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  • What Sort Of Van Lifer Are You?
  • Drillski
    Free Member

    just a smilie then??

    Free Member

    come on guys, even justa quick look at the page, or a comment, even a STW shocker/troll comment that would keep this up the topic list and might just get one more donor in the end as a result.
    Come on you trolls….! 🙂

    even a comment on punctuation would do!

    Free Member

    gratuitous bump

    Free Member

    i believe you can with a Rockshox fork, espec reba and sid, adapt from 100 down to 80.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    endura mt500 bib shorts
    used a par at mayhem for 4 laps very successfully, no probs. very nice,
    Has a larger/better pad than in my mt500 long tights too ( of thesame size)

    FS260 shorts also very good

    Free Member

    T’was funny at the end of the ride, as a lost male driver asked us for directions. Felt good ‘cos we all knew where he need to go.

    Now we know this post is a troll…….
    a man NEVER asks for directions!!!!

    Free Member

    great weekend,
    camping was rammed this year, we camped in the “quiet/family” area last year and it was almost empty, this year it was absolutely rammed.
    Agree wholeheartedly about making the arena central again for everyone as it’s a bit of a ball ache for spectators to have to do a 2 mile round trip to go to the arena!

    Free Member

    it’ll have to happen one day, just thinkhow easy it would be for a trio of chavs to have it away with 5-6 grands worth of bling from the parc ferme in the space of 5 minutes and be away. We’ll be leaving a simple combo lock in the same place in the transition area for our team members, just in case. That way it’ll hopefully be some other poor sod’s misfortune, not ours! 🙄
    It’s perhaps a miracle that it hasn’t hapened before: Organised thieves actively target other types of large gatherings like this.
    Or perhpas Pat’s security is better than we realise! 😀

    Free Member

    thanks sheldon.
    it was nice to be well clear of the rabble last year, on friday night it sounded like a busy night in Beirut.

    Free Member

    great review trout, many thanks for your effort and integrity

    Free Member

    is there a family/quiet area this year, with plenty of room ?
    whereabouts is it, it was right up the top last year, past the arena.
    Are we to take it that if the main arena area is out of bounds, that there is a significantly smaller camping area available this year?

    Free Member

    And I have to fit all my gear, bikes and tent into an MX5. Cock.

    flamin nora, you’d need to be paul daniels to pull that trick off!

    Free Member

    damn duplicated post

    Free Member

    Big Eared Biker
    i think you may be right there. Perhaps we chase bikers, who do certainly seem to call on teh air ambulance etc a serious number of times each year need to think about a bit of directed fundraising! Perhaps someone with a bucket on the entrance to BV carpark, MD and the downhill area for a few hours. Would need a few folks on a rota to cover most of the day on a busy weekend, and permission from the FC.

    Free Member

    google earth link would be great, even to the old course perhaps??

    Free Member

    forecast getting progressively worse! 🙁

    Free Member

    to the OP,
    as you were back visiting your folks, these civic minded folks were in fact not spying on their neighbours, but in fact outsiders like yourself who abused their community by breaking the law and driving dangerously, putting the lives of the local community at risk.
    It’s a bit sad that as a cyclist yourself, who really ought to have a good grasp of road safety issues, that you haven’t yet grown up enough to realise that you are in fact, just in the wrong, and you are in fact the reason that people feel the need to try an protect their community from the hazard that dangerous drivers are. Grow up.
    I wonder, do you have kids?
    If so, i suspect you might support the pointing of a very different kind of gun at drivers who speed, and definitely those that pass you at a junction whilst texting or blabbing away into their phone.

    Free Member

    yep plenty running water, from taps, down your neck, in your shoes…..everywhere!

    Free Member

    uh oh, traffic warning cos of the malvern show the same weekend.
    can i justify skiving off thursday and friday as a result??

    Free Member

    prediction just keeps getting better on metcheck, see


    if its true it’ll be unusual to say the least!

    Free Member

    hmm, sounds similar to my basic plan, but my weekend total ain’t gonna get anywhere near that! perhaps 12-13 hours max over the weekend

    Free Member

    I normally use a wasps nest firmly placed in my crack before setting off. that’s gonna take your mind off any chaffage!

    Free Member

    strangelove, i’m doing SITS solo , first time,
    Do you have a speciifc training schedule, if so where from. And good luck by the way!

    Free Member

    second Swinno’s. Not the cheapest on larger item purchases for sure, but if you wanna see it, try it on, get fair and unbiased advice, from peopl ewho know what they’re talking about, who never seem to have an agenda to sell you crap, they’re your guys.
    plus they’re really nice people too!

    Free Member

    YAY, feeling alot better today……..
    managing to walk on it, a bit, and can just squeeze a sandal on it.
    15 days to Mountain Mayhem….
    HEAL YOU B@0(%RD!!!

    Free Member

    Am now well on the way to a third set of uppers! Will wear the feckers out and go RS in future! Would not spend another penny on Fox’s.
    I have been METICULOUSLY FASTIDIOUS in following and exceeding Fox’s guidance on maintainanice and still it happens. The seals just don’t seal!

    Is it any coincidence that Giant now spec RS SID’s on their top of the line Anthems now?

    I think though perhaps it is partly the british weather, but that makes the unfit for use, therefore sale, here.

    Mate has just bought an 09 anthem 2 with RL100’s, I warned him, so good luck to him. 2 months in, and wear has started, just visible on left leg as discussed in previous post.

    Fox warrantied my first set after 8 months after pressure from my LBS, but bob hope after that. Perhaps we, as the Singletrack Massif, could all email “WatchDog” together? Who knows, could make for an interesting bit of filming. Does any one KNow If Nicky Campbell is an MTB’er??

    Free Member

    foot feeling much better today: now feeling a bit more optimistic that might get bck on the bike in time for mayhem.

    Free Member

    i was entered but couldn’t go due to a foot injury on thursday. I did see a map of the layout on the website though; was the solo camping adjacent to the transition area or not. And could you not park our car by your tent then?

    Free Member

    how did the night time enduro look?

    Free Member

    trouble is it’s all well and good telling her to get etsted, but yuo won’t know whether she’s hiv clear ubtil a test 6 months after the potential innoculation episode ( the shag). How is peter protected during this time if he is not told.
    If peter does not yet know, he needs to. His life may depend upon it, let alone his long term relationship. Sadly most UK group holiday destinations outside europe, and some within, are effectively thirld world areas, with communicable diseases rife, HepB, HepC, Hiv, TB, Chlamydia, Syphylis, Ghonarhea, Herpes to name but a few. Any girl hooking up with a local lad has, lets face it, probably fallen for one of the local lotharios who has had several other partners before and after her this holiday season alone, so chances of picking something more than a cold up are massive.

    If you don’t tell him are you prepared to sit back and lie when he asks you later if you knew, when he’s telling you he has HIV?
    Tell him. Hard choices are exactly that, but they still have to be made.

    Free Member

    should have been riding the 1 hour solo this evening, but can’t, see thread…


    sounds like i missed a goodun! bummer 🙁

    Free Member

    have to say we have always had excellent service from our posties themselves, both at home and work, it seems to be “management” that has issues.

    having said that, we did have one postie who, delivered to my dental practice, was an idiot.
    His offences against common sense included:
    throwing a parcel through a top window 5 feet off the ground, opaqued glass, so he couldn’y see where it was going, landing on my patients chest, to whom i was administering a local aneasthetic injection at the that precise moment, with a shout of “catch”, rather than walk round to the front door of the building (20 yards)
    stopping for a sit down in the waiting room for a read of the papers and helping himself to the coffee machine that we have there for patients (suggested strongly to him that he cease this after the parcel throwing incident)
    delivered a pile of post dripping (not just marked by, actually running off! did not appear as though any attempt had been made to wipe it off) with fresh wet blood through letter box! panicked when we saw it and assumed postie had cut his hand on our letter box, but no, all seemed smooth and ok. Enquired of depot and apparently he gets nose bleeds and theres not much he can do!
    Crashed his nice red van the one time he was allowed to use it into our building, leaving a nice RM red mark and damaged render.
    Parcel went missing, RM claimed had been delivered but not signed for. on invedtigation postie had left it fo us when we were closed for a week. he left it on top of the wheelie bin, on bin collection day!

    The man is a legend locally, both with the public and other posties.

    Free Member

    how the hell did he manage that?

    Free Member

    this injury seem sfairly even thicknessed over a large area

    Free Member

    is there a significant difference in the nature of the tissue damage caused?

    Free Member

    had a few nasty burns on teh same leg before….got a numb patch where i suffered some nerve damage after a kick from a horse on honeymoon (dont ask….we have strange nuptual traditions where we come from!) and was using that leg to nudge a classic racing motorcyle onto a stand between races. old fashioned air cooled engines and red hot low level exhaust pipes. Didn’t realise until after the race in the shower and all the skin fell off that side of my calf! Took me a while to realise what had happened. Only then did i find the holes melted in the synthetic riding jeans i had been wearing! Doh!

    Free Member

    fair point drac, it’s not a burn
    Any idea why we differentiate between burns and scalds?
    i was going to say max remp of a scald would be 100 celcius, but it were a steam scald, could be considerably higher.

    Free Member

    got amjor run around and got nowhere really from teh complaints department. i pointed out to them that to offer a service without any intention of actually providing it is surely fraudulent, but all i got was assurances that it would be looked into.
    meanwhile my local postie assures me that nothing has changed and that whilst i shoul get 12 noon deliveries ok, 9 am is a dead loss still.
    Wouldn’t mind, but the suppliers sending us stuff aren’t told this, and if they send stuff in good faith “guarranteed”, it’s not fair on either of us, when it doesn’t arrive.
    Also WE can’t claim, we have to hassle our supplier/lab, with whomwe have a good relationship, to claim and then refund us, which is a bit poor really, as it potentially puts a strain on our relationship.

    Free Member

    RM are not without their issues though.
    We have recenlty had issues with guarranteed next day deliveries, where we wanted stuff for patients, booked at 10 am, so chose the guaranteed by 9 am option.
    it arrived at 11:30 am!
    Then it happened again. Cross! Didn’t hassle the postman delivering, as he’s a nice helpful guy. HE asked us to complain to head office, as HE gets it in the neck off other customers, and appreciated us not giving him a hard time. Turns out the local manager had decided he doesn’t have the resources to honour the 9 am delivery beyond a 2 mile radius from teh depot! As a result the van delivering ours never leaves the depot before 10 am at the earliest. So much for teh 9 am guarrantee!
    When we rang up to ask about making a claim the second time, we were told yes it is guarranteed, but teh deal is, if we fail to deliver, we give your your cost of postage back. If you want to claim further costs, you have to take out the “consequential losses”supplemental insurance when you post it. So when you post something recorded delivery, or guaranteed delivery, when post office counters ask you , how much is it worth, they should really be asking you, how will it cost you if it doesn’t turn up on time! The basic insurance cover is for total loss only, not for failing to honour the guarantee.

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