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  • Nils Amelinckx, Rider Resilience Founder and all round nice guy: 1987-2023
  • DrRSwank
    Free Member


    Free Member

    Unless the efficiently of you engine improves massively in the range 70 – 85 mph I don’t think it is possible.

    Hmmm, mines a bit like this as well though.

    65mph – 55mpg
    75mph – 45mpg
    85mph – 48mpg (which does surprise me)

    So it’s cheaper to go faster (or slower)……

    Don’t know why it does this – gear ratios, revs, dunno.

    Free Member

    What have you changed from?

    There’s certainly a different technique to getting a full suss up a hill as opposed to a HT. Personally I find my boingy bike quite useful on technical climbs as the rear wheel tends to bite and track the ground better.

    Free Member


    What confused me this morning was the report that due to the trouble in the middle east the oil being pumped from the North Sea was going up per barrel.

    No-one really explained how that worked – unless my geography is really bad and the North Sea is now in Libya.

    Free Member

    Cougar – I guess I was just trying to say the data is useless whatever you put – which I think you’re agreeing with?

    Free Member

    Is the button a ‘panic’ button. They often need a key to reset them so it might just be that stuck down?

    Free Member

    Some friends brought a house a few years back and complained that A: there was no carpet in one room and B: there were lots of flies in the house.

    The house was brought vacant posession from a solicitor.

    They’ve never peiced the puzzle together on this one (and I’m not telling them), but it’s fair to say most of us have a giggle when we hear this.

    Free Member


    It sounds like your wireless adaptor (or software). Mine does this occassionally – it’ll find the router no problem, but it won’t connect to it properly to allow me internet access.

    I’m on old Windows (not 7) for this so I use control panel to disable, then re-enable the wireless adaptor. That generally sorts it.

    You could try shoving a lan cable into the laptop and router……

    Free Member

    But Crankboy, the Christians celebrating one religion doesn’t stop you celebrating another 🙂

    I have religious beliefs older than Christianity myself. I celebrate Yule and not Christmas – but I don’t care that the Christians choose to stand and be pious on the 25/12 each year.

    It actually makes me giggle that the vast majority of Christians don’t really understand that they’re celebrating Pagan festivals. This is where we dip into the difference between beliefs and religions. Religions tell you what to do, when to do it – beliefs are more personal. It’s why I’ve chosen not to be part of an organised religion – but rather choose my own beliefs.

    Free Member

    However. Statistically, it’s possible to say “two thirds of the country hold religious beliefs” on the back of this data; by putting jedi on your form you’re actually skewing the data in favour of the very thing you’re passively protesting about.


    Statgeek mode on. Well, stats can say anything about anything really. The religion question is one of the more ambiguous ones on the census as religious belief cannot be truly measured.

    For instance I could say I was an Ultra Orthodox Jew (I’m not). The Census group cannot disprove this. But if I lie about my age, sex, number of kids – they can check.

    So the data about religion has limited use, and, to be frank, is something harking back to historical censuseseses (censi?).

    As the government have announced it’s ‘ok’ to put jedi – then, to be honest, it’s pretty embarrassing to do so…..

    Free Member

    If you put Christian on your religion you should apologise for stealing Christmas and Easter and celebrate the true Christian festivals at the right time. Just because you stole them off a then more popular religion does not make them yours.

    True – the Christians did steal the dates from the Pagans (amongst others). But if you believe in Christianity then celebrating his birthday etc is understandable – and does it really matter when?

    Perhaps the question should be “What religion do you actually practice?”. I guess if people do walk the streets in hooded robes with a flourescent tube in hand then Jedi is fine 🙂

    Free Member

    I was in a similar situation about ten years ago. The GF got binned by work and set about spending her redundancy like it was burning a hole in her pocket. And when I say spend – I mean on her, not on the mortgage or the house.

    Then when it was all gone I got it in the ear constantly about not giving her money, buying her a car etc.

    I dumped her, sold the house, gave her her share, and started again.

    Redundancy is tough. But people should not take it out on those that care for them, nor should they just squander the cash. She needs to grow up.

    Free Member

    so everyone else who isn’t christian should be working christmas day?
    Your going to insist on that yeah?

    Sadly the government won’t allow me that power (spoil sports).

    But the sentiment is something I stand by.

    We used to have a big Christmas do each year at work. Free food, free wine, etc. We have a significant number of Muslims at work who then complained that we supplied free wine at each table (and water) but no other soft drinks, and this was in contradiction to their religious beliefs.

    The then site head gave the response that if they were so worried about religious beliefs they probably shouldn’t bother coming to a Christmas celebration…..

    Anyway – we get off topic.

    Putting Jedi down makes no difference to anything. You may as well say you worship an idol made from lego.

    It’s like the rest of the census – it’s pretty much a waste of time. It captures a snapshot of what people want to answer, rather than the facts. It’s an outdated measure of population – but then that’s just the stato-geek in me talking.

    Free Member


    If you put Jedi as your religion then the ONS should really insist you no longer qualify for Christmas or Easter bank holidays…….

    However, having worked as a statistician for the government (many, many years ago) I doubt it’ll make much difference.

    I monitored sick absence in the Civil Service and they categorised a broken leg as a gastro-intestinal issue….. If that’s the quality of statistical output then you can put what you want.

    Free Member

    i’m hoping a couple of the people who volunteered themselves to lead add their names to the list

    I’m a Bracknell boy of old. I can lead but it’d need to be the very slow, fat, weeezy group…..

    Free Member

    Yes + a mate

    Free Member

    I’m 5’11” and brought (2nd hand) a 16″ bike. It was too small for XC riding so it got sold. Shame as it was a fabulous bike.

    I’d go 18″ if I were you.

    Free Member

    Indeed you can. In fact you have to be careful not to do this by accident.

    My OH’s donkey is pretty healthy, but her previous horse was a reet sweaty bugger. We had to be careful not to overwork him and hose him down with cold water if he got too hot.

    They are VERY stupid animals and will just keep responding to work commands until they drop.

    Free Member

    rubbish – plenty of couples have a mortgauge in one name, yet both live there. Makes no difference.

    Not entirely true. Some mortgage companies now won’t mortgage a property if there is another adult in the house (not sure how this works for grown up kids).

    I think the idea is that the other adult may have a legal claim on the property value and, as such, would reduce what the mortgage company would get if they repossessed.

    Anyway – that’s what happened to a mate recently – the mortgage company wouldn’t let her other half increase his mortgage while she lived in the house – UNLESS she went on the mortgage as well.

    Free Member

    You’ve not filled the iPod have you?

    Free Member

    Fish net stockings and a feather boa?

    Free Member

    Sounds like fun.

    Perhaps we should all dress up in unsuitable riding gear?

    Free Member

    If you don’t start the engine and simply throw the lump at the mobile home then MPG will be improved.

    OR – park the mobile home near a cliff edge, attach it to the engine using a chain and throw the engine off the cliff. If the chain is long enough (and the cliff high enough) then it should gain enough potential energy to move the mobile home.

    Or, give the engine to a rugby team that like engines and, in exchange, make them push the mobile home.

    Free Member

    I’m too lazy to carry my normal glasses so often end up riding in sun glasses (prescription) if my ride runs into the hours of darkness.

    Well, that’s my excuse.

    Free Member

    DezB – you do realise you’ve created a dead band that everyone will want to kill?

    Free Member

    A ballad is just a sad song. You’re confusing Soft Rock with Rock Ballad.

    But, to add to the confusion. Heart, Alone?

    Free Member

    It isn’t that bad but do yourself a favour and aim to get to St Albans early.

    People will shove in on the M4 to get onto the M25. Whilst this is annoying, it’s also worth doing as it will cut 5 minutes of queuing out.

    The M25 road works run well and you should only need 20 mins or so to get around to the St Albans junction.

    BUT – St Albans is a traffic jam at rush hour. So depending where your course is you’ll probably find that the worst part of your journey.

    I’ve done the M4, M25 past St Albans for nearly 11 years now and it really ain’t that bad.

    Free Member

    DezB, you are correct. That is going to be a HORRIBLE band!

    I can’t quite picture the harmony in my head……

    Free Member

    Axl Rose?

    Free Member

    No keyboards!

    It just ain’t rock!

    Guitars, drums n singers is where it’s at.

    However, I would like to add Kirsty McColl to the backing singers.

    Free Member

    Can I also add.

    I’ve been to concerts where I’ve been rather tiddly BUT have still enjoyed the music despite being flat on my back, laying in the sun.

    Ears don’t stand up or sit down. They just hear 😉

    Free Member

    S’cuse me Dr but Deep Purple had Jon Lord on keyboards. Yes, I know he is still alive but they are a rock band. Also Rick Wakeman played keyboards with Yes. Shall I continue?

    PROG rock

    I’m not interested in prog.

    I want a kicking rock band……

    Free Member

    Nobody on keyboards?

    Er, CG, the name of this thread is dead ROCK[/u] band.

    We don’t do keyboards…..


    Free Member

    LOL! NO. No Elvis….

    A bit like Freddie. Not what I’m looking for.

    Free Member

    You’re all thinking TOO SMALL.

    I want the best. OK, the best of the dead, but the best none the same.

    I reckon my band could work……

    Free Member

    Wrong about moon

    Rock ain’t about ratings – Moon had the attitude.

    Free Member

    the bands name Play Loud

    The rate we’re going it’ll be Heaven’s 17!

    Free Member

    Kurt has to be in there somewhere.

    Writer (along with Marc Bolan).

    Free Member

    Oh crap. OK – Bon Scott can do vocals.

    We need a Slash / Santana type album now. A solid band with multiple vocals dependant on track (too many good BUT dead vocalists).

    Lead – Gary Moore
    Rythym – Paul Kossof
    Bass – Paul Gray
    Drums – Moon (sorry, I prefer his style)

    Phil Lynott
    Bon Scott

    Backing singers:-
    Janis Joplin

    Malcolm McLaren (until I’m available dead)

    Free Member


    I can’t allow him….

    GREAT singer and entertainer, no questions asked. But he wasn’t a rock singer. Not in the truest sense.

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