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  • Canyon MTB Performance Flat Pedal review
  • DrRSwank
    Free Member

    I dont think you should be the manager anymore

    Oh FFS, now we need a good dead manager!

    Free Member

    OK, so we can have SRV?



    I ignored all proper Blues guitarists. Otherwise John Lee Hooker would’ve been in there as ‘occassional guitarist’ and voodoo specialist 😉

    Free Member


    I like your lead vocals Junkyard.

    But then I could have put Phil Lynott in there.

    Lead vocals are an awkward call….

    Free Member

    You DANCE to AC/DC and Green Day? How very peculiar.

    Well, if it can be called dancing, then yes. We got up and boogied, jumped, danced, sang, enjoyed. Call it what you will – we got up….

    Free Member

    No CG, you can’t change your mind……

    Jimi was never a band member, he was a one man show….

    I want a band that will play well together which is why I ignored Hendrix.

    Janis can do backing vocals.

    Free Member

    Is any of JLS dead yet?


    Free Member

    Depends where too.

    Personally I reckon Wembley is better seated as you get more of a view.

    Saw AC/DC and Green Day seated and we still got up and danced…..

    Free Member

    CG – I saw that tour too.

    He was a great guitarist. I loved his Thin Lizzy stint as well as his “Empty Rooms” era and then on moving on to his blues work.

    Time to crank the stereo up……

    Free Member

    I don’t get it – why would you even want to pee in the shower if the toilet is only a few feet away????

    Try it next time you’re in the shower. It’s very liberating……

    Free Member

    Peeing in the shower is fine. And ladeez do do it as well – as said earlier, they just don’t admit it.

    In fact the GF reckons she can stand at one end of the bath and pee into the plug hole with the same accuracy as a man. She won’t prove this to me mind. Perhaps I should check she’s not actually a fella…..

    Free Member


    Extreme Excrement?

    Personally as long as I don’t wee on myself or my bike I don’t care where it goes. However I do agree with TSY – I’ve wee’d at the top of the old Mont Chery lift in Les Gets. Uninterrupted view of Mont Blanc as I let the flow go. Perfect moment 🙂

    Free Member

    It is about not wanting to see whats in there.

    But – if you clean your loo properly it should always look bright and clean.

    Personally – I am a man (of sorts) and I leave the seats down as it looks neater. But then I have OCD.

    If your missussess complain then suggest they clean the smegging thing more often/properly (I offer training and coaching on such things).

    Free Member

    Anyone going to Sonisphere then? Diamond Head, Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeth and Metallica on the Friday night.

    Yes – tickets brought ages ago.

    Last year was great too.

    Let me say it again – ALL rock music is good – just play it loud.

    Free Member

    There’s some very odd stuff being said on here. No wonder you’re all skint.

    It is possible to have a mortgage, loans etc and not be in debt (in the truest sense) AS LONG AS your house is worth more then your mortgage. It’s then just an asset which you are managing.

    As for the rent v mortgage argument above. Er, in 25 years I’ll own a house, you won’t. And 25 years of the rents mentioned would have pretty much covered a well controlled mortgage…..

    There must be a lot of renters on here though judging by the number with no mortgage. Either that or you all live at home with your mums.

    Free Member

    ALL rock is good.

    Just play it loud


    Free Member

    12. Her staff waste their time on internet forums.

    Free Member

    He wouldn’t eat in our canteen that’s for sure.

    He would probably eat the supporters of all other religions – muslims, pagans, jedis, etc.

    Do Dominoes deliver to heaven?

    Free Member

    Try eating nothing but seasonal fruit and veg – but only those that are not currently in season.

    Free Member

    Some of my team are idiots.

    Not all beans make you fart.

    Two cups of filter coffee makes me pooh.

    Not a bad day all in 🙂

    Free Member

    She’s an ex, and ex who is about to become an Ex-ex.

    It’s been a long time – I’d just send wishes and leave it at that.

    TBH – it does sound very odd. I’d be more than my normal paranoid if any of my ex’s contacted me with such a story.

    Free Member

    So, what I have learned:-

    Elfins bottom may or may not be perfect

    If we took a photo of said bottom and then I copied it using a pencil and paper it might be art

    Tracy Emins unmade bed is art becuase it’s worth money

    This whole thread is about a film I’ve not seen

    I’m a peasant

    Art is an opinion – where as I thought the opinion was one of artistic merit. So anything can be art, no matter how rubbish it is

    Am I missing anything?

    Free Member

    Blimey. It’s all got a bit seriously highbrow since I went to bed.

    Can we get back to the original question.

    Modern Art – is it rubbish?

    Free Member

    But you can tell what they are so they must be art?

    I can tell what lots of things are that aren’t art. Cornflakes for instance.

    However, and amusingly (possibly), I did once draw a shoe in art class at school. My teacher said it was a very nice shoe.

    Free Member

    Pink Floyds Dark Side of the Moon.

    Just play the whole album 😉

    Free Member

    So, apart from Elfins bottom, nothing is art?

    Oh and the car and shoe aren’t art (are they). I wouldn’t even use them to cover the cracks in my plaster.

    My friends rib me about this all the time but I have no art in my house apart from a pencil drawing a mate did for me which makes me smile.

    Free Member

    Thanks chaps.

    I guess the problem I’ve got is embarrasment of not being as good as I was (by some way!).

    My GF has been encouraging me to do the Megavalanche – and, to be frank, it does scare me some. 5 years ago it would have been easy, but now I think I’ve lost a lot of that skill.

    I guess I need to do some secret training, get a bit thinner and fitter and then try to reconnect with some old riding mates.

    Free Member

    If it’s your house tell them.

    If not then you need to tolerate it.

    Oh, and you have my sympathies – I am totally OCD!

    Free Member

    MF – no, no and no….


    Nasty 1980s jumper design.

    Wrapping paper from the £1 shop.

    Free Member

    Good Dr. Have you ever actually studied art on any kind of academic level?

    I thought the answer to that was obvious?

    Free Member

    No, but it has to look like something (other than a blob).

    Free Member

    TSY – I left your lime green thong out for you so I assume you’re wearing that?

    You’re wearing it inside out to even the stains out?

    Free Member

    Torminalis – thanks, I am therefore an artist. I’m going to sell this thread. It’s title is Inception.

    Does that mean I am modern art?

    Free Member

    She stated that art cannot have a use

    So if I hang a picture on my wall to cover a crack in the plaster then it’s no longer art?

    I’m really confused now.

    So the unmade bed isn’t art, cos a bed has a use – and had been used?

    Free Member

    That one is an improvement MF. At least I can tell roughly what it is.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Er, it’s a toilet?

    DrRSwank has confused art with interior decoration

    Oh bugger, not again…….

    Free Member

    Is simple so bad?

    No-one seems able to define what art is. And maybe that’s my point. If anything can be art as long as someone deems it to be then it’s a bit stupid really. Where will art end? Eventually something truly ridiculous will be deemed art and devalue what has gone before.

    But I don’t entirely agree with your point.

    Making a lump of stone look feminine, making it look like a woman is skillful.

    Making a lump of whatever the blob is made of look like a blob is less skilled. It’s a blob. How do you know the artist wasn’t trying to sculpt the hanging gardens of Babylon but was a bit rubbish?

    Free Member

    Bit harsh that Elfin. Please come and share your knowledge later. You too can be part of my ‘exhibition’.

    Do you want me to chop him in half?

    I’ll have to think about the going rate for a human.

    Free Member

    So could you imagine being able to do the second example?
    Is the form not pleasing?
    Is the skill not amazing?


    I couldn’t imagine doing the second example – but becuase it’s a pointless blob and nothing would motivate me to do so.

    The form isn’t pleasing – it’s a pointless blob.

    Skill – I dunno how it’s made. It takes more skill then I have to make lots of things – but that doesn’t make them art.

    The blob just looks like the sort of rubbish local councils spend money on. Some local ‘artist’ is commissioned to produce a grafitti magnet. It’s unvieled by the mayor, featured in the local rag, and promptly forgotten about.

    It’s a blob……

    Free Member

    MF – it’s a blob. It fills a space. It does NOTHING for me.

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