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  • NBD: Flow eBMX, Trek Top Fuel, YT Decoy SN, Kona Process 153 & 134…
  • Drillski
    Free Member

    I am hardly likely to be related….when you bear in mind that Krazinsky was an only child and part of the so called “Western Front Eunoch’s Club”.
    Anyway, apology accepted, and yes, it is indeed Jo-Jo’s turn. Perhaps somebody should point out to her, as a lady, that a “standing delivery” is required if she is thinking of playing through any thoroughfare terminating in a public convenience. This may avoid further reference to somewhat controversial, perhaps slightly outdated, and if i may be so bold, slightly sexist, rules.

    Free Member

    Sorry, i really don’t want to seem like a jumped up little nobody with nothing better to do than sit here with a copy of the rules on my lap, but the second Oslo convention clearly states that if you watercourse your Nidd status, you “may not cul-de-sac, terrace or avenue for the next two moves” . I’m sorry but Stovold is clear on this for a reason: Anyone who can remember the shambles that was the put forward in defence of Krazinsky on this in ’73 certainly understands……

    Free Member

    a given? I beg to differ!! I’ll say no more on the matter provided you rescind that move immediately. Other wise I may be forced to suggest a parliamentary Nidd!

    Free Member

    I don’t want to tip my hand here but…. just hypothetically say…. is crosshatching by proxy still considered bally unreasonable in these parts?

    Free Member

    This calls for surgical precision…..

    Harley Street

    Free Member

    on a practical note, get yourself some “Difflam” mouthrinse and mouthspray prescribed ready, as head and neck RT can be a bit of a bugger for causing mouth and throat ulcers that can be very unpleasant and uncomfortable, and the Difflam is very good for symptomatic relief. Any issues getting any then contact me direct, details in profile.

    Free Member

    nuff said allready
    plough on, chin up, we’re all here whenever you need us….
    Good times are good. Bad times are bad. You get ’em both, but you don’t get to choose when….. all you get to choose is what you do with them.

    Free Member

    I saw a stag at cannock yesterday at the view point atop the monkey…. impressive aren’t they.

    Was he complaining about the braking bumps too?? 🙄

    Free Member

    surely everyone has voted by now?

    Free Member

    my dignity…..last seen in tatters after a pathetic spd unclip failure in fromt of half a dozen other folks in the carpark!

    Free Member

    everyone voted yet?

    Free Member

    Voted. A win here would help the cause of mountain biking on the chase immensely in several ways, and probably further afield too.

    Free Member

    Fantastic news!
    All our love and good wishes for all three of you.
    A child born to parents who understand the fleeting preciousness of life is truly blessed.

    “Wolverine” ?? more like Captain Scarlet!!

    Free Member

    I did it on saturday, but not after the rain as i was having a bad patch, (which kind of lasted for around the next 12 hours!) and then from nowhere mustered the energy for it on the last lap!
    To all the people who clanged cowbells, clapped, cheered, waved, or even just smiled quietly…..Thank you! it really helps.
    Sorry for all the times we can’t seem to manage a response apart from a sour look, but honestly, we do appreciate it!
    Thank You, Thank you, Thank you….. from a sobbing solo!

    Free Member

    when is everyone arriving at Catton?

    Free Member

    Bone hard at the moment, would have thought the thundery showers promised in the next few days would struggle to really soften the ground all that much now ( he says in hope)
    not liek when i did my first solo there in 09 when it was lovely weather on teh day but 14 days of consecutive downpours prior: it was so wet they wouldn’t even allow you to do a practice lap on friday!

    to make matters worse, the inaugural TR24 run teh previous weekend there had been run in apocaliptically wet conditions, leaving a badly churned arena area that was waterlogged and stank to high heaven of sour decaying turf!

    Free Member

    just popped over and had a look at the 24 hour thunder run thats takign place at Catton park this weekend: apparently the lead solo did 24 laps of the 10k course!!!!!!! thats 150 miles!!!!!!! OMG!!
    Apparently he stopped a few laps from home to pull of a toenail with a pair of plyers in front of the finishing straight then plowed back on. 😮

    They looked warm today!

    Free Member

    Soloing again, for the second time, first was ’09 when the ground technically dry, but was very soft and hard work. Thankfully missed the mudfest that was 2008!
    Training now tapering, going for a ride over to catton tomorrow for a steady spin and to bed few new components in, and to have a look around under the guise of spectating at teh 24hour thunder run that Pat is holding there this weekend.
    Have started the sad and addictive process of checking the 10 day weather forecast every few hours….. I’ve decided i’ll stop checking when i get one that i like the look of and stick with that… that how it works?

    Free Member

    hmmm…… think a mate of mine must have found a way to do something similar to have squeezed himself and those bars of his between two trees last week when he was WAAAAAAY out of control, aborted the corner, went off the trail into a series of silver birch trees… and survived!!
    He needed a bit of a sit down after though for a mo!!

    Free Member

    There probably wont be a haynes manual for the octavia,

    Haynes manual for Skoda Octavia R reg to 04 reg


    Free Member

    hmmm, if only someone on here was a genius with electronics…..
    wait a minute….. hang on a mo……
    Trout! How about a modified Troutlight/TroutTaser !!!!
    Trout’s patented 50,000 volt headbutt!!
    “honestly officer, there must have been some sort of freak wiring fault……over and over and over!”


    Free Member

    hmmm, looks good,
    dificult to tell from that camera view but I mighth perhaps question the amount of water retention on that trail build should we have a real wet one? I know its not the end of the world in terms of the racing but i would seriously question the long term durability of that build design due to teh ammount of that track that has no crown to drain water off without running along the trail. The advantage of this of course is that a negative crown, or concave, trail surface rides faster because of the natural “banking” . Unlikely to be a long term asset from what i could see but should make for great racing and a fantastic spectacle.
    Agree with the demands placed by IOC etc but yes, do feel that the technical areas look a little short, and that it would be nice to see half a mile of rough rutted stony techy landrover type track climb, unless that is also featured. Appreciate that that would take alot of construction/cost by comparison in any such site, and wouldn’t translate to the same “bang per buck” on the TV, but I suspect that many would agree that the penchant for short techy downhill sections is TV driven rather than anything else.
    I think if that were the case these thoughts of CX bikes would quickly disappear, whereas the miles of manicured cindertrack that appear to link these techy sections increase those thoughts.
    The trouble is, as Tdf shows, it’s very dificult indeed to translate on TV just how dificult/steep climbing is on a bike, and to portray just how dificult/skilful what is occurring really is. I suspect that if you had several hundred yards of continuously rocky steppy climb, landrover wide, ( not this cindertrack with a 6 inch step every 10m game) it would be phenominally popular with the spectators and woudl give far more passing opportunities based on technical ability.

    Free Member

    thought the course was Ok, enjoyed the second half after that long climb, last year there were 5 climbs in the second half, this year only three, which seemed better to me at least. Bit disappointed with the last descent compared to last two years, and the course was definitely the worse for entering the arena from below rather than above at the end, screaming into that last right hander last year was the business!
    I suspect that had the weather not been reasonable to us, the course would have held up alot better than in previous years, so i thank the course plotters for that.
    But yes, would really like to see better use made of all that height loss on the final descent, a bit of contouring along that hill side would be a good idea before a final drop

    Free Member

    Best Bits – the whole thing, Jump of doom, having 4 newbies in out two teams and all of them surviving intact and wanting to come back again.

    Worst bits – getting too wrapped up at night looking after and sorting out teammates and then having a last minute light failure and being late to transition for my buddy who had just bust a gut on his lap….sorry Rob!

    Entering the arena uphill at the finish again, much better the previous two years coming in from above and being able to really nail it down the finishing loop on slighlty rested legs.

    Quavers -theyve been better, seem to ahve alot of inexperienced staff who didn;t know what they were doing and lacked a basic food hygiene understanding: changed queue to avoid the lass on the left hand end with the purple painted fingernails after watching her antics – I don’t really fancy food poisoning if i can help it to make MM more challenging. Avoided Quavers totally after that. Shame. Indeed, bring back Wilfs – Garlic Bread – “It’s the Future!”

    second the lack of cover over transition, would have got mighty busy in those stalls below if it had rained more during the event itself.

    Free Member

    Hi Jason, and thanks
    can’t see that on teh site myself, so any chance of a linky for my buddy for future reference.
    thanks again!! STW to the rescue!

    Free Member

    There’ll be a bridge if there’s a crossing point, it’s not actually going to be a flat crossing,

    hmmm, I’ll believe that when i see it!

    Free Member

    second the whiteboard, though they can be a bit small, so instead for teh last few years we bought a piece of the white backed hardboard from B&Q, drew the grid on with permanent markers first, then used whiteboard pens from WHSmiths to add lap times.

    Best bit of kit from last year – Rugby Sub Suit, as worn by substitutes on the touch line. Like a quilted boiler suit, waterproof, big enough to wear over you camlepak, and removeable in 10 seconds when you see your buddy coming in from his lap at changeover. Comfy enough and warm enough to sleep in too!
    see subsuits cheap

    Free Member

    West highland Way – i believe can be done in a day, seen an article on it somewhere online, plus someone in one of the mags recently reied to do it there and back i think nonstop?

    Free Member

    Look out, the forum police are coming……

    …… don’t worry though….. they’re not undercover……

    …..thats right…..

    …….they’re in eweniform.

    Free Member

    Don’t have a pic handy , but you’re gonna love it. Great marathon bike and climbs like a homesick angel. Be prepared to shorten try shortening the stem, depending on your preferred position.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies, The chain reaction one looks promising

    Free Member

    To the OP, this is not a flame, but a critque of your critique. Please feel free to dicuss.

    I hope to enjoy it later in the year when it's bedded in better as it just seemed someone had seen an article on Glentress in January's MBR and then some trail images from Dalby in February's MBUK & March's pictures of Afan in What Mountain Bike and thought they'd compress everything & it'd hang together.

    How will the trail bedding down make it more enjoyable to you if your main complaint is that it is a collection of magazine images that don't work together as a concept?

    And those endless switch-backs!

    You prefer fireroad slogs i presume? or are you aware of other options with the terrain available to the trail builders?

    I got the feeling the trail designer wanted to unseat or catch the rider out, not let the riding flow.

    No attempt has been made to unseat the rider, but this is mountain biking, it involves technical dificulties that if not considered and mastered will catch you out; it's not BMXing on a wide open rolled surface with huge banked corners everywhere. perhaps too many people are a little uncomfortable these days if all their corners do not have a positive camber provided for them.

    I met no one out there today who could begin to "clean" the trail.

    So? It's a proper red route. Try harder, improve your skills, ride better.
    It's what we call "aspirational". Soem corners require more thought than others, but most people manage most of them.

    The local A&E dept will see many a rider through its doors in the coming months

    Yep, they will, and they have. Having worked in A&E i can ttell you though, that though we tut at sports injuries, the workload they impose is minimal on a sunday compared to the drunks, junkies, fat idiots with indigestion, toothaches, headches, cuts and scratches, backaches, lost prescriptions, to name but a few of the detritus that clogs up an A&E most of the time. Sporting injuries are regretable, but better than sitting on your arse doing nothing.

    & how long before the first fatality crossing that main road

    It's a mountain biking red route. If you can't cross a road as an adult, you shouldn't be out on a bike, or natural selection will just be doing it's job I'm afraid.

    I doubt anyone not involved will ever realise the volume of work that the core members of Chase trails have put in to the design, redesign, refinement, liasing and coordinating, fundraising, and not least building over many years to reach this point. I think a damn good job has been done, and I salute them.

    Free Member

    About how long is it to get round, I've a limited time on sunday morning for a quick blast.

    I would tell you, but if Alex found out I'd ever timed myself around FtD he'd have me "shot in the face".

    you could look here though…..

    Free Member

    Second for Les angles. Beautiful riding around there, good VTT routes through Pyrenees 2000.

    Free Member

    Life bans for serious offences, serious prison sentences for drivers who drive whilst DQ'd. DQ's drivers have proven their lack of respect for the rest of the road using public by getting a ban in th efirst place, then proved they are not repentant in any way by continuing with this behaviour. DQ'd drivers are a menace to society and shoud eb treated like the vermin that they are.
    Like miketually says, too

    We need far harsher sentencing for crap driving that doesn't cause a death. Bans at 6 points, etc.

    A jail term for killing someone will not be a deterrent for others because "it'll never happen to me". Having two of your mates not driving for 3 months because they drove like dicks will.

    but heaven forbid we could ruin someones life by making them take the bus, or SHOCK HORROR, having to CYCLE!!!!! ( well, the roads are so dangerous you know….!)

    Free Member

    Many thanks for the responses, keep them coming.

    Free Member

    Good to hear so many good reports i suppose. Not quite what i was expecting if i was honest, so i assume Fox will as per. I can only point out that my atttention to maintainance, after the first episode especialy was slavish. I became an expert on removing the lowers, nearer to every 10 hours if truth be told. Still the same problems. I have never used a jet wash on any mountain bike or motorcycle of mine, and also avoid the cleaners you mention for the reasons mentioned.
    Perhaps i have just been unlucky….. but unlike this thread, i seem to meet alot of people elswhere who have similar stories.
    Thanks to everyone for their replies so far, keep them coming, both sides of the coin are appreciated.

    Free Member

    Would be a shame if it never happened again.

    Free Member

    just replaced my knackered out MW02's with new MW80's. cant believe how much better they are in terms of insulation. Fantastic!!! Much warmer, and more comfortable too.

    Free Member

    mw 80
    just got two pairs ( me and son) from CRc last week ( size 48)
    replaces my worn out ( 4hard years) MW02's. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better and warmer, and should be more durable.

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