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Viewing 40 posts - 481 through 520 (of 1,467 total)
  • Privateer Bikes finally launch Gen 2 range and pre-sales
  • duntmatter
    Free Member
    Free Member

    I love it when the banker gets his come-uppance!

    Free Member

    Apple Mac

    Is it their seeming ability to access horrific, depraved, and virus-riddled porn websites with impunity that makes Apples so popular? Next time I hear another person singing their praise I will think twice. 😛

    Free Member

    No porn involved. Would another anti-virus program do it, or is it more than that?

    Free Member

    The Escape frames are roadified XTC frames. Does this mean the 700c R1 is the effectively a 29er XTC?

    Free Member

    Alan and Jonny will sort you out. Recommended.

    Free Member

    I do wish Judges were a bit more publicly accountable though.
    You get to see Paxman et al calling to account elected politicians and unelected senior police officers, but judges seem to be immune to any similar scrutiny.

    There’s public scrutiny, and decisions may be challenged where appropriate.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Snowing in London Bridge and Angel. Not sticking though.

    Free Member

    Now it’s got two threads.

    Free Member

    Dress it up how you like, but finding humour in a historical character so abhorent is a damned sight worse than any homophobia I’ve been perceived to be guilty of

    Eh? So I should only laugh at good people? Okaaay.

    Is this song wrong too?

    Free Member

    I forgot the offended of Royal Tunbridge Wells inhabit this place.

    No matter, but I do hope that noone on here has even so much as smirked at that STW/Hitler downfall video – Hitler was hardly something to laugh about now was he (Duntmatter, for starters…)?

    The offended of Royal Tunbridge Wells, yeah. Always hunting for perfectly acceptable conduct to work themselves into a flap about. 🙄

    zokes – you say yourself you don’t know where the ‘lines of offence are drawn.’ This very phrase suggests your ignorance of what acceptability means. Nobody draws lines. It’s just simple respect for other people.

    On the Downfall video, you’ve made an error in comparing my laughing at a witty and well-observed piece of humour about STW with ignorant (literally, by your own admission) and contemptuous bile.

    I was not laughing about Hitler, but about STW. Even if I was laughing about Hitler, that would not be to condone him in any way. For your implied criticism to be valid, I would have to have been laughing with Hitler at a joke he made about the inferiority of gay people, for example. See?

    PS, It’s ‘duntmatter’, not ‘Duntmatter’.

    Free Member

    I thought somebody would come up with the ‘not afraid = not …phobic’ line. Depends on your definition? Nonsense.

    1. Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.
    2. Behavior based on such a feeling.

    Free Member

    Not seen that before. Hilarious! 😆

    Free Member

    Surrounded By Zulus – I stand corrected. Type my name properly, please.

    Free Member

    Not sure what you’re trying to say, but you know the thread title is homophobic, right?

    Free Member

    There’s some shocking ignorance of disability on display in this thread.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Is it in Peru/Argentina again?

    Erm , Dakar.

    Free Member

    Niche coffee, anyone?

    Free Member

    Slow here. Whip the hamsters harder.

    Free Member

    What makes a ‘good’ spider? Is it the way they look? Intrigued.

    Free Member

    A spider called Metallica? \m/(>.<)\m/

    Free Member

    There is *no* reasonable excuse for going to a peaceful protest with crash helmets, truncheons, horses, etc.. 😛

    Also, the moderators have a absolute duty to maintain forum order and the STW peace, as soon as people broke through boundaries of decent language into threads and away from the agreed rules, they were no longer peaceful posters – the Ban was not enforced till 15.30 hours – swearing broke out *before* the exclusion – whether you were there or not, these are all valid points, and blaming the moderators is merely sidestepping the question! 😛 😆

    Free Member

    Why should my tax pay for a millionaires son to go to university, I doubt my kids will be able to afford to? what’s fair about that?

    Here’s thing, and it’s quite fundamental to political differences apparent on this thread, I think. Tax is not about you and yours, and what you do or don’t get. Tax is about ensuring we have a society that works. All the institutions of civil society rest on it, including those gentlemen in blue causing bleeding to the brain in Parliament Square.

    In the context of increased uni fees, one argument is that the increased exclusivity of higher education is unfair to those who are deterred from it.

    Another argument, which you may accept even if you don’t accept the first one, is that UK plc needs a well and widely educated population. Again, this is nothing to do with you and yours. Your tax isn’t paying for a millionaire’s son to go to university, it’s paying for the future success of UK in the global market.

    So there.

    Free Member

    Amazing difference from the attitudes seen in football.

    Free Member

    very impressed with both Richer Sounds and the LG I bought off them.


    Free Member

    Lisa I’anson filled the role of ‘highly annoying half-wit’ so beloved of Radio 1 perfectly

    True. Plus ca change..

    Free Member

    Seems clean cut on what you’ve said. Chill. And press for costs (time, expenses in the case) when you win.

    Free Member

    from my recollection it was the scousers who had that particular avenue covered


    Ryder = Ledge

    Free Member

    Londoners should prepare for the possibility of snow tonight.

    How do we do that, then?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I thought someone was going to be a barrister.

    Grolsch, nameless rum, and whatever it was that girl gave me while she told me ‘ get to the fack of the bucking queue’ (sic).

    Free Member

    It was more just like refining what I knew yesterday.

    Free Member

    For $1bn I’d live here:

    Free Member

    Back from a squat party full of people wearing non-prescription NHS glasses. That’s Hackney for ya.

    Stopped buying PG Tips after learning that they’re chopping animals up whilst they’re still alive, disembowelling them and examining their intestines.

    Really? Tell me more. Might have to stop drinking my fave tea.

    Free Member

    I love to read something sanctimonious in the morning….

    If only we were as AWSUM as him.

    Free Member

    They are ace! Got a pair for £60 on fleabay. A common problem is the two halves of the left (non-volume control) stick coming apart. Didn’t want to use glue as it might fog up the plastic, so rubber bands hold mine together now. Still ace, though!

    Free Member

    Swampy and the anti-road protesters caused the number of road building projects to be reduced. The transport minister at the time later admitted this, as well as saying that their reasoning was sound (ie. increasing road capacity just increases traffic and all the associated problems).

    This thread seems to show direct action works.

    Free Member

    In any way, shape, or form.

Viewing 40 posts - 481 through 520 (of 1,467 total)