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  • Troy Lee Designs Stage Knee Guards review
  • Duffer
    Free Member

    Since i reinstalled my computer on a new drive, Steam have failed big time. started out with games just failing to start or crashing.

    That’ll learn you for not backing them up 😉

    Seriously, though; i have a dedicated drive for Steam (and another for data) so if my OS drive fails, my Steam and Data drives should be isolated.

    Free Member

    Thought that i5 2500K was 3.3Ghz

    I’ve just fired up CPU-Z and run Prime95; currently sitting at 3.41ghz. My point is that i’ve not found the need to OC it, but there is potential there in the future.

    Free Member

    You are – any 64bit system from xp64 onwards can. You just need the x64 version.

    I stand corrected.

    Free Member

    You can build a decent gaming machine for half that money. With a few notable exceptions, there are very few games on the market at the minute that will exceed the capabilities of a current midrange graphics card. This is symptomatic of games consoles stagnating the industry – although it’s likely to change be the end of this year.

    I wouldn’t bother with the I7 processor, unless you’re using it for rendering, etc. Also, (and i may be wrong on this) Windows 7 professional is the only OS that can utilise any more than 8gb RAM.

    My system is an I5 2500K processor, 560ti graphics, 8gb ram and 64gb SSD. It’s been that way since this time last year, and it’s marvelous and cost me about £800 to build. It’s currently running at a stock 3.6ghz, as i’ve never needed to OC it (in fact, i’ve undervolted it). If i need more performance in the future, there’s scope to clock it to 4.6 or more.

    In summary, personally i wouldn’t spend that much on a machine.

    Free Member

    A more serious note to the OP:

    The role of a chainstay protector is to ward off damage caused by Chainslap.

    Chanslap is caused by the dérailleur flexing, allowing the chain to move vertically and “slap” against the chainstay. On a Singlespeed, the absence of a dérailleur means that the chain can’t hit the Chainstay.

    In summary – no dérailleur means no requirement for a Chainstay Protector. (that’s not to say you’re not allowed one if you want one…)

    Free Member

    Deus Ex

    I’ve just played through Dues Ex, and thought it was mostly tripe. For instance; Boss Levels?!

    OMG, and indeed WTF!

    Free Member

    if you are using a tensioner the chain is under enough tension that it can’t bounce and hit the chain stay.

    Unless you induce a rift in the Time/Space continuum.

    Come on people, start sparking.


    Free Member

    Now you’re just being obtuse.

    You are, of course, correct.

    Personally, i’ve never seen fit to worry about which way round my seatclamp goes. As long as the seatpost doesn’t move….

    Free Member


    Not seen that before!

    Free Member

    My advice? Don’t bother. At least, not yet.

    Sony officially announced the PS4 the other day, which means MS won’t be far behind with the new Xbox. With the new generation on the way, the prices of the last gen machines are soon to crash.

    My other piece of advice is to wait for the Steam Box (although you could be waiting for a few more years yet – Valve are notoriously slow at EVERYTHING)

    Free Member

    I’m with Scaredypants; if it’s not a Right Angle, then it’s a Wrong Angle.

    Free Member

    I can’t speak for the 1.6tdi, but we’ve not long bought a 2.0tdi CR Octavia Hatch. It’s lovely. You’re probably better off asking somewhere like Briskoda, rather than STW.

    Free Member

    Three months should’ve been enough. No improvement?

    I’ve been away from home since November. I’m coming home next week, so i’ll soon be able to get back on the bike.

    Free Member

    I’ve been lifting weights for the last 3 months (primarily Squats); not in the pursuit of body building or powerlifting, but to become a stronger cyclist. Time will tell if it’s working…

    I’m currently doing (among other things) 4×10 Squats at 100kg* (which is a huge improvement over where i was when i started). I’ve not really lifted weights before, and it’s quite satisfying to see such a large improvement in such a short space of time.

    I’ve been training 3/4 times a week (i know that’s too much, but i’d be bored otherwise) and running on days i’m not in the Gym. Personally, my muscles don’t ache after training, unless i’ve been doing deep squats (targeting glutes and hip flexors). Whether that’s good or bad, i’m not sure.

    *caveat: I train on my own, so this is with the use of a Smith Machine.

    Free Member

    Until Lyneham closed, there would be one of these going in or out at least once a week; it’s very quiet around here nowadays. Sadly.

    [pedant]Not the South Atlantic charter, im afraid! At it’s peak (2008/9 ish) we had 2 A300s a week heading for Iraq, and 3 DC8s a week heading for Afghan; all Air Cargo. The South Atlantic charter was operated from Brize.[/pedant]


    Free Member

    Faster…? I don’t understand.

    Don’t you mean Funner?

    Free Member

    How do you make your living? – Logistician.

    Are you happy doing it? – Very!

    Would you considering a change of career? – I would considering being a Grammar Nazi… haha! (I’m happy with what i do; anyway, as the sole breadwinner i’ve not got a lot of choice!)

    Does it pay enough for you to mtb comfortably? – I get paid more than i should, considering that amount of work i do.

    NOT interested to what you actually earn! – I work in the Public Sector, so you’re entitled to know!

    Free Member

    More speculation / hyperbole here.

    They just sacked 25 employees including the head of hardware development. Expect a delivery time the same as Halflife 3…

    Did anyone seriously expect anything else from Valve? Valve appears to be bit of a comedy organisation (speaking as an outsider with no knowledge of the software industry / business / comedy…).

    Free Member

    I’ve not got access to my steam right now, but i’m fairly confident i’ve got 350+ hours on TF2, plus another few hundred split between Fallout 3, Fallout NV and Skyrim.

    If i put that time into something productive, i could’ve done on OU Degree or something….

    Free Member

    I had the BG 323F GT, the pop up light one, everything the same as the GTi hatch except the body and interior. Easily the best car I’ve ever owned, fantastic 1840cc engine that revved to 7800rpm.

    That’s the same as the one i had! It was my first car, bought for £450 with 160k on the clock. I only had it for a year until the boot floor rusted though, but i thoroughly enjoyed every minute! Only 130bhp if i remember rightly, but it didn’t weigh much – especially at the back, which made it prone to swapping ends in the wet!

    When all my mates had 1.2 Novas and Saxos, i had that beastie! Happy memories!

    Free Member

    I get the feeling steel is out of fashion again, orange didn’t make a P7 this year, and if you look in the classifieds quite a few P7’s for sale (including mine) and no one’s that interested.

    It’s a shame you’re forced to sell. But that aside, i’m quite pleased the Steel HT thing is going out of vouge; it means we can be niche again!

    Belt drive 29ers with lefty forks and stupid bars are too common these days…

    Free Member

    The standard 456 is miles ahead of the SS.

    A different bike designed for a different purpose.

    If I remember correctly, the SS is made of plain-gauge tubing, and has a 2-degree slacker head angle. It’s designed to give you slack angles without needing to run such a long fork, which changes the geometry radically under compression. A different take on the Downhill Hardtail idea.

    But I will allow you to not like it 😉 I ride a standard 456, myself.

    Free Member

    This is worth repeating.

    As you wish:

    I’d always recommend you build it yourself; it provides a great sense of achievement, and you’ll be better placed to fix it once you understand how it goes together.


    Free Member

    As above, facing the frame and fitting the BB, cranks and headset require specialist tools. Otherwise you’ll be able to build a bike with nothing more than a £15 Halfords tool box. They really are simple.

    I’d always recommend you build it yourself; it provides a great sense of achievement, and you’ll be better placed to fix it once you understand how it goes together.

    Free Member

    I can’t speak for the other manufacturers, but OO are still touting the same stuff as before. They pay more attention to the 29ers and fatbikes these days, but they still sell the 456 / Inbred, etc.

    Free Member

    Considered a Raspberry Pi? Running RaspBMC it’ll be plenty for HD playback. Not sure about recording TV though…

    What OS will you use? You could look into using one of the AMD APUs (integrated CPU and GPU on one chip). They’re supposed to be very capable. If you’re planing to use Windows though, you’ll probably be best off with an i3 in something like a mITX or mATX board – AMD and Linux don’t play well together.

    Free Member

    If i may bring this thread back on topic, for a minute:

    Depending on what the PC is to be used for, i might recommend not using Windows at all. Unless you specifically NEED Windows (for compatibility with work computers, for instance) then you might as well save yourself the extra £80 and use Linux.

    For day-to-day use (web browsing, emails, word processing, etcetera) then something like Linux Mint will do everything you expect to do, and will be quicker on an older PC too.

    Save yourself the money; burn yourself a Mint DVD, install your new HDD and breathe new life into your PC!

    Free Member

    Any SATA 2 or SATA 3 HDD (3.5in) should work just fine. As for Windows 8, i’m unsure how your system would cope (I’m unfamiliar with both your PC and Windows 8, but i should imagine it will be too demanding for an older system to run)

    Free Member

    I have Mint on a 1.4ghz Laptop i use for browsing / travel / work. It’s every bit as quick in simple tasks as my 3.6ghz £1000+ desktop. (why on earth Asus ever thought Windows Vista was appropriate for a 1.4ghz laptop i’ll never know – it was simply unusuable)

    I can’t recommend Mint enough for anyone wanting to breath life into an older machine, or who wants to rid themselves of Windows.

    Free Member

    Another vote for Scan; always had excellent service, and competitive prices – especially the “Today Only” section…

    Edit – Why not just replace the HDD? They’re reasonably inexpensive and easy to replace. Also, it’s a good excuse to get rid of Windows 😉

    Free Member

    4 weeks old? For fox sake…

    Poor little kid. Who would leave their newborn where a fox might find it? Sounds like propaganda from the pro-fox hunting campaign, to me…

    Free Member

    APART from an Inbred?

    Free Member

    I have one i always carry at work, and another that lives in my Camelbak (alongside a Top peak bike tool thing…)

    I’m a bit of a Leatherman Fanboi… I keep looking for an excuse to buy another, but i can never justify it. One of these days i’ll buy a Wave in that Black Oxide finish…

    Free Member

    It’s a really nice city – especially up the hill, in the old part of the town. Cobbled streets and everything…

    Free Member

    i presume there is financial help available to HM Forces and its often the case forces parents want to give their kids access to an eductaion thet didn’t have or would not be able to afford if they were in civvy street.

    Possibly. The financial help available to Service members has been changed recently. I won’t pretend to understand the new system, but i gather it’s not as “good” as it used to be…

    One of the appeals of Boarding Schools for a Service Family will be stability. As has been mentioned earlier in this thread, Service Families are often required to move every 2/3 years. If the Children are Boarding, then they can enjoy stability they would be otherwise denied.

    Free Member

    You can also string a sentence together, unlike a lot of people. I wouldn’t say your school days were a complete waste.

    Fanks 4 da complyment!

    On a more serious note, i’ve made the effort over the last few years to try and better educate myself; if i’m expected to educate my children, it’s only right.

    I’ve even started reading those… What’re they called again…? Papery things, words on them…

    Books! That’s it!

    Free Member

    Personally, i wasted every minute of my education. Left school at the age of sixteen with practically nothing. I’m not about to blame anyone else for my failings, but somewhere between my home life / schooling, something went drastically wrong.

    Fortunately, i met a good woman at the age of 17 and turned things around! I joined the RAF (that soon makes you grow up) and started a family (that also soon makes you grow up). I’m now trying my best to learn from all the mistakes that were made during my upbringing, and apply those lessons with my own children. It seems to be working, too; they’re both wonderful kids!

    Me: Children, would you like some Cake?
    Children: No thanks, Dad. Can we have some Grapes instead, please?

    Do i wish i’d tried harder at school? Definitely. On the upside, i can make a Forkilft dance like a Ballerina!

    Free Member

    I’ve got a friend who is a NCO in the Royal Navy who has managed to only spent 18months in the last 20yrs (and that was over 12yrs ago) not based and living in his own house in Portsmouth.

    Bit of an isolated example, to be honest. Some parts of the MOD are much more “static” than others. As a member of the RAF, i can expect to be sent all over the country every few years (moving again in a couple of months for the fourth time in 2 years… (only two house moves in that time, to be fair)).

    My Kids are 3 and 5 currently. When they’re a bit older, i’d at least like to explore the idea of boarding school; i think it’d be irresponsible of us not to get all the information we can, before we (as a family) make an informed decision on the matter.

    The bottom line is doing what is best for the children.

    Free Member

    I had a Peugeot a few years ago; ran out of Manufacturer’s Warranty on the Saturday, and the Greabox failed on the Monday…

    After a few heated exchanges with Peugeot, they agreed to pay for 80% of the parts costs (i forget how much now…). Needless to day, i got rid of it pretty quickly after that, and got a VW instead.

    I’ve just changed the VW (9 years old) for a Skoda, as it was starting to cost too much money. Within the space of a year it needed a new Cat, new Brakes, new Shocks/springs, CV Boots… No individual part was a major issue (except the Cat), but together they added upto more than the car was worth.

    Free Member

    Muse took me ages to discover, despite playing the sort of over the top, squeally guitar with Queen-like theatrics that I quite like.

    Ironically, I’m glad i discovered Muse in the early days; i much prefer their early stuff, before they started doing their Stadium Rock stuff….

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