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  • Singletrack Goes ASMR & Keeper Of The Peak heads to his Island
  • DrRSwank
    Free Member

    To myself – hmmmm, beleived someone when they said they loved me (oh, the pain…..).

    To others – we'd better not go there…..

    To anything else – I drowned a hedgehog once just to see how long it would take

    Free Member

    Andyl46 is right.

    Deal with them firmly (not rudely) and say you want a refund for the reasons you've detailed above as the car is not of merchantable quality under the sales of goods act.

    Be prepared and take the complaint in writing, if they give you jip, leave the letter, the car and the keys and walk away.

    It means being without a car, which is a pain in the butt, but if you keep taking it home with you you're just accepting it.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Was it from a Ford Dealer and was it a Ford Direct car? If so then ask for your money back or a replacement.

    Also when did it first break down and did it go back to the dealer to be fixed?

    I've had similar and stood for an hour in the dealership heatedly arguing with the manager whilst the other customers looked on – he gave in eventually and I got money refunded.

    Also, be prepared to hand the keys back to them. If you keep the keys and keep using the car you are kind of accepting it…..

    Chin out and stay firm.

    Free Member

    Ernie, as per my other reply:-

    It's crisis not crises.

    And your last sentence has words missing (again).

    Free Member

    Something which have spectacularly failed to do, the last couple of days.

    Ah good, the Lynch mob is back….

    Perhaps try constructing your opinions into sentences which make sense (remember – grammar isn't your grandfathers wife)?

    Or at least offer an opinion instead of disagreeing with everyone elses.

    This thread has, for me, run it's course.

    I agree with China. He's dead. Whinging won't change that.

    Free Member

    And Mrs Toast – yes, I understand. BUT he was not medically certified as having bi-polar disorder.

    It's like arguing he was a child as we've not seen his birth certificate.

    He had no medically recorded mental problems. So the bi-polar argument is a non-argument.

    Free Member

    GuitarHero – thank you – that's the biggest complement anyones paid to me lately 😉

    Free Member

    As I've said before in this thread – he wasn't executed for being mentally ill. Also no-one has produced a medical record showing he was – just a collection of random stories from his life.

    The child analogy is a little weak. This is an adult with no medically documented mental illnesses. He chose to carry 4kg of heroin into a country that carries the death penalty for that crime.

    It really is that simple.

    Free Member

    Actually Rockitman makes a very valid point.

    Smoking is a life choice – it might lead to your death.

    Drinking is a life choice – it might lead to your death.

    Smuggling drugs into China is a life choice – it might lead to your death.

    He made his choice and he paid the price.

    As I've said before – 1 drug dealer and 4kg of heroin off the streets is a reason to celebrate.

    Free Member

    Cool – as long as we're agreed on the whole killing him front :thumbs:

    As for the customers – as long as they didn't get vouchers for heroin for Christmas only redeemable against him, they shouldn't be worse off…..

    Free Member

    5thelephant – smoking is not (sadly) a crime. Cigarrettes are not a banned substance.

    It's like saying 1000 deaths are caused by drink driving so a drug smuggler shouldn't be killed.

    This was a pre-meditated, thought out crime, with consequences that could impact a huge number.

    Stop crying cos some evil drug smuggler is now not able to supply your kids / your neighbours kids / your mates kids with drugs.

    I'm glad he's dead – I just wish everyone else in his operation had died with him.

    Free Member

    Hora – can I add you to my list of capital punishment crimes?

    You are indeed in need of something……

    Free Member

    Yes, he deserved to die.

    Somewhere above is a quote from UK stats – 2500 people die in the UK each year from drugs.

    I don't see 2500 symapthy threads for them on STW! This guy was smuggling the crap that kills people – he is dead – that is fine with me.

    Free Member

    Lived with my wife for two years!

    Lived with her and her father for the last 6 months whilst the divorce finalised.

    That beats a lot!

    Free Member

    I scrumped an apple once. I got caught. My parents sent me to apologise…….

    Free Member

    Rumbledthumps, there are crimes that deserve this punishment.

    If your kids had been killed by the bad heroin this knob had muled what would you think?

    If he'd fiddled with your kids or raped your wife what would you think?

    Sorry to stuff it in your face but victims are people whose life has been turned upside down by others.

    He deserved to die. My shame is that this country has become so lame it considers differently.

    Free Member

    And The George in Castleton gets a :thumbs: for a local B&B. Nice rooms, great pub, **** top brekkies!

    On a budget Pindale Farm Bunkhouse is also fab value – and you can pay to have a proper cooked breakfast if you want.

    There's loads to choose from in the Peaks – try Tripadvisor?

    Free Member

    Ride it like you stole it (back)


    Free Member

    So who's won then

    Dunno – but one dead per 4kg probably isn't a bad win for the cartels…..

    He's dead. No point crying over spilt milk, or one dead drug smuggler.

    Free Member

    He didn't pack the case himself and was just given it to take to China!!!!!

    **** he must have been mad…..



    Free Member

    Very happy for you.

    Nice to know karma was looking out for you.

    Free Member

    er, he was caught with 4kg of heroin in his suitcase.


    Is this your case sir?

    Is this 4kg of heroin in it?

    Did you pack this case yourself?

    Did anyone interfere with it?

    30 mins is a long time for just that! He was banged to rights.

    Can people stop defending a drug smuggler!!!! If I posted up that I'd be done speeding I'd have been crucified by now!

    Free Member

    In support of gRANTway I think he was referring to the scotch living in London?

    Free Member

    you meet the wrong type, or maybe that is your type?

    Hmmm, I did once work with a girl whose party trick was a stick a mars bar where cadburys never intended and invite any one in the vinicity to, well, help themselves to work, rest and play. And she was English…… (and no, I don't like mars bars!).

    But the mars bar wasn't deep fried, so I stick by my assertion.

    Scottish men are gruff, arrogant, almost over-compensatingly masculine.

    Scottish women know how to attract the above.

    The place is gorgeous though.

    Free Member

    scottish girls are sexier than English though.FACT

    Taking it up the tradesmans for a deep fried mars bar is NOT sexy……

    Free Member

    5- Because people will laugh at you if you are skirt wearing man

    And Highlander IS[/u] a homo-erotic film!

    Free Member

    Actually – despite being an Englishman through and through the problem with England that Scotland does not have, is national pride.

    England has become a country of pc whingers and moaners. It's a great country with a great history but we've let it slip.

    The scots on the other hand have taken a cold, wet miserable place to live, and been proud of it – and for that, my hat is off.

    As for the Welsh – ****!

    Runs away giggling again……

    Free Member

    Ooops – I misread the thread title. You want reasons not to live in England or Wales?

    If you're scottish you shouldn't live in England or Wales – else you'd have nothing to moan on about incessently trying to 'up' the place, because it needs it.

    runs away giggling……

    Free Member

    I thought scotland was in England?

    Free Member

    :hands up:

    Me and two mates are looking to lose 9stone between us!!!!

    drrswank at yahoo dot co dot uk

    Free Member

    I don't have much sympathy for drug users – sorry.

    Now, I can be further flamed for that by people saying it's not an individuals fault for becoming addicted (although that does sort of support my thoughts on culling drug dealers/smugglers).

    For non-addicts if they choose to risk their lives by taking something that they have little control over the purity of, then fair does – but don't expect tears from me if you die.

    As I said earlier, whilst I may not be a medical Dr, I do think that 4kg of heroin might constitute an overdose. Drug dealer gone. Drugs gone. Double win really.

    Free Member

    Victim? He was providing customers with a product that they really wanted. He was killed for violating import restrictions, which is fair enough, but there are no victims here, it's purely an administrative thing.


    OK – I'll take drug smugglers off the list.

    Lets pretend he was a kiddy fiddler instead (I'm sure the Chinese could have got a confession out of him if we'd asked).

    Free Member

    Yes, I'd have let him off for the 5 minutes of life he'd have left.

    I actually think that it would be the right way of dealing with him – punishment fitting the crime and all….

    Is it wrong that my only motivation (seems an odd choice of italics, but hey ho) is for the victim of the crime?

    Isn't that what the law is for? Protecting innocent victims?

    Perhaps I've got it wrong (as well as not being a proper Dr, I'm not a lawyer either).

    Free Member

    I may not be a real doctor……

    Dr R Swank

    Free Member

    Not guilt – I give to charities to keep a healthy balance in my karma bank 🙂

    Amnesty are always going to be a difficult one to fully back as they represent the extreme area of most belief systems.

    I don't support genocide. I don't support people being killed for political beliefs. Just like I don't support murder, rape, kiddy fiddling or drug trafficking.

    Amnesty follow some of the above and I'm happy to help them with that.

    4kg of heroin…. If he was stopped and could have taken the whole lot, proving it was for his sole use, I'd happily have let him off….

    Free Member

    Would you rather I didn't give them money Ernie?

    I give money to lots of charities – I might not agree with how every penny is spent, it's about recovering some Karma from the majority of what they do.

    And my views are not 'extremely strong' – this is pretty much a binary stance, either you support it or you don't.

    Me – I support it.

    (sorry about the Ernie gag – it really was one of my favourite childhood songs…..)

    Free Member

    Ernie (that fastest milkman in the west?) I support most of what Amnesty does – they help politically disadvantaged people for instance.

    But, I don't support their stance on the death penalty.

    Some crimes deserve it.

    Either that or you think that Ian Huntley should be patted on the back and given a nice comfy cell with an x-box. Er, no, he should be baseball batted in the scrote until he's dead.

    The list above stands – these are crimes that deserve an end to existence.

    Free Member

    Look – I donate money to Amnesty each month but this is where I differ from their beliefs.

    Certain crimes don't deserve a second chance:-

    Pre-meditated murder
    Kiddy fiddling
    Drugs trafficking

    They say there's no such thing as a victimless crime, but some crimes are far worse on the victim than others.

    4kg of heroin isn't a small quantity for personal consumption. It's designed to make money at the expense of other peoples misery.

    If it were up to me (and yes, I know it isn't) there'd be a lot more room in the prisons and the sex offenders register would be an obituary.

    Free Member

    It's pretty old human bone which has a fairly greasy surface

    You've got an italian waiters skeleton? Wierdo.

    Free Member

    My helment is quite old now and probably has deformed somewhat over the years.

    Clearly it's buggered.

    So I have today brought a shiny new one that fits my head correctly all the way around (so re-inforcing the assumption it's the helment that's changed).

    Dr R Swank

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