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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • DrRSwank
    Free Member

    And just pants on display. White baggy things.

    Free Member

    No. It was smart casual, crop haired, skinny IT type. Which is why I thought it might be someone off here….

    Free Member

    There’s nothing wrong with talking on the phone while evacuating the children.

    I’ve had many a conference call whilst sitting on the throne. Mind you – I wouldn’t do that in a public/work bog, only if I was working at home.

    Free Member


    There is scientific evidence to suggest never taking the first or last trap in the row as these are statistically more popular. Hence entering one of those increases the chance of feeling another mans butt warmth on the seat, or breathing their farts.

    But what bothers me more is the fad for using a urinal BUT unbuckling your belt and opening your trousers rather than just slipping the hose out through the zipper. That is just wrong (and also means you have to stand stupidly to stop your strides falling round your ankles).

    But, back to the traps – thankfully at our place they are floor to cieling walls sono chance of cross contamination. I hate poohing in public (clearly in public conveniences, not in the town square) – but I feel relatively safe in our work bogs.

    Free Member

    I’ve had this twice.

    I got knocked off my motorbike years ago by a bus. Got all his details but he didn’t report it so the bus company told me to f-off.

    Then recently got ridden into the curb (this time on mountain bike) by a bus driver over taking me on a blind summit. He’d had to swerve into me to avoid a head on with the police car coming the other way. Now that was rather funny.

    Personally – it’s worth complaining just to vent your spleen – but don’t expect to get anywhere.

    Free Member

    The George.

    Free Member


    The hard shells are much better – for one it’s generally easier to get the guitar in and out of without mullering the tuning.

    But – if you are cash strapped / conscious than some of the soft ones are better than others.

    I’ve a bargain basement one which is essentially just a cloth case with handles. It’s pretty useless for anything other than storing guitars under beds to keep the dusk off.

    I’ve also got a formed foam one which really isn’t bad. Has lots of pockets for music, capos and the like, is easy to get the guitar into and has dual shoulder straps so you can look like a proper student when carrying it 😉

    Having said all of that I still prefer hard shells – but then don’t spend money on a case that’s worth more that your guitar. You’re better off investing in the instrument.

    Free Member

    You’d have to be on the list – otherwise a divine force giving you choice would be meaningless.

    Free Member

    Fluoxetine works on steady state principles in that the plasma concentrations build up over time until the rate of elimination is the same as the rate of absorption.

    Missing 2 or 3 daily doses in a row could drop you below the steady state concentration that your body is used to and give you mood swings.

    Weaning you off will be a different process as they’ll either decrease the dose – so bringing down the steady state concentration slowly, or they’ll increase the gap between doses ( or both).

    Both of these result in the constant (well as constant as you can get with oral meds) concentration in plasma being lowered slowly so your body has time to adapt.

    But – your doctor can tell you all of this with far more authority than most people on here. I’d talk to them.

    Free Member

    Sadly it is theft – which always seem a really stupid law. If people don’t protect their wifi then it should be tough. Or if it’s such a crime why can’t I insist my neighbour prevents their nasty wifi signal coming into my house.

    Saldy the law doesn’t take my stance and can prosecute.

    However, if they’re stupid enough to leave a wifi unprotected, they’re probably also too stupid to be logging, or able to identify, another user on the link.

    If the link is a low speed one then they may notice a performance change and report it to their ISP – and they will be able to trace you via your IP…..

    Free Member

    I’ve got a single wireless unit and it is great. It’s paired with a combi boiler which is then set to be constantly on – just providing demand heating from the thermostat.

    It works really well and keeps the house toasty warm.

    I’ve set it with different temperature profiles during the day so the house never gets very cold.

    It also has some cool features such as holiday settings where it halves the normal required temps, and also a minimum temp where it kicks in to stop your pipes freezing.

    Very easy to use and means all the program controls are in the room with the thermostat rather then having to fiddle with the boiler controls seperately.

    TRVs on all the rads (modern units) mean I can control temperature really well in all rooms.

    It’s saving me around 40% on my gas bills.

    Free Member

    Tie a lead weight to the end of your gentleman and go as Pendulum.

    Free Member

    Phone their support line?

    They’ve always been really helpful when I’ve had problems.

    Free Member

    They are funny live. Well worth a watch if you get the chance.

    The Gogol Bordello of the west country 😉

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Maybe the old one wasn’t a mule as it had more pockets than the picture and had an expansion zip.

    The new one is like the photo and just seems tiny in comparison.

    Free Member

    The food is good if you stick to local stuff.

    Pizzas are always great there.

    BUT – the BEST place to eat in the region is the Marmotte just outside of Les Linderets. They do a really good tartiflette (and it’s downhill all the way to Morzine afterwards).

    Free Member

    Of course Phil.

    I escaped the evils of teen pregnancies, drugs, pickled onions and general barbarity and settled in the tranquil suburbs of Stevenage.

    Free Member

    aaaah that photo brought back happy memories of my former life in Bracknell.

    Does it matter how many onions are in the jar? Lets face it – NO ONE would ever stoop so low as to buy, surely?

    Free Member

    Significant that two of the worst reviews come from DrRSWank and nobtwidler. Would I take any notice of an opinion of a couple of dipsticks with usernames like that? Christ no.

    Ouch :meeps:

    I’ll try watching it again and see if my irrelevant opinion changes. Hows that? Although the thought of watching an indestructible naked smurf wander around a pointless plot isn’t filling me with joy.

    Free Member

    I thought it was rubbish.

    All hype.

    Free Member

    The public relations video warning kids about swimming in ponds/lakes. Evil was represented by a cloak.

    Scares me still!

    Free Member

    Buy earplugs for your neighbours. It’s cheaper…..

    Free Member

    You lot need to improve your standards.

    It’s bad enough shopping in Tesco in the first place without having to undergo the eternal shame of buying bin ready meals…..

    The quality is bad in there to begin with so something that’s getting wiffy is just going to be plain bad.

    Having said that I did buy some reduced Bombay Sapphire in there recently – they were selling off 50cl bottles cheaply.

    It didn’t seem to make me feel too dirty buying that.

    Free Member

    Easy way of giving some context to mean and standard deviation: for a set of samples, ~70% of values will be within mean +/- 1 S.D., 95% will be in mean +/- 2xS.D.

    I don’t think that’s right. It’s Standard Error and not Standard Deviation you use in that equation.

    And the original post seems to be about Limits of Detection and Limits of Quanitification (can’t beleive I’m writing about these twice in one week!).

    A standad deviation the same as the mean is indicating you’re probably somewhere around the LOQ.

    But, if I’m reading the post correctly, you’ve taken ONE sample and analysed it five different ways? To be honest – I’d have no idea how to interpret that unless you had a calibrated/validated assay result to use as your population mean against which to assess the sample means.

    I hate statistics.

    Free Member

    I had my Patriot resprayed by Orange. It was a hideous grey colour and I got it done spangly white.

    It looks mint and the new paint seems much better than the old in terms of wear.

    The service was very efficient and I didn’t think the price was too bad considering it got me new bearings as well.

    AND – it’s quite an old Patriot (2002) and they managed to use original decals so it still looks the right age/era.

    I were dead chuffed.

    Free Member

    I thought the Super Morzine and Zore closed on the first date. The Pleny, Chavannes and Mont Chery stay open a week longer.

    TBH it’s a great time to go as there is hardly anyone there so you can session the DH courses without having to queue for lifts. And there’s still loads to be ridden.

    Free Member

    I was North of England Junior Barebow Field Archery champion.

    But then I was also the National Pig Impersonation Champion two years on the trot(ter) – not sure how sporty that is.

    Free Member

    OK, so here are some questions I’d be asking if I were his lawyer:-

    The amount detected was 400times lower than the required lowest detectable level. If most labs / assays can only detect a higher level how has this test been validated?

    What is the half life of the substance? If it’s such a low urine/blood concentration than its likely to have been either a tiny amount he ingested (which would support contamination) or it’s been in his system for ages – at which point could another test have picked it up previously.

    The problem is as assays get more accurate – the results become harder to interpret. For instance who would want to be fired from work if they did random drug testing and found cocaine in your system from a dollar bill you touched two weeks ago? This is pretty much his argument (not about cocaine mind….).

    But, as I said, I’m jet lagged and it’s been a long time since I worked as a pharmacokineticist.

    Free Member

    Mountain biking

    Free Member

    Er, yes, probably.

    But the issue is whether the assay was reliably detecting the substance.

    You’d be amazed at how inaccurate assays are at low concentrations.

    The Limit of Detection is the point at which you can’t detect. The LOQ is the point at which you can detect with an error margin of 100%.

    The amount they found was way below what can normally be detected. So, it could be a groovy new super assay – or it could be nonsense that doesn’t exist.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, I’m jet lagged so may be talking rubbish, but I thought some of the argument was around Limits of Detection and Limits of Quantification in the assay?

    The amount they detected was teeeeeny – much less than a standard assay would have been able to reliably detect (which is the difference between the LOD and the LOQ – detecting it doesn’t mean it’s there).

    It’s kind of like been done for drink driving becuase they’ve detected alcohol in your system at 1/100th of the legal limit.

    Anyway – that aside – it was actually funny watching Alberto clobber that fella. It was the campest of bitch slaps ever. He deserves banning for that!

    Free Member

    Shoot them.

    I know everyone else seems to be saying the same but I just wanted to say it too.

    Don’t understand why anyone would flame you previously (and I can’t be arsed reading it).

    I’ve had the filthy feckers in my garden for over a year now. I’ve chopped some trees down which has helped, I’ve removed an old aerial which also helped.

    And I’ve shot plenty.

    They are vermin. I’ve taken plenty of non lethal actions. They still poo on my patio.

    So it’s fair game.

    And just for extra impact.


    Free Member

    Freshly sliced white bread
    Freshly ground black pepper
    Freshy ground salt

    It does make an ace sandwich.

    Free Member

    There’s loads. Don’t be worried at all.

    There’s a nice loop around the back of Mont Cherie that is well signed.

    And the ride out from the top of the two Super Morzine lifts is good. As suggested above go up the two lifts and at the top head sort of straight (rightish) down and then up the fireroad. Eventually after a bit of climbing the track descend and then split at the start of some trees. Take the right hand fireroad and follow this (flat to slight climb) until you get to the road.

    Your just outside Avoriaz at this point and it makes a nice navigation point.

    You can just take the road on your left down into Les Linderets. But the single track from there is within most peoples ability. You’ll have come out on a main road basically with a small junction on the left (as you look up the hill). You’ll see a trail heading quite steeply down at the edge of this junction. Don’t be put off – that’s about the steepest part on it.

    Take that and follow it. You’ll come out on a road near a hairpin bend – the trail ducks off on the right again.

    Follow that again all the way to the base of the Mossettes lift. Either turn left there and go to Les Linderets for the Chatel lifts (Panoramic is very good). Or – go up the Mossettes.

    From the top of the Mossettes follow the fire road down around the mountain (keeping the mountain on your left). You’ll eventually descend past Lac Vert and onto the GR5 (all on maps).

    It’s a lovely run along here. You can drop (all signed) back into Les Linderets and have a cold drink at Les Marmottes cafe before heading into Chatel.

    OR, from Les Linderets ride through the stinking goat village (don’t eat there – it really smells) and down the road.

    But as you run out of switchback/hairpins the road levels a little. Keep your eyes peeled for a right hand bend in the road where you can take a fire road on your left.

    This takes you to Montriond past the waterfall and is again very beginner friendly.

    To be honest the trails are not that dangerous out there. Ride sensibly is all you need to do. The main danger is the idiots on DH bikes that can’t be arsed being careful and will crash into you.

    Try not to let other riders panic you. It’s up to them to find a way past rather then you letting them past.

    Free Member


    I’ve ridden a 5, a Patriot, an Alpine, a Sub Zero (that hurt!), and a Demo 8 in the Alps. They’re all great and I had as much fun on each as I did on the next.

    It’s all about how fast / big you want to go really. Riding at the limit of the bike is great fun – just enjoy.

    Having said that my Demo was super confidence inspiring and probably did make me push myself harder.

    But, given the choice, I’d choose my Patriot as I can at least pedal that up the hills should I decide to get away from the DH runs for a day.

    Horses for courses – but if it’s just for the Alps I’d go shopping on SDH for a cheap 2nd hand bike. There are some good deals on 222s or Norcos on there – both of which would put a smile on your face relatively cheaply, and then not annoy you by sitting doing nothing in the UK.

    Free Member

    Right. I’ll parazone it and see what happens. It really is horrible.

    Free Member

    Ok – so this can be a swindle.

    You owe more than you thought cos you used estimated readings. And electricity prices are now quite high. So ALL of your unpaid usage is being paid at todays inflated costs – rather then spread over the term of your usage.

    I’d go back and make sure they’re adjusting across all price brackets since your last official reading.

    Free Member

    Wait until it’s less hot and humid before panicking.

    My old Mundano did this on really hot days – it was just the humidity in the air.

    Looks cool – kinda like a dry ice machine in your car. Just put some seedy 1970s pop on the stereo and make like Pans People.

    Free Member

    I have some stupidly large radishes at the moment – 6″ long and an inch wide.

    My spring onions on the other hand are useless.

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