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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • DrRSwank
    Free Member

    don’t have a tree or send cards, over hyped pagan and commercial rubbish!


    I think you’ll (yule) find CHRISTmas isn’t Pagan…….

    However, it is commercial rubbish.

    Tree up Christmas Eve and down Boxing day. I have a fake tree I was given by a friend and I adorn it with less than a tenners worth of Tesco tat brought cheaply post Christmas a few years back.

    However, I do approve that the local chavs have JUST a tree up instead of turning their nasty little dwellings into santas grotto by sticking luminous deers, santas, trains, trees etc all over their gardens.

    Christmas is rubbish!

    You’re forced to take time off work, it’s cold, the days are short and the bleeedin’ shops are shut so you can’t even do DIY and the like.

    Bah bleedin’ hum bug to you all.

    Free Member

    Hard boiled eggs.

    Bio degradable wrapper (shell) and make you fart like a good un.

    Free Member


    As a bit of negative feedback – I didn’t like my Alpine 160. The BB was too low, it felt too cramped and it just didn’t inspire confidence.

    So I sold it.

    It’s not as pedally as a 5, nor as thrashable as a Patriot (even my ancient 5″ travel one!). And the compromise they’ve reached between the two doesn’t work – in my humble, lovin’ opinion.

    They are simple and well made though.

    Free Member

    Meh. Always thought he was a modern Jacques Villeneuve – more intent on making money and whinging than winning races.

    I was glad he quit F1.

    Free Member

    Squirrels are major made news in a loft – they’re extremely destructive.

    Get the professionals in (whether you read that as Rentokill or Bodie and Doyle makes little difference – both will get the job done).

    If it is squirrels they do need dealing with as they’ll ruin the insulation, eat pipes, eat wiring, essentially ruin your loft.

    Free Member

    Er no.

    Why google for facts when I can come on here for opinions.

    So far I’m liking the “it’s magic” reply.

    Free Member


    I’ve not checked whether there’s a tank.

    There’s definitely no pipe and nowhere to fit one onto.

    Free Member

    Punching him isn’t really very inventive.

    I need evil. I need inventive. I need amusing. And, if at all possible, I need achievable (so probably ruling out the idea of shoving a mackerel up his japs eye).

    Free Member

    Fishy thing won’t work.

    The OH is a nurse and she says the nasty minnows can be flushed up into the bladder and then flushed out.

    It needs to be more publicly humiliating.

    Free Member

    Elfin – I expected better.

    Tazzy – I need something more evil than a fish you fool.

    Free Member

    Yes. I do have a retard.

    Come on. This is very dissappointing. I thought there’d be some better tales of vengeful mirth from you lot.

    GIVE ME EVIL !!!!!!


    Free Member

    He’s a bell end. Need I say more.

    I need to know the collective bile n venom that I believe exist on this forum.

    Surely someone must have a barely legal, yet amusing, fate for the moron in your life?

    Free Member

    Hayes nine are rubbish but not as rubbish as that advice

    Thanks Podge 😀

    Free Member

    Find a big hill and ride down dragging the brake. Getting heat into them has helped a similar problem with Hayes that I’ve had before.

    Free Member

    Poison and traps is the way to go.

    The poxy stuff you can buy from B&Q and the likes is useless though. You’re best off ringing the professionals as they have access to the proper nasty stuff.

    As said – remove all sources of food first though and also play hell with burrows etc as rats are neophobes and will bugger off if their routines get disrupted enough.

    Last house had rats in the roof (coming up a drain pipe) and they were a right pain to get shut off. Lots of poison and lots of disruption worked in the end.

    Free Member

    That’s raisin the level.

    Free Member

    That’s FANTASTIC. Thanks.

    Oh – and that’s a thanks for the information – NOT the really bad fruit jokes – note to you all – COULD DO BETTER!

    Free Member

    They are nice guitars.

    Go try one and see how it feels / sounds. That’s more important than anything someone can tell you on here…..

    Free Member


    Had a similar situation in amateur kayaking years ago. There was a guy with only one leg and always won. The perception was that being lighter and more agile in the boat gave him an advantage.

    Other competitors complained.

    The official reply was if the others wanted to chop a leg off to make it fair then fine. Otherwise no action is needed.

    Let the guy run – I think it’s an inspiration that he’s getting on with life and showing that disabled doesn’t necessarily mean unable.

    Free Member

    They wouldn’t be on here still if they had……

    Free Member

    Don’t use bleach – use Milton fluid. It’s less harsh but pretty much as effective.

    Free Member

    More than a feeling by Boston

    End of thread

    That’s pushing the boundaries of the term ROCK ballad just a little too far……

    Free Member

    Poison – Every Rose Has a Thorn

    End of thread.

    Free Member

    Premium bonds

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    Captain America, on the flight over.

    One word review – meh.

    I wonder if we were on the same flight…. I watched it too and it was tripe.

    Also watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes which made almost no sense.

    Arrived and watched The Rite on HBO and that was uber crud.

    I don’t really like watching films……

    Free Member

    Stephanie Powers – she’s beautiful (said in my growly Max voice).

    I’ve met Freddie Starr. When I said met I mean stood behind him in a queue in a video game shop. He was buying some driving game and passing wind.

    But – I wouldn’t watch this nonsense. Haven’t watched any of the others either.

    It really is a mental laxative for the low brows……

    Free Member

    They are crap.

    I got a really nasty spiral crack in my screen about two years ago – to the extent I didn’t think the car was safe to drive. It took them TWO weeks to sort out the repair.

    Free Member


    To be helpful – what is it you are trying to find out, or at least find evidence for?

    As said – it’s a bit random at the moment.

    Start at the basic premise and then think about what you need to ask. And then structure every question so it is as easy as possible to answer with little chance of misinterpretation.

    It ain’t easy. But you’ll get useless data if you don’t invest the effort now.

    Free Member

    Words of wisdom……

    Hmmmmmm, your questionaire is a bit, well, rubbish.

    Firstly it doesn’t make much sense – question three asks if you answered a b or c to question (or questions) above but there are no a b or c answers.

    Also – I’d be amazed if you get anything useful from the analysis.

    If you are serious I’d take a bit more time to think about what you want to know and then ask the right questions – rather than just asking what seem like fairly random and unrelated items.

    Just my two-penneth.

    Free Member

    Are you sure it’s a neck brace? It looks more like a toilet seat to me…..

    Free Member

    The placebo effect has been proven to work and yet it is ignored…….

    That made my Monday 🙂

    OK, so all placebo controlled trials (blinded or otherwise) are now, by default, useless.

    Although I guess we could look at alternative therapies:-

    Statins – drink beer, it calms you down
    Viagra – look at STYs photos on the linked thread
    Fluoxetine – don’t read this thread – it is depressing
    Zantac – stop eating curries

    Free Member

    Have you tried massaging the beer into your legs?

    I said nothing about drinking it…..

    Free Member

    Placebo and Placebo effect are two different things.

    A placebo ‘should’ have no value, but sometimes they do. This is the placebo effect and can be a reet nuisance as it’s really difficult to explain clinically.

    So, if you take arnica, you may get a placebo effect even if there’s no clinically provable benefit. It’s the clinically provable bit that’s important with arnica or glucosamine – as long as the bottles don’t state that clinical benefit is proven, they can be pretty much sold for any reason.

    So whether crystals, magnets, spells, or homeopathy works is impossible (today) to prove. Whether they do ‘work’ or whether they induce a form of self-healing we don’t understand or whether it’s all utter bollox is beyond proving.

    Having said all of that – beer works for almost all ills.

    Free Member

    Statistically – Answer C is correct Cougar.

    There is no answer.

    We have been presented with a question and a set of answers – but the two are not related.

    TSY – never stop 😉

    Free Member


    The answer and the answers are related.

    So you are answering the question regarding the chance of being right, using the answers that you are randomly choosing from.

    There’s no point trying to analyse it – it’s a circular argument.

    Statistically the answer is impossible to identify as we do not know what the question is that has generated those four choices – but, for the light of brain amongst you, you’ve decided that the four answers in some way direct the possibility of random correctness.

    The probability of being correct is between 0 and 1.

    Here endeth the lesson.

    BSc Applied Statistics

    Free Member

    I can split this into categories

    Food & Drink
    I drink Cava instead of champagne
    I now only serve two fresh scallops as a starter instead of three

    I still pay my gym membership – but don’t go. Then I’m not paying diesel to get there, nor am I paying to wash gym clothes

    I drive faster and harder to burn diesel to make sure I make the most savings from the 5p a litre off vouchers I get from Tesco

    Free Member

    Significant other

    Other half

    Next ex

    Take your pick.

    Free Member

    I asked someone “If you were on the shelf in Aldi and I scanned your bar code – what would you be worth?”

    I get some whacky answers to that one.

    Free Member

    Spent some time in San Antonio on business a few years back. Theres a lovely area in the town with an ickle river running through it where there are some good bars and restaurants.

    I was sat in one such establishment enjoying a marguerita and some nachos when some nasty trailer trash septics turned up.

    The kids were pointing at some ducklings – they were cute but surprisingly skinny (I guess the weather is warm so a fat duck would be no use).

    They asked Pa what the ducklings were. His reply…..

    Water chickens……

    Free Member

    Tucker – my sphincter is thoroughly intact. It’s not a looseness that is the problem, more the volume.

    Crimping is impossible. There’s just too much to not need to almost constantly sneak one out from under the blanket.

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