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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • easily
    Free Member

    Nanos +1

    Great all-rounders. You won’t get much traction in wet mud or damp grass, but everywhere else they are good. Surprisingly quick on the road, and tough and long lasting.

    Free Member

    Gentle stretching helped me when I had it.

    There was one stretch that I found particularly helpful, it eased the pain instantly, and slowly lessened it permanently. If your pain sounds similar it might help, so I’ll try to describe it:

    The pain was mostly in my right leg. I would put my right heel on the floor in front of me, point my toes upward and stretch so I could feel the stretch in my calf and the back of my knee. It works standing, but I found it more effective when sitting. You could try this, but let me emphasise BE GENTLE at first.

    Free Member

    It seems it was a picture of ‘curry mile’ which unsurprisingly has a large amount of people who have immigrated from the sub-continent.

    Free Member

    Well I’ve happily spent loads of money, and then spent loads more.

    I bought the rack, spider cradle, and bag. I’m really pleased with how they work, so I also bought the pannier rack and top bag.

    Thanks for the advice everyone,

    Free Member

    Ok – I thought everyone was doing a pretty good job of keeping an emotive subject polite. I’m assuming that everyone here has good motivation, and that they’re not stating their case or asking questions because of bigotry or stubbornness.

    Something I’ve said or asked has clearly pissed off you and possibly others, which was never my intention, but I don’t think ‘shutting up’ is the answer. I’ve just edited myself to remove a pithy remark as I don’t think that helps either.

    Anyway, more than enough from me, I didn’t intend to be in this debate quite as much as I have been.

    Free Member

    Me? Have you seen some of the flouncers on here when they’ve read an opinion they disagree with?

    Free Member

    Thanks for telling me to shut up Kelvin, I’ll bear that in mind when I read future posts from you.

    Free Member

    I’m not really referring to the current situation – as you say they are there under current regulations. I’m talking about how we could avoid a similar situation occurring in the future. And my question was to Kelvin, though I’m interested in anyone’s answer.

    Free Member

    Ok, so which do you prefer? Self declaration of sex, or open events for both sexes?

    Free Member

    Oops sorry, indeed IBA (btw, I trust Wikipedia about as much as I trust the IBA).

    I don’t know Kelvin, I’m not an expert on sex tests. Chromosome testing would at least provide an accurate base for people to argue from.
    Would you prefer one of the other options I put forward? Self determination or open events?

    Free Member

    Well Khelif and Lin Yu-Ting could volunteer to do tests (I’m not saying they should, but that they could) which would settle the matter.

    I noticed that you confidently stated in an earlier post that Khelif was ‘not a man’. Do you have information I’ve not seen that leads you to say this? The WBO statements suggest otherwise – though as someone else pointed out they might not be a trustworthy source.

    I’m genuinely open to suggestions about how this can be best resolved, I cannot see a way out that will leave everyone satisfied.

    Free Member

    Interesting articles Kelvin, thank you. I’d read about Klobukowska before, a horrible story.

    So what is the solution?

    – take the athletes word for it, they are the sex they declare they are?

    – get rid of sex categories and just have open events?

    – use modern sex determining methods, which are far quicker, more accurate, and less intrusive than those of the past?

    To me the last of these seems to be the best out of poor options. It’s not good, but better than either of the other options.

    Or is there something I have not thought of that would satisfy everyone?

    Free Member

    We’ve been thinking the same thing for a few years. We’ve decided upon Coldingham in the borders. It’s a beautiful area – the beaches are marvellous.

    Not far from Edinburgh and Newcastle, right on the coast, lots of walking (I’ll tell you about the cycling when I’ve moved – it’s so poor where I am that anything will be an improvement).

    Coldingham is quite small, but there are decent size towns nearby if you prefer – Eyemouth, Berwick, etc.

    … and if you’re near retirement age you’ll get a free bus pass!

    Free Member

    “When would you use it?”

    I take mine to work. It means I can have a decent coffee rather than instant*

    Many days I also stop somewhere pretty on the way home and have a drink. It’s a little gap between work mode and home mode – just 10 minutes, but I love it, even when the weather is bad.

    *lots of people at work laughed when I first started doing this – “I can’t believe you bother”. I have regular visits from some of these people – “Could you make me an espresso please?”

    Free Member

    Yes it does.

    Free Member

    “I think what you might be better off saying is no-one can decide for another person what gender they are”

    I’ll stick with what I said. ‘Gender’ seems to change its meaning every 10 minutes and depending on whom you are talking to, so I have no opinion on it.

    Free Member

    No-one can decide what sex they are.

    Free Member

    I had a minipresso until it broke, and was happy with it.

    I replaced it with a nanopresso that I much prefer. It’s a bit more compact, seems to be better put together, and makes a better espresso in my experience.

    Like fooman I have a pod adapter for ’emergencies’, though I usually use ground coffee. I’ve had it for well over a year and it’s used 4-6 days a week. The coffee is good, though as said earlier it’s a problem keeping the water temp high enough.

    If it broke I would replace it immediately.

    Free Member

    I can’t help with your enquiry, but here are some real horse names that would fit right into your sketch:

    From Hoof Hearted to Onoitsmymothernlaw: 13 funny racehorse names

    Free Member

    “Cant we(not I obviously) wrap that. Trolling members who have a different opinion to yourself”

    I didn’t realise that was a rule. I see so many ‘big hitters’ doing it all the time (see the ‘woke’ thread) I assumed it was ok.

    Free Member

    We know what to do next time – send in Pondo.

    Whilst being battered and watching his female colleagues get punched in the face he can calmly explain that he means no harm and promise not to kick anyone in the head. I’m sure it will work out fine.

    Free Member

    It’s never ok to kick someone in the head. It’s never ok to punch a woman in the face either, which Sky blue had done seconds earlier.
    If I saw a female friend or colleague of mine punched in the face by a bloke I might well kick his head a few seconds later, to prevent him doing it again if nothing else.

    There is no acceptable level of violence. If you kick off at someone don’t moan about the consequences.

    Free Member

    “Which ones?”


    Free Member

    There is a point when wider bars become counter productive, and it will depend upon the rider.

    I’ve had to saw a couple of cms off bars before as they were so wide I could barely reach them, which left me in an unstable position.

    I’d leave it a while as it might just be unfamiliarity, but if it feels like they would be more comfortable narrower then try taking 5mm off each end – it only takes 5 minutes. Do it in small increments though – you can always take a bit more off, but it’s hard to put it back on :)

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone, this is all useful. The Sportage sounds like it’s a decent enough car.

    The Nissan Juke thread was full go comment like:

    “I call it the Nissan Joke”

    “Our family call it the Junk”

    “My car has been stolen! And it’s on fire! Now it’s heading towards that cliff! …still could be worse, It could be a Nissan Juke”

    In the absence of  such comments I reckon it must be ok.

    Free Member

    I’m aware that other people find it a bit weird.

    We’ve always got on extremely well, I just find it so easy with people I’ve literally know-all my life. We have regularly holidayed together, often gone to events together.

    Recently, after decades living in different countries, we have all ended up living in the same city – by chance more than design. We spend an awful lot of time together anyway, and it just seems to make sense.

    It might have something to do with being introverted – I cannot be arsed to socialise with most people, even those I like.

    Free Member

    I’m about to move into a house with two of my sisters. I love them more than anyone I’ve met, and I don’t know what I’d do without them.

    The only downside of the move is that I’ll be further away from my nieces and grand-nieces and nephews.

    I get on with plenty of other people, but their isn’t anyone I care about as much as my family.

    Free Member

    Whatever made you think I was referring to you?

    No, I meant the French left uniting to defeat the far right, then someone instantly claiming the victory for the far left when rather than celebrating.

    Free Member

    I see the left united to defeat the far right. Excellent.

    Straight away we have one person trying to divide them again. Oh well.

    There’s a certain type of lefty that always prefers being out of power and influence so they can stand at the side moaning and being virtuous, without having to do anything difficult like run a nation.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I wish this thread had links – I’m intrigued by millionaire kickboxers.

    I’d like to see a movie about badger(?) spraying sealant everywhere, then threatening to sue everyone who laughed at him.

    Free Member

    Hey tj, I do understand where you are coming from, and I admire those who live the kind of life you’ve chosen.


    “What do you think I have bought because of adverts?”

    A laptop? Your panniers (or bike trailer)? Your electricity provider? Your mobile phone contract? Cycle gloves?

    You don’t have to answer in the negative for those by the way, though I’d believe you if you did. They’re just examples of things I think you might pay for, and if you pay for something, someone somewhere has tried to influence you.

    Advertising is everywhere. You might think you bought your food without looking at the brand, but the brand might have paid to have their product on the shelf at eye level.

    I’m sure you’re as immune as anyone can be – certainly in a whole different league to me – but the gits always get you, they’re professionals and they’re paid a lot of money to do it.

    Free Member


    Nice sublimity!*

    that’s what I did, but it came up as link. However, I’m about to try pasting the ’embed’ code. Here goes:


    Blimey! I tried it and got to a scary looking page that said (in big letters):

    A potentially unsafe operation has been detected in your request to this site
    Your access to this service has been limited. (HTTP response code 403)

    If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance.

    Block Technical Data

    Block Reason:
    A potentially unsafe operation has been detected in your request to this site

    … so I won’t be trying that again.

    *not sure if that’s the word.

    Free Member

    This isn’t exactly what you asked for and it’s above budget, but I’ve found it very useful when travelling:

    £40 on Amazon

    Free Member

    Hmmm … how do I post a video so it appears as a nice little preview rather than as a blue text link? Bonus points if you can tell me subliminally.

    Free Member

    It oftens help to let Homer explain:

    Free Member

    “ but how come it still sells in Lancashire? 😉”

    Fair point well made.

    I wonder it it sells less well in Lancashire than anywhere else? I’d love to see figures.

    I know that when Kevin Keegan advertised Sugar Puffs sales went up just about everywhere but rocketed  in Newcastle. In Sunderland, however, they plummeted.

    Free Member

    All the adverts you are exposed to throughout the day have an effect. The banner ads, the posters on bus stops, the carrier bags people are carrying, the ads that are on in the background while you make a cup of tea thinking you’re not paying attention – they all sink in.
    When you go to buy a product all that info is stored in your brains somewhere, so when you are choosing which are ‘good, reliable’ brands you are influenced by stuff you didn’t even know you’d seen. And if you ask your mates they’ve experienced it all too.
    I doubt if many people see an advert and think “I’m going to buy that”, not on a daily basis anyway, but surely everyone realises that they’ve been influenced sometimes for years, decades even, before they make a purchase. We buy Yorkshire tea in part because of our good associations with Yorkshire. If it was called Rutland tea it wouldn’t sell nearly as well.

    Free Member

    Cafe in Kelso that serves lots of lentils? I’ll be visiting there – what’s the name?

    Free Member

    … and @swampi might be sulking now, so thanks to you too :)

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