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  • New RockShox Flight Attendant first ride review
  • duntmatter
    Free Member


    Free Member

    Well, that went a bit weird.

    Free Member

    Views differ. Such is life. For me, the only off-putting thing about STW is the spite shown towards others.

    I suspect some of you wouldn’t be so nasty in person. On the other hand some of you probably would, thinking nothing of it. Maybe you should think more of it.

    Free Member

    It makes sense, but could restrict people from trying and buying. You might have to demo a few bikes before deciding and it’d start adding up quickly.

    Free Member

    No shoe is entirely useless..

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Do you? Oh.

    Free Member

    It said blinging, not minging!

    Free Member

    Which paper was it?

    Free Member

    What kind of mistakes would a novice likely make that she would take advantage of?

    Trusting her with your credit card?

    Free Member

    why does somebody … create a log on to be truly offensive to other forumites?

    [shrink mode]This is what they are actually like as a person, but they value the veneer of decency their other name affords them. It hides their dandyprattishness from others, and they like it to be hidden. Sometimes, this becomes stifling, and their dandyprattishness needs oxygen. But in letting it out they would ruin their precious good name. So they make a disposable name up, eager to preserve the shell they know they will need to climb back into. But they can never hide it from themselves. NEVER![/shrink mode]

    Our time is up. That will be £300 please.

    Free Member

    Psychology? Why not just GET HIM!

    Free Member

    A really good (select bodily function of choice).

    Free Member

    Are the hamsters wibbling, or does the true identity of our mystery poster not show up where it says who the ‘topic author’ is?

    Free Member

    Could anyone oblige with pics of the results, please?

    Free Member

    lol at “clandestine backcountry trail ninjas” on carouseldesignworks website!

    Free Member

    What are we supposed to DO until then? 😯

    Free Member

    They’re all OS. 🙁

    *realises own slip towards obsolescence*

    Free Member

    we rarely get any definitive legal advice on here.

    Or any free lunches.

    Free Member

    Cotton should be fired. Like this.

    Free Member

    i’d only drunk coffee/ tea or beer for 10 days.

    This is my normal fluid intake. 😳

    Free Member

    Watching Peter Mandelson toy with Osbourne on the documentary shown recently was amusing, and revealing. Irrespective of their policies or likeabilty, it was clear PM ran rings round GO. GO was left bemused, and not really understanding what had just happened to him. The guy is not the sharpest tool in the box.

    Free Member

    Tho OP had his own TV 29 years ago! 😯

    Pester power is driven by big company marketing and fuelled through the playground.
    Dont **** give into it. Good parenting is about saying ‘no’ rather than bringing them up with the contents of your wallet.

    The best post so far on this thread.

    Free Member

    There are the stalwarts, and there are the rarities to be brought out to make an occasion that little bit more special. Gotta love the rich tapestry of profanity available to us all.

    I recently heard a QC describe some people as something that rhymes with ducking dastards. It was his perfect delivery that made this most mundane of epithets into such a fine example of pottymouth.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    mmb = Jeremy Clarkson

    Free Member

    It’s like a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge bike shop.

    Free Member

    I think he does an excellent job of taking the viewer with him on his own journey of discovery. He’s not a wide-eyed and credulous hippy, nor is he a dismissive scientific know-it-all. Because he doesn’t have a ‘position’ it’s hugely engaging to see his exploration of what he finds.

    Free Member

    Once I’m over this flu, I’m all about the gin-soaked rags!

    Free Member

    I’m incandescent with rage. Not sure what about though. 😆

    Free Member

    Fairy Nuff. Pleasure chatting with you.

    *goes off to make today’s 14th flu-beating cup of tea*

    Free Member

    great social levellers, open to all men and indifferent to social status, and as a result associated with equality


    Free Member

    Is this what you people get worked up about? 😐

    Free Member

    six pints of heinekin = not flu, only manflu.

    Free Member

    You always do, Elf. 🙂

    Free Member

    IdleJon – Member

    UK didn’t ‘do’ coffee like this until relatively recently. In the 60s hanging out in a coffee bar was cool,

    The coffee houses were great social levellers, open to all men and indifferent to social status, and as a result associated with equality and republicanism. More generally, coffee houses became meeting places where business could be carried on, news exchanged and the London Gazette (government announcements) read. Lloyd’s of London had its origins in a coffeehouse run by Edward Lloyd, where underwriters of ship insurance met to do business. By 1739, there were 551 coffeehouses in London; each attracted a particular clientele divided by occupation or attitude,

    From wikipedia. Coffee houses are nothing new.

    I never said they were. 🙂 My point was that UK didn’t ‘do’ coffee like this until relatively recently.

    If I’d really wanted to get into it my coffee related musings, I could have gone on to say that the first coffee houses here were far from the egalitarian havens you suggest, and must have been full of social climbers. In fact, the wiki page you quote goes on to say clientele included Tories and Whigs, wits and stockjobbers, merchants and lawyers, booksellers and authors, men of fashion or the “cits” of the old city center. Hardly a chimneysweep in sight!

    Free Member

    Having had very similar problems, sounds like a fake to me. Try If that doesn’t work, I’d just buy another one from a trustworthy dealer.

    Free Member

    Mark Datz is a don. 😆

    Free Member

    Never ceases to amaze me the snobbery involved with coffee, much akin to the snobbery in the choice of wine .

    Agreed. I’m a very new convert to coffee, having had a handful of espressos in the past month or so. Some I liked more than others, as you might expect. I’m sure I will try other types of coffee in due course.

    What is it about coffee that makes people really enthuse about it? And why doesn’t it apply for tea? I think it’s a cultural phenomenon largely imported from America (no criticism implied.. I love Hip Hop, Jazz, House, etc).

    UK didn’t ‘do’ coffee like this until relatively recently. In the 60s hanging out in a coffee bar was cool, teenager-y, and rebellious. For centuries before that the usual drink was tea. And we didn’t keep going on about it.

    It’s a bit like golf, I think. On the basic level it’s hitting a ball round with a stick. But that’s not what makes it into a kudos seeker’s paradise. Imagine people parking up their flashy cars to go and play a few rounds of Lego! Ha!

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