and chiropractors do is probably a happy accident, achieved while ignoring the ill-conceived unscientific pish that gave birth to their beliefs and practices.

    *on this subject 🙂

    Free Member

    jeebus tj,
    Still no explanation of why nicola is silent?

    In other news, even the nat onal says that the cost of trident to scotland is 180million/year (not “a billion a year”).
    If you cant be arsed googling that when the information is freely available then where are your other “figures” coming from.

    London transport costs (crossrail etc) are not included in the figures for scotland and we pay nothing towards anything that does not have a positive effect on the scottish economy. Also freely available information.

    I’ve read your “independent analysis”. It brings this to mind;
    ‘The amount of energy necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it.’ – Alberto Brandolini

    Its been years since 2014 and still people believe there is “export duty” on whiskey, oil in the Clyde, and that a few articles in a newspaper can refute government statistics produced by the scottish government.

    You can keep sewing FUD (and claim you aren’t) but the basic question you have to answer (which you haven’t even touched on for some reason) is the simple one at the top of this comment.

    Free Member

    Still no explanation of why;
    a) nicola is covering up the “truth”?
    b) the SNP report on “scotlands future” failed to mention any of the 12 dimensional economic factoids you’ve brought up.

    I wrote more, but I’ve deleted it and I’m disengaging on this.
    Its off topic and the irony of you spreading and defending economic FUD in a thread about brexit is making my head hurt.

    PS I see the reverend from bath is starting up a full on “populist and anti-political” independence party to challenge the SNP and get in touch with the “vast majority” of scots.
    He sounds like just the sort of stable genius we’ve all been looking for.

    Free Member

    Dammit .. I found my original reply. I’ll bung it here for completeness.

    GERS are estimates.
    But so are ALL economic figures.
    They are the best available and if there was any obvious omission that could be added in to make it look like scotland could afford to support itself in the manner to which it has become accustomed, then you have to explain why nicola and her stats department are hiding it from us all?

    To suggest that the deficit is made up (or down) in some way to piss off the SNP, by the SNP, is just fatuous.

    You don’t give the impression of someone who is easily led or deceived, so why are you defending and perpetuating busworthy economic lies?

    I’m not saying GERS is 100% accurate, but it is derived by people who know about statistical error bars

    To look at it another way, here is the table I put up there reordered from surplus to deficit.
    Net fiscal balance per head, 2016-17 (in £s)
    London -3,697
    SE England -2,150
    East of England -895
    England 158
    SW England 975
    East Midlands 1,650
    Yorkshire and the Humber 2,199
    West Midlands 2,296
    Scotland 2,651
    NW England 2,684
    NE England 3,718
    Wales 4,251
    N Ireland 5,014
    UK 695

    If Scotlands deficit is a lie, then what about the East Midlands? Wales? Northern Ireland? Are they all secret economic powerhouses as well?

    How deep does this rabbit hole go?

    Free Member

    tj, my longer answer got lost somewhere, but to summarise
    business for scotland = suppressed giggling
    dispute about GERS = no there isn’t. Not from anyone who understands economics/statistics. All economic statistics are estimates. but these are statistically verifiable figures with error bars and everything.
    And they are accepted by nicola sturgeon (whose stats department produce the figures).
    If they were easy to disprove with an opinion piece in a newspaper or on a website, they why oh why doesn’t she just do it, and just MAKE the economic case for an independent Scotland in black and white?
    Maybe you should call her and clue her up?

    At the very least ask yourself why these hidden facts about scotlands economy are hidden away on nationalist conspiracy websites and newspaper columns, and not the subject of a Scottish Government enquiry.

    Its hard to take you seriously when you come onto a thread about europe and brexit and then spout economic rubbish that belongs on the side of a bus.

    If your main argument (and I think we both know it ALWAYS comes back to economics no matter where you start) relies on obfuscation and sewing FUD about the facts, you’re no better then the brexiters and their unicorns.

    Please continue sewing fear uncertainty and doubt but at least admit to yourself the playbook you’re reading from.

    (None of this implies that scotland might or might not be an “economic powerhouse” after independence by however many years. But GERS is the best indication of where we would start. And we wouldn’t start richer, or the same, but poorer, and on a scale greater than brexit).

    Free Member

    That case (link above) is usb2 (max speed 60 megabytes/sec), you could probably saturate that link with spinning rust.

    usb3 (if available on your laptop, (“ss” usb logo on port, often with blue plastic bits) has speeds up to 640 megabytes/sec, which is much closer to ssd speeds.

    inateck 2.5″ usb3 enclosures are good and cheap from amazon. The FE2010 has a more standard usb3 cable than some.

    Free Member

    tj, The figures (as shown) show Scotland has had as much out of the UK as it has put in since the start of the oil.
    Before the oil, and on into the future, it will continue to benefit by more than it puts in, because thats how countries work (the rich bits support the poorer bits).

    These are the facts. No part of the UK outside southern england currently has a surplus so stop the special pleading for scotland as an economic powerhouse. Its misleading nationalist propaganda (though still apparently widely believed) and irrelevant to this discussion.

    You always complain that GERS is wrong but have failed to explain why you disagree with the figures used by:
    a) nichola’s own statisticians (i.e. GERS producers who develop and improve their own figures, use internationally agreed methods, and have stated via FOI that they have never had a request for information refused by “Westmonster”),
    b) the book of dreams (based on temporarily favourable GERS figures) and
    c) the SNP produced report “Scotlands Future” which accepts them (but then tries to explain away the massive austerity required in a newly independent scotland with magical thinking).

    Just drop it, and concentrate on stopping boris and the tories from dividing and bumming us all.

    PS I’m not “talking scotland down” any more than I’m talking down NI, wales and the north of england, all of which have deficits.

    Free Member


    and Scotland who support the UK economy – take london and scotland out of the picture then england is barely viable

    Stop dripping economic pish about Scotland in peoples ears and hoping it will become a fact.

    From a report on deficits and surpluses throughout the UK.

    Net fiscal balance per head, 2016-17 (in £s)
    NE England 3,718
    NW England 2,684
    Yorkshire and the Humber 2,199
    East Midlands 1,650
    West Midlands 2,296
    East of England -895
    London -3,697
    SE England -2,150
    SW England 975
    England 158
    Wales 4,251
    Scotland 2,651
    N Ireland 5,014
    UK 695
    (A negative number means a surplus)

    And before you bring it up. The oil revenue from the north sea is approximately equal to the support Scotland has received from UK wide pooling and sharing.
    Heres a graph (black is “scottish oil money” that went south, red is “uk tax money” coming north). Areas not so different?
    Graph of scottish revenue
    from here

    Free Member

    TJ my comment wasn’t all about “things you said” it was about the danger of purity tests in politics, and the resultant tribalism and populism.

    I think that compromise will make better politics than dictatorship, and going on and on about the equivalent of “what your sandra did to our billy in high school” in the place where we are now is just political masturbation.

    At the moment I’d vote Sinn Fein if I thought it would stop brexit (and not make things worse), and they’ve done worse things to my family than make the odd stupid compromise and not offer a fullsome apology.

    Free Member

    Its pretty clear what a “purity test” is in the context we’re discussing
    (google ideological or political purity test if unsure).

    Its the same pish that keeps popping up from the SNP about how labour “shared a platform with the tories” against independence and can NEVER be forgiven, but ignores the fact that Nichola has been on the same anti-brexit platform as a variety of tories since with no comment.

    Its a simple way to short circuit the “thinking” part of politics and jump straight to tribalism and populism, and whatever follows.

    Its lazy thinking and lazy politics, and can have unfortunate divisive and populist results.

    Do I agree with everything the lib dems did in power with the tories, hell no.
    Do I think that a grown up politics involves compromise, hell yes.

    (For clarity i DO think that Corbyn is a terrorist supporting, anti semitic, ineffectual prick, and that IS based on who he has hung around with in the past. I don’t like purity tests but I do have some standards)

    Free Member

    Same old purity tests, same old populism.

    You shouldn’t set up and sloganise purity tests no-one can pass and then tie yourself in knots defending them.

    Compromise is a good thing in politics for anyone over 12.

    The only branch of politics that demands “purity” is nationalism/populism, and you wouldn’t want to see that in Scottish politics would you?

    Also applies to brexit, where apparently now Dominic Cummings is not enough of a leaver for Farage. LINK

    We’re all doomed.

    Free Member

    Hey TJ,
    So working with tories is always wrong and must never be forgotten.

    Good to know. Does that make SNP supporters “black and yellow tories” to go with all of the other torytypes you’ve identified?

    So who is pure enough to hold the saltire of loveliness (and scribble their political slogans on it like nationalist divs).

    (Edit for clarity .. “working with tories” up there is a link to a story about the SNP “working with tories”.

    Free Member

    Does anyone genuinely think that this is an establishment fit up?

    If so, please explain why, when they found pictures of child abuse on Beech’s PC, he didn’t accuse Prince Phillip, the masons and the templars, but tried to fit up his own son.

    Clearly a lovely man, of unimpeachable character.

    Free Member


    a vehicle consisting of two wheels held in a frame one behind the other, propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front wheel.

    Interesting concept.

    How did it vote?

    Free Member

    oops .. double post

    Free Member

    From my point of view its not about being for or against second referenda.
    I just prefer it when important questions are decided using facts and experts rather than hand & flagwaving. Thats not hypocrisy where these two subjects are concerned.

    still engaging with the facts people in the traditional way I see?

    Free Member

    I’ll take that as a compliment from the man whose contribution to the thread so far is:

    She’s a cock of a woman.

    FYI Its less of an “SNP alert” and more of a “hypocrite klaxon”.

    Free Member

    Loving the “yellow tory” and “tory enabler” pish from the (possible) supporters of the scottish party that brought you this:
    Labour frozen out as SNP buries hatchet with Conservatives to end 20-year taboo

    Short memories all around.
    In a future world where the voting percentages could create hung parliaments and coalitions a plenty; where would we ever find a politician pure enough to wave a saltire again :.)

    Free Member

    Its been done, and dogs don’t go back to wolves, they become “pye-dogs” (similar in looks to unmanaged populations of dogs in Africa/India etc.)

    This may indicate that they had evolved into that state naturally before domestication, which makes the “wolf ancestors” thing look a bit like overblown canine propaganda.

    Free Member

    Culture definitely, but as an immigrant to it or on the fringes where it meets other cultures.
    Based on the books, the most interesting way to see the culture was in comparison to the alternatives.
    I imagine if you were born grew up and lived surrounded by it without any external reference it could be a hopelessly bland existence.

    Thinking a little more; I’d definitely like to be the culture ambassador to the diskworld :O)

    Free Member

    Jeebus, I’ve spent almost 25 years working for organisations trying to promote sensible environmental policies, but reading this thread gave me a feeling of enormous hopelessness.

    As the good book (should have) said;
    The stupid will always be with you, but now they’re breeding with the trolls.

    So I’m off to find a wilderness with “not enough soil” as apparently thats the perfect place to take a big shit on a banana skin.

    Onward and upward!

    Free Member

    Firefly :.(

    Free Member

    2 things.
    I’m not sure what;

    sensational evidence for the existence of the Loch Ness Monster

    would look like. But its not this.

    Theres also something slightly weird about the story.
    The fishermen he approached refused to take him across the river “with terror in their eyes”.

    So just how do you make a living fishing with a boat and some nets on a river that you are terrified of going onto?

    Maybe they just didn’t want to be alone in a small boat with a priest?

    Free Member

    Not reasonable force by any definition. You can’t just attack people who walk past because of what they might do in your fevered gammagination.

    Free Member

    tj, not how I read it, but glad to hear it.
    Raptor persecution really needs to be dealt with regardless (and the issues brought up by sea eagle expansion is probably a good example of the issues that any reintroduction of wolves etc would cause).

    Its a difficult crime to police, but making the landowners ultimately responsible is probably the way forward.

    There is always a balance to be struck between farmers and wildlife, but what would exist if some people got their way would be a greenish desert with the occasional tree.

    Free Member

    Some bobbins being talked here about “rewilding scotland” being a code for “more crofters”. as if they were the peak vegetation north of inverness.

    Firstly, theres no such thing as a wholly natural landscape in the UK (I think pretty much the last wilderness in Europe [by some definitions] was a bit of Iceland last time I looked).

    Every remaining landscape needs management to some degree, The real decisions lie in where we put our money and resources and where we want to end up. We can chose to manage things towards various options.
    Industrialising it (windfarms),
    Preserving it for continuing use for grouse moors (bleaurgh),
    Sorting out the deer overpopulation and seeing what happens, more trees more biodiversity (see Creag Meagaidh NNR for some good work SNH is doing in that direction). Wolves might even help with this?
    (Re)populating it (with associated infrastructure and building, to create more crofters (out of a misguided notion that they are more natural than forests).

    Its a difficult area, and as much as I have little sympathy for parts of the hunting and shooting fraternity the decisions should probably not be made on the basis of which groups support the SNP.

    but given the last GE results the snp seem to have lost the huntin shootin fishin lot anyway

    Really tj? Thats your basis for whos views should be taken into consideration? Nice.

    Free Member

    Not a follower of GoT myself, but I liked THIS (LINK) take from someone at Scientific American on the reason why the last 2 seasons were different.

    Free Member

    Carol Catwalladr wrote about him years ago VIA HERE

    There are other articles from people who worked there about how they wanted people who were just disturbed enough … prozac, not lithium for example. If they expressed an interest they’d keep calling them back chasing more information and stories. Then they put them in a hotel room with a free bar, call them through the night to keep them on edge, and wind them up in the green room with “What X just said about you”. Then they sometimes promise help but put them in a taxi home with nothing.

    If half of what people have written is true some people should be in jail.

    I didn’t even realise they used lie detectors, but if they led anyone to make important decisions on the basis of that pish, they deserve more.

    Free Member


    Yeah. It basically says what I said all along.

    I’m pretty sure Danny Baker might disagree with you.
    What you said:

    It is a racist post to racists (and to those constantly vigilant for potential offence I suppose), but if your mind doesn’t work that way there isn’t anything obvious to be upset about. It took me a long time to work out what the offence was.

    What he said:

    “But it was a genuine, naive and catastrophic mistake. There is of course little media/twitter traction in such a straight-forward explanation. The picture in context as presented was obviously shamefully racist. It was never intended so – seriously who on earth would ‘go there’?”

    You might be right that it was unintentional (I agree) but the man himself agrees that “in context as presented was obviously shamefully racist”.

    Any additional thoughts cumberlanddan, I guess you could look him up on twitter and try to convince him he’s wrong?

    Free Member


    eat_the_pudding – you are talking shite.

    What does Roseanne Barr have to do with Danny Baker?

    If you can’t see that (rosanne barrs) tweet about a mixed race person implying they were the child of an ape bears some relationship to a story about (danny bakers) tweeting a picture of an ape while referring to a mixed race child then you have my pity.

    Free Member

    Yes, pointing out a similar story about someone comparing a mixed race person to an ape is “talking shite”.

    I guess you guys don’t even see colour, so all of us real racists should just aspire to your level.

    Not having fun, just a bit shocked at a lot of people on here.

    This might be the “What colour is the dress” moment for racism.

    Free Member

    Hes not “100% right”.

    Hes the one who set out to make a joke about the royals having a child, and included a picture of an ape (representing the _mixed_race_ child) as the focus of the joke, and then claimed the people who said WTF! were diseased.

    A bit like what you did.

    I don’t dislike him, and I don’t think he’s the worst person in the world, but his notpology gave the BBC no choice.

    You’ve decided he’s 100% right and everyone who disagrees is a racist.


    Free Member

    the “someone” who

    saw a mixed race child and thought “chimp”.

    was Danny Baker. That might be the bit you’re missing

    Looks pretty clear from the tweet.

    Or maybe the distinguished gentleman on the left was meant to be the “child” in the photo!
    If so, how vexing, I missed the joke completely!
    Must be the innate heightism deep in my soul!

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