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  • Whistler opens camping and RV hookup park for MTBers
  • DrRSwank
    Free Member

    MAYO! On a bacon sandwich!

    That is grim!

    Free Member

    HP Fruity is an offspring of Brown.


    Free Member

    Garlic, butter, frying pan.

    Lets face it – they’re just homeless snails…….

    Free Member

    I don’t have an axe any more……

    During my divorce, the wifes father reported me to the police for having an axe in the house (apparently it was an offensive weapon).

    This would be the axe he advised me to buy for our wood burning stove.

    So now axes are a symbol of failed marriages and insane Welsh inlaws (and a slight desire to have chopped a few heads off while I had the chance…..).

    Free Member


    Whilst well intentioned I would also urge caution. Talking to mates is good – it can help.

    But if people are feeling very negative then it is more professional help that is needed.

    A friend recently took their own life and, in hindsight, perhaps it was possible to piece together enough bits of information to see the build up. But hindsight is wonderful, and, in honesty, there was no way anyone could have seen where this was heading.

    A professional might have.

    It is admirable what you have done Hora. But if you (the collective you) ever feel that someone may be heading too far into darkness do try and engage proper help.

    Free Member

    Had dinner with the OH last night and we talked about this thread. She told me of other OCDs I have that I’d not realised – LOL!!!!!

    Free Member


    House prices are going to go up or down.

    Free Member

    Oh, and all of my tins are correctly oriented in the cupboard too. All upright, labels facing out. Same with the wine rack.

    That’s just orderly though.

    Free Member

    Right – so your cutlery is put into the tray in a different order to how it’s laid on the table as well. LOL – at least it’s not me.

    As for the brown sauce and FF sarnie comment – it is the only way. My OH uses a mix of red and brown – which is wrong. My ex used only red – she was SO wrong she is now my ex.

    Ordinary sliced bread, marg or butter, 4 fish fingers, brown sauce. If you’re feeling creative a bowl of mushy peas to dip the sandwich in is acceptable.

    Free Member

    OK Molgrips – what do you put in where?

    I ask becuase I too put the cutlery away knife, fork then spoon. But, having thought about it, it’s a stupid thing to do.

    My knives are on the left (two rows), then the forks (two rows) then the spoons are on the right.

    But on the table the knives go on the right, forks on the left and spoons in the middle (OK, at the top – and don’t get me started on soup spoons!).

    Sadly the knives all lay the same way too – cutting edge to the left.

    Free Member

    Pop his email address up on here – I’ll reply to him.

    Free Member

    Mr Yeti,

    I guess, in theory, it doesn’t matter whether it’s single or double blind. Single blind means I can’t know what I’m doing with each microscopic square of towel.

    Double blind means neither I NOR the towel knows.

    For complete clarity and unbiased results I thought it better that the towel sections should not know how they are being dried.

    It may be overkill……

    Free Member

    I have OCD arguments with an OCD mate about which of us is worse!

    My list:-
    Can’t listen to volume (tv, radio anything) if it’s an odd number.

    Square things on square surfaces must be aligned with the edges and equidistant from the edge (think a mat on a table).

    If I touch my thumb and little finger together I have to do it for the other fingers, and the other hand, so they don’t feel left out.

    Brown sauce only on a fish finger sarnie.

    Loo roll DEFINITELY hangs away from the wall.

    Toilets aren’t clean until you’ve put both parazone limescale killer and bleach down them together forming toxic gasses.

    I get upset with 2/3 way light switches. If the lamp is off and one switch is in the on position I get very annoyed.

    I only buy even numbers of onions, apples, etc in the supermarket (Waitrose naturally).

    My CDs are in alphabetical order (by band name), then in album release date (if I have more than one by any artist), and every CD is picture side up and correctly oriented in the case. My nephew thinks it’s hilarious to move them around – but it makes me as happy as a pig in muck to re-order them.

    There are plenty more – mainly around cleaning – of which I am obsessive. I was told recently by a lady friend that my house had no “odour of life” and did not smell as though people lived in it. I thought this was good 🙂 She didn’t 🙁

    Finally – I cut my toenails right to left, left foot first. If I do them any other way it goes wrong.

    +1 for not being able to sleep if I’ve not cleaned my teeth. If I get up in the night for a wee I have to brush my teeth again. It’s called a minty pit stop and sends me straight back to sleep.

    Free Member

    Frost, radiator, tumble drier, sun, frost on a full moon, sun with snow, frost with snow!

    How small are the pieces of my double blind randomised latin square towel going to get!

    Free Member

    Excellent research.

    I’ve been suffering from a lack of frost too. Nature is ruining science.

    Free Member

    Fry some chopped onion and garlic.
    Add chilli flakes and sliced Chorizo (peel it).
    Add a little chopped tomato (tinned) and some broad beans
    Stuff in the oven for 20 mins.


    Get a tin of Octopus from the supermarket.
    Tip it, oil and all, into a casserole dish (an ickle one).
    Sprinkle with paprika
    Stuff in the oven for 20 mins.

    Both are tasty nice and relatively authentic

    Free Member

    I had my Patriot re done by them and I’m dead pleased. To be honest the respray has lasted better than the original paint.

    New bearings and the put nice new decals/stickers (delete as it suits you) from the original year of manufacture.

    The only problem was it made all my finishing kit look tatty 🙁

    But – the whole service was very good. Got to have a good chat to them about colours and was dead pleased with the whole process.

    Free Member

    I thought this was just bling on a mountain bike. The advantages of non-bulging hoses might be greater on a motor bike.

    I’ve had both braided and non-braided on my bike and never been able to tell any difference. But then maybe I’m just not sensitive enough?

    Free Member

    TJ – I’d kind of disagree that they’ve done nothing to make them count as terrorists.

    It’s just that someone needs to stand and say they’re a terrorist group. But because it’s cuddly uddly animals, the public probably wouldn’t respond well.

    The really stupid thing is that instead of hitting pharma/Huntingdon and the like they’d be better protesting government as the vast majority of testing is mandated under law.

    Free Member

    It is indeed nothing to do with politics.

    But, the law did change a few years ago to make their protestations less harrassing for employees of various companies. The fact they now choose to use other tactics is a nuisance.

    I’m sure they mostly wear leather shoes, eat meat and have (at some point) taken some kind of licenced medication.

    Free Member

    Most of these sound like porn films I’ve seen.

    Free Member

    I was going to poke both of my eyes out as well.

    Right – I’ll go and soil a sheet 😉

    Free Member

    **** me. My tea towel is going to get cut into microscopic bits at this rate.

    So I need a bit for:-
    Sunlight outdoors drying
    Frosty night drying
    Tumble drying
    Radiator drying
    Stuffing in the freezer compartment drying.

    If I’m to do this in a fully randomised manner I’ll need to cut it into 25 pieces!

    What the hell 🙂

    Free Member

    But it’s not just motorways. There are some big old dual carriage ways around here and people sit in the outside lane cos they’re turning right in 3 miles time!

    I got told off at work recently for suggesting I should be allowed a cannon on the front of my car for such people…..

    Free Member

    You see – I didn’t know that sunlight would make my whites whiter. I’d only heard about the frosty one.

    Mr Yeti – we are entering into true science now. We’ll be setting up double blind latin square designs next!

    I will wash my towel now – ready for the frost tonight.

    Free Member

    So – if I chopped them both off I’d have nice hair AND boobs!

    I’ll be back later……

    Free Member

    Well, it is (I think) a medical fact that testosterone is a big part in male pattern baldness. So losing a love nugget might help you keep your youthful locks (sadly too late for me……).

    Free Member

    I hope the technology hasn’t peaked yet!

    As bikes seem to improve over time, I get older, fatter, and less fit. So I still get up the hills and back down the other side in the same time as I did on a shonky rigid.

    I reckon in the next five years bikes are going to struggle to keep up with my decline mind…….

    Free Member

    Do you actually need two? Isn’t it just greedy?

    Well – that would have been my defence if I’d been an incompetent surgeon high on stolen meds.

    However, I am convolescing at home myself after an, ahem, interesting op. It’s fair to say the consent form I signed pretty much gave the surgeon carte blanc to give me a sex change if he’d wanted to.

    Whilst he didn’t go that far he did go a lot further then we’d discussed before hand……

    Free Member

    This is good science Yeti – keep it up please.

    I’ve agreed with the OH that we’re going to wash an old tea towel (white), cut it straight in half and hang one out on a frosty night and put the other one in the tumble drier.

    Then we’ll repeat the experiment and switch the methods/bits of towel.

    Free Member

    Thank you Yeti. I shall await results. I may even try a small experiment myself:)

    CynicalAl – I guess it depends on who is looking at me…….

    Free Member

    Water that is gentler!

    I live in Stevenage 🙁 the water comes out of the tap with flick knives and kicking boots!

    I guess I have Eco / Wicca tendencies so the thought of making whites whiter by frost was attractive.

    However the main reason was my lady friend who called it a “cretinous and idiotic thought…”. I wish I’d had proof.

    Free Member

    I did hear that cats had two sets of vocal chords – one for meoowing and one for purring.

    But that doesn’t help does it.

    6 sets of tonsils (do you have sets, or just tonsils?) does seem a bit excessive.

    Free Member


    Ta all. There does seem colloquial evidence on the web for this but I’d just heard that a frosty night makes whites whiter. Told a friend and she laughed at me – hence the question.

    I was hoping someone would have a scientifically plausable explanation…..

    Never mind – I’ll just get laughed at more.

    Free Member

    Yep – just take the bolt out and move it. You don’t need to let the air out.

    Free Member

    I didn’t get on with them. The broadband service was poor as was the customer support.

    However, the phone bills were cheap. So it’s swings and roundabouts.

    I’m now with Virgin Media and the BB is much better but the calls more expensive. As I have no friends and spend all my time surfing porn, it’s not so bad though.

    Free Member

    I don’t care about the speeding argument anymore. I’m just enjoying being tingly at TJ saying how fast he rides. Mmmmmmmm……

    Free Member

    Could they at least not give him a dressing gown?!?!

    They need the bare facts?

    Free Member

    Sorry Molegripes if you think my response was ‘shite’.

    I was simply suggesting that you seemed aghast at my post and had needed to ask a four year old for clarification.

    I was only saying speed was not a metric of consequence. It isn’t. Is it?

    “speed kills”. No it doesn’t. I did 75 today and I didn’t die.

    Free Member

    Molgripes – you missed the point. How is speed a metric of a consequence of an accident.

    The key word is consequence.

    The consequences of an accident are injury, pain, death? How are these measured by speed?

    When you’ve learnt to read, then you can answer.

    Bad driving is not a separate question. The police use speed as a surrogate marker for good driving – but there’s little sense to this.

    There must be a better way? Constant reassessment? I don’t know. But speed cameras don’t stop bad drivers.

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