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  • Madison Saracen Factory Race Team to cease racing at the end of 2024
  • Duffer
    Free Member

    Just stumbled across this one, which really struck a chord with me:

    Free Member

    My recommendation is G Shock.

    Free Member

    In the interest of ballance, i should point out that my G Shock has recently run out of battery. It’s only 10 years old.

    Free Member

    I like to build stuff with recycled pallets. They can be had for free if you know where to look, but require some extra time for disaseembly and de-nailing. If you pick good ones, it’ll be sustainably sorced and heat treated. It’s only cheap softwood, but plenty good enough for building garden furniture from.

    I like the scaffolding board idea, though!

    Free Member

    9.10 on the bleep test will buy you 6 months currency in our place. The higher you go, the less frequently you’ll be required to run the test.

    Free Member

    Interested in this event. Moving down that way this summer, so I’ll definitely look to ride the HONC next year.

    Free Member

    Best TV I’ve seen in a while. I enjoyed it in the same way as ‘Shed and Buried’.

    Free Member

    Quite enjoyed this one:

    ***Spoiler alert***

    It isn’t actually about drawing.

    Free Member

    Any ideas why it’s painted in American colours? I gather it’s an ex-RAF frame…?

    Free Member

    Spent today at Duxford today. They’ve got a Catalina in USAAF colours (which i gather still flies) as well as the amazing Sunderland!

    Free Member

    You’re still using the “we’ve got it, so we may as well use it” argument. My argument is the humanitarian stuff the military does is great, and we should definitely keep doing all that stuff, but it can be done better and more cheaply by civilians.

    Personally, i don’t believe so. If you employ a few thousand civilians, equip them with aircraft, aircrews, ships, engineers, medical personnel, logistics infrastructure, their own training system, force protection and everything else you need to sustain them, then it’ll start looking a lot like a military force. It will be very expensive, and they’ll spend the vast majority of their time training, or standing by to respond.

    I respect your position, but i don’t think it’s realistic.

    Free Member

    Go work for Oxfam, then. Or Save the Children, or MSF, or Greenpeace etc. All the humanitarian work you’d ever want, without being complicit in killing people.

    As Cheekyboy pointed out, the Armed Forces have countless capabilities which simply aren’t available in civilian worlds. Similar argument to Cheekyboy, but from an RAF perspective:

    The charities above don’t have access to large Air Transport aircraft, so where do they go when they need some? The RAF maintains the capability to get to otherwise inaccessible parts of the world, and thus to reach people who simply can’t be reached by MSF in their Landrovers. They can also respond within hours to incidents thousands of miles away; that’s the reason why, the day after the Nepal earthquake, i was in the middle east preparing to fly aircraft loads of DfID aid directly into Kathmandu. As much as you might like to disagree, there is simply no one else who can maintain these capabilities.

    Closer to home, if you are involved in an aircraft crash anywhere in UK airspace (any aircraft, Military or Civil), it’ll be a joint RAF / RN unit which comes out to sort you out. Name any UK aircraft crash in the last few decades, and it’s the Forces who came to the rescue. Baddies put a bomb in a vehicle, and it’s the Forces who come to the rescue. G4S fail to meet their commitments to Olympic Security, and it’s the Forces who come to the rescue.

    I understand your sentiment, and i think it would be wonderful to live in a world where we didn’t need Armed Forces. This world isn’t that, and to suggest otherwise is dangerously naïve.

    Free Member

    There are a couple of good Nirvana covers around…

    Free Member

    I’ve long believed that an endless supply of cannon fodder only encourages our governments to embark on more fruitless, pointless, reckless foreign misadventures that ultimately benefit only an elite.

    Such as providing humanitarian relief in Napal? Or evacuating the British from South Sudan? Or running Ebola relief centres in Sierra Leone?

    It’s not like the films.

    Free Member

    Both are still doing same jobs, that won`t be transferable once they leave (one refueling aeroplanes and the other refueling helicopters).

    *edited, as i misread your post*

    They will both have loads of transferable skills, whether or not they know it. Hands-on refuelling will be about 5 percent of their trade.

    Free Member

    Some good advice here. Your boy should definitely make the distinction between ‘Regiments’ and ‘Corps’. Personally, i’d choose the latter always.

    I left school at 16 with practically zero qualifications and zero ambition, and somehow managed to stumble into the RAF. 10 years on, i get paid more than most of my peer group, have been all over the world (North America, South America, Africa, Scandinavia, Asia, the Middle East…), and have loads of transferable skills. I’m also working towards a degree, which is paid for mosty by the company.

    I’m also a Joint Service Mountain Biking Instructor, so i get paid to take groups out for Adventurous Training.

    It’s not perfect, and he’ll have to be prepared for some bad times. But if he is are mentally prepared for the obvious, then he’ll have access to some of the best training available, some amazing opportunities, and have a solid career for 20+ years.

    Free Member

    I’d consider the issue summer sleeping bag, if it’s cheap. Especially for camping with the kids.

    Mine only usually gets used if i’m asleep in the back of a Herc or C17, and it’s plenty good enough for that.

    Free Member

    The military kit is designed to be hard wearing and cheap, above all else. For example, the tarp has cross braces sewn into it, so it can be used as a stretcher. It’s good tough kit, but heavy and covered with superfluous bits you’ll never need.

    Don’t be tempted to buy an Arctic sleeping bag; they’re not called ‘bouncing bombs’ for nothing. They’re massive, and it’ll have to be minus 15 celcius outside for you to get any use from it. The tarps are great for two people, but about 1kg in their stuff sack – not including pegs.

    If it’s going cheap on ebay then go for it. Or better still, befriend someone in the forces and bribe them.

    Free Member

    Bristol is around half way (maybe a little over). Loads of nice places to eat there, as long as you don’t mind heading into the town.

    Personally, i’d have brekfast in the Cosy Club in Stamford, and lunch in the Cosy Club in Exeter!

    Free Member

    It’s definitely on my list to watch.

    Free Member

    And as we’re on the single speed forum, what would a 33/16 gear ratio be comparable to going from 26″ to 29″? Merci

    Google ‘gear inches’.

    In summary, ([chainring]÷[sprocket])×[wheel size].

    So 33:16 will give you 53.6 gi on a 26″ wheel, and 59.8 gi on a 29″ wheel. That would be a little steep for me, as i tend to aim for 52″ish on a singlespeed. A stronger rider than me might get on fine with it, though.

    Free Member

    Surprised it took so long for someone to mention the Cromoto; they usually get mentioned in the same breath as the Swift. Mine was about £90 if i recall, but i gather they are more expensive nowerdays.

    Well recommended, and the colour goes well with the Inbred!

    Free Member

    Not Scottish I’m afriad! I come from a clan of farmers from the midlands.

    Linen sounds like the prefered option, then!

    Free Member

    A £1200 inbred!!!??? Shirley you mean £120….

    Well the frame was £99, so a £120 build would have been tight!

    The wheels were the most expensive part; Hope trials built on Velocity P35s by some chap in Swannage called Charlie. All the other Hope stuff was ordered at the LBS.

    Free Member

    You need a rigid singlespeed. My Inbred cost around £1200 to build, including most things from the Hope catalogue and some right-on-trend 35mm rims.

    No suspension to service, no gears to fail… Just oil and ride.

    Free Member

    Be assured that despite your very best efforts you will be outdone by every Italian there.

    This is the reason i’m thinking tweed… i don’t imagine it’s very common in Italy!

    Free Member

    Coincidentally, i was doing a little research earlier on about the Short Sunderland, it’s history and why the RAF don’t use flying boats any more…

    Free Member

    Our girl was in Brownies for a few months. She really enjoys crafty stuff, so we were quite surprised when she suddenly declared she’d had enough, and wanted to go to Beavers with her brother.

    She’s been there ever since and really enjoys it. I’d say it’s probably three quarters boys, but she’s never been bothered by that. The outdoorsy stuff they get up to is very restricted in the younger age groups; less so when they get to Cubs.

    She came home with a little trophy for ‘Beaver of the Term’ on Monday!

    Free Member

    Personally, i’d have skewered the forks through the assembly. And i only lift loads over objects i wouldn’t mind dropping loads on.

    Free Member

    RRS Boaty McBoatface is currently leading…


    Free Member

    Standard STW dog photo.

    Free Member

    Marathon? Let it go, and get with the times.

    Free Member

    Some good suggestions on here! Check out the Red Dwarf thread for some gems, such as:

    We all have something to bring to this conversation, and the thing you should bring is silence.

    Free Member

    Time is a great healer. Unless you’ve got a rash, in which case you’re better off with ointment.

    Free Member

    We’ve all got something to bring to this conversation, and from now on what you should bring is silence.

    Free Member


    I bet i could drive a forklift better than him, though. So there’s always that.

    Free Member

    Awesome. Probably getting on for 2 grand to build from new parts.

    Free Member

    Good choice there! Did gou buy the parts second hand? I’m struggling to see how you built it for 500 quid…

    Ironically enough, when i started i got myself a GT, which soon donated all it’s parts to an On One 456! For me, building them is half the fun. I’ve only ever bought one mountain bike complete; all the others i’ve built.


    Free Member

    For our first trick tonight, ladies and gentlemen, my partner Kryten will attempt to eat hay boiled egg … forwards!

    Free Member

    Well, it’s difficult to pin it down exactly, but according to all the available data, I would estimate it’s round about… lunchtime, maybe half-one.

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