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  • Rachel Atherton Qualifies (Despite Dislocating Shoulder At Fort Bill)
  • DrRSwank
    Free Member

    Molgrips – how can speed be a metric of the consequences of an accident?

    Broken ribs and dented wings aren’t measured in mph?

    But it isn’t a good metric of driving skill. If I go 90 on an empty motorway in a well serviced car, sober and untired. Am I more likely to cause an accident then a dozy driver in a pile of junk not paying attention but going 29 in a 30 limit.

    I appreciate moral highground is measured in mph by some so there’s little point in me offering an alternate point of view.

    Free Member

    It has a huge use!

    The area I work in relies on parts of pure maths to help understand how things work.

    Just cos you failed it doesn’t mean it’s useless.

    Free Member

    I hate speeding fines! They’re a stupid tax on a victimless crime.

    I see many people who are capable of driving a little faster. And I see awful drivers duffing along at lower than the limit and having no control of their cars.

    Speed as a metric is not a good predictor of driving skill.

    Tbh, if there was a technicality you could use – then do it!

    Free Member

    And that Junkyard is where our arguments differ.

    You think it’s fair to ask the well off (not the billionaires) to tighten their belts so that others don’t have to.

    I think I contribute a fair amount already. I work hard and don’t really want to have to sell my Mondeo to buy a “less” glamorous car…..

    Being as simplistic as saying someone on 50k has more than someone on 30k is going a bit too far. People live within their means – but what the government are suggesting will make it a larger adjustment for those on better incomes.

    OK, so they might not find themselves on the breadline, but that was never the point of the posts. It’s the expectation from the lower incomes that the higher earners will bail them out. And on top of that it’s the venom and bile that seems directed at those on better incomes.

    Anyway – it’s kept me entertained.

    Free Member

    Eloquently put Junkyard. Well, it would be if it’d been in English…..


    But, I do mind being critiqued just becuase I’ve made an effort in life to secure a decent salary. I’ve lived the poor life as a student (I don’t come from a wealthy family by any means) and I’ve worked hard at my education and career.

    And now I understand that I can play a part in paying back to society.

    Just stop with the rich men are all tossers jibes please. LOOK at the cartoon that started this all. This is the point.

    Would it be too much for you poor people to wave as I drove past? Or send me a Christmas card thanking me?

    Free Member

    It looks nice 🙂

    Free Member

    **** me peoples maths skills are bad on here.

    100k does not equate to 65k after tax and NI

    And 65k does not equate to 12.5k per month.

    This is why the country is in a mess! Do you work for the Treasury?

    Free Member

    TJ – my source is the Inland Revenue and the nice letters they send me…..

    Free Member

    TJ – your figures are very wrong. For high earners they’ve recently scrapped the tax free allowance. And, not only that, but that part of your salary is now taxed at 40%!

    That knocks an instant 3.5k off most high earners salaries. That is more than 1% of the cut off for this change (100k).

    The cuts are hitting the wealthy/well off/ whatever you want to call them harder.

    Add in the other cuts being proposed / implemented and people on good salaries will be asked to fork out a lot more to keep this country from going under.

    I don’t mind paying tax! I just get annoyed when the rich are always criticised – as per the original cartoon at the start of this thread.

    Free Member

    As I’ve said, I pay more tax each year than the average household income – have done for years.

    And I get moaned at. Moaned at for suggesting I do / I’ve done my bit.

    Quite why that makes me wrong and you self-righteous does evade me……

    Free Member

    My point dear boy?

    It’s been made more clearly by others on this thread. That the rich get bitched at for not paying enough to support the spongers.

    I don’t want to live in a council flat. I enjoy owning my own place.

    Free Member

    Er, I’ve not mentioned my mortgage. I manage my finances very carefully thank you very much. My mortgage is large, but not unmanageable 🙂

    No, I don’t drive an audi – I have a lovely Ford Mondeo (diesel too to be extra frugal).

    Yes, yes I do know people on benefits. I have many friends who live in council houses for instance. They’re quite fond of reminding me what a mug I am for paying a mortgage and how well they manage making the council fit **** solar panels to their houses.

    I hope I’ll always earn plenty and be able to provide for myself – it’s just a shame others don’t follow that example

    Free Member

    Waitrose do organic, 5% fat minced beef. It’s very good.

    Free Member

    Ahhhh, disposable income…..

    I see now TJ where you’re coming from.

    If I’ve disposed of it all on a mortgage and car then there’s none left to tax.

    It’s a bit like a poor person spending their income on fags and lottery tickets – if they get taxed they have to do without.

    I’m not getting at people who earn a little – at least they’re working. And perhaps there is a fairer system of taxation that protects those that work on lower salaries.

    It’s the benefit brigade that bug me. Why should they enjoy a nice house, with nice furniture and nice belongings when they’ve not worked for them?

    Someone on £20k would suffer by about £20 a month in tax raises. OK, that makes a difference to some people.

    The recent announcements (on top of the one earlier this year cancelling my tax free allowance) costs me about £350 per month. That’s slightly harder to swallow when I’ve got a large mortgage.

    Free Member

    Elfin – if I did that I’d be beaten up by the bowl holders for not donating to their existence anymore.

    Free Member

    Er, tim, Bupa would do a coronary bypass……

    Free Member


    I do use roads (I pay road tax) and I do use the police. I don’t get more service / better service / or any other privelege for paying more though.

    TJ – if you can’t work out that someone on 20k suffers less from a 1p increase in tax than someone on 30k, than that’s probably why you’ve not got a very good job and don’t earn much (an assumption I know, but one based on your rhetoric).

    If I lived in Switzerland (which is an option) I’d get a proportional say in how my local Canton was run, so I could choose how my tax francs were spent. That wouldn’t be so bad.

    But here – I get berated for getting an education and working hard.

    Free Member

    I don’t really like much on TV at all to be honest so box sets aren’t going to help.

    Perhaps I should get rid of my telly – LOL!!!!

    Free Member


    well quoted….

    Free Member

    TJ – No, you’re wrong.

    If someone earning say, £50k, and is struggling to pay their mortgage, but is managing, is suddenly hit by an additional £3k in taxation (which is roughly what might happen). Then they might lose their home. Is that fair? No.

    Tax hurts everyone.

    However even a basic grasp of maths would mean that a 1p rise in tax for someone earning £20k is going to be LESS than a 1p rise in tax for someone paying £30k……

    Free Member

    No – I’m not trolling. I just get fecked off with the amount of tax I pay for no great return.

    I get no benefits. I’m even on Bupa with work so I don’t trouble the NHS.

    I’ve been paying more than the average household income in tax for years now. I’m not bragging. But I get peeved when the spongers start complaining that I should somehow pay more.

    I work hard and I get paid well for that work.

    I understand the government needs to tax and I support things like the higher tax brackets. I just get enough of people suggesting I should live on the breadline and donate all my salary in tax so they can live better.

    No-one “likes” to pay tax. And I’m no exception. A 1p increase in the basic tax level though has a large effect on me.

    And I appreciate that the poor are being hit too – everyones the same. Why tax me more so that they can maintain the living they were used to?

    Sorry for the length of response.

    Free Member

    Grievoustim – sorry if I’ve rattled your cage. But I come from a working class background, studied hard, and worked hard to get a decent job.

    I work stupid hours doing something stressful.

    And now the government want me to finance the poor becuase they (the government) have made a mess of it.

    My salary (and subsequent tax bill) do little for me in the UK. I get no increased voting rights for instance.

    The post above from Onzadog kind of sums up how I feel. People are always whining about the rich. The have nots will always criticise the haves – but they need the haves to keep paying the taxes that fund their fags and scratch cards.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, not sure that this has anything to do with equality. I pay tens of thousands of pounds in tax every year. I’ve never claimed dole in my life (and I hope I never will).

    The government has recently announced that they’re taking my tax free allowance away so I will be worse off and pay more tax.

    Why – so some sponger can have a DVD player and an XBox.

    I don’t have much sympathy with the picture. Too many people in this country live off the state – and live well.

    Free Member

    Yeah, the guitar is a good idea. I could use some practice.

    I’ve just walked to Tesco and brought a bottle of scotch and some Soreen Malt loaf. My day has improved.

    Free Member

    I’m bored of forums, gaming and porn already!

    I’m now exciting my day by arranging my medications and deciding when to walk to Tesco to buy some Mr Muscle sink unblocker.

    Yes, I am that bored.

    Free Member

    I met them in Heathrow once. I was sat in the T4 lounge and Liam came and sat next to me. Had a nice chat with him and then his brother turned up. They wanted to watch football (I was sat by a telly).

    They were thoroughly pleasant young men and were as sober as judges – I was quite disappointed.

    Incidently, Noel has the tiniest girl feet I’ve ever seen!

    Free Member

    My operation was not on my penis but does proclude me from indugling.

    I do have lots of books to read, I just thought I’d see what day time TV had in store for me. I mean, it’s a lot of channels for 8 hours I don’t normally have access to – there must be something worth watching. But I was wrong, there’s nowt.

    BUT – now I’m annoyed and want to find something worth watching. Some moustachioed knob is currently trying to convince me that car boot sale tat is in fact an antique of some sort.

    It’s all hateful…………

    Free Member

    I had my Patriot re-sprayed as it was looking old. I got it done in a modern colour (i.e. not available when I brought it) but Orange supplied me with stickers from the year it was made. So it’s modern : retro.

    Free Member

    That does seem to settle the testicle issue…..

    Free Member


    If the brakes work, don’t fret if they sound squishy.

    Free Member


    YES – lock off the nipple and refit the MC cap before doing this!

    The cards just provide a ‘gap’ between the rotor and pads so the system resets without being binding. I was told this by Hope years ago and still use it today when I’ve put new pads in (works on Hayes and all sorts).

    Just seems to hard reset the lever position somehow and give you working brakes without any bind.

    As for how far the lever should be back – not so far as it’s brute force, kind of like a good tug (ooh-err). The zip tie just holds it nicely in this position over night.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, wikipedia does seem to suggest he had two balls

    (one in his scrote and the other tucked in a box under his pillow?)

    Free Member

    You’ve got to be gentle with brake fluid as stated above. Let the bottle settle over night and repeat the bleed.

    Be gentle adding fluid to the MC and also be gentle letting the lever out (after closing the nipple off).

    If, as you say, the lever feels ok then it’s probably not the sort of leak that would be delivering bubbles into the fluid.

    Bleed it all off, gently, and then stick a couple of business cards (or something similar) one either side of the rotor. Stick the wheel back in and zip tie the lever back to the bar (as far back as feels firm).

    That should force any remaining air out of the fluid.

    If you’ve a leak it’ll also show up where it’s coming from……

    p.s. (I hate Hope brakes!)

    Free Member

    Alpin – that one is excellent.

    Yes, he was a cock, but his leadership style was interesting. Lets face if, he convinced a lot of people to follow him for a long time.

    As for comparing him to Mussolini – that’s actually really wrong. Mr M wore a very ornate uniform, all gold and tassles, whereas Hitler wore something very plain to make him more (ahem) human. Oddly enough, in modern business Richard Branson has the closest style to that of Hitler.

    And he only seems to really wave just one arm ever.

    She’s just interested in him from a historical basis. All the other teen-mongs have chosen less controversial figures.

    And it’s always nice to know that we might have put the google search counters up on “Hitlers speeches” on a Saturday night 😉

    Free Member

    I was on a course once with a guy called Ram Dikshit.

    As for someone called Minge – I have a photo taken in San Francisco of some hideous yank family with matching jackets. The jackets bore their family name…..

    If someone can tell me how to post a photo I’ll stick it up.

    Free Member

    Er, that video. They pass the ball 16 times, not 15 as the muppet says……

    Free Member

    WA from Chocolatefoot.

    I was busy trying to be better, faster, gnarlier and he reminded me that enjoying your riding was more important than anything else.

    Free Member

    Flange – WTF has happened to you my boy?

    I remember when you were happiest driving around in that mobile dungeon of a van, crimping it's boost pipe whenever you got the chance.

    No matter how dreamy you are – you will look an utter homo driving a Porsche.

    Now stop with this nonsense – NOW!

    Free Member

    Like it's owner, old, but gorgeous…..[/url]

    Free Member


    I had thought of a SubZero as I rode one years back and liked it

    Cove, no, had a Handjob and never liked it. Which I appreciate is not a reason to negate a brand but it just didn't live to expectations.

    What do I want? A bike I can ride distance if needed (but probably not as a preference), that will survive a heavy rider doing drops (6 foot on concrete), and won't get ruined if I fall off.

    The jumping part is mainly on DH courses. I've never been much of a dirt jumper.

    I'll have a gander at suggestions.

    I did think a Dialled Alpine as I love my PA but they're not really built for 150mm forks (although they will take them).

    I just fancy the extra travel to compensate for my lack of skill at landing. Lol.

    As for my PA. It does most of what I want, BUT I do worry I'll kill it dropping regularly on concrete (it's an early one with added karma and I'd hate to kill it).

    Thanks to all that replied. It's helpful 🙂

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